Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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This is nothing more than a black effort to discredit an effort by east Asians to advance the interests of east Asians.

Everything that separates non cosmetic characteristics of Negroes, on the average, from whites, is even more true for Orientals. Orientals tend to be more intelligent, and less prone to crime and illegitimacy than whites, and of course, much less so than Negroes.

Consequently, Orientals have political interests more similar to those of whites than those of Negroes.

The reason most Orientals vote Democrat, as I do myself, is because many white Republicans do not think Orientals belong in the United States. I think Orientals certainly do belong. I would like for more of them to move here, just as I would like for more Jews to move here. We need their intelligence, and their common decency.
People from (or of the heritage of) Asia are ASIAN.
Jews are not a race. They are a religion and ethnic group.

Why the constant separating out of Ashkanazi from the other Jewish groups as it’s own “race”?

This is weird frankly.

Just an obvious attempt at justifying the idea of racism in general.
People from (or of the heritage of) Asia are ASIAN.
If they are Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, or Vietnamese. I call them "Orientals," and I will continue to do so. :cool:

"Oriental" is not a term of derogation. I like and admire Orientals. :)
Jews are not a race. They are a religion and ethnic group.

Why the constant separating out of Ashkanazi from the other Jewish groups as it’s own “race”?

This is weird frankly.
Ashkenazi Jews have average IQ's of 115. As intelligence becomes more important to our technology we will need more of them.
Lisa, he only talks about this in relation to the ”negro race”.
No, he just said that my interpretation was correct. His point could well be that blacks will be more impacted by the loss of unskilled jobs since, on average, their IQ is a little lower, but it would apply to below-average intelligent whites as well.
Jews are not a race. They are a religion and ethnic group.

Why the constant separating out of Ashkanazi from the other Jewish groups as it’s own “race”?

This is weird frankly.
Ashkenazi are a distinct subgroup - the largest - among all Jews, and they do indeed have distinct traits. Tay Sachs is one example, retinal disease another, and high average IQ is another.
Not really. Frankly, most white people are kind of stupid. They keep voting Republicans, and if you aren't making mid six-figures, you really have no business voting Republican. But Republicans have gotten very good playing on the racial, religious and sexual fears of stupid white people. Even they would be horrified by your open racism, though.
A white working class that is a Republican constituency is a bizarre anomaly for which the Democrat Party is responsible. During the late 1960's, when black ghetto riots were threatening white working class neighborhoods Democrat leaders, who lived in upscale neighborhoods where housing prices kept Negroes out, told white workers, "The real problem is not black crime; it is white - that is your - racism."

In other words, black criminals were not responsible for all the crimes they committed. Whites were forcing black criminals to commit all those crimes.

In addition to that, Democrat leaders passed open housing legislation that enabled blacks to move into white working class neighborhoods and turn them into asphalt jungles of crime and moral depravity.
If they are Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, or Vietnamese. I call them "Orientals," and I will continue to do so. :cool:

"Oriental" is not a term of derogation. I like and admire Orientals.

I have lived with Jews, gone to school with Jews, and worked with Jews. That is part of the reason I admire them.
I've worked for them and gone to college with them... and found them to be largely insufferable. Which is what happens when you tell yourself that you are God's Special People.

I've worked for them and gone to college with them... and found them to be largely insufferable. Which is what happens when you tell yourself that you are God's Special People.
Ashkenazi Jews are the most superior race in existence. They deserve the best we have to over.
A white working class that is a Republican constituency is a bizarre anomaly for which the Democrat Party is responsible. During the late 1960's, when black ghetto riots were threatening white working class neighborhoods Democrat leaders, who lived in upscale neighborhoods where housing prices kept Negroes out, told white workers, "The real problem is not black crime; it is white - that is your - racism."

This is kind of correct... but also wrong. White racism really was a problem. The only reason why the White Working Class ever got out of the slums most of them lived in in the 1920's was because Democrats GAVE Them a middle class. Blacks were not allowed to go along for the right. Germans, Italians, Jews, Poles, Catholics who were at the ire of the KKK and similar groups were now considered "White Enough". Not surprisingly, at the same time, the crime in those groups dropped, so the various criminal gangs (mostly white) that emerged as a result of prohibition declined as well. (Or in the case of the Italian Mob, became more affluent.)

In other words, black criminals were not responsible for all the crimes they committed. Whites were forcing black criminals to commit all those crimes.

In addition to that, Democrat leaders passed open housing legislation that enabled blacks to move into white working class neighborhoods and turn them into asphalt jungles of crime and moral depravity.

Wow, man, what the fuck happened to you that you think that's what happened.

I mean, I have to ask, truly, that no one has this level of hate unless they've been wronged.
Ashkenazi Jews are the most superior race in existence. They deserve the best we have to over.

Well, they are always trying to "put one over".
The problem isn't that they were smarter, it was that they just found themselves in a certain place in the ecosystem. For instance, during the Middle Ages, it was considered a sin to charge interest on a loan (usury). But the Jews didn't believe in Jesus so they could charge interest. (It's a key plot point in the Merchant of Venice.)
This is kind of correct... but also wrong. White racism really was a problem. The only reason why the White Working Class ever got out of the slums most of them lived in in the 1920's was because Democrats GAVE Them a middle class. Blacks were not allowed to go along for the right. Germans, Italians, Jews, Poles, Catholics who were at the ire of the KKK and similar groups were now considered "White Enough". Not surprisingly, at the same time, the crime in those groups dropped, so the various criminal gangs (mostly white) that emerged as a result of prohibition declined as well. (Or in the case of the Italian Mob, became more affluent.)

Poor whites and poor blacks usually respond differently to efforts by the government to help them. The New Deal during the 1930's transformed unemployed whites into a stable, law abiding, tax paying working class.

The Great Society during the 1960's transformed low income blacks into an unemployable underclass of welfare recipients who often supplement their welfare checks with the gains of criminal activity.

From 1966 to 1975 there was the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). This encouraged low income blacks to quit their jobs and go on welfare.

Wow, man, what the fuck happened to you that you think that's what happened.

I mean, I have to ask, truly, that no one has this level of hate unless they've been wronged.
You have expressed hatred on the U.S. Message Board, not me. I love facts that can be documented. You want to suppress those facts, because you fear what will happen if they become widely known and acted on.
You have expressed hatred on the U.S. Message Board, not me. I love facts that can be documented. You want to suppress those facts, because you fear what will happen if they become widely known and acted on.
IKR? He spews venom against Jews with every post, and then asks YOU why you’re so hateful.
Poor whites and poor blacks usually respond differently to efforts by the government to help them. The New Deal during the 1930's transformed unemployed whites into a stable, law abiding, tax paying working class.

The Great Society during the 1960's transformed low income blacks into an unemployable underclass of welfare recipients who often supplement their welfare checks with the gains of criminal activity.

First, wrong. it created a black middle class.


From 1966 to 1975 there was the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). This encouraged low income blacks to quit their jobs and go on welfare.

And it only lasted 9 years before everyone realized that was a terrible idea. Kind of like Eugenics. Every bad idea has its day.

You have expressed hatred on the U.S. Message Board, not me. I love facts that can be documented. You want to suppress those facts, because you fear what will happen if they become widely known and acted on.

We've already seen the kind of results when your kind of repulsive hate is "acted on", Adolf. It results in people being turned into lampshades and bars of soap.

This silly thread about White legacy admits to Ivy League schools is still going? How hard is it to understand that the vast majority of alumni at these schools are White? Thirty years from now that won't be the case because DUH the alumni will be more diverse.
Or will it?
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