Let’s say republicans have full control come 2025. What, exactly, would they do to combat economic issues like inflation?

Reverse every anti fossil fuel industry EO and regulation enacted under this administration and do as Trump did in cutting as much red tape as possible to streamline the leasing and permitting processes.

That alone would end inflation and create millions of new jobs within a year.
Yes, it's so obvious, lefties don't get it. They are Green Washed.
Then they couldn't feed you anymore and your State would be in dire straits.
The red states are providing the food, fuel, and fiber the nation runs on. If we cease production or stop selling to red states you'll all be eating your pets in two weeks and burning furniture for heat next winter.
How do we become energy independent if we need more oil but alot of it is shipped away? Big oil is losing respect and fast.
The same way we enjoyed the lowest energy prices in decades while being a net exporter of petroleum under the last administration.

IF we already had the LNG shipping facilities blocked by Democrats over the last 8 years in place we'd be replacing Russian Natural gas in Europe right now and create several million new jobs in the industry.
Drill drill drill. Okay let's do that. But then very little leaves otherwise what's the point? Not giving big oil a break on their role.
What role is that exactly? They are making the same per gallon of gas/diesel irrespective of the price of crude. They just raise prices in keeping with the added cost of business.
Uh, higher diesel prices cause bird flu?
Higher transportation cots drive up the cost of any product be that pencils, eggs, or new cars.

The net effect would be much lower from this bird flu outbreak if fuel costs were not at record highs.
Contracts my damn ass. You mean oil refineries are contractually obligated to sell diesel to flippin Mexico? To Argentina? What the hell happened to "America first"? I am calling bullshit on contracts, besides futures contracts, which is an easy problem to solve. Ban foreign nations and thier companies from purchasing diesel fuel contracts. BOOM, problem solved.
Yes they are so obligated by contracts.

The global supply is constrained, that drives up prices globally including in the US.
What a moron, that would quickly cause oil shortages in the US when refiners and producers have to shut down.
Now how in the hell does that make sense? What, the oil is suddenly going to stop coming out of the ground? You do realize that under Trump, I repeat, UNDER TRUMP, refining capacity declined by 4.5%. Under Trump, I repeat, UNDER TRUMP, China---yes, I said China, displaced the United States as the world's leader in refining oil products.

Which brings me to Keystone. The whole purpose of the Keystone pipeline was to move that Canadian sludge to refineries in duty free areas. Those refineries had already ramped up their capacity to produce diesel, not for domestic production, but for export. That displaced gasoline refining capacity. Today, the profit on refining a barrel of oil into diesel is right at seventy flippin bucks. Truck drivers will stage a protest because they might have to wear a mask in Canada, but they will bend over backwards and take it up the ass from the oil companies. It is cheaper to refine oil into diesel than gasoline. So, the refineries took the cheap way out and decided to make diesel and ship it to other countries instead of making gasoline for Americans. Diesel used to be cheaper than gasoline, and still is in most countries of the world. That, in and of itself, shows you how much we are all getting screwed. I mean come on, America First--walk the walk, don't just talk the talk.
First thing they’ll need to do is cut taxes for the billionaires so all that money comes trickling down to us regular people so we’ll have extra money to pay for the stuff that costs so much because of the Democrats.
First thing they’ll need to do is cut taxes for the billionaires so all that money comes trickling down to us regular people so we’ll have extra money to pay for the stuff that costs so much because of the Democrats.
It is called trickle down now, but it used to be called horse and sparrow. You feed the horse, and then the sparrow comes along and finds some grains of corn in the HORSE'S SHIT. The fact that you are happy to get your grain of corn after sifting through the shit of the billionaires is pretty illuminating.

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