Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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Yes, it includes learned knowledge
There are tests now that require no knowledge of reading or mathematics. They can be explained without the use of language. A space alien could take one of those tests. I am confident the space alien would get a perfect score in record time.
This is the reason for Jewish achievement:

YOu just avoided the question, didn't you?

Again can you pick out the Jews in that picture? Nope.

Can you pick out the blacks in that picture? Yup.

Jews never encountered slavery or Jim Crow or Miscegenation laws or redlining or Debt Peonage.

They had the same opportunities that the Irish, German, Poles, etc. had..

No one is holding blacks down. They are given every conceivable advantage.

Since when?

Heck, within my lifetime, black people were forbidden to marry white people, to move into certain neighborhoods, to ride on the front of the bus.

Come on, man.
YOu just avoided the question, didn't you?

Again can you pick out the Jews in that picture? Nope.

Can you pick out the blacks in that picture? Yup.

Jews never encountered slavery or Jim Crow or Miscegenation laws or redlining or Debt Peonage.

They had the same opportunities that the Irish, German, Poles, etc. had..

Since when?

Heck, within my lifetime, black people were forbidden to marry white people, to move into certain neighborhoods, to ride on the front of the bus.

Come on, man.
What happened to blacks in the past does not justify their average performance and behavior now. It does not even explain it.

The Holocaust was worse than anything blacks experienced. Jews recovered almost immediately. They formed Israel and resumed their disproportionate levels of achievement in cognitively demanding professions.

The success of blacks in athletics resembles the success of Jews academically. In each case, as soon as they were were allowed to compete with white Gentiles, they excelled, although in very different fields. This is because their genetic gifts were in different areas.
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What happened to blacks in the past does not justify their average performance and behavior now. It does not even explain it.

The Holocaust was worse than anything blacks experienced. Jews recovered almost immediately. They formed Israel and resumed their disproportionate levels of achievement in cognitively demanding professions.
Blacks could reduce their problems significantly if they emulated Jews instead of resenting them.
Blacks could reduce their problems significantly if they emulated Jews instead of resenting them.
Negroes could reduce their problems although not significantly. Blacks and Jews differ significantly in average intelligence.
What happened to blacks in the past does not justify their average performance and behavior now. It does not even explain it.

Sure it does. You can't do 20 generations of oppression, sometimes being cruel just for cruelty's sake, and then expect to "fix" it in two generations of slightly less shitty behavior.

The Holocaust was worse than anything blacks experienced. Jews recovered almost immediately. They formed Israel and resumed their disproportionate levels of achievement in cognitively demanding professions.

Uh, the reason why Israel was formed was because the rest of the world felt bad for them and screwed the Palestinians. This was a tragedy of historic proportions, and we are still living with it today. Might even end the world when Islamic countries start getting the bomb and decide to "solve" the problem.

The success of blacks in athletics resembles the success of Jews academically. In each case, as soon as they were were allowed to compete with white Gentiles, they excelled, although in very different fields. This is because their genetic gifts were in different areas.

Get real. The reason why Jews have done well in this country is that we tolerate religious differences here. So while the rest of the world hates them for what even I will admit are pretty silly reasons, that wasn't really a factor here.

Hey, remember the absolute shit-fit that everyone had when Mel Gibson made "Passion of the Christ"? How dare you do a Bible Movie that is actually accurate to the Bible.

Blacks could reduce their problems significantly if they emulated Jews instead of resenting them.

Blacks resent the Jews because they often are the slumlords that own the building with no heat and unsafe fixtures.
Or they own the stores that charge them ridiculous prices for sub-standard product.

So while I find a guy like Al Sharpton truly contemptable, it's not like he's making shit up.
Sure it does. You can't do 20 generations of oppression, sometimes being cruel just for cruelty's sake, and then expect to "fix" it in two generations of slightly less shitty behavior.
How does persecution one never experienced effect one's behavior and ability levels? If slavery and Jim Crow are responsible for low average IQ's and high crime rates for blacks, how do you account for black excellence in athletics?
Uh, the reason why Israel was formed was because the rest of the world felt bad for them and screwed the Palestinians. This was a tragedy of historic proportions, and we are still living with it today. Might even end the world when Islamic countries start getting the bomb and decide to "solve" the problem.
What is tragic about a more evolved race displacing a less evolved race? That has happened throughout history and prehistory. It has contributed to the advance of human evolution.
Get real. The reason why Jews have done well in this country is that we tolerate religious differences here. So while the rest of the world hates them for what even I will admit are pretty silly reasons, that wasn't really a factor here.
You still have not explained why, with a smaller percentage of the U.S. population blacks have come to dominate many sports.

The argument in the past was that Negroes were allowed to excel athletically, but they were not allowed to enter the professions.

Now Negroes are not only allowed to enter the professions, they are given every conceivable encouragement and opportunity, but they still lag behind.

The following chart explains why:


To be successful as a professional or a manager one needs an IQ of at least 115. The higher one's IQ is after that, the more successful one is likely to be.
How does persecution one never experienced effect one's behavior and ability levels? If slavery and Jim Crow are responsible for low average IQ's and high crime rates for blacks, how do you account for black excellence in athletics?
First, your claims about IQ are stupid. We never desegregated the schools. In fact, white people ran screaming when we tried.

Persecutions have had generational effects. There are places that still bear the scars of wars fought decades ago. Take Ireland. Still one of the poorest countries in Europe, even though the British left in 1922.

What is tragic about a more evolved race displacing a less evolved race? That has happened throughout history and prehistory. It has contributed to the advance of human evolution.

The ZIonist scum aren't more evolved... If they were, they certainly wouldn't have spent most of history being the crap under various jackboot throughout history. If the US taxpayer didn't prop them up with blood and treasure, the Arabs would have pushed them into the sea decades ago.

Oh, you poor babies, let's give you someone ELSE'S land.

70 years, we have nothing but war in that region because of it.

You still have not explained why, with a smaller percentage of the U.S. population blacks have come to dominate many sports.

Because I'm not interested in sports. But here was the thing, most sport leagues spent a lot of time excluding blacks. Yes, they finally got access, what, 50-60 years ago.

The argument in the past was that Negroes were allowed to excel athletically, but they were not allowed to enter the professions.
Um, that's still true. If you send in a resume with a name like Jamal or LaKeisha, you are 50% less likely to be called than a person with a name like Greg or Emily.

Now Negroes are not only allowed to enter the professions, they are given every conceivable encouragement and opportunity, but they still lag behind.

Again, 400 years of oppression... you keep pretending that isn't a thing.

To be successful as a professional or a manager one needs an IQ of at least 115.
Have you met managers?

Most of the ones I've encountered were flaming idiots.
First, your claims about IQ are stupid. We never desegregated the schools. In fact, white people ran screaming when we tried.

Many of those white people were white liberals. They fled black majority public schools because they knew that those schools were dangerous places where little learning occurred.
Persecutions have had generational effects. There are places that still bear the scars of wars fought decades ago. Take Ireland. Still one of the poorest countries in Europe, even though the British left in 1922.
What about Germany and Japan? They recovered well from the destruction of the Second World War.
Sure it does. You can't do 20 generations of oppression, sometimes being cruel just for cruelty's sake, and then expect to "fix" it in two generations of slightly less shitty behavior.

Uh, the reason why Israel was formed was because the rest of the world felt bad for them and screwed the Palestinians. This was a tragedy of historic proportions, and we are still living with it today. Might even end the world when Islamic countries start getting the bomb and decide to "solve" the problem.

Get real. The reason why Jews have done well in this country is that we tolerate religious differences here. So while the rest of the world hates them for what even I will admit are pretty silly reasons, that wasn't really a factor here.

Hey, remember the absolute shit-fit that everyone had when Mel Gibson made "Passion of the Christ"? How dare you do a Bible Movie that is actually accurate to the Bible.

Blacks resent the Jews because they often are the slumlords that own the building with no heat and unsafe fixtures.
Or they own the stores that charge them ridiculous prices for sub-standard product.

So while I find a guy like Al Sharpton truly contemptable, it's not like he's making shit up.
The Palestinians didn't "get screwed" they got most of the land mass of Trans-Jordan. It was split to become Jordan and Israel with Jordan getting most of the area.
Slumlords are no more likely to be Jewish than any other religion.
Prices are high in the few stores that survive in black neighborhoods because the costs of running them are high. Theft, robbery and vandalism cost store owners' money and insurance is either very expensive or unavailable in high-crime neighborhoods.
The ZIonist scum aren't more evolved... If they were, they certainly wouldn't have spent most of history being the crap under various jackboot throughout history. If the US taxpayer didn't prop them up with blood and treasure, the Arabs would have pushed them into the sea decades ago.

Oh, you poor babies, let's give you someone ELSE'S land.

70 years, we have nothing but war in that region because of it.
Jews are the most accomplished people on earth. With only 0.2 % of the world's population they have won one forth of the Nobel Prizes.
Because I'm not interested in sports. But here was the thing, most sport leagues spent a lot of time excluding blacks. Yes, they finally got access, what, 50-60 years ago.
We are still waiting for blacks to excel academically and professionally. Those who still think they will demonstrate the victory of hope over experience.
Many of those white people were white liberals. They fled black majority public schools because they knew that those schools were dangerous places where little learning occurred.

Um, wow, really? And who were running those schools in the 1970's.

What about Germany and Japan? They recovered well from the destruction of the Second World War.

YOu mean after we spent billions repairing them.
We should try that in this country.

The Palestinians didn't "get screwed" they got most of the land mass of Trans-Jordan. It was split to become Jordan and Israel with Jordan getting most of the area.
Uh, they totally got screwed.

They should have gotten ALL the land. They lived there. The Jewish Squatters of Europe did not. if the Arabs had heeded the Ottoman's Sultan's call to Jihad, the Allies would have lost WWI. Instead they joined the British in fighting the Ottomans, on the promise they would get Independence. Instead, the British carved up their territory and tried to resettle Europe's Jews there.

Slumlords are no more likely to be Jewish than any other religion.

No, but they are more likely to be the offenders in terms of bad living conditions and dodgy deals.

Prices are high in the few stores that survive in black neighborhoods because the costs of running them are high. Theft, robbery and vandalism cost store owners' money and insurance is either very expensive or unavailable in high-crime neighborhoods.

That's not the reason and you know it. The real reason is these poor neighborhoods tend to be food deserts. The big chains won't open there, so you get these fly by night characters who tend to wear out their welcome.

Jews are the most accomplished people on earth. With only 0.2 % of the world's population they have won one forth of the Nobel Prizes.
Um, they give nobel prizes to Al Gore, Barak Obama before he ever did anything, and even some 19 year old girl.

We are still waiting for blacks to excel academically and professionally. Those who still think they will demonstrate the victory of hope over experience.

Again, 400 years of breaking a people, you don't fix them that easily.

I am confident they thought the same of you.
Well, they could have...
But I wasn't in charge, they were.
I remember the one Jewish Manager with the bad toupee. He had to park his big expensive car next to his window because he was afraid the employees might key it. Four years, this guy went to work with a staff that nearly universally hated him. (I probably got along with him better, because I'm a professional, and carry out instructions even if I don't agree with them.)
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YOu mean after we spent billions repairing them.
We should try that in this country.

The Sorry Record of Foreign Aid in Africa​

African Governments Are Destroying Their Countries with Aid from the West

Wednesday, August 1, 2001​

For almost half a century the countries of Africa have been awash in aid. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been given to African governments. More billions were lent to these same governments. Countless tons of food have inundated the continent, and swarms of consultants, experts, and administrators have descended to solve Africa’s problems. Yet the state of development in Africa is no better today than it was when all this started. Per capita income, for most of Africa, is either stagnant or declining...

The Congo also sold donated food supplies and used the funds to purchase an arms factory from Italy.9...

Donated money is just as likely to go astray. President Mobutu of Zaire managed to build a fortune in his Swiss bank account that was estimated as high as $10 billion.11 Kenyan human-rights activist Makau Wa Mutua lamented: “Since independence in Africa, government has been seen as the personal fiefdom a leader uses to accumulate wealth for himself, his family, his clan. He cannot be subjected to criticism by anyone, and everything he says is final.”12

Just a few years ago a World Bank report admitted that 75 percent of their African agricultural projects were failures.1 Other aid agencies weren’t any luckier. Operation Mils Mopti in Mali was supposed to increase grain production but the government imposed “official” prices on the grain and had to force farmers into selling their crops at these below-market rates. As a result grain production fell by 80 percent.2 In Senegal $4 million was spent to increase cattle production in the Bakel region. But in the end only 882 additional cattle were being reared there.3

Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe is notorious for his extravagant shopping trips to Harrod’s even if he has to confiscate planes from the national airlines to take them.13 Mugabe’s regime has used systematic violence in attempts to stay in power. And according to the Johannesburg Star, his thugs have “looted” aid to help finance their attacks. Some $1 million is supposedly at stake. Asger Pilegaard, the EU delegation head in Zimbabwe, has demanded an investigation saying: “We cannot accept that the humanitarian aid financed by European taxpayers is not arriving to the people for whom it was originally intended.”14

And while hungry faces are used on posters and in media reports to sell the virtues of foreign aid, it is the hungry who rarely see any of the funds. Poverty may be used to justify the programs, but the aid is almost always given in the form of government-to-government transfers. And once the aid is in the hands of the state it is used for purposes conducive to the ruling regime’s own purposes.

Since moving to black-majority rule in 1980 Zimbabwe has regularly received financial aid to promote “land reform.” For 20 years the government used these funds to buy up land, which when “reformed” typically ended up in the hands of the ruling party’s elite...

Most of the problems that African nations face today are self-inflicted. Africa is the last major bastion of heavily regulated markets. This has lead to stagnancy and decline. The continent itself is rich in resources, but the incentive to produce has been destroyed by government policies...

Some have called for the forgiveness of African debts. This would not be a bad thing, but it is quite useless if debt forgiveness is followed by more loans and aid as demanded by many African governments...

The inescapable fact is that African governments are destroying their own economies—often with aid from the West...

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