Lets Say,Senate Picks Up 7/8 Seats & Dem's Come Up Short On House. Then What Happens?

:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

Let’s say the Dems pick up 30-40 seats in the House which it looks like they’re going to do and then picks up 12 Senate seats in 2020 when the GOP has 21 to defend and wins the Presidency

You should consider that because it looks like that’s going to happen

Of course getting the House this year and cutting off all funding to dotard while subpoenaing his children will be pretty satisfying
When democrats suffer huge losses in the mid terms the only reason would be a massive failure of the right to vote. The entire process of elections failed. Democrats will give up the entire idea of elections.

How anxious are Republicans to turn out compared to Democrats wanting to voice their resentment of Trump?
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

The idea that the Republicans will pick up seven or eight Senate seats is absurd.

I think it will stay 51-49 with Dems having a shot at McCains seat
2020 will be when they take the Senate

That would a great help to President 400+EV Hillary
When democrats suffer huge losses in the mid terms the only reason would be a massive failure of the right to vote. The entire process of elections failed. Democrats will give up the entire idea of elections.

How anxious are Republicans to turn out compared to Democrats wanting to voice their resentment of Trump?

I just don't think democrats have been vocal enough in their display of venom and hatred toward everything America stands for.
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchristian prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

"have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION""

Does that mean, all the deregulation applying to environmental pollution would be reversed?
The Bible has many verses telling Christians to take care of God's Earth and in Revelations it says God will destroy all those who destroy God's Earth.

'"ail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)"
"since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)"

Again, the Bible clearly states many times, that revenge and hate are sins.
For a person who wants the US to be declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION", you seem to not know what it means to be a Christian.

Finally, many, many studies have shown, that alcohol is much worse than pot regarding it's effects on the user and also for other individuals who are effected by alcohol users. (alcohol related deaths such as DUIs, physical abuse, work related accidents)

Thank you, for showing us your misunderstanding of the real world and Christianity..
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

Let’s say the Dems pick up 30-40 seats in the House which it looks like they’re going to do and then picks up 12 Senate seats in 2020 when the GOP has 21 to defend and wins the Presidency

You should consider that because it looks like that’s going to happen

Of course getting the House this year and cutting off all funding to dotard while subpoenaing his children will be pretty satisfying

Given that the Ds threw away a minimum of six senate seats with their Kavanaugh fiasco may you and the rest of the left keep on believing.
Let's say Jesus returns and pigs start flying - What happens then? :icon_rolleyes:

shoot down the pig and make bacon and ribs.

Jesus already flies.
:iyfyus.jpg: Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

Of course getting the House this year and cutting off all funding to dotard while subpoenaing his children will be pretty satisfying
Please do that if you somehow win the House by some miracle.

You will lose California in 2020 if you do that.
If the Democrats don't win Congress back, it will be considered the biggest blunder in Politics history. They've spent unprecedented massive cash on these Midterms. Soros may actually go broke. And they've stooped to all-time shameful lows in smearing everyone.

They've invested everything in winning Congress back. If they don't accomplish it, i fully expect them to resort to mob hysteria. They'll lose their shit the way they lost it when their Hitlery lost. Everything is riding on these Midterms for em. They better win, or they're finished for a long time.
Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchrisitan prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

Democrats need to use this post in November to show what a Republican America will be like

The funny thing is, you actually believe that and live in fear of it happening.
I didn’t post it

If that is how Republicans feel, let them run on it

Oh, so you DON'T believe it? First you say democrats should run on it, now you say Republicans should run on it. Didn't you get clear direction from the fax machine?
Well if this were to happen, then there is a God. Can you imagine if we really have a Red Wave. How many "Complaining Liberals" and those stuck up liberal hosts/commentators who keep gloating on the upcoming Blue Wave"? What they will look like if the GOP wins everything on that Tuesday Night in November? :oops-28:
If all goes well on mid-term night, over 100 Million Americans will be laughing at the Democrats and just can't wait to hear from the likes of Pelosi,Maxine Brown and Shrillary.
:abgg2q.jpg: :poop: :th_booboo:

If conservatives can keep (or gain) control of the government we can;

1. end abortion
2. jail or execute anyone who performed, assisted, engaged in or donated to an abortion factory (dem voters!)
3. ban homosexuals
4. arrest known gays (dem voters!)
5, have the USA officially declared a "CHRISTIAN NATION"
6. since all democrats and liberals are christian hating devil worshippers they will lose ALL of their rights (dem voters!)
7. re-invigorate the war on pot smokers (dem voters)
8. ban evolution
9. put the christian god back in ALL schools
10. take all the liberal, gay, atheist, nonchrisitan prisoners and force them to build the wall.

and the NEXT day we will..........

Democrats need to use this post in November to show what a Republican America will be like

The funny thing is, you actually believe that and live in fear of it happening.

gotta laugh at the moronicons who actually deny this list!
they are so stupid they have NO IDEA what their leaders are actually saying....
The only thing they care about is "sticking it to liberals".
what a bunch of idiots....
each item....
we won't even bother debating with 1 and 2 because we ALL already KNOW they are true.
3 & 4...ban and arrest gays...
roy moore specfically stated he believes the bible should be used as the source of the land (fact)
he specifically stated he believes homosexuality should be a crime and gays rounded up
trump endorsed him for senate and said we "need MORE conservatives like him"
MILLIONS of cons voted for him....

5 have the USA declared an OFFICIAL "christian nation"
Just ask mike pence...
"i'm a christian first, a conservative second and a republican third"
note the absence of "PATRIOTISM"
LOTS of prominent conservatives/republicans have stated they want to have the USA officially declared a "christian nation"...
(jesusfknchrist do some fkn research!.....look this things up for yourselves and stop just accepting the lies and misinformation fed to you by the conservative disinformation network)

6. non-christians lose rights.
are you moronicons actually going to continue to argue with reality?
argue with the very things you and your leaders say repeatedly?
I regularly hear/read cons say "our rights come from god...if you don't believe in god you have no rights...."
do you guys ever remember any of the deranged things you say?

8 ban evolution
since every prominent conservative republican in the country has declared evolution "the big lie"
since they do NOT want to "teach lies" in schools....
do the math....
follow the logic...
1. don't teach lies
2. evolution is a lie
3. ban........(fill in the fkn blank)

9. god back in school....
again...I see it all the time...cons whining about god being removed from public schools....
this is all just more evidence of how deranged you cons truly are....
you complain about those rotten libs taking your god out of schools
you demand that your god be put BACK into schools
then you deny that you are doing it!
And if the Liberals could get all three; the Presidency, the House and the Senate what would they do? Pass a health care bill that was so weak it was repealed before it even fully took effect. And that is all they did in 2008-2010.

Did you know that Obama took the worst shellacking in a midterm since before WWII. They went from having all three to this: (United States elections, 2010 - Wikipedia)

The Republican Party gained 63 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, recapturing the majority, and making it the largest seat change since 1948 and the largest for any midterm election since the 1938 midterm elections. The Republicans gained six seats in the U.S. Senate, expanding its minority, and also gained 680 seats in state legislative races. This left Republicans in control of 26 state legislatures, compared to the 15 still controlled by Democrats. After the election, Republicans took control of 29 of the 50 State Governorships.

The 2010 midterm election is also the third consecutive midterm election held in a president's first term where Republicans picked up seats across both houses of Congress. It was also the second consecutive midterm election where party control in the House of Representatives changed hands.
When democrats suffer huge losses in the mid terms the only reason would be a massive failure of the right to vote. The entire process of elections failed. Democrats will give up the entire idea of elections.

How anxious are Republicans to turn out compared to Democrats wanting to voice their resentment of Trump?
Dims are angry. Conservatives and independents are determined.

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