Let's say a brother and sister were to have sex....


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Ah, I bet I got your attention with that header!


Let's say a brother and sister were to have sex. It is completely consensual and they had no regrets afterwards. Assume the sister is unable to become pregnant.

Given those parameters, is incest still wrong? How so?

Before you all start flaming me, know that I do not condone incest. I have never done it nor do I encourage anyone else to do it. I just find this question interesting.
Ah, I bet I got your attention with that header!


Let's say a brother and sister were to have sex. It is completely consensual and they had no regrets afterwards. Assume the sister is unable to become pregnant.

Given those parameters, is incest still wrong? How so?

Before you all start flaming me, know that I do not condone incest. I have never done it nor do I encourage anyone else to do it. I just find this question interesting.

I don't give a shit
It's disgusting and completely wrong IMO, but as long as she can't procreate I don't see why not.
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Their first two children were born with disabilities. This is quite common. It is quite common for the kids to be off the wall crazy. My concern is not who's having sex with who and it never will be. But there has to be laws against brothers and sisters having babies b/c that's intentionally handing extreme hardships to someone.
Ah, I bet I got your attention with that header!


Let's say a brother and sister were to have sex. It is completely consensual and they had no regrets afterwards. Assume the sister is unable to become pregnant.

Given those parameters, is incest still wrong? How so?

Before you all start flaming me, know that I do not condone incest. I have never done it nor do I encourage anyone else to do it. I just find this question interesting.

The complete creep factor aside, a long with my joy that we don't know each other in real life...

The reason close relatives, even in the animal world don't fuck is b/c the children are all screwed up.
Ah, I bet I got your attention with that header!


Let's say a brother and sister were to have sex. It is completely consensual and they had no regrets afterwards. Assume the sister is unable to become pregnant.

Given those parameters, is incest still wrong? How so?

Before you all start flaming me, know that I do not condone incest. I have never done it nor do I encourage anyone else to do it. I just find this question interesting.

No I don't think it is "wrong" in any meaningful way except morally if one buys into that theory of morality.

The moral objection to close relative breeding is entirely based on their spawn polluting the gene pool.

In this case no pollution is possible so I see no transgression against the commonweal.

The creep factor exists, of course, but that is not really a moral issue that is any of my (or my society's) business
Ah, I bet I got your attention with that header!


Let's say a brother and sister were to have sex. It is completely consensual and they had no regrets afterwards. Assume the sister is unable to become pregnant.

Given those parameters, is incest still wrong? How so?

Before you all start flaming me, know that I do not condone incest. I have never done it nor do I encourage anyone else to do it. I just find this question interesting.

Who ponders this shit?

One would have to be extremely bored or sick to think about this.
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Yeah that thread title did indeed get my attention. :lol: Well, putting aside my initial revulsion for a moment and trying to look at this objectively I guess I would say the following: I am a meta-ethical moral relativist so I generally endorse the concept that what is "moral" depends completely on the attitudes of the individual, society, or sub-society. In other words, as I have said on numerous threads, "it's just as 'immoral' to preach the Bible at a titty bar as it is to get a lap dance in church" because the given sub-societies involved have different definitions of acceptable behavior. So I suppose my answer would be: "it's immoral because we as a society say it is" and that's pretty much it.
If someone wants to fuck their sister, I can really care less, as long as its within the age of consent and consensual, the biggest issue with incest is the inbreed children it may create.

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