Lets Say,Senate Picks Up 7/8 Seats & Dem's Come Up Short On House. Then What Happens?

:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchrisitan prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

Never happening even if you get Pence as President.

1. Trump is not social Conservative.

2. Most Social Conservative Politicians are lip service only.

3. That Bait was weak and old... It expired in 2002...
Then we would continue like we are today

I expect that is the truth. You and your Party won't realize you were rejected because you offer nothing positive for the American people and will instead think you got "cheated" and continue your anti-Trump "jihad". Which will almost GUARANTEE a Trump victory in 2020.
i wonder what Joyce Blowfart will say the next day on the view
Well, the schadenfreude is definitely an upside...But it can't paper over what double-dealing sleazeballs that GOP swamp things are.

Make someone like Tim Jordan Speaker and Rand Paul Majority leader, and there's a sliver of a chance that republicans might ever-so-slightly roll back the federal shit show, but I ain't gonna hold my breath.
i think Chris Matthews will lose another inch and by then, he wont have a weener..maybe something else?
but what happens come December and Ruthy is sent to a hospital?, well at least the thugs/mobs cant start acting like a bunch of complaining babies again in the snow and 30 degree weather

We'll send you a Notorious RBG voodoo doll - Pins included. You can poke her and pray for her death. Charming.

:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchristian prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

I was trying to be funny.....but I sure was accurate!......
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchrisitan prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

Other than number one have conservatives been arguing seriously about any of those things?
No, as I said before, THAT is a Democrat.

Look at his post history. He is constantly posting how he is worried about violence against Democrats from Republicans.
Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchrisitan prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

Democrats need to use this post in November to show what a Republican America will be like

The funny thing is, you actually believe that and live in fear of it happening.
Then we would continue like we are today

I expect that is the truth. You and your Party won't realize you were rejected because you offer nothing positive for the American people and will instead think you got "cheated" and continue your anti-Trump "jihad". Which will almost GUARANTEE a Trump victory in 2020.

Sounds like they’re going to get worse. Holder yesterday said that if they go low they’ll kick us. That’s the New Democratic Party

Except that’s always what they’ve done. They think they’ve taken the high road when they never have. They seriously believe falsely accusing Kavanaugh and Judge of gang rape is them going high.

Maybe they think if they are smoking while savagely attacking people is taking the high road.

No. If they lose, they will go nuts. If they win the house, they may go even more nuts
The radical Leftists/Progressive will gather in rioting mobs. They will attack any and all who confess to support President Trump. They will gather outside the homes of administration and Congressional Republicans and will make life as miserable as possible.

And, we will see if the authorities and justice types will stand up to the plate. Will it go beyond just arresting them to actually making them stand trial and serve jail terms?

If they don't, we just might see conservative possees.
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:
They would have to build Mental Hospitals just to house Democrats, there would be so many suicides that the grave yards would have to be extended.
Hopefully, the Senate would end the filibuster and other impediments to confirming Presidential appointments.

I would also hope that 2/3 of the States would call for a Constitutional Convention to bolster state sovereignty and limit federal deficit spending.
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchristian prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

Sure, Jake.

:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

From the NYSun prior to the Kavanaugh vote.

"If Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed and the Republicans hold both houses of the Congress, it will be the greatest and swiftest accession to comprehensive power in all branches of American government in history. A measurement of how the tide has shifted is the disappearance from public consciousness of the Mueller inquiry. The number of Trump-haters who are still clinging to that waterlogged life-vest is statistically trivial.

It was just six weeks ago, ...that Mr. Trump’s enemies ululated their triumph and proclaimed, in the words of one often-published Trump-hater, that “The fat lady is singing; it’s almost over.”
She wasn’t, and it isn’t.
It has only just begun, and it will get better.

President Trump isn’t an aberrant interlude; he is a sea change. He has a mandate to clean up Washington and he plans to fulfill it."
Trump Is Set To Advance After K-Vote
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

From the NYSun prior to the Kavanaugh vote.

"If Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed and the Republicans hold both houses of the Congress, it will be the greatest and swiftest accession to comprehensive power in all branches of American government in history. A measurement of how the tide has shifted is the disappearance from public consciousness of the Mueller inquiry. The number of Trump-haters who are still clinging to that waterlogged life-vest is statistically trivial.

It was just six weeks ago, ...that Mr. Trump’s enemies ululated their triumph and proclaimed, in the words of one often-published Trump-hater, that “The fat lady is singing; it’s almost over.”
She wasn’t, and it isn’t.
It has only just begun, and it will get better.

President Trump isn’t an aberrant interlude; he is a sea change. He has a mandate to clean up Washington and he plans to fulfill it."
Trump Is Set To Advance After K-Vote

Thank you, Barack!
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

From the NYSun prior to the Kavanaugh vote.

"If Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed and the Republicans hold both houses of the Congress, it will be the greatest and swiftest accession to comprehensive power in all branches of American government in history. A measurement of how the tide has shifted is the disappearance from public consciousness of the Mueller inquiry. The number of Trump-haters who are still clinging to that waterlogged life-vest is statistically trivial.

It was just six weeks ago, ...that Mr. Trump’s enemies ululated their triumph and proclaimed, in the words of one often-published Trump-hater, that “The fat lady is singing; it’s almost over.”
She wasn’t, and it isn’t.
It has only just begun, and it will get better.

President Trump isn’t an aberrant interlude; he is a sea change. He has a mandate to clean up Washington and he plans to fulfill it."
Trump Is Set To Advance After K-Vote

Thank you, Barack!

He was our secret weapon!!!

"His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/o...est&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0

"Democrats suffered a greater loss of power during Obama’s tenure than under any other two-term president since World War II." Obama returns to political fray for a Democratic Party cause

"BOMBSHELL: Former DNC Head Admits Obama Cleaned Out The Party, Hillary Stole It, Bernie Got Robbed
According to Brazile, Obama “left the party $24 million in debt” – hey, sort of like the country! "
BOMBSHELL: Former DNC Head Admits Obama Cleaned Out The Party, Hillary Stole It, Bernie Got Robbed

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