Lets Say,Senate Picks Up 7/8 Seats & Dem's Come Up Short On House. Then What Happens?

If there is a red wave the left will ramp up their calls for violence. Republicans should be prepared for that inevitability.
Maxine Brown and her 7 wigs will demand to end the electoral vote system in all 59 states, and just hold erections in California.
If there is a red wave the left will ramp up their calls for violence. Republicans should be prepared for that inevitability.
thank god i never have to drive on highways, but like i mentioned, i hope its freeezing after the midterms, then lets see if the loons wanna protest in 30/40 degree weather
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchristian prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

Is that from "Fascist Dreams of My Father" by Trumpybear?

Oh wait, he's a rich New York Liberal pretending to be a Republican.......nevermind.

How about "One Party to Rule Them All " by Trumpybears' BFF Vlad?
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchristian prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

Is that from "Fascist Dreams of My Father" by Trumpybear?

Oh wait, he's a rich New York Liberal pretending to be a Republican.......nevermind.

How about "One Party to Rule Them All " by Trumpybears' BFF Vlad?

Are you happy as to how successful he has been, and the resultant good he has done for this country?

Or....are you a Liberal....
Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchrisitan prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

Democrats need to use this post in November to show what a Republican America will be like

The funny thing is, you actually believe that and live in fear of it happening.
I didn’t post it

If that is how Republicans feel, let them run on it
Let's say Jesus returns and pigs start flying - What happens then? :icon_rolleyes:


:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

The idea that the Republicans will pick up seven or eight Senate seats is absurd.
If the GOP keeps the House and increases the Senate, the Dems will have
to start all over again.

They'll need to drive out their progressive members, and ditch Obama as a
spokesperson. They'll also have an issue with maintaining their membership.

You could very well see a third party emerge.

Oh Yeah...Pelosi and Schumer will be history as minority leaders and they
will have to advertise on the Internet for a viable Presidential Candidate for

But the big question will be...what will the media do? Talk about egg on
your face.
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

The idea that the Republicans will pick up seven or eight Senate seats is absurd.

I think it will stay 51-49 with Dems having a shot at McCains seat
2020 will be when they take the Senate
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchristian prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

Is that from "Fascist Dreams of My Father" by Trumpybear?

Oh wait, he's a rich New York Liberal pretending to be a Republican.......nevermind.

How about "One Party to Rule Them All " by Trumpybears' BFF Vlad?

Are you happy as to how successful he has been, and the resultant good he has done for this country?

Or....are you a Liberal....

Being silly again I see. Successful at destroying the nations good will around the world like a good Putin lapdog you mean?
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchristian prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

Is that from "Fascist Dreams of My Father" by Trumpybear?

Oh wait, he's a rich New York Liberal pretending to be a Republican.......nevermind.

How about "One Party to Rule Them All " by Trumpybears' BFF Vlad?

Are you happy as to how successful he has been, and the resultant good he has done for this country?

Or....are you a Liberal....

Being silly again I see. Successful at destroying the nations good will around the world like a good Putin lapdog you mean?

You didn't notice how nearly every nation has backed his sanctions against Iran?

And, of course, Obama was the world's laughing stock.
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchristian prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

Is that from "Fascist Dreams of My Father" by Trumpybear?

Oh wait, he's a rich New York Liberal pretending to be a Republican.......nevermind.

How about "One Party to Rule Them All " by Trumpybears' BFF Vlad?

Are you happy as to how successful he has been, and the resultant good he has done for this country?

Or....are you a Liberal....

Being silly again I see. Successful at destroying the nations good will around the world like a good Putin lapdog you mean?

You didn't notice how nearly every nation has backed his sanctions against Iran?

And, of course, Obama was the world's laughing stock.
No they haven’t

Most nations are adhering to the Iran nuclear accord waiting for the US to come to its senses and dump Crooked Donnie
Lets Say,Senate Picks Up 7/8 Seats & Dem's Come Up Short On House. Then What Happens?
We crack open some beers, head over to YouTube and watch some left wing dingbat freaking the fuck out, tantrum videos, have a few laughs, then get back to bitching about what a bunch of incompetent boobs the Republicans are.:dunno:
If there is a providence that watches over us, it will send us a change from the two party dictatorship.
When democrats suffer huge losses in the mid terms the only reason would be a massive failure of the right to vote. The entire process of elections failed. Democrats will give up the entire idea of elections.
If the GOP keeps the House and increases the Senate, the Dems will have
to start all over again.

They'll need to drive out their progressive members, and ditch Obama as a
spokesperson. They'll also have an issue with maintaining their membership.

You could very well see a third party emerge.

Oh Yeah...Pelosi and Schumer will be history as minority leaders and they
will have to advertise on the Internet for a viable Presidential Candidate for

But the big question will be...what will the media do? Talk about egg on
your face.
Democrats will move even further left and condemn the process of voting.

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