Lets see what the left have turned our men into, shall we?

what have Gay people done to you?



Just some examples. This is disgusting.
The left wing vegan males sure have a difficult time accepting the truth.

One, if you dandies on the left think women are attracted to the men in the first part of the video, then just keep on believing it. It's hysterical, but go on keep believing that.

Two, it is exactly what the education system is turning our boys into and it is all because of the left wing men commenting on here. All of their fault. It is those types that are parents today. Where they want to be besties with their kids rather than parents for their kids.

Three, if you cannot see it then you are blind and that type of blindness is far worse than the blindness you assume I am talking about.

Four, it is truly an honor messing with you little dandy vegan males. Yes, that statement was indeed redundant. It isn't dandy and vegan. Vegan.....males.....already states dandy.
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One, if you dandies on the left think women are attracted to the men in the first part of the video, then just keep on believing it. It's hysterical, but go on keep believing that.

What makes you an expert on what all women are attracted to?
If you guys don't want to be accused of violent fantasies, don't hold up the Peaky Blinders as your idols.
Why wouldn't we want to be accused of having violent fantasies? Put down your avocado toast and hot herbal tea you are sipping on and please expound on that.
Why wouldn't we want to be accused of having violent fantasies? Put down your avocado toast and hot herbal tea you are sipping on and please expound on that.
Oh, okay. Nevermind. We don't have to beat around the bush.

You are an illness in society. Normal people don't have violent fantasies.
Oh, okay. Nevermind. We don't have to beat around the bush.

You are an illness in society. Normal people don't have violent fantasies.
Lying to yourself again? Normal people have violent fantasies ding dong. It's who we cannot stand is the difference and if you weren't such a pathetic virtue signaling hypocritical marxist vegan puppet, we would see one of you who apparently only dream about sunshine, rainbows and unicorns, say something about the violence committed by antifa and blm.


You don't. Nor do you ever express your disgust at the feminization of our boys through the mass media, entertainment and education system.

You welcome it and when people like me see what is happening and efforts you people are making to turning our country into a marxist paradise, yeah we have violent fantasies. Especially when we see these fruitcakes dancing like they are in our faces.

Now, stop posting. Get back to vegan smoothie and go back to dreaming about those rainbows. Especially the rainbows.
The Left? Scientific evidence the Left has done this? You don't have any do you? That makes you a liar. By the way, what have Gay people done to you?

Do you know what scientific and imperial evidence really is? Or are you just saying that to be a contrarian? You can't prove abstract ideas with science, no matter how correct they are. It's like someone saying "feels chilly today" and as right as they might be you can't prove it because chilly is a abstract idea, a opinion. By that same token, where is your scientific proof the left doesn't cause it?

And yes, the left encourage these types of people. That's why Biden hired that Rachel tranny person as the hhs secretary. it's why the military now has gender identity officers to push gender politics in the military, it's why when Biden first became president he was worried about letting me dress as women into women's bathrooms, it's why the left pushes and forces to let guys pretending to be women into women's sports, it's why the left tries to force people to change their language and use made up sexualities and genders, it's why they want trannies to be treated special and the alphabet people to have the right to do and say what they want while everyone else has to behave how they they are told to, it's why left media praises lqbtqwifi people and condemns the rest of people, and so on.
Lying to yourself again? Normal people have violent fantasies ding dong. It's who we cannot stand is the difference and if you weren't such a pathetic virtue signaling hypocritical marxist vegan puppet, we would see one of you who apparently only dream about sunshine, rainbows and unicorns, say something about the violence committed by antifa and blm.


You don't. Nor do you ever express your disgust at the feminization of our boys through the mass media, entertainment and education system.

You welcome it and when people like me see what is happening and efforts you people are making to turning our country into a marxist paradise, yeah we have violent fantasies. Especially when we see these fruitcakes dancing like they are in our faces.

Now, stop posting. Get back to vegan smoothie and go back to dreaming about those rainbows. Especially the rainbows.
Normal people don't have violent fantasies. We want to live in peace. I think the violent fantasies come from a deep seated insecurity in your own place in the world.

Say what you will, but those "fruitcakes" are far less insecure than you guys. I respect that.

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