Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

If in 1916, black citizens of Charlottesville collected funds to erect a statue honoring those citizens who were enslaved, they would have been met by the KKK and had their homes burned

Instead in 1916, Daughters if the Confederacy erected countless statues honoring those who fought to ensure slavery .......black citizens had no say

Today, blacks are politically empowered and have different views of how honorable the confederacy was

By 1916, the issue of slavery was long settled. The statues were not pro-slavery statues, but simply monuments to the sacrifices and bravery of their ancestors.

And now you fuckers want to take them down?

YOu just admitted that multiculturalism was a lie from the very beginning.
In 1916, the war was long over, the issue of slavery was settled.....yet still they saw a need to ressurect the issue throughout the south

Though slavery was gone, Jim Crow was in its place. Statues were erected to remind blacks of their continued status

I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?
Answer this question then:

Why would you put up a statue of Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson in 1948 in Baltimore?

So you can't answer his question without lying. We thought so.
Baltimore removes Confederate statues in wake of Charlottesville

Just because you are ignorant of the facts doesn't make me a liar --- so I will ask again..why would you put up a statue of Stonewall Jackson in Baltimore?

Dodge my question again and show everyone why you are a racist cuck..
If in 1916, black citizens of Charlottesville collected funds to erect a statue honoring those citizens who were enslaved, they would have been met by the KKK and had their homes burned

Instead in 1916, Daughters if the Confederacy erected countless statues honoring those who fought to ensure slavery .......black citizens had no say

Today, blacks are politically empowered and have different views of how honorable the confederacy was

By 1916, the issue of slavery was long settled. The statues were not pro-slavery statues, but simply monuments to the sacrifices and bravery of their ancestors.

And now you fuckers want to take them down?

YOu just admitted that multiculturalism was a lie from the very beginning.
In 1916, the war was long over, the issue of slavery was settled.....yet still they saw a need to ressurect the issue throughout the south

Though slavery was gone, Jim Crow was in its place. Statues were erected to remind blacks of their continued status

I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?
Answer this question then:

Why would you put up a statue of Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson in 1948 in Baltimore?

Yes. Very much so. It would be a great way to showcase the unity of the nation.

Hey, you ever see this picture from the 1913 joint civil war reunion?


The lack of requiring the South to grovel in shame and humiliation was a big part of how and why the US was not permanently split and weakened by the Civil War.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.
You mean protect monuments in favor of slavery
Yes, those Democrats didn't want to give up their slaves without a fight.
They gave up being Democrats during the election of 1860. Don't you know your history?
not to mention a traitor to the united states of america... something that trump & lee have in common.

Name one riot that General Lee instigated. Fuck it, keep it up with that bullshit. You'll be wailing and gnashing teeth in November.

he fought to secede from the union for the right to own people. it really is that simple, marion. put them in special museums so we can preserve them. i don't wanna forget our country's history or deny the truth, no matter how ugly.

not to mention a traitor to the united states of america... something that trump & lee have in common.

How many Civil War books have you read?

fighting to secede from the country is treasonous.

I'd like to see a picture of your logic grade. :rolleyes:

I'm thinking it wasn't more than a C.


That's right. Black people fought for The Confederacy, too.

Take your ass to Georgia and ask some older blacks what they think of General Sherman and Yankees.

A few were forced into manual labor and maybe a handful fought......but nothing like those who fought for their freedom with the North.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

Lee was a traitor. He chose the wrong way. Why honor him? We Americans go on. The traitors started this war so many years ago. Why do do you worship these traitors to the United States of America? You want to be a little bitch who left your country?

Lee was not a traitor, and it's you who are a little bitch and will want to leave the country post-November.

That's when you're going to realize you had it all wrong. Maybe you will want to start a Civil War..with..fingernails or something.

Me? I got a jar full of Lime-encrusted .50 cal real Civil War bullets from back in the day. They have a triple-skirt on them.

Lee was a traitor to the United States of America. There is not need to start a civil war. Why do you want to destroy your country? I don't give a shit as to what you have a jar of. Why do you think that you are entitled to more than any other American? Why do you think that you are entitled to any more than your follow Americans? Stop acting like a pig. You think that you are some big fat White Man and the rest of us Americans are supposed to kneel to you? You comment as if you are American garbarge. No pride in your nation.
By 1916, the issue of slavery was long settled. The statues were not pro-slavery statues, but simply monuments to the sacrifices and bravery of their ancestors.

And now you fuckers want to take them down?

YOu just admitted that multiculturalism was a lie from the very beginning.
In 1916, the war was long over, the issue of slavery was settled.....yet still they saw a need to ressurect the issue throughout the south

Though slavery was gone, Jim Crow was in its place. Statues were erected to remind blacks of their continued status

I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?

"I've studied the history of Confederate memorials. Here's what to do about them."

The Confederate monuments in New Orleans; Charlottesville, Virginia; Durham, North Carolina, and elsewhere did not organically pop up like mushrooms. The installation of the 1,000-plus memorials across the US was the result of the orchestrated efforts of white Southerners and a few Northerners with clear political objectives: They tended to be erected at times when the South was fighting to resist political rights for black citizens. The preservation of these monuments has likewise reflected a clear political agenda.

But the story of the monuments is even stranger than many people realize. Few if any of the monuments went through any of the approval procedures that we now commonly apply to public art. Typically, groups like the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), which claimed to represent local community sentiment (whether they did or did not), funded, erected, and dedicated the monuments. As a consequence, contemporaries, especially African Americans, who objected to the erection of monuments had no realistic opportunity to voice their opposition.

Wow. That is some weak ass shit.

Where was the political battle for/against Jim Crow, that you implied the statues were a weapon in?
There was no need for a political battle
The racists ruled the south. They decided how public spaces would be used

Now, those of a different view are running the cities. They want the monuments gone

Thanks for admitting that your claim that they were used to "remind blacks of their place" was false.

In Democrat run Jim Crow South, the blacks did not need a statue or two to let them know "their place".

BUT, thank you for admitting that multiculturalism was always a lie.

So, what do you want to talk about now?
Reuters Top News Retweeted
Reuters Pictures‏Verified account @reuterspictures 2h2 hours ago

A Confederate battle flag flies over the I-64 highway, and more scenes from Charlottesville one year after deadly clashes at a white nationalist rally killed one woman: https://reut.rs/2Oqr8FU


Here it is in FL:

How sad so many who hate this country and celebrate a loser group who couldn't even last half as long as the 3rd Reich did in Germany.
By 1916, the issue of slavery was long settled. The statues were not pro-slavery statues, but simply monuments to the sacrifices and bravery of their ancestors.

And now you fuckers want to take them down?

YOu just admitted that multiculturalism was a lie from the very beginning.
In 1916, the war was long over, the issue of slavery was settled.....yet still they saw a need to ressurect the issue throughout the south

Though slavery was gone, Jim Crow was in its place. Statues were erected to remind blacks of their continued status

I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?
Answer this question then:

Why would you put up a statue of Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson in 1948 in Baltimore?

So you can't answer his question without lying. We thought so.
Baltimore removes Confederate statues in wake of Charlottesville

Just because you are ignorant of the facts doesn't make me a liar --- so I will ask again..why would you put up a statue of Stonewall Jackson in Baltimore?

Dodge my question again and show everyone why you are a racist cuck..

Libs look stupid, when they try to use the word "cuck".
If in 1916, black citizens of Charlottesville collected funds to erect a statue honoring those citizens who were enslaved, they would have been met by the KKK and had their homes burned

Instead in 1916, Daughters if the Confederacy erected countless statues honoring those who fought to ensure slavery .......black citizens had no say

Today, blacks are politically empowered and have different views of how honorable the confederacy was

By 1916, the issue of slavery was long settled. The statues were not pro-slavery statues, but simply monuments to the sacrifices and bravery of their ancestors.

And now you fuckers want to take them down?

YOu just admitted that multiculturalism was a lie from the very beginning.
In 1916, the war was long over, the issue of slavery was settled.....yet still they saw a need to ressurect the issue throughout the south

Though slavery was gone, Jim Crow was in its place. Statues were erected to remind blacks of their continued status

I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?
Answer this question then:

Why would you put up a statue of Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson in 1948 in Baltimore?

Yes. Very much so. It would be a great way to showcase the unity of the nation.

Hey, you ever see this picture from the 1913 joint civil war reunion?


The lack of requiring the South to grovel in shame and humiliation was a big part of how and why the US was not permanently split and weakened by the Civil War.
Funny how you still have not answered the question...so I will try again...

Why would you put up a monument of Stonewall Jackson in 1948 Baltimore?

Why are you racists not demanding for the US to erect statues of british generals? After all, there are many descendants of those Brits who still live in this country --- why is it the country that wanted to maintain slavery the only traitors you identify with? I know already, i just like seeing racists tap dance
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

I have absolutely no love of General Lee.

But then I've got nothing against him neither.

Like a hundred other historical figures I learned about in school, he's a part of the fabric of America's past. I neither support nor condone him, but neither do i condemn him; he never did anything to me. He's dead! Long time ago. It's important for a person to keep perspective.

It's all too easy to get caught up in judging history based on the present not realizing that 150 years ago, life was very different, things were different, and YOU CANNOT APPLY STANDARDS WHICH DID NOT EXIST THEN in judging things by what we see and know TODAY. What is done is done and nothing can change it.

That said, statues are statues, they support NOTHING; they merely commemorate a moment in time. There is not a nation on this earth which hasn't history that in hindsight, it wouldn't frown upon today-- -- -- that's the nature of history. Statues are created to pay homage and respect to those people it addresses. Leaving a statue does not mean you agree with it, it merely respects the views of others that saw things differently. It reminds us of our past that we may learn from it, tearing it down robs us of our past that we may grow from it. A people disconnected/in denial of its own past is a people lost, likely doomed to repeat it. Worse, tolerance of things we know in hindsight were wrong, is a far far better, more magnanimous thing than intolerance of anything just because you don't agree with it and demanding all agree with you or be destroyed.

The latter, that is just raw, naked fascism.

All I know is that it takes two sides to tango. There would be no problem if those who agree, agree to agree and those who disagree agree to disagree. People LEARN from respecting differences in viewpoints, problem is that we have lost all respect. Looking for confrontation gets you violence. Labels creates polarity. When I see people labeling others who rise up merely to exercise their right to protest what they believe in and rise up to defend their beliefs labeled as "violence," I ask: VIOLENCE WITH WHOM? With themselves? You are confronting others to deny others their freedom to their own views? Those who show up to "smack them down" are just LOOKING FOR VIOLENCE, and creating it. And they will find it. Many will ultimately die fighting over whether to tear down a piece of metal only meant to signify a piece of history two centuries past.

If THAT isn't the definition of ITINERANT STUPIDITY, I don't know what else is.

Look here, douchebag, are you for or against erasing history like ISIS? There's no in-between on this and waffling, boy.

Yes or No.
Erasing history? :71: It's so startling to learn that trumpanzees are so brain weak that they forget stuff unless they have a 3D physical reminder of something in front of them 24/7. Talk about simpletons.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.
Do you protect history by chanting "Jews will not replace us!"? Do you protect history by bringing clubs and shields and guns? So you protect history by waving swastika flags? Was that a responsible protection of history?
They want NAZI statues up next....Hitler, Himmler, etc.
In 1916, the war was long over, the issue of slavery was settled.....yet still they saw a need to ressurect the issue throughout the south

Though slavery was gone, Jim Crow was in its place. Statues were erected to remind blacks of their continued status

I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?
Answer this question then:

Why would you put up a statue of Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson in 1948 in Baltimore?

So you can't answer his question without lying. We thought so.
Baltimore removes Confederate statues in wake of Charlottesville

Just because you are ignorant of the facts doesn't make me a liar --- so I will ask again..why would you put up a statue of Stonewall Jackson in Baltimore?

Dodge my question again and show everyone why you are a racist cuck..

Libs look stupid, when they try to use the word "cuck".
it it walks like a cuck, talks like a cuck, and keeps Trump's dick in its mouth like a cuck, its you....
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

Lee was a traitor. He chose the wrong way. Why honor him? We Americans go on. The traitors started this war so many years ago. Why do do you worship these traitors to the United States of America? You want to be a little bitch who left your country?

Lee was not a traitor, and it's you who are a little bitch and will want to leave the country post-November.

That's when you're going to realize you had it all wrong. Maybe you will want to start a Civil War..with..fingernails or something.

Me? I got a jar full of Lime-encrusted .50 cal real Civil War bullets from back in the day. They have a triple-skirt on them.

Lee was a traitor to the United States of America. There is not need to start a civil war. Why do you want to destroy your country? I don't give a shit as to what you have a jar of. Why do you think that you are entitled to more than any other American? Why do you think that you are entitled to any more than your follow Americans? Stop acting like a pig. You think that you are some big fat White Man and the rest of us Americans are supposed to kneel to you? You comment as if you are American garbarge. No pride in your nation.

YOu are the one trying to tear this nation apart.

Lee surrendered, and then worked to heal the wounds of the nation.

As did just about everyone of that time period.

Wtf do you think you are accomplishing with your hate?
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

Lee was a traitor. He chose the wrong way. Why honor him? We Americans go on. The traitors started this war so many years ago. Why do do you worship these traitors to the United States of America? You want to be a little bitch who left your country?

Lee was not a traitor, and it's you who are a little bitch and will want to leave the country post-November.

That's when you're going to realize you had it all wrong. Maybe you will want to start a Civil War..with..fingernails or something.

Me? I got a jar full of Lime-encrusted .50 cal real Civil War bullets from back in the day. They have a triple-skirt on them.

Lee was a traitor to the United States of America. There is not need to start a civil war. Why do you want to destroy your country? I don't give a shit as to what you have a jar of. Why do you think that you are entitled to more than any other American? Why do you think that you are entitled to any more than your follow Americans? Stop acting like a pig. You think that you are some big fat White Man and the rest of us Americans are supposed to kneel to you? You comment as if you are American garbarge. No pride in your nation.

Fuck your revisionist bullshit leftist history. You're the fucking unAmericans here, and the left will get their asses handed to them come November. You see, real Americans still know what's what.

I am some "big fat white man"? No bitch, I am some in shape ready-to-fight-for-America cracker, bitch. One that's been shooting since he was eight. I am not the one to fuck with.

I believe in America, but not a leftist America.
The monuments being allowed to remain on government/public property is what the problem -- you can make your own private park dedicated to revisionist lost cause confederate bullshit and put up as many statues as you wish.

Bottom line is, those statues were erected because of racism, period......and most of these folks like to pretend how much they care about Robert E Lee, but they don't care about what he said....even when he was explicit about what he felt about monuments, these confederate racists ignore it

"My conviction is,” Lee wrote, “that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; & of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labor.” <<-- that doesn't sound like someone who was a fan of confederate statues, no more than he would have been a fan of statues of Cornwallis being erected after the Revolutionary War -- the losing side don't get to dictate what statues get erected by the country they were defeated by.

Lee went on into further detail "it would be wiser not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

Again, that doesn't sound like someone who wanted statues erected all over the place for him, he went on to say "countries that erased visible signs of civil war recovered from conflicts quicker... keeping these symbols alive, would keep the divisions alive.” But despite all of that, racists will always try to find a way to ignore this and pretend Lee didn't mean what he said -- just like they pretend the Civil War wasn't over slavery...

The confederate monuments thing is all about racism -- They were part of a campaign to paint the Southern cause in the Civil War as just and slavery as a benevolent, it was also in direct opposition to blacks seeking equal rights, against a backdrop of Jim Crow violence and oppression. The monuments were put up as explicit symbols of white supremacy -- period.

It comes from the same people that want to do away with the 10 Commandments at County Courthouses. Keep poking the bear, fucktards.
Why do we need the 10 Suggestions in County Courthouses....only two of them match regular law....and those were around long before "Moses" supposedly wrote them down.
Now, let’s look at when the monuments were erected
Not post cIvil war when soldiers and families honored the dead but early 1900s during the resurgence of the KKK and during the civil rights era


About the time that those who were children during the war, and lost fathers, would have become the elders and leaders of the community.
About the time those children rebuilt the klan
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

Lee was a traitor. He chose the wrong way. Why honor him? We Americans go on. The traitors started this war so many years ago. Why do do you worship these traitors to the United States of America? You want to be a little bitch who left your country?

Lee was not a traitor, and it's you who are a little bitch and will want to leave the country post-November.

That's when you're going to realize you had it all wrong. Maybe you will want to start a Civil War..with..fingernails or something.

Me? I got a jar full of Lime-encrusted .50 cal real Civil War bullets from back in the day. They have a triple-skirt on them.

Lee was a traitor to the United States of America. There is not need to start a civil war. Why do you want to destroy your country? I don't give a shit as to what you have a jar of. Why do you think that you are entitled to more than any other American? Why do you think that you are entitled to any more than your follow Americans? Stop acting like a pig. You think that you are some big fat White Man and the rest of us Americans are supposed to kneel to you? You comment as if you are American garbarge. No pride in your nation.

Fuck your revisionist bullshit leftist history. You're the fucking unAmericans here, and the left will get their asses handed to them come November. You see, real Americans still know what's what.

I am some "big fat white man"? No bitch, I am some in shape ready-to-fight-for-America cracker, bitch. One that's been shooting since he was eight. I am not the one to fuck with.

I believe in America, but not a leftist America.
Internet tough guy
The monuments being allowed to remain on government/public property is what the problem -- you can make your own private park dedicated to revisionist lost cause confederate bullshit and put up as many statues as you wish.

Bottom line is, those statues were erected because of racism, period......and most of these folks like to pretend how much they care about Robert E Lee, but they don't care about what he said....even when he was explicit about what he felt about monuments, these confederate racists ignore it

"My conviction is,” Lee wrote, “that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; & of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labor.” <<-- that doesn't sound like someone who was a fan of confederate statues, no more than he would have been a fan of statues of Cornwallis being erected after the Revolutionary War -- the losing side don't get to dictate what statues get erected by the country they were defeated by.

Lee went on into further detail "it would be wiser not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

Again, that doesn't sound like someone who wanted statues erected all over the place for him, he went on to say "countries that erased visible signs of civil war recovered from conflicts quicker... keeping these symbols alive, would keep the divisions alive.” But despite all of that, racists will always try to find a way to ignore this and pretend Lee didn't mean what he said -- just like they pretend the Civil War wasn't over slavery...

The confederate monuments thing is all about racism -- They were part of a campaign to paint the Southern cause in the Civil War as just and slavery as a benevolent, it was also in direct opposition to blacks seeking equal rights, against a backdrop of Jim Crow violence and oppression. The monuments were put up as explicit symbols of white supremacy -- period.

It comes from the same people that want to do away with the 10 Commandments at County Courthouses. Keep poking the bear, fucktards.
Why do we need the 10 Suggestions in County Courthouses....only two of them match regular law....and those were around long before "Moses" supposedly wrote them down.

Because it's better than the dykey rules of morality, bitch.

Go chew on a clot for your lover.

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