Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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When I speak of Orientals I mean Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and Vietnamese. According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, the murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants

Okay, point being that the Phillipines has a rate of crime almost as high as ours.... with no blacks, imagine that.

What the Philippines do have is grinding ass poverty, which proves my point that poverty leads to crime, not race.

I do not hate all Negroes, only the large percentage who are criminals. I evaluate Negroes using the same criteria I use in evaluating whites. If Negroes have no felony convictions and no illegitimate children, they are fine with me. If they are intelligent, that is even better.

Um, yeah, but then talk about that, and not discredited racist genetic "research". But make sure you get your facts correct, first.

Hollywood has also romanticized Italian American criminals and Anglo criminals.

Not sure what your point is here, actually. Not sure who these "Anglo" criminals are exactly.

Jews will never wear out their welcome in the United States. As our economy and our technology become more complex, we will need more Jews to fill cognitively demanding careers.

Naw, we really won't. The US has a history of religious tolerance, but the only reason why the Evangelicals are putting up with their nonsense is they think they need Jews in Palestine for Jesus to come back.

The income differences between American whites and European whites are small. The income differences between American Negroes and African and Caribbean Negroes is large.

Wow... do you realize how poor Eastern Europe is?

Um, yeah, but then talk about that, and not discredited racist genetic "research". But make sure you get your facts correct, first.

How has genetic research into the importance of gene alleles which determine intelligence been discredited. As time goes more scientific research confirms the assertions of heritidarianism and race realism.


Genetics and Intelligence: IQ-Influencing Genes and Paths to Optimization​

July 4, 2023 by Debbie Moon

Key takeaways:
~ Researchers have identified hundreds of genes that influence IQ.
~ Intelligence is considered highly heritable.
~ Beyond IQ scores, genes also influence other forms of intelligence, such as musical ability.

Okay, point being that the Phillipines has a rate of crime almost as high as ours.... with no blacks, imagine that.

What the Philippines do have is grinding ass poverty, which proves my point that poverty leads to crime, not race.

Um, yeah, but then talk about that, and not discredited racist genetic "research". But make sure you get your facts correct, first.

Not sure what your point is here, actually. Not sure who these "Anglo" criminals are exactly.

Naw, we really won't. The US has a history of religious tolerance, but the only reason why the Evangelicals are putting up with their nonsense is they think they need Jews in Palestine for Jesus to come back.

Wow... do you realize how poor Eastern Europe is?

So how come both my parents grew up in poverty, and there was virtually no crime in their neighborhoods? Because their parents taught them good values!
How has genetic research into the importance of gene alleles which determine intelligence been discredited. As time goes more scientific research confirms the assertions of heritidarianism and race realism.

Although race science has been repeatedly debunked by scholarly research, in recent years it has made a comeback. Many of the keenest promoters of race science today are stars of the “alt-right”, who like to use pseudoscience to lend intellectual justification to ethno-nationalist politics. If you believe that poor people are poor because they are inherently less intelligent, then it is easy to leap to the conclusion that liberal remedies, such as affirmative action or foreign aid, are doomed to fail.

One of the people behind the revival of race science was, not long ago, a mainstream figure. In 2014, Nicholas Wade, a former New York Times science correspondent, wrote what must rank as the most toxic book on race science to appear in the last 20 years. In A Troublesome Inheritance, he repeated three race-science shibboleths: that the notion of “race” corresponds to profound biological differences among groups of humans; that human brains evolved differently from race to race; and that this is supported by different racial averages in IQ scores.

Wade’s book prompted 139 of the world’s leading population geneticists and evolutionary theorists to sign a letter in the New York Times accusing Wade of misappropriating research from their field, and several academics offered more detailed critiques. The University of Chicago geneticist Jerry Coyne described it as “simply bad science”. Yet some on the right have, perhaps unsurprisingly, latched on to Wade’s ideas, rebranding him as a paragon of intellectual honesty who had been silenced not by experts, but by political correctness.

So how come both my parents grew up in poverty, and there was virtually no crime in their neighborhoods? Because their parents taught them good values!
Why did you take everything your parents said at face value?

Did you believe them when they said they walked six miles to get to school in a blinding snowstorm, too?

Assuming they grew up in the 1920-40's like my parents did, crime rates in the 1920 and 1930's were higher than they are now...


Although race science has been repeatedly debunked by scholarly research, in recent years it has made a comeback. Many of the keenest promoters of race science today are stars of the “alt-right”, who like to use pseudoscience to lend intellectual justification to ethno-nationalist politics. If you believe that poor people are poor because they are inherently less intelligent, then it is easy to leap to the conclusion that liberal remedies, such as affirmative action or foreign aid, are doomed to fail.

One of the people behind the revival of race science was, not long ago, a mainstream figure. In 2014, Nicholas Wade, a former New York Times science correspondent, wrote what must rank as the most toxic book on race science to appear in the last 20 years. In A Troublesome Inheritance, he repeated three race-science shibboleths: that the notion of “race” corresponds to profound biological differences among groups of humans; that human brains evolved differently from race to race; and that this is supported by different racial averages in IQ scores.

Wade’s book prompted 139 of the world’s leading population geneticists and evolutionary theorists to sign a letter in the New York Times accusing Wade of misappropriating research from their field, and several academics offered more detailed critiques. The University of Chicago geneticist Jerry Coyne described it as “simply bad science”. Yet some on the right have, perhaps unsurprisingly, latched on to Wade’s ideas, rebranding him as a paragon of intellectual honesty who had been silenced not by experts, but by political correctness.
In A Troublesome Inheritance Nicholas Wade mentioned that letter. He said that the letter in no way proved that he misappropriated genetic research.

Claiming that the experts are agreed on something, without explaining how they disagree is an example of the appeal to authority fallacy.

I found A Troublesome Inheritance to be fascinating and convincing. It stands to reason that races evolving apart for thousands of years in response to different evolutionary pressures evolve different non cosmetic characteristics, just as they evolve different cosmetic characteristics.
I found A Troublesome Inheritance to be fascinating and convincing. It stands to reason that races evolving apart for thousands of years in response to different evolutionary pressures evolve different non cosmetic characteristics, just as they evolve different cosmetic characteristics.

I'm sure you did. Anything that makes you feel better about your life disappointments.
Not at all. There's very little about the Jews to admire. They are greedy and have a silly religion. Nothing to admire there at all.

But it's always easier for a coward to kick down than to punch up.
You challenge me to tell a black person that I think Negroes are inferior, thinking that the black person will beat me up.

If I tell a Jew that Jews are inferior, he will not beat me up. He will smile condescendingly, knowing that Jews tend to be intelligent, successful, and prosperous.

It is not easy for a coward to walk through a black neighborhood, especially after dark. It is easy for a coward to walk through a Jewish neighborhood at any hour of the day or night. He will be perfectly safe, because Jews have a low crime rate. Even Jesse Jackson is aware of how dangerous many blacks are.

You challenge me to tell a black person that I think Negroes are inferior, thinking that the black person will beat me up.

Well, we can only hope.

If I tell a Jew that Jews are inferior, he will not beat me up. He will smile condescendingly, knowing that Jews tend to be intelligent, successful, and prosperous.

Actually, they won't because they are kind of wusses. That's why we have to keep fighting their wars for them. If we didn't, the Zionist Entity would have been pushed into the Sea decades ago.

It is not easy for a coward to walk through a black neighborhood, especially after dark. It is easy for a coward to walk through a Jewish neighborhood at any hour of the day or night. He will be perfectly safe, because Jews have a low crime rate. Even Jesse Jackson is aware of how dangerous many blacks are.

Jesse Jackson is a cheap race pimp and always has been. He complains about these neighborhoods, but he's done very little to fix them.
Actually, they won't because they are kind of wusses. That's why we have to keep fighting their wars for them. If we didn't, the Zionist Entity would have been pushed into the Sea decades ago.
The Israelis have always defeated more numerous Arab armies.
Jesse Jackson is a cheap race pimp and always has been. He complains about these neighborhoods, but he's done very little to fix them.
What have they done to fix their own neighborhoods? They move into thriving white working class neighborhoods, and turn them into crime ridden slums.
Force is your only friend. Truth is on my side.

Your lies were debunked years ago, and if you were so sure about it, you'd say these things out in public and not hiding behind a screen name.

European countries have higher per capita gross domestic products than su Saharan countries.
Um, yeah, that's the problem with Imperialism... it was the looting of one group of people by another.

The Israelis have always defeated more numerous Arab armies.
The Zionists haven't won a war without us bailing them out since 1967.

What have they done to fix their own neighborhoods? They move into thriving white working class neighborhoods, and turn them into crime ridden slums.

Not quite. More like the banks use racial fears to scare those white people out.
Most of these working class neighborhoods started declining long before black folks started moving it. It starts when the factories closed.

What is the average IQ of a software engineer?​

According to a study by Payscale, the average IQ of a software engineer is around 120. Furthermore, IQ scores of computer programmers range from 115 to 132. The average IQ of the general population, on the other hand, is between 85 and 115.

View attachment 801029
IQ tests are also based on learned knowledge, so, of course, the more educated you are the chances are your IQ will be higher than average.
That is why most Jews rise quickly from poverty, while most blacks remain at the bottom, blaming white racism for their problems.

Well, it's pretty easy to rise up when you are just another group of white people.

Tell me, can you pick out the Jews in this crowd?


I can't. I can pick out the black people, though.

I mean, it's nice if you can turn your minority/privilege status on and off like a lightswitch.
Well, it's pretty easy to rise up when you are just another group of white people.

Tell me, can you pick out the Jews in this crowd?


I can't. I can pick out the black people, though.

I mean, it's nice if you can turn your minority/privilege status on and off like a lightswitch.
This is the reason for Jewish achievement:


RACE, INTELLIGENCE, AND THE BRAIN: THE ERRORS AND OMISSIONS OF THE ‘REVISED’ EDITION OF S. J. GOULD’S THE MISMEASURE OF MAN (1996) J. Philippe Rushton Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario. London, Ontario N6A 5C2, Canada

Gould withholds from his readers that The Bell Curve is mainly an empirical work about the causes of social stratification and that it reached its conclusions only after fully analyzing a 12-year longitudinal study of 12,486 youths (3022 of whom were African-American), which showed that most 17-year-olds with high IQs (Blacks as well as Whites) went on to occupational success by their late 20s and early 30s whereas many of those with low IQs (both Black and White) went on to welfare dependency. The average IQ for African-Americans was found to be lower than those for Latino-, White-, Asian-, and Jewish-Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 115, respectively, pp. 273-278). Failure to mention these data fosters the false belief that IQ tests are not predictive and are biased in favor of North Europeans.


No one is holding blacks down. They are given every conceivable advantage.
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