Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

I see Correll the Cuck dodged the question the first few times....let's see him try to tap dance around it again...

What about this confederate statue (that you claim was not about white supremacy) would make someone feel it was about white supremacy?
Correll still supports those sentiments
Lee was not a traitor, and it's you who are a little bitch and will want to leave the country post-November.

That's when you're going to realize you had it all wrong. Maybe you will want to start a Civil War..with..fingernails or something.

Me? I got a jar full of Lime-encrusted .50 cal real Civil War bullets from back in the day. They have a triple-skirt on them.

Lee was a traitor to the United States of America. There is not need to start a civil war. Why do you want to destroy your country? I don't give a shit as to what you have a jar of. Why do you think that you are entitled to more than any other American? Why do you think that you are entitled to any more than your follow Americans? Stop acting like a pig. You think that you are some big fat White Man and the rest of us Americans are supposed to kneel to you? You comment as if you are American garbarge. No pride in your nation.

Fuck your revisionist bullshit leftist history. You're the fucking unAmericans here, and the left will get their asses handed to them come November. You see, real Americans still know what's what.

I am some "big fat white man"? No bitch, I am some in shape ready-to-fight-for-America cracker, bitch. One that's been shooting since he was eight. I am not the one to fuck with.

I believe in America, but not a leftist America.

But you are not ready to fight for the U.S.A. Why should I care that you have been shooting since you were eight. i don't give a flying what your penis size is (probably small). You have absolutely NO RIGHT to get anything more than anything that the rest of us Americans get. Put that thing back in your pants. This is not a matter of guns or penis size, you stupid bitch.

You Mr. Boytoys are hilarious.

If you think sissified leftists are going to bulldoze their will over a majority of real Americans, you got another think coming.

Throw some more riots, punks.

People have had enough, I'm telling you.
So tell us Jeffrey....when did you suddenly have a problem with city/county governments making their own decisions about their own city/county property? Do you live in Charlottesville or any of the other city/counties that voted to remove statues?

By 1916, the issue of slavery was long settled. The statues were not pro-slavery statues, but simply monuments to the sacrifices and bravery of their ancestors.

And now you fuckers want to take them down?

YOu just admitted that multiculturalism was a lie from the very beginning.
Is that why so many of the statues had labels talking about the white race?


Are you denying that slavery was a settled issue by 19 fucking 16?
Evidently not

The South will rise again was still drawing support. The KKK came back stronger than ever

Ok. Now support your argument, that there was a serious move to re institute slavery, and that the statues were part of it.

In 19 fucking 16.


Pretty much smack dab in the peak activity of the UDC who worked so hard to rewrite that history and feverishly put up all these monuments as propaganda transmitters. The previous year the Klan was re-founded into it much larger and more widespread version. The following year the UDC put up along with its many other monuments a plaque commemorating the origin spot of the original Ku Klux Klan with the founders' names. That plaque was turned backward in the 1990s so it now shows a blank side.

Also in the peak of the "Birth of a Nation" film (1915), innumerable lynchings and race riots including the "Red Summer" (1919) and Tulsa (1921) where a black neighborhood was literally wiped off the map including air bombings. AIR BOMBINGS, in 1921.

So yes, very much an effort to reinstitute slavery/segregation/racism. It was rampant. And these UDC propaganda transmitters were plunked down where they were, not in cemeteries or battlefields but in public squares and high-traffic areas ---- to send the message in that pre-electronic age of who was in charge here and who would stay in charge.

That's while they were spending even more time and effort literally rewriting history books to cover up the whole slavery basis for the War itself. You know --- as every Confederate state specifically spelled out in its articles of secession.

That'll be all for now. You can take your blinders off and retreat to your bubbly safe space where you can pull the covers over your head and pretend none of this just happened.

Your attempt to move the goal posts from "slavery" to "racism" is noted and denied.

That you tried to move the goal post is an admission that you agree, that RW, was talking out his ass.

YOu spend a lot of time focusing on how racist the Deep south was, one hundred years ago.

That does not prove that the raising of the statues was not a normal desire from people who fought a war to remember those that fought and/or died.
Lee was not a traitor, and it's you who are a little bitch and will want to leave the country post-November.

That's when you're going to realize you had it all wrong. Maybe you will want to start a Civil War..with..fingernails or something.

Me? I got a jar full of Lime-encrusted .50 cal real Civil War bullets from back in the day. They have a triple-skirt on them.

Lee was a traitor to the United States of America. There is not need to start a civil war. Why do you want to destroy your country? I don't give a shit as to what you have a jar of. Why do you think that you are entitled to more than any other American? Why do you think that you are entitled to any more than your follow Americans? Stop acting like a pig. You think that you are some big fat White Man and the rest of us Americans are supposed to kneel to you? You comment as if you are American garbarge. No pride in your nation.

Fuck your revisionist bullshit leftist history. You're the fucking unAmericans here, and the left will get their asses handed to them come November. You see, real Americans still know what's what.

I am some "big fat white man"? No bitch, I am some in shape ready-to-fight-for-America cracker, bitch. One that's been shooting since he was eight. I am not the one to fuck with.

I believe in America, but not a leftist America.

But you are not ready to fight for the U.S.A. Why should I care that you have been shooting since you were eight. i don't give a flying what your penis size is (probably small). You have absolutely NO RIGHT to get anything more than anything that the rest of us Americans get. Put that thing back in your pants. This is not a matter of guns or penis size, you stupid bitch.

You Mr. Boytoys are hilarious.

If you think sissified leftists are going to bulldoze their will over a majority of real Americans, you got another think coming.

Throw some more riots, punks.

People have had enough, I'm telling you.
So tell us Jeffrey....when did you suddenly have a problem with city/county governments making their own decisions about their own city/county property? Do you live in Charlottesville or any of the other city/counties that voted to remove statues?
Once city councils started making decisions removing monuments to hate, racists at the state level began passing laws telling cities what they could do with their own land
The elected President of the United States, with Union vets and Confederate vets together.

No president would have done anything but be there.

Are you aware that Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate Memorial in Arlington?
So are we not going with Obama is the most anti-white racist president in the history of ever this week?

The more you keep trying to defend racism and white supremacy, the stupider you look --- why do you think the klan wore hoods? even they knew....
Now, let’s look at when the monuments were erected
Not post cIvil war when soldiers and families honored the dead but early 1900s during the resurgence of the KKK and during the civil rights era


About the time that those who were children during the war, and lost fathers, would have become the elders and leaders of the community.
About the time those children rebuilt the klan

Your assumption of a connection, or even overlap, is unsupported.

The normal reasons for a monument, ie to celebrate heritage, to remember historical and/or respected figures,

seems far more likely and reasonable.

If Trump said he wanted to build a statue of, say, some famous US/Mexican war General, and place it on the border to "remind" Mexicans they were not welcome,

under the belief that a statue would "remind them of their place" or some such shit,

you would be laughing your ass off and rightfully so.

Yet you are claiming that is what the statues in question are about.

YOur case is weak as shit.
I have supported my point

Your inability to man up and admit it shows you are little more than a race baiting redneck supporting racist southern heritage

I addressed your supporting article. It did not do what you claimed it did.

YOur race baiting is your response to being unable to support your position with logic or evidence.

Your are the asshole here, not me.
"YOur race baiting"......:71: The Irony is strong in this one.
Is that why so many of the statues had labels talking about the white race?


Are you denying that slavery was a settled issue by 19 fucking 16?
Evidently not

The South will rise again was still drawing support. The KKK came back stronger than ever

Ok. Now support your argument, that there was a serious move to re institute slavery, and that the statues were part of it.

In 19 fucking 16.


Pretty much smack dab in the peak activity of the UDC who worked so hard to rewrite that history and feverishly put up all these monuments as propaganda transmitters. The previous year the Klan was re-founded into it much larger and more widespread version. The following year the UDC put up along with its many other monuments a plaque commemorating the origin spot of the original Ku Klux Klan with the founders' names. That plaque was turned backward in the 1990s so it now shows a blank side.

Also in the peak of the "Birth of a Nation" film (1915), innumerable lynchings and race riots including the "Red Summer" (1919) and Tulsa (1921) where a black neighborhood was literally wiped off the map including air bombings. AIR BOMBINGS, in 1921.

So yes, very much an effort to reinstitute slavery/segregation/racism. It was rampant. And these UDC propaganda transmitters were plunked down where they were, not in cemeteries or battlefields but in public squares and high-traffic areas ---- to send the message in that pre-electronic age of who was in charge here and who would stay in charge.

That's while they were spending even more time and effort literally rewriting history books to cover up the whole slavery basis for the War itself. You know --- as every Confederate state specifically spelled out in its articles of secession.

That'll be all for now. You can take your blinders off and retreat to your bubbly safe space where you can pull the covers over your head and pretend none of this just happened.

Your attempt to move the goal posts from "slavery" to "racism" is noted and denied.

That you tried to move the goal post is an admission that you agree, that RW, was talking out his ass.

YOu spend a lot of time focusing on how racist the Deep south was, one hundred years ago.

That does not prove that the raising of the statues was not a normal desire from people who fought a war to remember those that fought and/or died.
Those statues were not raised by people who fought the war. They were 50-100 years later

Gotta rub it in to the darkies
If in 1916, black citizens of Charlottesville collected funds to erect a statue honoring those citizens who were enslaved, they would have been met by the KKK and had their homes burned

Instead in 1916, Daughters if the Confederacy erected countless statues honoring those who fought to ensure slavery .......black citizens had no say

Today, blacks are politically empowered and have different views of how honorable the confederacy was

By 1916, the issue of slavery was long settled. The statues were not pro-slavery statues, but simply monuments to the sacrifices and bravery of their ancestors.

And now you fuckers want to take them down?

YOu just admitted that multiculturalism was a lie from the very beginning.
Is that why so many of the statues had labels talking about the white race?


Are you denying that slavery was a settled issue by 19 fucking 16?
Evidently not

The South will rise again was still drawing support. The KKK came back stronger than ever

Ok. Now support your argument, that there was a serious move to re institute slavery, and that the statues were part of it.

In 19 fucking 16.

Jim Crow, vagrancy laws, and involuntary share cropping.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

Lee was a traitor. He chose the wrong way. Why honor him? We Americans go on. The traitors started this war so many years ago. Why do do you worship these traitors to the United States of America? You want to be a little bitch who left your country?

Lee was not a traitor, and it's you who are a little bitch and will want to leave the country post-November.

That's when you're going to realize you had it all wrong. Maybe you will want to start a Civil War..with..fingernails or something.

Me? I got a jar full of Lime-encrusted .50 cal real Civil War bullets from back in the day. They have a triple-skirt on them.

Lee was a traitor to the United States of America. There is not need to start a civil war. Why do you want to destroy your country? I don't give a shit as to what you have a jar of. Why do you think that you are entitled to more than any other American? Why do you think that you are entitled to any more than your follow Americans? Stop acting like a pig. You think that you are some big fat White Man and the rest of us Americans are supposed to kneel to you? You comment as if you are American garbarge. No pride in your nation.

YOu are the one trying to tear this nation apart.

Lee surrendered, and then worked to heal the wounds of the nation.

As did just about everyone of that time period.

Wtf do you think you are accomplishing with your hate?
So...why put up statues in the 1910's and beyond? Why hold violent protests and run people down when city counsels legally vote to remove statues from public parks...like the process is SUPPOSED to work?

1. I don't know. Why did it take 50 fucking years for the US to put up a national WWII memorial in DC? Your assumption that the answer is something Evul is unsupported.

2. Your question on the violent protests is very unclear and misleading. A protest from White SOutherns as their heritage is being literally torn down, was certainly called for. The Nazis, and Antifa, both had their own agenda of violence. THe mayor did too, as he ordered the cops to stand down so Antifa could attack their outnumbered enemies. What part of this is confusing to you?
People can always create more monuments that are more pc to add to the other monuments. Maybe we need some new monuments.

Robert E. Lee was a great man and should be honored. After the war was over, he worked to quickly mend the differences between North and South.

Aside from that, he was a brilliant tactician. History says so.

Only Modern leftist faggots do not.
The single greatest product of West Point.
So...Eisenhower wasn't?
By 1916, the issue of slavery was long settled. The statues were not pro-slavery statues, but simply monuments to the sacrifices and bravery of their ancestors.

And now you fuckers want to take them down?

YOu just admitted that multiculturalism was a lie from the very beginning.
Is that why so many of the statues had labels talking about the white race?


Are you denying that slavery was a settled issue by 19 fucking 16?
Evidently not

The South will rise again was still drawing support. The KKK came back stronger than ever

Ok. Now support your argument, that there was a serious move to re institute slavery, and that the statues were part of it.

In 19 fucking 16.

Jim Crow, vagrancy laws, and involuntary share cropping.

Sharecropping earned a certain black man I know of 160 acres. Do you have 160 acres, Bodey? My family did, now a black man's offspring do. That's a good thing. :)

There was never any slavery or anything like that. In fact, those ways were common not that long ago.

Even if they didn't want the land, they still got 20-40 acres out back and a house for years of working.
Last edited:
Reuters Top News Retweeted
Reuters Pictures‏Verified account @reuterspictures 2h2 hours ago

A Confederate battle flag flies over the I-64 highway, and more scenes from Charlottesville one year after deadly clashes at a white nationalist rally killed one woman: https://reut.rs/2Oqr8FU


Here it is in FL:

How sad so many who hate this country and celebrate a loser group who couldn't even last half as long as the 3rd Reich did in Germany.

Germany faced an United States that had the South, with it's long history of military service, fully reintegrated into American society.

You would have had that NOT be the policy by your need to punish and humiliate your fellow Americans to slate your hate and blood lust.

A divided and weaker American, might not have even gotten involved. Maybe you would like a world were a weaker US did not stop Nazi Germany.

I wouldn't.


You mean the NAZI Germany that the Right spent the 1930s applauding? The NAZI Germany we only went to war with AFTER they declared war on us?

Some on the right.

You wouldn't want me to smear the whole of the Left with the love of Stalin and communist Russia, that some on the Left, of the same time showed, would you?
You mean protect monuments in favor of slavery
Doesn't matter what the monuments are. They are historical monuments that are NOT to be touched. You leftist Anti Americans started this by trying to destroy history. I just wish more had gotten run over....too bad.
They can be touched and removed at any time by the city/county that are responsible for them. I don't see you volunteering to adopt them/put them up in your front yard.

Thanks for admitting that multiculturalism was always a lie.
Well, it sure makes white supremacists uncomfortable considering they can lose...and badly with the competition.

White supremacists? wtf?

Don't change the subject. We were talking about historical statues, and regional culture.

My point stands, though,

Thanks for admitting that multiculturalism was always a lie.
America was built on multiculturalism....apparently that isn't your thing. When are you leaving? Or are you already residing in......let's see......Moscow, Comrade?d
I see Correll the Cuck dodged the question the first few times....let's see him try to tap dance around it again...

What about this confederate statue (that you claim was not about white supremacy) would make someone feel it was about white supremacy?

What Confederate battle or figure does that statue celebrate?
If in 1916, black citizens of Charlottesville collected funds to erect a statue honoring those citizens who were enslaved, they would have been met by the KKK and had their homes burned

Instead in 1916, Daughters if the Confederacy erected countless statues honoring those who fought to ensure slavery .......black citizens had no say

Today, blacks are politically empowered and have different views of how honorable the confederacy was

By 1916, the issue of slavery was long settled. The statues were not pro-slavery statues, but simply monuments to the sacrifices and bravery of their ancestors.

And now you fuckers want to take them down?

YOu just admitted that multiculturalism was a lie from the very beginning.
Is that why so many of the statues had labels talking about the white race?


Are you denying that slavery was a settled issue by 19 fucking 16?
Legal slavery was...Jim Crow and unofficial slavery thru vagrancy laws, etc. wasn't.

Really? Who was fighting them?
Lee is a symbol of the Confederate Nation

A nation built to sustain the institution of slavery forever

Lee fought for Virginia, not slavery.
Virginia was in it for slavery...Lee knew that.

Virginia was in it to not have the North invade them.

Sorry, fatass leftist INCEL dyke history don't cut it with me.
You have INCEL written all over your posts, Jeffrey.....and if Virginia didn't want the North to invade them....why join in the war effort and then put the con-federate capital at Richmond?

Crocodile tears for a LOSER attempt to break away and create a country based on the owning of other human beings.

Why are you actively trying to tear this nation apart?

I thought unity was a liberal virtue?
I am not....I'm not the one hating on about 50% of the people in this country...."multiculturalism is a lie"...are you eating a taco or pizza or a hot dog while you type that? :71:
Lee was a traitor. He chose the wrong way. Why honor him? We Americans go on. The traitors started this war so many years ago. Why do do you worship these traitors to the United States of America? You want to be a little bitch who left your country?

Lee was not a traitor, and it's you who are a little bitch and will want to leave the country post-November.

That's when you're going to realize you had it all wrong. Maybe you will want to start a Civil War..with..fingernails or something.

Me? I got a jar full of Lime-encrusted .50 cal real Civil War bullets from back in the day. They have a triple-skirt on them.

Lee was a traitor to the United States of America. There is not need to start a civil war. Why do you want to destroy your country? I don't give a shit as to what you have a jar of. Why do you think that you are entitled to more than any other American? Why do you think that you are entitled to any more than your follow Americans? Stop acting like a pig. You think that you are some big fat White Man and the rest of us Americans are supposed to kneel to you? You comment as if you are American garbarge. No pride in your nation.

YOu are the one trying to tear this nation apart.

Lee surrendered, and then worked to heal the wounds of the nation.

As did just about everyone of that time period.

Wtf do you think you are accomplishing with your hate?
So...why put up statues in the 1910's and beyond? Why hold violent protests and run people down when city counsels legally vote to remove statues from public parks...like the process is SUPPOSED to work?

1. I don't know. Why did it take 50 fucking years for the US to put up a national WWII memorial in DC? Your assumption that the answer is something Evul is unsupported.

2. Your question on the violent protests is very unclear and misleading. A protest from White SOutherns as their heritage is being literally torn down, was certainly called for. The Nazis, and Antifa, both had their own agenda of violence. THe mayor did too, as he ordered the cops to stand down so Antifa could attack their outnumbered enemies. What part of this is confusing to you?
Do you believe black southerners have a right to tear down the heritage of white southerners?

When did white southerners ever stand up for black heritage?
I mean, I intellectually know how utterly arrogant and ignorant libs are, but to have it demonstrated on such as scale, still is shocking.
it's fun to watch delusional Trump supporters do self projection in real time....

by the way, how do you intellectually know something -- you either know it or you don't

Throwing in the word "intellectual" doesn't make you look any less stupid

YOu know it, intellectually, but can still be shocked on an emotional level when you actually see it.

I didn't think I would have to explain that.

Cause, it's pretty obvious. To anyone not really stupid.


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