Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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Jews are no different than any other group. Some are good, some are bad, some are just nuts. Your pandering is pretty transparent as is your trafficking in stereotypes.
Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true. There is no stereotype of a fat Chinese woman on welfare with five illegitimate children by five different men. There is no stereotype of a stupid, lazy Jewish man with several felony convictions and several illegitimate children he does nothing to support.
And you refuse to condemn blatant antisemitism. You skip right over JoeB’s repeated Jew-hating posts in this thread and zoom in on Hector because he says something you perceive as bigoted against blacks.

What JoeB has said about Jews, over and over again, is MUCH worse than what Hector has said about blacks. But you simply cannot bring yourself to target in on Joe’s Jew-hate because you seem to agree with them.

Jews are hated by those who resent their intelligence, their success, and their prosperity. No one hates Negroes for those reasons.
I seem to recall you saying something like Hitler’s only mistake was in targeting Jews.
I am pretty sure I never said that. I do think Hitler had valid insights into human nature and social psychology, but I disapprove of his behavior.
Jews are hated by those who resent their intelligence, their success, and their prosperity. No one hates Negroes for those reasons.
I find it very telling that she skips over JoeB’s antisemitic rants without a word, and zooms in only on posts she feels are anti-black. Even when asked to condemn the Jew-hate, she can’t.
And you refuse to condemn blatant antisemitism. You skip right over JoeB’s repeated Jew-hating posts in this thread and zoom in on Hector because he says something you perceive as bigoted against blacks.

What JoeB has said about Jews, over and over again, is MUCH worse than what Hector has said about blacks. But you simply cannot bring yourself to target in on Joe’s Jew-hate because you seem to agree with them.
So…all this and you still can’t set the example you demand of others?

I suspect the reason you think JoeB is so much worse is that you agree with Hector. Note: most of JoeB’s posts in here have nothing to do with Jews nor does this thread; but most of Hector’s posts involve (however politely couched) a denigration of Blacks as a race.

He even thinks eugenics is a good thing (though he bizarrely characterizes it as a favor to “negros” who will find themselves to cognitively deficient to handle the jobs of the future.

The problems with IQ tests as a measure of racial or permanent intelligence is pretty much debunked. Why do you continue to use it as a metric?
I find it very telling that she skips over JoeB’s antisemitic rants without a word, and zooms in only on posts she feels are anti-black. Even when asked to condemn the Jew-hate, she can’t.
What is the thread topic?
Because JoeB131's opinions are based exclusively on hate he cannot perceive someone like me whose opinions are based on facts that can be documented.

Again, your racist crap was debunked 50 years ago.

You use atheism to rationalize your bad behavior, or at least what you want to do. You accuse me of being a Nazi sympathizer, but it is you, rather than I, who long for the censorship and thought control that characterized the Nazi time in Germany.

Not at all.

Free speech is not an absolute. If I go into a crowded theater and yell "FIRE", and people are trampled to death, I can be held accountable. If stand up on an airplane and start talking about hijacking, I can be arrested.

We live in an information age that has turned into a mis-information age, where any mutant with a keyboard in his mother's basement can dig up any garbage and spread it around. The consequences are much worse. We saw that with anti-vaxxers, who have killed a lot of people merely by spreading ignorance.

We need to start treating racist hate groups like the terrorist groups that they are.

The rest of the Jews have the same IQ averages as white Gentiles. They still tend to be quite a bit more intelligent than most Negroes.

Out of curiosity, how is this measured? I am 61 years old, I've never taken an IQ test (at least as an adult). Neither have most people, I would imagine.

If there is an IQ gap between the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim, it's because the Ashkenazim are a white, first world people with access to first world privileges. If blacks are behind in average IQ scores, it's because they've been hit with 400 years of economic and cultural oppression meant to keep them down.
Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true. There is no stereotype of a fat Chinese woman on welfare with five illegitimate children by five different men. There is no stereotype of a stupid, lazy Jewish man with several felony convictions and several illegitimate children he does nothing to support.
Oh? You might want to rethink that.

Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true. There is no stereotype of a fat Chinese woman on welfare with five illegitimate children by five different men. There is no stereotype of a stupid, lazy Jewish man with several felony convictions and several illegitimate children he does nothing to support.
Oh? You might want to rethink that.

Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true. There is no stereotype of a fat Chinese woman on welfare with five illegitimate children by five different men. There is no stereotype of a stupid, lazy Jewish man with several felony convictions and several illegitimate children he does nothing to support.

No, there is the stereotype of the Chinese woman who works in the Happy Ending Massage Parlor and eats cats. There is the stereotype of the money-grubbing Jewish man who cheats his customers. It's easy to find negative stereotypes.

Jews are hated by those who resent their intelligence, their success, and their prosperity. No one hates Negroes for those reasons.

Most people who hate Jews (I mean, other than the Palestinians, who hate them because they stole their land) hate them because of their business practices of cheating their customers and employees. Is it fair? Not entirely. It takes one jerk to give everyone a bad name.

I am pretty sure I never said that. I do think Hitler had valid insights into human nature and social psychology, but I disapprove of his behavior.

Wow, really?
So…all this and you still can’t set the example you demand of others?

I suspect the reason you think JoeB is so much worse is that you agree with Hector. Note: most of JoeB’s posts in here have nothing to do with Jews nor does this thread; but most of Hector’s posts involve (however politely couched) a denigration of Blacks as a race.

He even thinks eugenics is a good thing (though he bizarrely characterizes it as a favor to “negros” who will find themselves to cognitively deficient to handle the jobs of the future.

The problems with IQ tests as a measure of racial or permanent intelligence is pretty much debunked. Why do you continue to use it as a metric?y
The fact remains that you skip right over antisemitic posts and focus solely on posts you consider racist. And who cares that most of what Joe says isn’t related to Jews - what he DOES say is pure hatred and contempt.

And all you do is downplay it. You refuse to condemn it, even when asked, and then complain when I don’t condemn what you think are racist posts. Your double standards couldn’t be more blatant.
Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true. There is no stereotype of a fat Chinese woman on welfare with five illegitimate children by five different men. There is no stereotype of a stupid, lazy Jewish man with several felony convictions and several illegitimate children he does nothing to support.
Oh? You might want to rethink that.

Most people who hate Jews (I mean, other than the Palestinians, who hate them because they stole their land) hate them because of their business practices of cheating their customers and employees. Is it fair? Not entirely. It takes one jerk to give everyone a bad name.
Jews do not get rich by dishonest business practices. They get rich because of well educated, high grade intelligence.

Jews did not take land from the Palestinians. They took it back from the Palestinians, who were squatters.

The Jews took over a third world dump and turned into an oasis of civilization in the middle of a vast desert of primitive and terrifying barbarism.
The fact remains that you skip right over antisemitic posts and focus solely on posts you consider racist. And who cares that most of what Joe says isn’t related to Jews - what he DOES say is pure hatred and contempt.

And all you do is downplay it. You refuse to condemn it, even when asked, and then complain when I don’t condemn what you think are racist posts. Your double standards couldn’t be more blatant.
I don’t complain if you don’t condemn racist posts. I don’t care. But if you are going to DEMAND others condemn things, then please set an example yourself first.
The fact remains that you skip right over antisemitic posts and focus solely on posts you consider racist. And who cares that most of what Joe says isn’t related to Jews - what he DOES say is pure hatred and contempt.

And all you do is downplay it. You refuse to condemn it, even when asked, and then complain when I don’t condemn what you think are racist posts. Your double standards couldn’t be more blatant.

Religion isn't race.
Religion is a choice.
Religion guides moral standards.

I haven't stepped foot in a Catholic Church in 40 years... But I am still very much molded by the Catholic Value system I grew up with.

My gripe with you isn't who you are, it's what you choose to believe.
Oh? You might want to rethink that.

Anti Oriental and anti Jewish stereotypes are rationalizations of the resentment some people feel for them because of their intelligence, their success, and their prosperity.
Jews do not get rich by dishonest business practices. They get rich because of well educated, high grade intelligence.
Greed isn't an honest business practice.

Jews did not take land from the Palestinians. They took it back from the Palestinians, who were squatters.

So, um, I'm sure when the Nazis took over Jewish l and, they said the same thing. We're just "Taking back what is ours". Do you not see how fucked up that is?
The Palestinians lived in Palestine for over 1000 years. They have a better claim to Palestine than most white people have to America.

The Jews took over a third world dump and turned into an oasis of civilization in the middle of a vast desert of primitive and terrifying barbarism.

Um, except there were already people living there.

The fundamental LIE of Zionism is "A land without a people for a people without a land."
Most people who hate Jews (I mean, other than the Palestinians, who hate them because they stole their land) hate them because of their business practices of cheating their customers and employees. Is it fair? Not entirely. It takes one jerk to give everyone a bad name.
But, like the Black thug stereotype, it’s also largely untrue, but people believe it.
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