Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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Again, because we know where that kind of thinking leads. It leads to people being turned into bars of soap and lampshades. The Germans have got it right, this kind of stuff is banned.
You are committing the slippery slope fallacy. In you case the slippery slope fallacy would go this way, "If we let Charles Murray sell his books eventually in the United States people will will be turned into soap and lampshades."

The slippery slope fallacy is a fallacy because the slope is not slippery. We can stop at any time.

I am confident that the books of Charles Murray and Professor J. Philippe Rushton will not lead to the extermination of Negroes in the United States. I do hope that they will be cited when the United States Supreme Court takes up the issue of affirmative action in hiring decisions. I hope they are used in arguments against racial reparations.

You are also committing the guilt by association fallacy. In this case the guilt by association fallacy would go this way, "Because the Nazis were heriditarians, all heriditarian books should be banned."

I do not even think Mein Kampf should be banned. I have read it. I still admire Jews, respect Judaism, and love Israel.
You have your guns aimed in the wrong direction. Whatever Jamal did to you, it's just not that bad.
You've got to stop thinking about Jamal all the time. I am sure he is not thinking about you. If you are still on speaking terms with him after he left you for a younger, prettier man with a bigger penis, ask him if he knows who his father is. When he tells you he does not, ask is mother. I doubt she knows either. Don't tell Jamal's mother that her son is on the down low. Negroes are frequently intolerant of homosexuals.
You are committing the slippery slope fallacy. In you case the slippery slope fallacy would go this way, "If we let Charles Murray sell his books eventually in the United States people will will be turned into soap and lampshades."

Hey, the Nazis made what they were doing seem perfectly reasonable at first, too. Then the camps were liberated. My dad had nightmares for the rest of his life.

The slippery slope fallacy is a fallacy because the slope is not slippery. We can stop at any time.

Yeah, I've heard drunks and drug addicts tell me that. "I'm totally in control, man, I can quit any time..."

I am confident that the books of Charles Murray and Professor J. Philippe Rushton will not lead to the extermination of Negroes in the United States. I do hope that they will be cited when the United States Supreme Court takes up the issue of affirmative action in hiring decisions. I hope they are used in arguments against racial reparations.

Yes, I imagine Uncle Thomas saying, "By Golly, you are right, I am genetically inferior... I need to quit my job right now."

Here's the thing. While racism is at the core of the GOP philosophy of tricking STUPID white people into voting against their own economic interests, not a one of them would touch Murray or the other racists. There's a reason why they had to use Asians as cutouts in their Harvard lawsuit.

You are also committing the guilt by association fallacy. In this case the guilt by association fallacy would go this way, "Because the Nazis were heriditarians, all heriditarian books should be banned."

Um, pretty much. They're scientific garbage, just as much as Mein Kampf was. We've been through all of this before, man. Genetics isn't destiny. If it were, you wouldn't be the sad failure you are.

I do not even think Mein Kampf should be banned. I have read it. I still admire Jews, respect Judaism, and love Israel.
Yes, now they are acting as shitty as all the other white people. That's nothing to be proud of. How is what Israel is doing to the Palestinians any different from what the Nazis did to them?

You've got to stop thinking about Jamal all the time. I am sure he is not thinking about you. If you are still on speaking terms with him after he left you for a younger, prettier man with a bigger penis, ask him if he knows who his father is. When he tells you he does not, ask is mother. I doubt she knows either. Don't tell Jamal's mother that her son is on the down low. Negroes are frequently intolerant of homosexuals.

Guy, we might be on to something here. Your strange homoerotic fantasies about Jamal, I'm guessing you hit on him and found out he didn't swing that way.
Hey, the Nazis made what they were doing seem perfectly reasonable at first, too. Then the camps were liberated. My dad had nightmares for the rest of his life.
The Nazi effort to exterminate the most accomplished race in existence does not justify preventing the documenting and publishing of unflattering facts about the Negro race. You think it is acceptable to suppress opinions you do not like. So did the Nazis. I do not think it is acceptable.

Insults, name calling, and threats of force and violence are all anti racists have. Hereditarians and race realists have facts.
Here's the thing. While racism is at the core of the GOP philosophy of tricking STUPID white people into voting against their own economic interests, not a one of them would touch Murray or the other racists. There's a reason why they had to use Asians as cutouts in their Harvard lawsuit.
It was clever for opponents of affirmative action to use Orientals, and successful. I am delighted with it. Now the Supreme Court needs to rule against affirmative action in hiring.

Admitting unqualified Negroes only harms the universities that do it. Forcing government agencies and companies to hire unqualified Negroes harms organizations that need to perform well.
Guy, we might be on to something here. Your strange homoerotic fantasies about Jamal, I'm guessing you hit on him and found out he didn't swing that way.
You are the one who keeps entering Jamal into the discussion. I am not. Have you asked him who his father is yet?
The Israelis are not gassing Palestinians and cremating them. Ask me something difficult next time.
It’s absolutely disgusting that that antisemite compares Israelis defending themselves against Palestinians who want to see them wiped out to Nazis who collected Jews, transported them via suffocating cattle cars with no water, and then promptly marched them into gas chambers for extermination.

You are a smart guy, so you probably know this, but the reason for the Antisemites on the Left is due to their hatred and resentment of successful people - particularly when it is a minority group that has overcome repeated persecution, expulsions, and murder. It kills their narrative that failure can be explained (or excused) due to bigotry.
The Nazi effort to exterminate the most accomplished race in existence does not justify preventing the documenting and publishing of unflattering facts about the Negro race. You think it is acceptable to suppress opinions you do not like. So did the Nazis. I do not think it is acceptable.

Uh, actually, read some Nazi propaganda from the time. They classified Jews as a subhuman race just like you a Frau Lisa do. There is no difference.

Getting rid of books that present false information is a good thing. let's get real, there are thousands of books that are rejected today because they are garbage.

It was clever for opponents of affirmative action to use Orientals, and successful. I am delighted with it. Now the Supreme Court needs to rule against affirmative action in hiring.

Actually, it was kind of repulsive, but the colleges and companies will just find other ways to achieve diversity. Big corporations are all in on diversity. Just check out the commercial lineup... nothing but people of color.

Admitting unqualified Negroes only harms the universities that do it. Forcing government agencies and companies to hire unqualified Negroes harms organizations that need to perform well.

Bullshit. Going to tell you an ugly little secret about corporate hiring. The guy who gets the job is the guy who hired the best resume writer. It has nothing to do with merit at all.

The Israelis are not gassing Palestinians and cremating them. Ask me something difficult next time.

No, they are bombing hospitals and schools... that's kind of actually worse.

You are the one who keeps entering Jamal into the discussion.
I know, he must have done something awful to you for you to carry around this much hate, man. I mean it's one thing to be a bigot, we have way too many of them on USMB. It's another to put a ridiculous amount of effort into it to the point where the other bigots are probably embarrassed by you.
It’s absolutely disgusting that that antisemite compares Israelis defending themselves against Palestinians who want to see them wiped out to Nazis who collected Jews, transported them via suffocating cattle cars with no water, and then promptly marched them into gas chambers for extermination.

and the Zionists force the Palestinians into camps, deprive them of water (it's a desert, water is really a big deal), take their land to build houses on, etc.

The Zionists are not "Defending themselves", they took someone else's land. Land they simply did not give a flying leap about before WWII, when none of them wanted to move there even after the British offered.

You are a smart guy, so you probably know this, but the reason for the Antisemites on the Left is due to their hatred and resentment of successful people - particularly when it is a minority group that has overcome repeated persecution, expulsions, and murder. It kills their narrative that failure can be explained (or excused) due to bigotry.

Actually, its more like support of the Zionist Entity really doesn't fit with the general liberal ideals of self-determination, and treating people with equality.

Point is- the Palestinians are treated like second class citizens in their own country. Full stop. Just like the Afrikaners did to the tribes of South Africa, just like the racists of the south did to the blacks, just like the Chinese are doing to their ethnic minorities, just like the Nazis did to the Jews.

Either you stand with the notion that all people are created equal and are deserving of human rights, or you don't
Uh, actually, read some Nazi propaganda from the time. They classified Jews as a subhuman race just like you a Frau Lisa do. There is no difference.

Getting rid of books that present false information is a good thing. let's get real, there are thousands of books that are rejected today because they are garbage.

Actually, it was kind of repulsive, but the colleges and companies will just find other ways to achieve diversity. Big corporations are all in on diversity. Just check out the commercial lineup... nothing but people of color.

Bullshit. Going to tell you an ugly little secret about corporate hiring. The guy who gets the job is the guy who hired the best resume writer. It has nothing to do with merit at all.

No, they are bombing hospitals and schools... that's kind of actually worse.

I know, he must have done something awful to you for you to carry around this much hate, man. I mean it's one thing to be a bigot, we have way too many of them on USMB. It's another to put a ridiculous amount of effort into it to the point where the other bigots are probably embarrassed by you.
The Israelis go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties. If you are hoping to blame someone, blame the terrorists who hide their rocket launchers in schools and hospitals.
The Israelis go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties. If you are hoping to blame someone, blame the terrorists who hide their rocket launchers in schools and hospitals.

No, they don't.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

You Wingnuts absolutely lose your shit because some Mexicans illegally move here and agree to do the shittiest jobs we have.

The Palestinians not only had to deal with the Zionists Squatters illegally moving to their country, but taking their land, confining them to undesirable spots of it, and bombing them when they fight back.
No, they don't.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

You Wingnuts absolutely lose your shit because some Mexicans illegally move here and agree to do the shittiest jobs we have.

The Palestinians not only had to deal with the Zionists Squatters illegally moving to their country, but taking their land, confining them to undesirable spots of it, and bombing them when they fight back.
The Israelis announce their strikes to allow civilians time to evacuate. I believe they also use low powered “door knocker munitions” to alert residents before the actual strike.
Uh, actually, read some Nazi propaganda from the time. They classified Jews as a subhuman race just like you a Frau Lisa do. There is no difference.
Mein Kampf, Volume I, by Adolf Hitler

Chapter II, Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna:

"While thus examining the working of the Jewish race over long periods of history, the anxious question suddenly occurred to me whether perhaps inscrutable Destiny, for reasons unknown to us poor mortals, had not unalterable decreed the final victory of this little race?"

Chapter XI, Nation and Race:

"Also the intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is looked upon as 'clever,' and in a certain sense he has been so at all times."
Mein Kampf, Volume I, by Adolf Hitler

Chapter II, Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna:

"While thus examining the working of the Jewish race over long periods of history, the anxious question suddenly occurred to me whether perhaps inscrutable Destiny, for reasons unknown to us poor mortals, had not unalterable decreed the final victory of this little race?"

Chapter XI, Nation and Race:

"Also the intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is looked upon as 'clever,' and in a certain sense he has been so at all times."

You are selecting out two lines in a flood of anti-Jewish propaganda that portrayed them as inferior.

Again, Nazi Attitudes towards Jews are no different than your attitudes about Blacks.
It was clever for opponents of affirmative action to use Orientals, and successful. I am delighted with it. Now the Supreme Court needs to rule against affirmative action in hiring.

Admitting unqualified Negroes only harms the universities that do it. Forcing government agencies and companies to hire unqualified Negroes harms organizations that need to perform well.
Well, at least you admit the Asians were being used.

Admitting ANYONE who is unqualified is harmful, but there is no evidence they admitted unqualified students on a regular basis. Nor that those hired were routinely unqualified because of race.
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The Nazi effort to exterminate the most accomplished race in existence does not justify preventing the documenting and publishing of unflattering facts about the Negro race. You think it is acceptable to suppress opinions you do not like. So did the Nazis. I do not think it is acceptable.

Insults, name calling, and threats of force and violence are all anti racists have. Hereditarians and race realists have facts.

You have been routinely insulting Blacks.

Threats of force…violence? You support eugenics.

Race realism is just a rebranding of plain old racism, trying to make it intellectual. Bovine fecal material is still bullshit at the end of the day.
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Getting rid of books that present false information is a good thing. let's get real, there are thousands of books that are rejected today because they are garbage.
Charles Murray's books are well written, well documented, well reasoned, and they sell well. They have been denounced, but never disproved.
and the Zionists force the Palestinians into camps, deprive them of water (it's a desert, water is really a big deal), take their land to build houses on, etc.

The Zionists are not "Defending themselves", they took someone else's land. Land they simply did not give a flying leap about before WWII, when none of them wanted to move there even after the British offered.
Initially the Zionists did not take land in Israel. They bought it from Turkish landlords. The Zionists did not take land until they were attacked. At that point the land they conquered was the legitimate spoils of just wars.

The accomplishments of the Children of Israel are enormous. What have we heard from the Palestinians for two thousand years but dead silence?
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