Let’s say republicans have full control come 2025. What, exactly, would they do to combat economic issues like inflation?

Democrat Fags have nothing to run on. They are literally conceding 2024 and saying ok we ruined everything so how is that other team going to fix it. This is the Democrat party. The clear answer is to imprison all Democrats into slave labor camps to compete with China.
Democrat Fags have nothing to run on. They are literally conceding 2024 and saying ok we ruined everything so how is that other team going to fix it. This is the Democrat party. The clear answer is to imprison all Democrats into slave labor camps to compete with China.
No, because we disagree with our opposition we shouldn’t lower ourselves to be like China.

Democrats just like Republicans throughout the short history of this country have had great and awful leadership and to claim they messed up all the time is wrong.

Say what you want about Bill Clinton he wasn’t that bad as a President because of Newt Gingrich…

See the Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader matter and when you have weak leadership like Pelosi and Schumer then you have a weak President, so let fix the House and Senate and no McConnell isn’t the answer either!
No, because we disagree with our opposition we shouldn’t lower ourselves to be like China.

Democrats just like Republicans throughout the short history of this country have had great and awful leadership and to claim they messed up all the time is wrong.

Say what you want about Bill Clinton he wasn’t that bad as a President because of Newt Gingrich…

See the Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader matter and when you have weak leadership like Pelosi and Schumer then you have a weak President, so let fix the House and Senate and no McConnell isn’t the answer either!
Hahaha…you don’t honestly believe todays Mexicrats are anything like Clinton era Democrats do you?
You don’t stay friendly with people for what they did three decades ago do you?
Inflation has a myriad of reasons behind it. The pandemic is the main driver of the problem.

But because republicans are so sure the blame is squarely on democrats, what exactly would need to be done reverse such issues. What, specifically, would republicans do?
What’s their plan now?
Inflation has a myriad of reasons behind it. The pandemic is the main driver of the problem.

But because republicans are so sure the blame is squarely on democrats, what exactly would need to be done reverse such issues. What, specifically, would republicans do?
If you freaks are still in control we won't have to worry bout inflation any more because we won't have a country left to worry about. Besides this is all an illusion everything was transitory, remember that word? and everything would be past an entire year ago, said the socialist traitors in Washington. Biden said it was just a temporary blip. Everything the Dems have done has made things worse in America, everything.

The price of oil/gasoline/diesel is determined by the international market – more drilling won’t do anything to lower the price of gas.
So you're saying that increasing the supply of oil available will not result in a lowering of the cost of oil based products? You really believe that?
Make more federal land available for oil prospecting, stop blocking oil permits. Defund anything having to do with 'climate change,' drop all Covid restrictions. Introduce legislation to mandate parental authority over government authority.
Inflation has a myriad of reasons behind it. The pandemic is the main driver of the problem.

But because republicans are so sure the blame is squarely on democrats, what exactly would need to be done reverse such issues. What, specifically, would republicans do?
Reverse every anti fossil fuel industry EO and regulation enacted under this administration and do as Trump did in cutting as much red tape as possible to streamline the leasing and permitting processes.

That alone would end inflation and create millions of new jobs within a year.

The price of oil/gasoline/diesel is determined by the international market – more drilling won’t do anything to lower the price of gas.
You're an idiot. Anything that increases the availability of oil on the market lowers the price.

There's also massive shipping costs associated with actually getting oil from the ME to the US so refiners aren't just paying more for oil on a per bbl price, the price of oil delivered to their port facilities increases even more due to those shipping costs which drives up prices even more.

A tanker costs about 100,000.00 per day to lease and operate.

Let’s say republicans have full control come 2025. What, exactly, would they do to combat economic issues like inflation?​

It would probably help if they STOP shoveling money at every possible person, or group, who is willing to sell their vote for a few handouts.

It would also probably be a great help if they would find ways to STOP the flood of illegal aliens who continue to invade this nation.

I'd also like them to round up every fucking illegal alien in the country and ship their illegal fucking asses back to wherever they came from.

Stop paying people not to work. NEVER send monthly checks to women who do nothing but sit on their fat, stinking asses, and drop babies like dogs or pigs.

Teach people to support their own fucking kids. Stop extorting taxpayer money and throwing it away on deadbeats.

These are a few of the things I'd like to see republicans do.
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So you're saying there is no hope until a change in administration...

This administration certainly isn't interested in taking any of the steps necessary to combat inflation, that's why growth in the last quarter was in the negative.
If you freaks are still in control we won't have to worry bout inflation any more because we won't have a country left to worry about. Besides this is all an illusion everything was transitory, remember that word? and everything would be past an entire year ago, said the socialist traitors in Washington. Biden said it was just a temporary blip. Everything the Dems have done has made things worse in America, everything.
Relax, we'll still have a country we just won't recognize it.
There is no labor shortage. So you want people to work or do you want slaves? Time to pay up or sit and cry about "how nobody wants to work" which is a fabrication.
Which would only drive inflation even higher. You are an economic imbecile.
If we drill alot more how much of that are you going to allow to go overseas?
As much as we can sell. Increasing the amount of oil available on the market lowers the global price.

With the sanctions, a lot of countries are hungry for our oil and refined products.

For the first time since WWII we became a net exporter of petroleum under the last administration, what were gas prices like here at home?

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