Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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You have been routinely insulting Blacks.

Threats of force…violence? You support eugenics.

Race realism is just a rebranding of plain old racism, trying to make it intellectual. Bovine fecal material is still bullshit at the end of the day.
Is it an insult to point out that by every, objective criterion Negroes tend to be less intelligent than whites, and even less intelligent than Orientals?

Is it an insult to point out that Negroes have higher crime rates than whites, and even higher rates than Orientals?

Is an insult to point out that Negroes have higher rates of illegitimacy rates than whites, and even higher rates than Orientals?

It may be an "insult" depending on how the word is defined. It is certainly the truth.

JoeB131 thinks illegitimacy is a legitimate life style choice. Those making this choice should support their illegitimate children themselves. They should not be allowed to support them on welfare. Responsible married couples should not be taxed to support the illegitimate children of irresponsible and unmarried people, who usually have nothing of value to contribute to the process of human evolution.

The only eugenic program I favor is requiring sterilization of anyone receiving welfare benefits. This would not be compulsory sterilization, because they would be denied government benefits they have done nothing to earn.
Well, at least you admit the Asians were being used.
The Orientals are not being used. They are advancing their interests by eliminating affirmative action in university admissions. Orientals will benefit from the Supreme Court decision, because more of them will be admitted to the best colleges and universities. They have received allies in what has been a just cause.
Is it an insult to point out that by every, objective criterion Negroes tend to be less intelligent than whites, and even less intelligent than Orientals?

It is when it’s false. Racist canard #1.

Is it an insult to point out that Negroes have higher crime rates than whites, and even higher rates than Orientals?

It is when you ignore the many causes of crime rates and inequities in the justice system and make it a racial attribute. Racist canard #2.

Is an insult to point out that Negroes have higher rates of illegitimacy rates than whites, and even higher rates than Orientals?
It is when you are basing it entirely on the US statistics and claiming it is an inherent racial attribute rather than societal.

Racist canard #3.

It may be an "insult" depending on how the word is defined. It is certainly the truth.

A lot of canards and stereotypes have a kernel of truth, but that doesn’t make them true.

JoeB131 thinks illegitimacy is a legitimate life style choice. Those making this choice should support their illegitimate children themselves. They should not be allowed to support them on welfare. Responsible married couples should not be taxed to support the illegitimate children of irresponsible and unmarried people, who usually have nothing of value to contribute to the process of human evolution.

The only eugenic program I favor is requiring sterilization of anyone receiving welfare benefits. This would not be compulsory sterilization, because they would be denied government benefits they have done nothing to earn.
Part of human evolution is our evolution as a society, the creation of safety nets which we all pay for, and have used at one time or another. They’ve ended some of the most wretched depths of poverty. Compulsory sterilization would of course (by design) disproportionately effect Black people is still eugenics.
Charles Murray's books are well written, well documented, well reasoned, and they sell well. They have been denounced, but never disproved.
Nope, they are bovine fecal matter.

Initially the Zionists did not take land in Israel. They bought it from Turkish landlords.

It wasn't the Turks to sell. The Turks were an imperial power. Also VERY FEW Jews were living in Palestine under the Turks. Even the Jewish Virtual Library admits there were only 60,000 Jews living in Palestine in 1918. Only about 8% of the population. It took until 1947 for them to get to 32% of the population. If the existence of the Zionist entity were put to a vote, it never would have happened. Which is why The Jews didn't allow a vote and never will.

The Zionists did not take land until they were attacked. At that point the land they conquered was the legitimate spoils of just wars.

Um, let's get real here. A bunch of foreigners start showing up in your area with a bunch of weapons and the tacit support of a super-power, are YOU going to wait for them to attack?

The accomplishments of the Children of Israel are enormous.
Again, a bunch of Russians calling themselves Jews are not the Children of Israel. I'd have a better claim calling myself the Child of Odin!

What have we heard from the Palestinians for two thousand years but dead silence?
You mean other than driving the Crusaders out, that was kind of awesome.
JoeB131 thinks illegitimacy is a legitimate life style choice. Those making this choice should support their illegitimate children themselves. They should not be allowed to support them on welfare. Responsible married couples should not be taxed to support the illegitimate children of irresponsible and unmarried people, who usually have nothing of value to contribute to the process of human evolution.

What have you contributed to the process of evolution? I'm asking because I never hear you talk about your family.
Evolution is largely meaningless for a social apex predator. The forces of natural selection no longer apply. They stopped applying when we manufactured the first vaccine and created the first food bank.

Oh, key point, most people on weflare are on it for less than four years. Then they get their act together.

Let me tell you a story of a friend of mine. Her husband walked out on her and her two kids. (Although, in her defense, she recently realized that she liked other women.) Well, she had to go on welfare for a time until she got her act together. She then took an entry level job at a factory. Then through hard work became a line lead. Then she got promoted to quality inspector. Then the prude Jews who ran the company figured out she was a Lesbian and fired her. But she wasn't done yet. A really nice man in a Fedora wrote a resume for her, and she landed a job at their competitor. She continued to get more improvements. Now she's a regional quality manager for a big company.

The only eugenic program I favor is requiring sterilization of anyone receiving welfare benefits. This would not be compulsory sterilization, because they would be denied government benefits they have done nothing to earn.

What about Corporate Welfare? How about a cap on Social Security? How about not wasting money on life extending treatment for the terminally ill? I mean, really, Hitler12, if you want to go out, go all out.

Or you could belong to a decent society and help everyone, which is what common decency calls for, but I don't think you understand the meaning of that word.

The Orientals are not being used. They are advancing their interests by eliminating affirmative action in university admissions. Orientals will benefit from the Supreme Court decision, because more of them will be admitted to the best colleges and universities. They have received allies in what has been a just cause.

If that was the case, then why did a Jew named Blum have to file the lawsuit?
Is it an insult to point out that by every, objective criterion Negroes tend to be less intelligent than whites, and even less intelligent than Orientals?

Is it an insult to point out that Negroes have higher crime rates than whites, and even higher rates than Orientals?

Is an insult to point out that Negroes have higher rates of illegitimacy rates than whites, and even higher rates than Orientals?

It may be an "insult" depending on how the word is defined. It is certainly the truth.

JoeB131 thinks illegitimacy is a legitimate life style choice. Those making this choice should support their illegitimate children themselves. They should not be allowed to support them on welfare. Responsible married couples should not be taxed to support the illegitimate children of irresponsible and unmarried people, who usually have nothing of value to contribute to the process of human evolution.

The only eugenic program I favor is requiring sterilization of anyone receiving welfare benefits. This would not be compulsory sterilization, because they would be denied government benefits they have done nothing to earn.
Human evolution has accelerated during the last ten thousand years, because agriculture, and civilization place more evolutionary pressure on intelligence than hunting and gathering.

Also, the human population has grown. A larger population offers more scope for beneficial mutations.

The beneficial effects of agriculture and civilization can be seen by the fact that the races what have practiced both the longest have the highest IQ averages, and the lowest rates of crime. Of course, I mean whites, especially of European origin, and Orientals.

Although intelligent people tend to become more prosperous than unintelligent people, it is no longer the case that they have the most children who survive and reproduce. There is currently an inverse relationship between intelligence and proclivity. If we do not adopt some form of eugenics, a growing percentage of the human population will be congenitally unemployable.
What have you contributed to the process of evolution? I'm asking because I never hear you talk about your family.
Evolution is largely meaningless for a social apex predator. The forces of natural selection no longer apply. They stopped applying when we manufactured the first vaccine and created the first food bank.

Oh, key point, most people on weflare are on it for less than four years. Then they get their act together.

Let me tell you a story of a friend of mine. Her husband walked out on her and her two kids. (Although, in her defense, she recently realized that she liked other women.) Well, she had to go on welfare for a time until she got her act together. She then took an entry level job at a factory. Then through hard work became a line lead. Then she got promoted to quality inspector. Then the prude Jews who ran the company figured out she was a Lesbian and fired her. But she wasn't done yet. A really nice man in a Fedora wrote a resume for her, and she landed a job at their competitor. She continued to get more improvements. Now she's a regional quality manager for a big company.

What about Corporate Welfare? How about a cap on Social Security? How about not wasting money on life extending treatment for the terminally ill? I mean, really, Hitler12, if you want to go out, go all out.

Or you could belong to a decent society and help everyone, which is what common decency calls for, but I don't think you understand the meaning of that word.

If that was the case, then why did a Jew named Blum have to file the lawsuit?
dammit! Can’t you answer a question without shitting all over the Jews?
It wasn't the Turks to sell. The Turks were an imperial power. Also VERY FEW Jews were living in Palestine under the Turks. Even the Jewish Virtual Library admits there were only 60,000 Jews living in Palestine in 1918. Only about 8% of the population. It took until 1947 for them to get to 32% of the population. If the existence of the Zionist entity were put to a vote, it never would have happened. Which is why The Jews didn't allow a vote and never will.
The Turks owned the land. They sold it. The Palestinians were landless farm laborers.

Gaza is the first Palestinian run country in history. After the Bar Kokhba revolt was crushed in 135 AD the the Romans expelled the Jews from their homeland. The Palestinians drifted in like the desert sand. First they were governed by the Romans, then the Byzantines, then the Arabs, then the Turks, and finally the British.

During this time the Palestinians made no mark on history, contributed nothing to the intellectual history of the world, and made no scientific discoveries worth talking about. Compare that dismal record with Jewish achievement.
dammit! Can’t you answer a question without shitting all over the Jews?
JoeB131's specialties are insults, name calling, and threats of force and even violence. He thinks it is perfectly acceptable for the books and essays of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton to be suppressed.

He fears that if their writings are not suppressed the United States will become like Nazi Germany. I have tried to remind him that the Nazis used the censorship and though control that he advocates on behalf of opinions he is clearly incapable of defending in a civilized and erudite manner.
Human evolution has accelerated during the last ten thousand years, because agriculture, and civilization place more evolutionary pressure on intelligence than hunting and gathering.

Human technology has accelerated during the last 10K years. If anything, we are probably weaker than our ancestors. Heck, I look at the stuff my Dad when through- The Great Depression, World War II, dealing in rather nasty industrial environments. We've become soft and unaccustomed to hardship. Covid pretty much proved that.

Also, the human population has grown. A larger population offers more scope for beneficial mutations.

But it's meaningless without natural selection. We let the worst animals breed. Just take a look at your average trailer park. There are no apex predators picking off Cleetus' spawn.

The beneficial effects of agriculture and civilization can be seen by the fact that the races what have practiced both the longest have the highest IQ averages, and the lowest rates of crime. Of course, I mean whites, especially of European origin, and Orientals.

You can say that, it's just not true. White people were living in mud huts in Europe while people of color were creating the first civilizations. if anything, White folks are probably on their way out... we have lower birth rates, we are less acclimatized the world we are creating through Global Warming.

Although intelligent people tend to become more prosperous than unintelligent people, it is no longer the case that they have the most children who survive and reproduce. There is currently an inverse relationship between intelligence and proclivity. If we do not adopt some form of eugenics, a growing percentage of the human population will be congenitally unemployable.

So what if they are. Frankly, I don't consider it a virtue that we "Work ourselves to death to make someone else rich".

The ironic thing is that we had a form of capitalism that worked, even for the stupid. Probably was, White People managed to screw that one up. It's kind of what we do!

A lot of the folks I grew up with ONLY enjoy a middle class lifestyle because they lucked out and got to join a union, then they vote for the party that wants to eliminate unions. That's Darwinian levels of stupid, but damned if I can get any of them to see it.

You do not prove that by asserting it. What is obvious is that Charles Murray have become independently wealthy from book royalties.

No, it just proves there are a lot of white failures looking to feel better about themselves.

The Turks owned the land. They sold it. The Palestinians were landless farm laborers.
No, they were imperial conquerors. The reason why the Allies went to war with them was to "liberate" those people, and they were promised their land if they took up arms against the Ottomans.
JoeB131's specialties are insults, name calling, and threats of force and even violence. He thinks it is perfectly acceptable for the books and essays of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton to be suppressed.

Yes, incorrect information should be suppressed, if it's dangerous. I also think we need to crack down on the Anti-Vaxxers' who've killed hundreds of thousands with their lies.

Murray tells you to hate black people and you want to sterilize them. That's a very Nazi point of view.

He fears that if their writings are not suppressed the United States will become like Nazi Germany. I have tried to remind him that the Nazis used the censorship and though control that he advocates on behalf of opinions he is clearly incapable of defending in a civilized and erudite manner.

I think your knowledge of Nazi Germany is about as deep as your knowledge of the French Revolution.

I mean, I know you've watched movies and stuff. I had family who actually LIVED in Nazi Germany. One Great Uncle was even a member of the NSDAP. (Although he joined to keep his cushy government job, not so much because he loved him some Hitler. After the war, he was ruled a "Mitlaufer" and allowed to keep his cushy government job.)
dammit! Can’t you answer a question without shitting all over the Jews?

How did the Jews in that story NOT deserve to be shit on?

this lady worked for them for 14 years. They benefitted from her hard work. More importantly, she was supporting two minor children (at that time).

And then they found out she was gay. Not that she was really hiding it, because she was kind of a "Lipstick Lesbian", the Femme half of a Butch/Femme relationship. (When I first saw her partner picking her up, I thought she was a guy.) Heck, I can't even blame greed on this one, this was just people being mean for the sake of it.

You don't get to claim offense about the yellow stars and still discriminate against the pink triangles.

I was so offended at the time that after I wrote her resume that got her a new job in a week, I started looking for a new job of my own and got one.

(This was about a decade before I got the brilliant idea to write resumes for money.)

I might not like you, but I will be the first one to step up and push back. For instance, there's another really anti-Semitic character who claimed that the Israeli attack on USS Liberty was a deliberate attack on America. This is bovine excrement and I said so.

I also challenge IM2 when I think he goes far too off into Cloud Cuckoo land.
dammit! Can’t you answer a question without shitting all over the Jews?

How did the Jews in that story NOT deserve to be shit on?

this lady worked for them for 14 years. They benefitted from her hard work. More importantly, she was supporting two minor children (at that time).

And then they found out she was gay. Not that she was really hiding it, because she was kind of a "Lipstick Lesbian", the Femme half of a Butch/Femme relationship. (When I first saw her partner picking her up, I thought she was a guy.) Heck, I can't even blame greed on this one, this was just people being mean for the sake of it.

You don't get to claim offense about the yellow stars and still discriminate against the pink triangles.

I was so offended at the time that after I wrote her resume that got her a new job in a week, I started looking for a new job of my own and got one.

(This was about a decade before I got the brilliant idea to write resumes for money.)

I might not like you, but I will be the first one to step up and push back. For instance, there's another really anti-Semitic character who claimed that the Israeli attack on USS Liberty was a deliberate attack on America. This is bovine excrement and I said so.

I also challenge IM2 when I think he goes far too off into Cloud Cuckoo land.
Human technology has accelerated during the last 10K years. If anything, we are probably weaker than our ancestors. Heck, I look at the stuff my Dad when through- The Great Depression, World War II, dealing in rather nasty industrial environments. We've become soft and unaccustomed to hardship. Covid pretty much proved that.

But it's meaningless without natural selection. We let the worst animals breed. Just take a look at your average trailer park. There are no apex predators picking off Cleetus' spawn.

* As long as people living in trailer parks work for a living I am not concerned about their existence. I think sterilization should be required of anyone accepting welfare benefits. One fourth of American Negroes have IQ's below 75. At that level they cannot be educated, and are virtually unemployable *

You can say that, it's just not true. White people were living in mud huts in Europe while people of color were creating the first civilizations. if anything, White folks are probably on their way out... we have lower birth rates, we are less acclimatized the world we are creating through Global Warming.

The first civilizations were those of Sumeria and Egypt. Those were created by Caucasians.
So what if they are. Frankly, I don't consider it a virtue that we "Work ourselves to death to make someone else rich".

The ironic thing is that we had a form of capitalism that worked, even for the stupid. Probably was, White People managed to screw that one up. It's kind of what we do!

A lot of the folks I grew up with ONLY enjoy a middle class lifestyle because they lucked out and got to join a union, then they vote for the party that wants to eliminate unions. That's Darwinian levels of stupid, but damned if I can get any of them to see it.

No, it just proves there are a lot of white failures looking to feel better about themselves.

No, they were imperial conquerors. The reason why the Allies went to war with them was to "liberate" those people, and they were promised their land if they took up arms against the Ottomans.
Human technology has accelerated during the last 10K years. If anything, we are probably weaker than our ancestors. Heck, I look at the stuff my Dad when through- The Great Depression, World War II, dealing in rather nasty industrial environments. We've become soft and unaccustomed to hardship. Covid pretty much proved that.
Technology can make life easier. However, as it becomes more complex, higher intelligence is needed to design and program it.
The first civilizations were those of Sumeria and Egypt. Those were created by Caucasians.

Actually, they were created by people of color, not pasty white Europeans.

Technology can make life easier. However, as it becomes more complex, higher intelligence is needed to design and program it.

So it's 100 years from now, and all the fossil fuels run out. We can't fertilize a lot of the farmland because we can't create the nitrogen-based fertilizers. We can't make the plastics that chips are made out of. Climate change plunges us into a Mad Max type of dystopia.

Do you really think pasty white computer programmers are going to be needed?
So it's 100 years from now, and all the fossil fuels run out. We can't fertilize a lot of the farmland because we can't create the nitrogen-based fertilizers. We can't make the plastics that chips are made out of. Climate change plunges us into a Mad Max type of dystopia.

Do you really think pasty white computer programmers are going to be needed?
We will certainly need people with high IQ's. We will not need people with IQ's below 80, where one fourth of the population of American Negroes are.
We will certainly need people with high IQ's. We will not need people with IQ's below 80, where one fourth of the population of American Negroes are.
We’ll still need people to drive garbage trucks and stuff like that, don’t you think?
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