Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

General Lee was widely respected and revered by both the North and the South.

For some little brainwashed leftists to come and claim some "traitor" crap after 140+ years is ridiculous.

Actually it's not, because leftist professors started skewing facts about The Civil War and putting it in textbooks around the 70s.

It'd take 50 of those lemmings to equal 1 Robert E. Lee.

Happy birthday Gen. Robert E. Lee
Lee is a symbol of the Confederate Nation

A nation built to sustain the institution of slavery forever

Lee fought for Virginia, not slavery.
Virginia was in it for slavery...Lee knew that.

Virginia was in it to not have the North invade them.

Sorry, fatass leftist INCEL dyke history don't cut it with me.
You have INCEL written all over your posts, Jeffrey.....and if Virginia didn't want the North to invade them....why join in the war effort and then put the con-federate capital at Richmond?

Crocodile tears for a LOSER attempt to break away and create a country based on the owning of other human beings.

Why are you actively trying to tear this nation apart?

I thought unity was a liberal virtue?
In 1916, the war was long over, the issue of slavery was settled.....yet still they saw a need to ressurect the issue throughout the south

Though slavery was gone, Jim Crow was in its place. Statues were erected to remind blacks of their continued status

I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?
Answer this question then:

Why would you put up a statue of Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson in 1948 in Baltimore?

So you can't answer his question without lying. We thought so.
Baltimore removes Confederate statues in wake of Charlottesville

Just because you are ignorant of the facts doesn't make me a liar --- so I will ask again..why would you put up a statue of Stonewall Jackson in Baltimore?

Dodge my question again and show everyone why you are a racist cuck..

Libs look stupid, when they try to use the word "cuck".
We know....you alt-righties, INCEL, and trumpanzees own it....
General Lee was widely respected and revered by both the North and the South.

For some little brainwashed leftists to come and claim some "traitor" crap after 140+ years is ridiculous.

Actually it's not, because leftist professors started skewing facts about The Civil War and putting it in textbooks around the 70s.

It'd take 50 of those lemmings to equal 1 Robert E. Lee.

Happy birthday Gen. Robert E. Lee
Lee was lucky to not be hung....can't admire a guy who thru his skill kept a war going 2-3 years longer than it should have, causing much more death and destruction. Any family that had a member killed after mid-1862 can lay that death at Lee's feet.

The people who paid that price, disagreed.
Oh really? When did you have an occasion to ask them? We've already had one alt-rightie here whine about what Sherman did to Georgia.....which never would have happened if it weren't for Lee prolonging the war.

It is clearly stated in the historical policy of Reconciliation, and demonstrated in many serious national acts, such as the widespread amnesty for the Confederates.

Your conflating of "alt right" with someone who doesn't like an atrocity conducted on his ancestors....

is utterly insane. Completely batshit howl at the moon loony tunes.
Err, no. YOu misunderstand the point. That would be a homosexual..

You can come out of the closet about that too if you like --- live your truth

Cuck suggests weakness and lack of Will..

As in your lack of will to acknowledge that the core intentions behind confederate statues were for white supremacy

But I expect that coming from a person with such moral weakness.

Instead, I rightfully point that you, a lib, using it, is like a child dressing up in daddy's clothes, pretending to be something you are not.
So in other words, calling you a cuck was spot on......

Now back to your frivolous defense of white supremacy -- why are you so bad at it?

Is it because it is indefensible and your zeal to be racist won't let you see it?

JIm Crow, made "white supremacy" set in stone.

The claim of you lefties that the statues were a part of that, has not been supported.

The obvious counter claim, ie that they are to celebrate heritage and history, is far more likely.

Your name calling is not a supporting argument, just an admission that you cannot MAKE a valid argument, not a strong one, anyways.

Prepare to don your usual blinders and earplugs, 'cause here comes support.

Hard to believe you bozos are still trying to sell this shit.

You got a point, then make it. Don't link to videos to make it for you.
No, picaro, from the beginning "secession" was threatened by various states and regions, but not one thought from the beginning that the Union was "voluntary." If such was true. the Constitution would have provided a pathway for a peaceful non-disruptive exit from the Union.
If in 1916, black citizens of Charlottesville collected funds to erect a statue honoring those citizens who were enslaved, they would have been met by the KKK and had their homes burned

Instead in 1916, Daughters if the Confederacy erected countless statues honoring those who fought to ensure slavery .......black citizens had no say

Today, blacks are politically empowered and have different views of how honorable the confederacy was

By 1916, the issue of slavery was long settled. The statues were not pro-slavery statues, but simply monuments to the sacrifices and bravery of their ancestors.

And now you fuckers want to take them down?

YOu just admitted that multiculturalism was a lie from the very beginning.
Is that why so many of the statues had labels talking about the white race?


Are you denying that slavery was a settled issue by 19 fucking 16?
Evidently not

The South will rise again was still drawing support. The KKK came back stronger than ever

Ok. Now support your argument, that there was a serious move to re institute slavery, and that the statues were part of it.

In 19 fucking 16.


Pretty much smack dab in the peak activity of the UDC who worked so hard to rewrite that history and feverishly put up all these monuments as propaganda transmitters. The previous year the Klan was re-founded into it much larger and more widespread version. The following year the UDC put up along with its many other monuments a plaque commemorating the origin spot of the original Ku Klux Klan with the founders' names. That plaque was turned backward in the 1990s so it now shows a blank side.

Also in the peak of the "Birth of a Nation" film (1915), innumerable lynchings and race riots including the "Red Summer" (1919) and Tulsa (1921) where a black neighborhood was literally wiped off the map including air bombings. AIR BOMBINGS, in 1921.

So yes, very much an effort to reinstitute slavery/segregation/racism. It was rampant. And these UDC propaganda transmitters were plunked down where they were, not in cemeteries or battlefields but in public squares and high-traffic areas ---- to send the message in that pre-electronic age of who was in charge here and who would stay in charge.

That's while they were spending even more time and effort literally rewriting history books to cover up the whole slavery basis for the War itself. You know --- as every Confederate state specifically spelled out in its articles of secession.

That'll be all for now. You can take your blinders off and retreat to your bubbly safe space where you can pull the covers over your head and pretend none of this just happened.
Its funny how you never see people arguing about how great a British general Thomas Gage and William Howe was -- and how much better they were than George Washington..

Or how great a German general Herman Goering or Erich Raeder were and how much better they were than Patton

Only when it comes to defending the confederate cause to maintain slavery in this country, do they feel sad that it was a war that the United States won
As I said earlier....perhaps the North was too easy on them afterwards....a few hangings might have kept the Lost Cause from raising its ugly head.
It was by design that the main organization pushing the lost cause were the daughters of the confederacy --- its harder to push back against a bunch of nice old ladies pushing white supremacy than a bunch of mean old men....
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

Lee was a traitor. He chose the wrong way. Why honor him? We Americans go on. The traitors started this war so many years ago. Why do do you worship these traitors to the United States of America? You want to be a little bitch who left your country?

Lee was not a traitor, and it's you who are a little bitch and will want to leave the country post-November.

That's when you're going to realize you had it all wrong. Maybe you will want to start a Civil War..with..fingernails or something.

Me? I got a jar full of Lime-encrusted .50 cal real Civil War bullets from back in the day. They have a triple-skirt on them.

Lee was a traitor to the United States of America. There is not need to start a civil war. Why do you want to destroy your country? I don't give a shit as to what you have a jar of. Why do you think that you are entitled to more than any other American? Why do you think that you are entitled to any more than your follow Americans? Stop acting like a pig. You think that you are some big fat White Man and the rest of us Americans are supposed to kneel to you? You comment as if you are American garbarge. No pride in your nation.

YOu are the one trying to tear this nation apart.

Lee surrendered, and then worked to heal the wounds of the nation.

As did just about everyone of that time period.

Wtf do you think you are accomplishing with your hate?
So...why put up statues in the 1910's and beyond? Why hold violent protests and run people down when city counsels legally vote to remove statues from public parks...like the process is SUPPOSED to work?
Its funny how you never see people arguing about how great a British general Thomas Gage and William Howe was -- and how much better they were than George Washington..

Or how great a German general Herman Goering or Erich Raeder were and how much better they were than Patton

Only when it comes to defending the confederate cause to maintain slavery in this country, do they feel sad that it was a war that the United States won
As I said earlier....perhaps the North was too easy on them afterwards....a few hangings might have kept the Lost Cause from raising its ugly head.
It was by design that the main organization pushing the lost cause were the daughters of the confederacy --- its harder to push back against a bunch of nice old ladies pushing white supremacy than a bunch of mean old men....

What about the Confederacy was inherently more White supremacist than the U.S.A?
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

Lee was a traitor. He chose the wrong way. Why honor him? We Americans go on. The traitors started this war so many years ago. Why do do you worship these traitors to the United States of America? You want to be a little bitch who left your country?

Lee was not a traitor, and it's you who are a little bitch and will want to leave the country post-November.

That's when you're going to realize you had it all wrong. Maybe you will want to start a Civil War..with..fingernails or something.

Me? I got a jar full of Lime-encrusted .50 cal real Civil War bullets from back in the day. They have a triple-skirt on them.

Lee was a traitor to the United States of America. There is not need to start a civil war. Why do you want to destroy your country? I don't give a shit as to what you have a jar of. Why do you think that you are entitled to more than any other American? Why do you think that you are entitled to any more than your follow Americans? Stop acting like a pig. You think that you are some big fat White Man and the rest of us Americans are supposed to kneel to you? You comment as if you are American garbarge. No pride in your nation.

Fuck your revisionist bullshit leftist history. You're the fucking unAmericans here, and the left will get their asses handed to them come November. You see, real Americans still know what's what.

I am some "big fat white man"? No bitch, I am some in shape ready-to-fight-for-America cracker, bitch. One that's been shooting since he was eight. I am not the one to fuck with.

I believe in America, but not a leftist America.
There's something deliciously Ironic about someone who is posting support for the con-federacy and has that loser flag in their signature trying to call other posters unAmerican. :71:
he fought to secede from the union for the right to own people. it really is that simple, marion. put them in special museums so we can preserve them. i don't wanna forget our country's history or deny the truth, no matter how ugly.

fighting to secede from the country is treasonous.

I'd like to see a picture of your logic grade. :rolleyes:

I'm thinking it wasn't more than a C.


That's right. Black people fought for The Confederacy, too.

Take your ass to Georgia and ask some older blacks what they think of General Sherman and Yankees.

A few were forced into manual labor and maybe a handful fought......but nothing like those who fought for their freedom with the North.

Fought for their freedom? Fought for the South's resources is more like it.

The Yankee North could not make it without the Southeast.

Where's your oil? Where's your cotton? Where's the beef? Oh! You like fish do ya?

There's much more here than Cod. How about firewood, hmm?
Yea, so they fought a war, the south lost and the north won

Why all the butt hurt still behind losing? I thought it was noble to just go take someone's resources as long as you have the military power to do it

How do you think the South got those resources to begin with? by themselves?
The monuments being allowed to remain on government/public property is what the problem -- you can make your own private park dedicated to revisionist lost cause confederate bullshit and put up as many statues as you wish.

Bottom line is, those statues were erected because of racism, period......and most of these folks like to pretend how much they care about Robert E Lee, but they don't care about what he said....even when he was explicit about what he felt about monuments, these confederate racists ignore it

"My conviction is,” Lee wrote, “that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; & of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labor.” <<-- that doesn't sound like someone who was a fan of confederate statues, no more than he would have been a fan of statues of Cornwallis being erected after the Revolutionary War -- the losing side don't get to dictate what statues get erected by the country they were defeated by.

Lee went on into further detail "it would be wiser not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

Again, that doesn't sound like someone who wanted statues erected all over the place for him, he went on to say "countries that erased visible signs of civil war recovered from conflicts quicker... keeping these symbols alive, would keep the divisions alive.” But despite all of that, racists will always try to find a way to ignore this and pretend Lee didn't mean what he said -- just like they pretend the Civil War wasn't over slavery...

The confederate monuments thing is all about racism -- They were part of a campaign to paint the Southern cause in the Civil War as just and slavery as a benevolent, it was also in direct opposition to blacks seeking equal rights, against a backdrop of Jim Crow violence and oppression. The monuments were put up as explicit symbols of white supremacy -- period.

It comes from the same people that want to do away with the 10 Commandments at County Courthouses. Keep poking the bear, fucktards.
Why do we need the 10 Suggestions in County Courthouses....only two of them match regular law....and those were around long before "Moses" supposedly wrote them down.

Because it's better than the dykey rules of morality, bitch.

Go chew on a clot for your lover.
I accept your surrender like Grant accepted Lee's surrender.
Let's make this very clear.

When the Alt Right rises up in violence, it will always be smashed down. Always.
Meanwhile the ONLY group espousing violence is the left routinely attacking women and children.
Yup, like at Charlottesville . . . oh, that's right ~ that was the alt right.

But even if it were true, RGS, the right can't do anything about it, right.
Lee was a traitor. He chose the wrong way. Why honor him? We Americans go on. The traitors started this war so many years ago. Why do do you worship these traitors to the United States of America? You want to be a little bitch who left your country?

Lee was not a traitor, and it's you who are a little bitch and will want to leave the country post-November.

That's when you're going to realize you had it all wrong. Maybe you will want to start a Civil War..with..fingernails or something.

Me? I got a jar full of Lime-encrusted .50 cal real Civil War bullets from back in the day. They have a triple-skirt on them.

Lee was a traitor to the United States of America. There is not need to start a civil war. Why do you want to destroy your country? I don't give a shit as to what you have a jar of. Why do you think that you are entitled to more than any other American? Why do you think that you are entitled to any more than your follow Americans? Stop acting like a pig. You think that you are some big fat White Man and the rest of us Americans are supposed to kneel to you? You comment as if you are American garbarge. No pride in your nation.

Fuck your revisionist bullshit leftist history. You're the fucking unAmericans here, and the left will get their asses handed to them come November. You see, real Americans still know what's what.

I am some "big fat white man"? No bitch, I am some in shape ready-to-fight-for-America cracker, bitch. One that's been shooting since he was eight. I am not the one to fuck with.

I believe in America, but not a leftist America.
Internet tough guy


View attachment 209913
Ah....a paper plate with pencil holes punched in it. :71:
Its funny how you never see people arguing about how great a British general Thomas Gage and William Howe was -- and how much better they were than George Washington..

Or how great a German general Herman Goering or Erich Raeder were and how much better they were than Patton

Only when it comes to defending the confederate cause to maintain slavery in this country, do they feel sad that it was a war that the United States won
As I said earlier....perhaps the North was too easy on them afterwards....a few hangings might have kept the Lost Cause from raising its ugly head.
It was by design that the main organization pushing the lost cause were the daughters of the confederacy --- its harder to push back against a bunch of nice old ladies pushing white supremacy than a bunch of mean old men....

The UDC was formed out of the "old money" Southern aristocracy --- in other words the same rich planter-class indolent slugs who got fat off slavery and then agitated for a Civil War that their poorer neighbors wanted no part of.
Reuters Top News Retweeted
Reuters Pictures‏Verified account @reuterspictures 2h2 hours ago

A Confederate battle flag flies over the I-64 highway, and more scenes from Charlottesville one year after deadly clashes at a white nationalist rally killed one woman: https://reut.rs/2Oqr8FU


Here it is in FL:

How sad so many who hate this country and celebrate a loser group who couldn't even last half as long as the 3rd Reich did in Germany.

Germany faced an United States that had the South, with it's long history of military service, fully reintegrated into American society.

You would have had that NOT be the policy by your need to punish and humiliate your fellow Americans to slate your hate and blood lust.

A divided and weaker American, might not have even gotten involved. Maybe you would like a world were a weaker US did not stop Nazi Germany.

I wouldn't.


You mean the NAZI Germany that the Right spent the 1930s applauding? The NAZI Germany we only went to war with AFTER they declared war on us?
What is happening in the south is that the cities are now being run by minorities and liberals who wince when they pass reminders of the old Confederacy. These cities are where most of the monuments were erected

Now, after losing control, the old south rednecks, who still control the state legislatures are passing laws forbidding cities from removing their handiwork.....even on municipal property

Such as the 10 Commandments, amirite?
Christers need to make up their minds...is the OT important or not? And which version of the 10 commandments? There are at least 3 different versions.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.
You mean protect monuments in favor of slavery

You mean protect monuments in favor of blasphemy against Allah?

After failing to destroy the 1,700-year-old sandstone statues of Buddha with anti-aircraft and tank fire, the Taliban brought a lorryload of dynamite from Kabul. A Western observer said: "They drilled holes into the torsos of the two statues and then placed dynamite charges inside the holes to blow them up."

The operation to wreck the statues carved into a cliff in the Bamiyan Valley in the Hindu Kush mountains of central Afghanistan was supervised by Mullah Obaidullah, the Taliban defence minister. There has been an international outcry since Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Taliban leader, issued a special edict on Feb 26 ordering the destruction of all non-Islamic statues.

After 1,700 years, Buddhas fall to Taliban dynamite

No wonder you Communists love ISIS and the Taliban so much - you're virtually identical to them.
By 1916, the issue of slavery was long settled. The statues were not pro-slavery statues, but simply monuments to the sacrifices and bravery of their ancestors.

And now you fuckers want to take them down?

YOu just admitted that multiculturalism was a lie from the very beginning.
Is that why so many of the statues had labels talking about the white race?


Are you denying that slavery was a settled issue by 19 fucking 16?
Evidently not

The South will rise again was still drawing support. The KKK came back stronger than ever

Ok. Now support your argument, that there was a serious move to re institute slavery, and that the statues were part of it.

In 19 fucking 16.


Pretty much smack dab in the peak activity of the UDC who worked so hard to rewrite that history and feverishly put up all these monuments as propaganda transmitters. The previous year the Klan was re-founded into it much larger and more widespread version. The following year the UDC put up along with its many other monuments a plaque commemorating the origin spot of the original Ku Klux Klan with the founders' names. That plaque was turned backward in the 1990s so it now shows a blank side.

Also in the peak of the "Birth of a Nation" film (1915), innumerable lynchings and race riots including the "Red Summer" (1919) and Tulsa (1921) where a black neighborhood was literally wiped off the map including air bombings. AIR BOMBINGS, in 1921.

So yes, very much an effort to reinstitute slavery/segregation/racism. It was rampant. And these UDC propaganda transmitters were plunked down where they were, not in cemeteries or battlefields but in public squares and high-traffic areas ---- to send the message in that pre-electronic age of who was in charge here and who would stay in charge.

That's while they were spending even more time and effort literally rewriting history books to cover up the whole slavery basis for the War itself. You know --- as every Confederate state specifically spelled out in its articles of secession.

That'll be all for now. You can take your blinders off and retreat to your bubbly safe space where you can pull the covers over your head and pretend none of this just happened.

The way American slavery was recounted in textbooks was the same from 1870s until 1970s, Pogfaggot.

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