Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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This is nothing more than a black effort to discredit an effort by east Asians to advance the interests of east Asians.

Everything that separates non cosmetic characteristics of Negroes, on the average, from whites, is even more true for Orientals. Orientals tend to be more intelligent, and less prone to crime and illegitimacy than whites, and of course, much less so than Negroes.

Consequently, Orientals have political interests more similar to those of whites than those of Negroes.

The reason most Orientals vote Democrat, as I do myself, is because many white Republicans do not think Orientals belong in the United States. I think Orientals certainly do belong. I would like for more of them to move here, just as I would like for more Jews to move here. We need their intelligence, and their common decency.
Jews are no different than any other group. Some are good, some are bad, some are just nuts. Your pandering is pretty transparent as is your trafficking in stereotypes.
Ashkenazi Jews have average IQ's of 115. As intelligence becomes more important to our technology we will need more of them.
Again. You make it sound the rest of the Jews are subordinate. It is just weird.
Again. You make it sound the rest of the Jews are subordinate. It is just weird.
So you’re criticizing him for saying positive things about Jews, but not a word to JoeB who has been spewing his antisemitism with every single post.

Ashkenazi Jews do indeed have specific attributes not found among other Jews, as I’ve pointed out. Just on physical traits alone, Ashkenazim are more likely to get breast cancer and have retinal detachments, just to name a couple.
No, he just said that my interpretation was correct. His point could well be that blacks will be more impacted by the loss of unskilled jobs since, on average, their IQ is a little lower, but it would apply to below-average intelligent whites as well.
So you and he both believe that as a race they are less intelligent than other races? He inserts his opinions of inferior “Negro” intelligence as a racial characteristic in a lot of his posts. Don’t you see what that is? Or are you ok with it?
So you’re criticizing him for saying positive things about Jews, but not a word to JoeB who has been spewing his antisemitism with every single post.

Not all. I find it WEIRD the way he constantly separates out one ethnic faction of all the Jewish people. Only Ashkanazi.

What happened to the others?

So you and he both believe that as a race they are less intelligent than other races? He inserts his opinions of inferior “Negro” intelligence as a racial characteristic in a lot of his posts. Don’t you see what that is? Or are you ok with it?
So no words of condemnation for JoeB, who spews antisemitism with every post? Just target in on Hector for what he says about blacks?
You have expressed hatred on the U.S. Message Board, not me. I love facts that can be documented. You want to suppress those facts, because you fear what will happen if they become widely known and acted on.
Even hatred can be couched in a velvet glove.
So no words of condemnation for JoeB, who spews antisemitism with every post? Just target in on Hector for what he says about blacks?
Too funny. First, you need to set example before vilifying others for not attacking those you want them to. Your “example” is non-existent since you not only refuse to condemn blatent racism in a thread a thread about racism, but you seem to agree with the canards themselves as Hector presents them.
The fallacy of race and IQ…or more accurately, the misuse of IQ tests. Racists like to latch on to IQ test scores, making sweeping generalities, because it seemingly supports their claims of “race superiority” (also known as racism) as long as you don’t dig below the surface.

Yes. there are differences in measured IQ between various ‘races’. But what if anything do these differences mean? One cannot accurately and meaningfully compare scores of people with differing experiences health status and educational opportunities ( see the answer to the question Why is African IQ so low compared to Asians and whites? below).” If IQ tests are being used to compare individuals of wildly different backgrounds, then the variable of innate intelligence is not being tested in isolation. Instead, the scores will reflect some impossible-to-sort-out combination of ability and differences in opportunities and motivations,” writes Brink Lindsey. Moreover, IQ is not a measure of inherited, permanent, unvarying intellectual potential. Although it is often discussed as if it is. It does measure, albeit imperfectly, how well one has mastered certain intellectual skills such as literacy and the ability to analyze and use basic math. People who do this less well than others may have intellectual deficits or they may be suffering from poor educational exposure, trauma, poisoning or even from poverty. So IQ is a useful metric for perceiving such limitations, but NOT for discerning that one has a genetic or permanent intellectual decrease: unfortunately it is routinely interpreted in this manner to claim the innately lower intelligence of dark-skinned people.

In evaluating the claims by hereditarians with known racist ties of higher white and Asian IQ, we must be mindful of a tendency called the ‘Pygmalion effect’ The high intellectual achievement and IQs of whites and Asians may owe something to this. In a classic 1960 experiment, California teachers were informed that as a result ofIQ test scores, certain students of theirs were found to be “special,” with prodigious potential and the expectation of intellectual greatness. Accordingly, the grades of the children labeled “special” improved dramatically, and, when tested a year later, half of their IQ scores had risen by 20 points. In fact, these children had been chosen at random, and the improvements in their scores served to demonstrate the outsize role that teachers’ expectations can play in a student’s academic success.

Also, in 2005 we saw an example of this effect when Broward County Department of Education which had formerly assigned children to normal, remedial or gifted classrooms solely according to their teachers’ assessments, began administering standardized tests to all second graders.

The number of gifted African American children in the district soared 80 percent, and that of gifted Hispanic children immediately skyrocketed 130 percent. Shortly thereafter, the policy shift resulted in a tripling of both black and Hispanic “gifted” students.

None of the students’ genes had changed.
IKR? He spews venom against Jews with every post, and then asks YOU why you’re so hateful.
Because JoeB131's opinions are based exclusively on hate he cannot perceive someone like me whose opinions are based on facts that can be documented.
i'm spewing my disdain for people who use religion to rationalize bad behavior.

If you think I'm mean to the Jews, you really need to look up some of my comments on Catholicism and Mormonism.
You use atheism to rationalize your bad behavior, or at least what you want to do. You accuse me of being a Nazi sympathizer, but it is you, rather than I, who long for the censorship and thought control that characterized the Nazi time in Germany.
Again. You make it sound the rest of the Jews are subordinate. It is just weird.
The rest of the Jews have the same IQ averages as white Gentiles. They still tend to be quite a bit more intelligent than most Negroes.
Too funny. First, you need to set example before vilifying others for not attacking those you want them to. Your “example” is non-existent since you not only refuse to condemn blatent racism in a thread a thread about racism, but you seem to agree with the canards themselves as Hector presents them.
And you refuse to condemn blatant antisemitism. You skip right over JoeB’s repeated Jew-hating posts in this thread and zoom in on Hector because he says something you perceive as bigoted against blacks.

What JoeB has said about Jews, over and over again, is MUCH worse than what Hector has said about blacks. But you simply cannot bring yourself to target in on Joe’s Jew-hate because you seem to agree with them.
You use atheism to rationalize your bad behavior, or at least what you want to do. You accuse me of being a Nazi sympathizer, but it is you, rather than I, who long for the censorship and thought control that characterized the Nazi time in Germany.
I seem to recall you saying something like Hitler’s only mistake was in targeting Jews.
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