Let's talk about R v. W

I like to leave the abortion issue to the ladies.

As a guy, it's really none of my business.

That's bullshit.

People can discuss ethical matters, without being directly involved.

I've never been a murderer, or been murdered, but I have strong opinion on the act.

Abortion is not murder. Murder is murder.

I didn't say it was.

My point was that you don't have to be personally involved in an issue to have an opinion.

ANd it is a cop out to claim you do.

Do you have an opinion about pedophilia?
Mr. Clean is close, though. It is an individual woman's decision, along with input from the sperm donor, what to do. As another woman, it is not my place to decide for her, either.

Nor is it the decision of Planned Parenthood, but if you walk in the door and they only offer one option. What does anyone expect?
Then why if a pregnant woman is murdered does the killer get charged with a double homicide? Hmmm?

Go Away. You don't have the knowledge base or basic intelligence to respond to this or most OP's.

For the record, homicide is the ILLEGAL taking of a human life; abortion within the parameters of R v. W is legal.

Mr Clean is the one that brought up the point.

Miketx comment was ignorant, that was my point.

So, was Mr Clean's, but you let that pass. That was my point.

OK, Have you thought about the consequences?

I've posted my response to that twice now. For you.
Repealing Roe vs Wade would be a huge mistake and would further widen the already enormous rift between Trump and his opposition. I voted for Trump but I am pro-choice and I find it hypocritical that the right wants less government, yet also wants the government to interfere with a woman’s pregnancy. Pro-choice ≠ pro-abortion. There ARE legit reasons to terminate a pregnancy and that’s why the choice shouldn’t be taken away from anyone.

You are assuming that your viewpoint is the only possible viewpoint.

In YOUR viewpoint, the only person involved is the woman.

In many other world views, the unborn child counts as a person to be considered.

It is not reasonable of you to pretend their viewpoint does not exist.

Are you saying that if a fetus knew they weren’t wanted and would be immediately murdered following birth (as some mothers do—it’s the ugly truth), they’d decide to live anyway? Why is that the govt’s decision to make?

THat's not what I said. YOu are welcome to try again, if you want.
IMO The President has never seemed to consider all the consequences of his actions. If, for example, what do you the reader think about abortion, and what might be the intended and unintended consequences if R v. W is repealed.
To talk about repealing R v W, we would have to have an actual case in which Roe is being threatened.

So how about we put the horse before the cart and talk about this case that will repeal R v W.

You see, we really need to have a Court that has a desire to overturn Roe and as far as I can tell, not a single judge on the SCOTUS has an appetite for overturning this decision.

So, the conclusion is this is fear mongering because regardless of who Trump puts on the bench, Roe isn't in any danger.
I like to leave the abortion issue to the ladies.

As a guy, it's really none of my business.

That's bullshit.

People can discuss ethical matters, without being directly involved.

I've never been a murderer, or been murdered, but I have strong opinion on the act.

Abortion is not murder. Murder is murder.

I didn't say it was.

My point was that you don't have to be personally involved in an issue to have an opinion.

ANd it is a cop out to claim you do.

Do you have an opinion about pedophilia?
Mr. Clean is close, though. It is an individual woman's decision, along with input from the sperm donor, what to do. As another woman, it is not my place to decide for her, either.

And the unborn child? DOes society not have a responsibility to protect him or her?
Repealing Roe vs Wade would be a huge mistake and would further widen the already enormous rift between Trump and his opposition. I voted for Trump but I am pro-choice and I find it hypocritical that the right wants less government, yet also wants the government to interfere with a woman’s pregnancy. Pro-choice ≠ pro-abortion. There ARE legit reasons to terminate a pregnancy and that’s why the choice shouldn’t be taken away from anyone.
There are also legit reasons to take a persons life. Punishment, self defense... and all are under the purview of government scrutiny. Except for the victims of abortion. If pregnant women, and abortion doctors are allowed to murder with impunity... When can the rest of us?
Repealing Roe vs Wade would be a huge mistake and would further widen the already enormous rift between Trump and his opposition. I voted for Trump but I am pro-choice and I find it hypocritical that the right wants less government, yet also wants the government to interfere with a woman’s pregnancy. Pro-choice ≠ pro-abortion. There ARE legit reasons to terminate a pregnancy and that’s why the choice shouldn’t be taken away from anyone.

You are assuming that your viewpoint is the only possible viewpoint.

In YOUR viewpoint, the only person involved is the woman.

In many other world views, the unborn child counts as a person to be considered.

It is not reasonable of you to pretend their viewpoint does not exist.

With all due respect, fetuses aren’t capable of having viewpoints, therefore they technically don’t exist.
So you support the murder of people in comas? Because according to your metric; they’re fair game...
Repealing Roe vs Wade would be a huge mistake and would further widen the already enormous rift between Trump and his opposition. I voted for Trump but I am pro-choice and I find it hypocritical that the right wants less government, yet also wants the government to interfere with a woman’s pregnancy. Pro-choice ≠ pro-abortion. There ARE legit reasons to terminate a pregnancy and that’s why the choice shouldn’t be taken away from anyone.

You are assuming that your viewpoint is the only possible viewpoint.

In YOUR viewpoint, the only person involved is the woman.

In many other world views, the unborn child counts as a person to be considered.

It is not reasonable of you to pretend their viewpoint does not exist.

With all due respect, fetuses aren’t capable of having viewpoints, therefore they technically don’t exist.

I'm not talking about their viewpoint.

I'm talking about the viewpoint of other people, from different cultures than you.

YOu are acting as though you never even heard of a dissenting viewpoint on this issue, which is very strange.
Repealing Roe vs Wade would be a huge mistake and would further widen the already enormous rift between Trump and his opposition. I voted for Trump but I am pro-choice and I find it hypocritical that the right wants less government, yet also wants the government to interfere with a woman’s pregnancy. Pro-choice ≠ pro-abortion. There ARE legit reasons to terminate a pregnancy and that’s why the choice shouldn’t be taken away from anyone.

You are assuming that your viewpoint is the only possible viewpoint.

In YOUR viewpoint, the only person involved is the woman.

In many other world views, the unborn child counts as a person to be considered.

It is not reasonable of you to pretend their viewpoint does not exist.

With all due respect, fetuses aren’t capable of having viewpoints, therefore they technically don’t exist.
Well, if they don’t exist why would you have to abort it?
IMO The President has never seemed to consider all the consequences of his actions. If, for example, what do you the reader think about abortion, and what might be the intended and unintended consequences if R v. W is repealed.

"what do you the reader think about abortion"

I am against it save for extreme risk to mother's life.

"and what might be the intended and unintended consequences if R v. W is repealed"

Intended consequences: less unborn children die in the womb. More children get born, see the sky. more women realize it's about the life developing within them, not their own. The whole issue stops bleeding all over the whole nation; scab forms, scar remains, less of a divide between political parties and the people.

unintended consequences: women still determined to kill for convenience do it off the books. They get caught, do time, add to the nationwide prison population. The country finally regains its moral centering.
Roe V Wade is becoming irrelevant. It is more used to rally the base (both sides) than anything else.
Most states where most of the population is pro-life have state laws that make it difficult to impossible to get an abortion for reasons other than medical.
In effect, Roe V Wade has already been overturned throughout the country.

Not responsive to the question. What will be the consequences of its repeal?

That assumes it will be repealed, which it won't.
The majority of Americans, either party, including men don't want abortion to be straight up outlawed.
It's not going to happen
IMO The President has never seemed to consider all the consequences of his actions. If, for example, what do you the reader think about abortion, and what might be the intended and unintended consequences if R v. W is repealed.

A million American children a year would live that otherwise would have been killed.

Any more questions?

Where would an unwanted baby live? What if a million babies a year (# is hyperbole) were dropped off at a fire house or police station?

My wife and I participated in an abortion counseling mission back in the 1980s. We counseled young women that were considering having an abortion.

We tried to convince them that it was better to have the child or put it up for adoption.

In every case that we had a follow up the mother said she was glad she let her child live.

Killing a child for the sake of convenience is simply always the wrong thing to do.

Killing a child should never be used for birth control given the fact that birth control is cheap and readily available.

We are a sick nation to allow abortion on demand for the sake of convenience. A real sicko nation. Shame on us!

Abortion on demand? R v. W has parameters, so your statement is not true. Birth Control (BC) can be expensive for those in poverty, and the more extreme right to lifers consider the morning after pill, the pill and even a condom as an abortion; the Catholic Church still oppose contraception and does no cover contraceptives for their secular employees.

Why is there opposition to comprehensive health care curriculum in the public schools, wherein human sexuality is covered for age appropriate students?
Roe V Wade is becoming irrelevant. It is more used to rally the base (both sides) than anything else.
Most states where most of the population is pro-life have state laws that make it difficult to impossible to get an abortion for reasons other than medical.
In effect, Roe V Wade has already been overturned throughout the country.

Not responsive to the question. What will be the consequences of its repeal?

That assumes it will be repealed, which it won't.
The majority of Americans, either party, including men don't want abortion to be straight up outlawed.
It's not going to happen

As the Trump might tweet or say, "we'll see what happens".
I like to leave the abortion issue to the ladies.

As a guy, it's really none of my business.

That's bullshit.

People can discuss ethical matters, without being directly involved.

I've never been a murderer, or been murdered, but I have strong opinion on the act.

Abortion is not murder. Murder is murder.

I didn't say it was.

My point was that you don't have to be personally involved in an issue to have an opinion.

ANd it is a cop out to claim you do.

Do you have an opinion about pedophilia?
Mr. Clean is close, though. It is an individual woman's decision, along with input from the sperm donor, what to do. As another woman, it is not my place to decide for her, either.

Nor is it the decision of Planned Parenthood, but if you walk in the door and they only offer one option. What does anyone expect?

They don't only offer one option.
I like to leave the abortion issue to the ladies.

As a guy, it's really none of my business.

That's bullshit.

People can discuss ethical matters, without being directly involved.

I've never been a murderer, or been murdered, but I have strong opinion on the act.

Abortion is not murder. Murder is murder.

I didn't say it was.

My point was that you don't have to be personally involved in an issue to have an opinion.

ANd it is a cop out to claim you do.

Do you have an opinion about pedophilia?
Mr. Clean is close, though. It is an individual woman's decision, along with input from the sperm donor, what to do. As another woman, it is not my place to decide for her, either.

And the unborn child? DOes society not have a responsibility to protect him or her?

That's a good question, one which opens a door far beyond the prenatal stage. Does society have a responsibility to children under the age of 18?
IMO The President has never seemed to consider all the consequences of his actions. If, for example, what do you the reader think about abortion, and what might be the intended and unintended consequences if R v. W is repealed.

A million American children a year would live that otherwise would have been killed.

Any more questions?

Where would an unwanted baby live? What if a million babies a year (# is hyperbole) were dropped off at a fire house or police station?

My wife and I participated in an abortion counseling mission back in the 1980s. We counseled young women that were considering having an abortion.

We tried to convince them that it was better to have the child or put it up for adoption.

In every case that we had a follow up the mother said she was glad she let her child live.

Killing a child for the sake of convenience is simply always the wrong thing to do.

Killing a child should never be used for birth control given the fact that birth control is cheap and readily available.

We are a sick nation to allow abortion on demand for the sake of convenience. A real sicko nation. Shame on us!

Abortion on demand? R v. W has parameters, so your statement is not true. Birth Control (BC) can be expensive for those in poverty, and the more extreme right to lifers consider the morning after pill, the pill and even a condom as an abortion; the Catholic Church still oppose contraception and does no cover contraceptives for their secular employees.

Why is there opposition to comprehensive health care curriculum in the public schools, wherein human sexuality is covered for age appropriate students?

You are really confused aren't you?

A condom cost about a quarter if that much. There are many places that give them away for free.

About 5% of abortions are for what most people would consider to be legitimate reasons. The other 95% is simply the mother killing the child because she doesn't want to be bothered with it.

An unwanted pregnancy should never be the excuse for a death sentence for a child.

We are a sick nation to allow it. Very sick. Shame!

If you don't understand what is wrong with killing children for the sake of convenience then you are one sick puppy.
We are a sick nation to allow abortion on demand for the sake of convenience. A real sicko nation. Shame on us!

No more shameful than invading and destroying countries that are of no threat to us.
Repealing Roe vs Wade would be a huge mistake and would further widen the already enormous rift between Trump and his opposition. I voted for Trump but I am pro-choice and I find it hypocritical that the right wants less government, yet also wants the government to interfere with a woman’s pregnancy. Pro-choice ≠ pro-abortion. There ARE legit reasons to terminate a pregnancy and that’s why the choice shouldn’t be taken away from anyone.
There are also legit reasons to take a persons life. Punishment, self defense... and all are under the purview of government scrutiny. Except for the victims of abortion. If pregnant women, and abortion doctors are allowed to murder with impunity... When can the rest of us?

Once again, Murder is illegal, abortion under R v. W is not illegal. But, to the point, if R v. W is repealed what will be the consequences, both intended (preventing legal abortions) and the unintended ones?
Repealing Roe vs Wade would be a huge mistake and would further widen the already enormous rift between Trump and his opposition. I voted for Trump but I am pro-choice and I find it hypocritical that the right wants less government, yet also wants the government to interfere with a woman’s pregnancy. Pro-choice ≠ pro-abortion. There ARE legit reasons to terminate a pregnancy and that’s why the choice shouldn’t be taken away from anyone.

You are assuming that your viewpoint is the only possible viewpoint.

In YOUR viewpoint, the only person involved is the woman.

In many other world views, the unborn child counts as a person to be considered.

It is not reasonable of you to pretend their viewpoint does not exist.

Are you saying that if a fetus knew they weren’t wanted and would be immediately murdered following birth (as some mothers do—it’s the ugly truth), they’d decide to live anyway? Why is that the govt’s decision to make?

THat's not what I said. YOu are welcome to try again, if you want.

I’m just trying to understand why the “viewpoint” of a non-thinking entity should be considered. If going by that logic, I’m sure there are babies that would prefer not to be born.
We are a sick nation to allow abortion on demand for the sake of convenience. A real sicko nation. Shame on us!

No more shameful than invading and destroying countries that are of no threat to us.

You mean like Obama who was at war everyday of his administration? Maybe like Hillary Clinton that supported the invasion of Iraq? Those assholes were not only war mongers but also supported killing the Million of American children each year on demand..

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