Let’s say republicans have full control come 2025. What, exactly, would they do to combat economic issues like inflation?

You can not do it because of contracts.
Contracts my damn ass. You mean oil refineries are contractually obligated to sell diesel to flippin Mexico? To Argentina? What the hell happened to "America first"? I am calling bullshit on contracts, besides futures contracts, which is an easy problem to solve. Ban foreign nations and thier companies from purchasing diesel fuel contracts. BOOM, problem solved.
Wrong fool, not the pandemic. It is back to regulations that are a hinderance to small businesses, with no good effect, demonizing energy companies, remember "I will put you all out of business" and raising the royalties on federal oil leases and giving away "free money". None of Joe's policies have helped one bit. He is a FOOL like you.
What fawking free money moron. Two out of the three new dollars created in the last year were from the Trump administration. In Biden's first year he reduced the deficit, and paid down some of the debt. And yeah, Biden raised the royalties on oil from federal land, but those royalties are still lower than Texas. Did oil companies stop drilling on land owned by the state of Texas when I wasn't looking?
GOPers are as dedicated to money printers go burrrrrrrrr and their kickbacks from General Dynamics/Raytheon/Lockheed Martin/Goldman Sachs as the dimocraps. It is foolish to have any expectations that they will do anything to ‘fix’ inflation. It’s gonna take an old fashioned depression to readjust the economy.
Kick all leftist out of the country to China. Eliminate the 4th tier of govt. Return power to the states.

Figure since its a what if you can if anything.

Enjoy life in China op. Now strip mine that Silca. Oh you want a respirator. Nope get busy
Contracts my damn ass. You mean oil refineries are contractually obligated to sell diesel to flippin Mexico? To Argentina? What the hell happened to "America first"? I am calling bullshit on contracts, besides futures contracts, which is an easy problem to solve. Ban foreign nations and thier companies from purchasing diesel fuel contracts. BOOM, problem solved.
That is funny, now you are missing Trump's policies!
Inflation has a myriad of reasons behind it. The pandemic is the main driver of the problem.

But because republicans are so sure the blame is squarely on democrats, what exactly would need to be done reverse such issues. What, specifically, would republicans do?
You are correct, inflation is a complex thing. But if America does 3 things, then inflation will be brought under control.

1) Get back to fuel independence just like what we had under Trump.
2) Put more investment into generating our own food.
3) Put more investment into getting more truckers and pilots trained.
Lefties have short memories. Gas was around $2.10 on inauguration day. Trump's policies kept inflation down. All you have to do is secure the border, lift restrictions off big businesses and become energy independent. Why can't Bidenistas see that?
Inflation has a myriad of reasons behind it. The pandemic is the main driver of the problem.

But because republicans are so sure the blame is squarely on democrats, what exactly would need to be done reverse such issues. What, specifically, would republicans do?
They would get government the hell out of the way.
First what the Republicans can pass will depend on how big a majority they have if they take back both chambers Congress second anything that should get through Congress will still require President Biden to sign it into law.
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Show where I said it was and when you can’t well then why make the claim I did?

Now tell me how does higher diesel impact the cost at the store?
Obviously it affects truck transportation. Your point is obvious. The problem is, it alone wouldn’t be enough to keep food prices down. Transportation cost only affect 6% of food prices.
Obviously it affects truck transportation. Your point is obvious. The problem is, it alone wouldn’t be enough to keep food prices down. Transportation cost only affect 6% of food prices.
Hmmm, many things factor in the price of food but when you double the price of transportation it make a massive issue with pricing of food…
Which was….what?

You saw it, same as everyone else.
Trump didnt put restrictions on drilling,he was all for the pipeline,he shutdown the border he doesnt wander around like he's lost,he didnt let a war get started that biden blames our food shortage and inflation on.
How could anyone have confidence in the pants shitter and chief? He's done nothing but fuck things up from day one and everyone knows it.
I cant wait for the midterms!!!!
Inflation has a myriad of reasons behind it. The pandemic is the main driver of the problem.

But because republicans are so sure the blame is squarely on democrats, what exactly would need to be done reverse such issues. What, specifically, would republicans do?
Build pipelines. Drill. Quit printing money like a Zimbabwe dictator.

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