Lets review the “case” the DA has on Trump. Statutes and violatons

She has since denied the affair ever happened.

Today there will be a new witness on behalf of Trump:

Should be easy enough to make a liar of her...

Daniels declared the former POTUS "hung like a Drosophila" (her words)...

All he has to do is drop trou, whip out the baby boa, and collect his damages....
We don't even know that Trump paid him back. We've seen no evidence of any of this. All we have at this point is leaks claimed by the anti-Trump media.
I don’t think Trump has denied it and it is of no major significance anyway. My assumption is he paid his damn moron lawyer.
According to the leaked "information," the prosecutors evidence is that Trump gave $130,000 to his attorney and that an entry "was made" (by who?) that called it "legal fees." That careful use of passive voice is the hallmark of the dishonest.
It can be a hint using the passive voice. Again, my guess is that checks were cut to the lawyer by Trump. But honestly, I don’t think it matters even if Trump had paid Stormy up front. Paying for an NDA is simply not a crime.
$130K from a billionaire to one of his lawyers already sounds exactly like legal fees to me, so if an entry said that is what it was, where is the evidence that it was anything else?
I don’t know what Cohen’s invoice to Trump said. I’m guessing it didn’t ask for “reimbursement of NDA payment.” But again, it wouldn’t matter.
Not arguing with you, I know you know all that. Debating with Democrats, we often have to say, "even if A is true, that doesn't support B."
I’m not taking anything you’ve written as argument. And it would be fine if you did. All I’m doing is guessing. I’d like to see how Cohen requested the alleged reimbursement.
Both Trump and Daniels have denied that they even had an affair, so the only evidence is coming from a couple of convicted and disbarred lawyers.
I know Stormy has flip flopped. So has Cohen. While, of course, I don’t endorse it if Trump did have sexual relations with Stormy, it still wouldn’t constitute a crime.

Bragg is basically a prosecutorial conman as far as this shot is concerned.
We will all be safer if Trump goes to prison for the rest of hus life over this.

The economy will recover and the Biden family will no longer be corrupt.

The DA had his man, he just had to manufacture a reason to arrest Trump.

Soros gave this guy millions. This whole thing is bullshit. If you support this, you have TDS.

The DA had his man, he just had to manufacture a reason to arrest Trump.
That has been the Democrat and Never-Trump Republican approach to all of the numerous investigations of Trump: We’ve got the perp, let’s figure out something that he did.
When is the MAR A LAGO raid, I want to DVR that shit.

Frog men and SWAT and helipcopters are a must!

Lets go Garland. Dont let Trump grab you by the pussy.
I want the SWAT TEAM from Mayor of Kingstown to fuck up MAR A LAGO.

Flash bangs…put a beat down on Trump. Let that shit fly. He is an usurper.

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