Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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That's not the reason and you know it. The real reason is these poor neighborhoods tend to be food deserts. The big chains won't open there, so you get these fly by night characters who tend to wear out their welcome.
The big chains will not open there because of constant shop lifting, and the ever present danger of black ghetto riots.
Again, 400 years of breaking a people, you don't fix them that easily.
That does not explain the increase in black social pathology since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was passed into law and the War on Poverty was declared.

Jews experienced nearly two thousand years of persecution and discrimination. This culminated in the Holocaust. Nevertheless, Jews perform better on IQ tests than any other racial group.

The tribal environment of sub Saharan Africa did not select Negroes for intelligence. It did select them for characteristics that cause many to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.
White liberals.

And white conservatives.

I thought you claimed to be a liberal who otherwise hates black people.

The Sorry Record of Foreign Aid in Africa​

African Governments Are Destroying Their Countries with Aid from the West

Well, that's the problem. The west mismanaged it, deciding to work with corrupt dictators they often installed

China, on the other hand, has built up a lot of good will in Africa by supporting infrastructure and effective aid.
How does persecution one never experienced effect one's behavior and ability levels? If slavery and Jim Crow are responsible for low average IQ's and high crime rates for blacks, how do you account for black excellence in athletics?
And that is another racist canard. Blacks as a race, do not excel in athletics any more or less than any other race. They are also a highly diverse group with many different ethnicities, physical abilities and physiologies.

Those who excel at sports don’t do so because of any racial physical advantage but because of hard workplace, self discipline and dedication.

There are a number of reasons they seem to “dominate” sports and disproportionately enter certain sports….

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And that is another racist canard. Blacks as a race, do not excel in athletics any more or less than any other race. They are also a highly diverse group with many different ethnicities, physical abilities and physiologies.

Those who excel at sports don’t do so because of any racial physical advantage but because of hard workplace, self discipline and dedication.

There are a number of reasons they seem to “dominate” sports and disproportionately enter certain sports….

Actuality, there are different physicalities between whites and blacks, as a whole, that explains why blacks dominate running. Their legs tend to be longer relative to their torsos, which shifts the center of gravity and gives them an advantage.

This is highly unlikely. By the First World War the Ottoman Empire and the Arab world were militarily insignificant. That is why the Israelis won their War of Independence of 1947 against virtually the entire Arab world.

And that was pretty much the only war they won fair and square.

They lost the 1956 Suez War.
They only won the 1967 War because they launched a sneak attack.
The got their butts kicked in the 1973 War and Kissinger had to save their asses.
They floundered around in Lebanon in 1982 until the UN negotiated the peace.
And they've been fighting a pretty much useless war on the West Bank and Gaza that never ends. Meanwhile, they've goaded America into taking out their enemies (Saddam, Qadaffy, etc.)

But I have an awesome idea. if the Jews are so awesome, let's cut off al economic and military aid to the Zionist Entity.

That does not explain the increase in black social pathology since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was passed into law and the War on Poverty was declared.

Only exists in your mind, Hector. In fact, the black poverty rate has dropped since 1964. Blacks have done from only 4% having bachelor degrees to 24% today.



Jews experienced nearly two thousand years of persecution and discrimination. This culminated in the Holocaust. Nevertheless, Jews perform better on IQ tests than any other racial group.

And for most of that history, they were extremely poor. The word "Ghetto" describes Jewish enclaves in European Cities. After WWII, they got a shitload of sympathy money.

The tribal environment of sub Saharan Africa did not select Negroes for intelligence. It did select them for characteristics that cause many to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.

So what's your excuse for being so stupid? I mean, clearly you can't blame genetics.

That antisemite calls Holocaust survivors “European Squatters.” He’s disgusting.
Does the truth hurt? I guess it does.

Point is, the European Squatters had nothing to do with the people who lived there 2000 years ago. They just practice a bastardized version of their religion.

What's disgusting is that after surviving the Holocaust, they did the same thing to the Palestinians the Nazis did to them.
Actuality, there are different physicalities between whites and blacks, as a whole, that explains why blacks dominate running. Their legs tend to be longer relative to their torsos, which shifts the center of gravity and gives them an advantage.

True, up to a point. But article notes the study was on people of primarily West African origin, and they tend towards certain body types. In addition there can be specific mutations in a population that can affect performance in certain sports. Similarly with Whites. So there isn’t any natural race-wide superiority in athletics, it depends on the sport and the physical body type.
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And white conservatives.

I thought you claimed to be a liberal who otherwise hates black people.
I only hate black criminals. As far as blacks in general are concerned, I evaluate they using the same standards I use in evaluating whites. If that seems racist it is because a smaller percentage of Negroes meet my mild standards.
So what's your excuse for being so stupid? I mean, clearly you can't blame genetics.
If I was stupid I would want opinions that challenge my opinions to be suppressed. What I desire is a free market for facts and ideas because I am confident in my ability to defend my opinions.

Also, I would rely on insults, name calling, and logical fallacies. I do not need to.
And that is another racist canard. Blacks as a race, do not excel in athletics any more or less than any other race. They are also a highly diverse group with many different ethnicities, physical abilities and physiologies.

Those who excel at sports don’t do so because of any racial physical advantage but because of hard workplace, self discipline and dedication.

There are a number of reasons they seem to “dominate” sports and disproportionately enter certain sports….

Exactly right. I sucked at basketball and I wrestled for a winter sport.
True, up to a point. But article notes the study was on people of primarily West African origin, and they tend towards certain body types. In addition there can be specific mutations in a population that can affect performance in certain sports. Similarly with Whites. So there isn’t any natural race-wide superiority in athletics, it depends on the sport and the physical body type.
Lisa is wrong.. There is no difference. For example, whites dominate hoickey. Does this mean blacks can''t play hockey? No. Hockey played mostly in Canada and North U.S.A.. The places are mostly populated by whites. For years Ireland was producing top long distance runners, and in America most long distance runners are white. Whites dominated high jumping for years.

The reality here is that the top athletes work hard to get where they are.. They put their bodies through regimens that many people would never consider and when all else is even, the competitor with the greatest desire generally wins.
I only hate black criminals. As far as blacks in general are concerned, I evaluate they using the same standards I use in evaluating whites. If that seems racist it is because a smaller percentage of Negroes meet my mild standards.

You wouldn't spend hours and hours reading racist literature if you only had a problem with "Criminals" (and most of the criminals in this country are still white people.)

In the 1956 war the Israelis helped the British retake the Suez Canal. Then for no obvious reason President Eisenhower told them to give it back to Egypt, and they did.

Ike had a very good reason. The Canal rightfully belonged to Egypt.

Israel's splendid victory in the 1967 Six Day War was hardly a sneak attack. Egypt and Syria were preparing to attack Israel, but Israel attacked first.
They also attacked Jordan, from which they stole the west bank, but you leave that part out.

Israel ended the 1973 War with slightly more territory than she had before the war began.
No, they didn't. They in fact had to relinquish territory in the Sinai because it wasn't defensible, before giving the entire thing back in the Camp David Accords.
Let's not. The Israelis put out aid to good use, unlike the aid going to African countries, which only makes the leaders rich.

By "good use", you mean antagonizing the entire Islamic World against us?

We wouldn't have the problems we have if we didn't have AIPAC insisting on propping up the Zionist Entity and backing it in the UN.
If I was stupid I would want opinions that challenge my opinions to be suppressed. What I desire is a free market for facts and ideas because I am confident in my ability to defend my opinions.
Actually, you spelled "Troll" wrong. You sir, are a troll. You say these obviously offensive things trying to get a rise out of people.

But if you are interested in a free exchange of ideas, I sincerely recommend that you go to the West Side of Chicago and express your thoughts to the folks there. I'm sure they would be "enlightened".

Also, I would rely on insults, name calling, and logical fallacies. I do not need to.

You used debunked racist literature to make your rather nasty points. You kind of deserve to be called every name in the book.
You wouldn't spend hours and hours reading racist literature if you only had a problem with "Criminals" (and most of the criminals in this country are still white people.)
My reading is vast and varied. Try reading a book now and then. The assertions of those you call "racists" are thoroughly documented. Anyone with extensive experience with the major racial groups knows that they are true. So do high school guidance counselors. This is why you want to suppress them:

The big chains will not open there because of constant shop lifting, and the ever present danger of black ghetto riots.
What ever present danger of riots? Riots are a rare occurrence.

Big chain grocery stores operate on a very small margin. Shoplifting is a significant problem in both suburban and urban areas. It is one of multiple factors that include:

Market: stores in low income urban areas are going to have few customers for high end products which is where most of their profit comes from.

Cost of land and increased taxes in urban areas as well as lack of parking means the cost of operating goes up and the size of the store and variety of products it has available for sale goes down further cutting into profit.

Stereotypes about urban areas that make investors reluctant to build. The prevailing myth is that all these areas are blighted crime ridden drug infested ghettos with annual riots. Those are relatively small areas in a city and riots are a rare occurrence. Many urban neighborhoods are stable working and middle class families.
Lisa is wrong.. There is no difference. For example, whites dominate hoickey. Does this mean blacks can''t play hockey? No. Hockey played mostly in Canada and North U.S.A.. The places are mostly populated by whites. For years Ireland was producing top long distance runners, and in America most long distance runners are white. Whites dominated high jumping for years.

The reality here is that the top athletes work hard to get where they are.. They put their bodies through regimens that many people would never consider and when all else is even, the competitor with the greatest desire generally wins.
There are definite differences among subgroups of people that are genetic (just for example, peoples that live in the Andes have developed differences in their lungs and blood that enable to live in those altitudes). But for any individual athletic ability or intelligence is nothing without hard work, discipline, and dedication and when people use the “Blacks are naturally better athletes“ canard, they are negating all of that.
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My reading is vast and varied. Try reading a book now and then.
I'm sure you are still very fond of Mein Kampf.
The assertions of those you call "racists" are thoroughly documented.
And debunked and denounced by everyone else.
Anyone with extensive experience with the major racial groups knows that they are true. So do high school guidance counselors. This is why you want to suppress them:
Actually, if I were to go by that standard, I would have a truly awful opinion of white people. Because I've met far more awful white people than any other group.

But I don't see race first.
I'm sure you are still very fond of Mein Kampf.

And debunked and denounced by everyone else.
The books of Charles Murray, and Professor's Arthur Jensen and J. Philippe Rushton have been denounced. They have never been disproved.
The books of Charles Murray, and Professor's Arthur Jensen and J. Philippe Rushton have been denounced. They have never been disproved.

They've been completely debunked.

Their universities have denounced them, and Murray needs bodyguards wherever he goes. (the other two are worm food, and frankly, all they are good for. One can only hope they are being sodomized by big black demons in hell. )
They've been completely debunked.

Their universities have denounced them, and Murray needs bodyguards wherever he goes. (the other two are worm food, and frankly, all they are good for. One can only hope they are being sodomized by big black demons in hell. )
If the books of Charles Murray had been disproved it would not be necessary for those who fear the political implications of the books to try to suppress them.

I agree with Thomas Jefferson who wrote, “There is not a truth existing which I fear, or would wish unknown to the whole world.”

You depend on insults, name calling, and the advocacy of force. I depend on the free expression of facts and opinions.

As more is learned about human genetics, and is Negroes continue to disappoint early assessments of their potential, it will become increasingly obvious that the most important assertions of Charles Murray, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, and J. Philippe Rushton are true, and should be acted on.

In his essay, "The Inequality Taboo," which first appeared in the September 2005 issue of Commentary, Charles Murray aptly noted:

"Witness the unwillingness of the mainstream media to discuss group differences without assuring readers that the differences will disappear when the world becomes a better place. The taboo arises from an admirable idealism about human equality. If it did no harm, or if the harm it did were minor, there would be no need to write about it. But taboos have consequences...

"specific policies based on premises that conflict with scientific truths about human beings tend not to work. Often they do harm."

The failures of the Great Society pertaining to race have led to the Republican ascendancy, and consequently to the explosion of the national debt.

Diversity is not our strength. It is the reason for the political polarization that makes it difficult for the government to solve problems that would have been manageable before 1964.

The fact that America's white working class is a Republican constituency is a grotesque anomaly for which the Democrat Party is responsible.
If the books of Charles Murray had been disproved it would not be necessary for those who fear the political implications of the books to try to suppress them.
Again, because we know where that kind of thinking leads. It leads to people being turned into bars of soap and lampshades. The Germans have got it right, this kind of stuff is banned.

Hey, ever hear of a guy named Arthur Butz? Yup, he's a professor, just like Murray. And he insisted up and down that the Holocaust didn't happen, in fact has written a book entitled The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry, which gave some psuedo-scientific garbage about how it would have been impossible for the Nazis to have killed that many people. This putrid piece of trash was first published in 1976. Amazon didn't finally get around to banning it until 2017.

"But, but, but, he's a professor and he did research and stuff!"

I agree with Thomas Jefferson who wrote, “There is not a truth existing which I fear, or would wish unknown to the whole world.”
Thomas Jefferson was a guy who raped a 15 year old slave and made his fortune off of slave labor.

As more is learned about human genetics, and is Negroes continue to disappoint early assessments of their potential, it will become increasingly obvious that the most important assertions of Charles Murray, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, and J. Philippe Rushton are true, and should be acted on.

Really? HOw do you want to act on it? Throw fences around the black neighborhoods to keep them locked in? Maybe forced sterilizations, right? Come on, man, we've done this shit in the past, with a much poorer understanding of genetics. Look up Buck vs. Bell.

The failures of the Great Society pertaining to race have led to the Republican ascendancy, and consequently to the explosion of the national debt.
Wow, we had this discussion before, didn't we? You can't blame every ill in the world on black people because Jamal pleasured your woman better than you could.
The reason why the debt exploded is because we want government to do all this stuff for us, and we don't want to pay for it. We spend FAR more on Middle Class entitlements than we do any other line item in government. Certainly vastly more than we do on programs to relieve poverty or raise minorities up.

Diversity is not our strength. It is the reason for the political polarization that makes it difficult for the government to solve problems that would have been manageable before 1964.

The fact that America's white working class is a Republican constituency is a grotesque anomaly for which the Democrat Party is responsible.

Yesterday I took a wonderful tour of Chicago Architecture on a river boat, while you were spending your whole day spewing your racist garbage. It was a very multicultural and diverse group. The young black man giving the tour was articulate and knowledgeable and made the trip very entertaining. In fact, it would have been an almost perfect afternoon if I had had to pass the blight that is the Trump Tower.

It reminds me that we live in a beautiful world, even if cockroaches like you are under the rocks.

America was not a great place before 1964, if you were a woman, black, Native American, Asian, gay, or anything other than a white, heterosexual, Christian male.

The problem with the White Working Class is that it's basically stupid. It's not just that they stopped voting Democratic, it's that they went along with disbanding the unions (going from 33% unionized to less than 11% today.), they were fine with removing workers rights across the board. They forgot how they got to the middle class and then they wonder why they are losing it.

I'll tell you true, I voted Republican up to and including 2008. Then I had a medical issue, and my employer started truly fucking with me to get me off the roles. When I pointed out that I had seniority, my idiot boss blurted out, "This is why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Now, I had a REALLY good case for age and medical discrimination, but that would have involved years of litigation and who wants his name on a lawsuit while trying to find other employment? But it wasn't liberals who did that to me. It wasn't black people who did that to me. It was an awful fellow white person.

You have your guns aimed in the wrong direction. Whatever Jamal did to you, it's just not that bad.
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