Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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We will certainly need people with high IQ's. We will not need people with IQ's below 80, where one fourth of the population of American Negroes are.
Gee, what happens if someone decides you aren't racially pure or intelligent enough, Adolf?

We’ll still need people to drive garbage trucks and stuff like that, don’t you think?
Shhhh... he's building his master race.
Gee, what happens if someone decides you aren't racially pure or intelligent enough, Adolf?
What matters is not race. What matters is IQ. Orientals tend to b e more intelligent than white Gentiles. Ashkenazi Jews tend to be even more intelligent.

Your crude name calling demonstrates that you have nothing valuable to contribute to this conversation. The Nazi effort to annihilate the most superior race in existence does not mean that there are no inferior races. Even inferior races have superior individuals.
What matters is not race. What matters is IQ. Orientals tend to b e more intelligent than white Gentiles. Ashkenazi Jews tend to be even more intelligent.

Except I've met some very smart Blacks and some really dumb Jews and Asians.

Also, what's your focus on the Ashkenazim? Are you discounting the Sephardim? That seems awfully selective? Not white enough for you?

Your crude name calling demonstrates that you have nothing valuable to contribute to this conversation. The Nazi effort to annihilate the most superior race in existence does not mean that there are no inferior races. Even inferior races have superior individuals.

Hey, Adolf, the Nazis believe the same thing. The Germans were the Master Race. Germany gave the world philosophy, music, science, etc. So please don't try to pretend their crackpot beliefs were somehow worse than your crackpot beliefs.

Most of Europe's Jews lived in slums. A few rich ones out there took advantage, earned the ire of a Europe that learned to love Fascism (not just Germany, sadly), and got the hell out of dodge before the shit hit the fan. The poor ones got were slaughtered. In your deluded mind, this would constitute "Natural Selection", but I see it as a tragedy to be avoided again at all costs.

The master race already exists. It is the Ashkenazim.

Not really, Adolf. Look, man, you and Lisa should go on a date, but I only say that because I think you are both too old to breed.

We will not need nearly as many.

Actually, the real problem is, white people don't want to do this kind of work anymore, regardless. The reason why white people will inevitably become a minority is because they kept bringing in third world people to do the nasty work. Then again, the Anglos were eventually outnumbered by the White Ethnics, who are now considered "White enough", I suppose. Will Asians and Hispanics eventually be "White Enough". Maybe. I hope they don't fall for it, though.

The one thing I learned is that more often than not, the Gay Hispanic Woman is pretty much in the same boat I'm in, so the GOP playing these racial, religious, and sexual divides is to keep us from paying attention to what the rich are doing to all of us.
The Orientals are not being used. They are advancing their interests by eliminating affirmative action in university admissions. Orientals will benefit from the Supreme Court decision, because more of them will be admitted to the best colleges and universities. They have received allies in what has been a just cause.
Is that all you think Blacks are good for?
What makes you think blacks? Hector was saying that there will be no use for jobs for people with low IQs, and that would include Whites of course.

Strange how you think the only people with low IQs are black.

P.S. The crew driving tjr garbage trucks in my neighborhood are White. I always say hello when I see them.
What makes you think blacks? Hector was saying that there will be no use for jobs for people with low IQs, and that would include Whites of course.

Strange how you think the only people with low IQs are black.

P.S. The crew driving tjr garbage trucks in my neighborhood are White. I always say hello when I see them.
Hector made a point specifying “negros” (no other race). You replied to that. Did you not read what he said?
This silly thread about White legacy admits to Ivy League schools is still going? How hard is it to understand that the vast majority of alumni at these schools are White? Thirty years from now that won't be the case because DUH the alumni will be more diverse.
You know…there are other Jews as well. Even Black and Asian Jews.
Of course. Any one of any race can convert to Judaism, although the process is more lengthy than converting to Christianity or Islam.

Judaism is both a religion and a race. An Ashkenazi Jew can be an atheist. I think it is unfortunate that many, like Woody Allen, are.

Ashkenazi Jews have DNA pointers that connect them to Old Testament Israelites. Since Old Testament times they have picked up gene alleles from the populations they have lived with, but they are still racially distinct, and they can also be identified by appearance.
Hector made a point specifying “negros” (no other race). You replied to that. Did you not read what he said?
I thought his point was that there will be few jobs for people with low IQs, and that would apply to people no matter what their race. I imagine Hector would agree.

Granted, I’m following a lot of threads and might be misinterpreting it.
Of course. Any one of any race can convert to Judaism, although the process is more lengthy than converting to Christianity or Islam.

Judaism is both a religion and a race. An Ashkenazi Jew can be an atheist. I think it is unfortunate that many, like Woody Allen, are.

Ashkenazi Jews have DNA pointers that connect them to Old Testament Israelites. Since Old Testament times they have picked up gene alleles from the populations they have lived with, but they are still racially distinct, and they can also be identified by appearance.
I‘ve always considered Judaism more than a religion but less than a race. We refer to ourselves as a “people.”

This is nothing more than a black effort to discredit an effort by east Asians to advance the interests of east Asians.

Everything that separates non cosmetic characteristics of Negroes, on the average, from whites, is even more true for Orientals. Orientals tend to be more intelligent, and less prone to crime and illegitimacy than whites, and of course, much less so than Negroes.

Consequently, Orientals have political interests more similar to those of whites than those of Negroes.

The reason most Orientals vote Democrat, as I do myself, is because many white Republicans do not think Orientals belong in the United States. I think Orientals certainly do belong. I would like for more of them to move here, just as I would like for more Jews to move here. We need their intelligence, and their common decency.
I thought his point was that there will be few jobs for people with low IQs, and that would apply to people no matter what their race. I imagine Hector would agree.

Granted, I’m following a lot of threads and might be misinterpreting it.
No, you are interpreting just exactly what I believe.
Of course. Any one of any race can convert to Judaism, although the process is more lengthy than converting to Christianity or Islam.

Judaism is both a religion and a race. An Ashkenazi Jew can be an atheist. I think it is unfortunate that many, like Woody Allen, are.

Um, no, it's a religion and a culture. You take a Jewish baby, have it raised by Goyim, it will never know what it was. (And in fact, a lot of babies were saved from the Holocaust this way.)

Ashkenazi Jews have DNA pointers that connect them to Old Testament Israelites. Since Old Testament times they have picked up gene alleles from the populations they have lived with, but they are still racially distinct, and they can also be identified by appearance.

Hey, I had a talk with a Mormon who told me once that there were DNA markers that connect Amerindians to the Hebrews. That was utter nonsense as well.
Some central Europeans adopted a religion. That's about it. It will be a happy day when the whole of humanity outgrows the need for religion, but we aren't there yet.

This is nothing more than a black effort to discredit an effort by east Asians to advance the interests of east Asians.
I listened to the first few minutes... um, yeah, some of it was a bit silly, like Japan's alliance with Germany. (Ironically, some in Germany wanted to ally with China, because Chiang's Nationalists had more in common with the Nazis ideologically than the Parliamentary Japanese.

Everything that separates non cosmetic characteristics of Negroes, on the average, from whites, is even more true for Orientals. Orientals tend to be more intelligent, and less prone to crime and illegitimacy than whites, and of course, much less so than Negroes.

Consequently, Orientals have political interests more similar to those of whites than those of Negroes.

Not really. Frankly, most white people are kind of stupid. They keep voting Republicans, and if you aren't making mid six-figures, you really have no business voting Republican. But Republicans have gotten very good playing on the racial, religious and sexual fears of stupid white people. Even they would be horrified by your open racism, though.

The reason most Orientals vote Democrat, as I do myself, is because many white Republicans do not think Orientals belong in the United States. I think Orientals certainly do belong. I would like for more of them to move here, just as I would like for more Jews to move here. We need their intelligence, and their common decency.

Having worked for Jews, I've seen enough of their "Common Decency", thanks.
I thought his point was that there will be few jobs for people with low IQs, and that would apply to people no matter what their race. I imagine Hector would agree.

Granted, I’m following a lot of threads and might be misinterpreting it.
Lisa, he only talks about this in relation to the ”negro race”.
Of course. Any one of any race can convert to Judaism, although the process is more lengthy than converting to Christianity or Islam.

Judaism is both a religion and a race. An Ashkenazi Jew can be an atheist. I think it is unfortunate that many, like Woody Allen, are.

Ashkenazi Jews have DNA pointers that connect them to Old Testament Israelites. Since Old Testament times they have picked up gene alleles from the populations they have lived with, but they are still racially distinct, and they can also be identified by appearance.
Jews are not a race. They are a religion and ethnic group.

Why the constant separating out of Ashkanazi from the other Jewish groups as it’s own “race”?

This is weird frankly.
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