Lets talk singer payer . you know the kind you leftwack want.

I was going to ask where the progressives with the reports of cherry picked data supporting single payer. But I see joe showed up so all is right with the world.

I did notice, however, that no a single person has managed to answer the question.

How much will a single payers system cost in terms of real dollars to the everyday American (which includes rich people)

Do you know the answer? Or, more precisely, do you think you know the answer?
You know that the public option would have greatly benefited consumers because the insurance companies, who so greatly benefit off the backs of the consumers,

opposed it.
Lets talk singer payer . you know the kind you leftwack want.

I pick Englebert Humperdinck!

Lets talk singer payer . you know the kind you leftwack want.

I pick Englebert Humperdinck!

I'm partial to Tony Bennett.

Lets talk singer payer . you know the kind you leftwack want.

I pick Englebert Humperdinck!

I'm partial to Tony Bennett.

Me...I'll pay to hear Tina Turner sing.

Bumping so we can get some more posters to tell us about their "singer player" choices. :D

How much of our taxes will go up. Will I be able to pay for my every day bills with this huge endeavors.. How much across the board for everyone for this to work , young old, sick and wealthy. Everyone has to put in the pot

In singer pays.. PRO yes everyone would have health care ( good not so much)
CONS waiting time for a MRI , or Cat scan. Been on some Canadian websites and they buy private insurance.. Local time to spend in ER is min 8 hours and that is for a sinus infection on a Sunday so other clinic open but even the Nurse thell them they can buy private insurance and y9ou can get fixed right now if you have the money

I just want to know if I will be how many taxes we will have to pay to got singer payer , I heard up to 60 percent. our income to insurance see that leaves 40 percent left for our family.. How is that fair that the government gets more of your earned income

Not familiar with that, could you hum a few bars?

How much of our taxes will go up. Will I be able to pay for my every day bills with this huge endeavors.. How much across the board for everyone for this to work , young old, sick and wealthy. Everyone has to put in the pot

In singer pays.. PRO yes everyone would have health care ( good not so much)
CONS waiting time for a MRI , or Cat scan. Been on some Canadian websites and they buy private insurance.. Local time to spend in ER is min 8 hours and that is for a sinus infection on a Sunday so other clinic open but even the Nurse thell them they can buy private insurance and y9ou can get fixed right now if you have the money

I just want to know if I will be how many taxes we will have to pay to got singer payer , I heard up to 60 percent. our income to insurance see that leaves 40 percent left for our family.. How is that fair that the government gets more of your earned income

Sure, my favorite SINGER [your word] (jazz) is James Darren. My favorite singer (rock) would be Springsteen. Female Vocals are Biily Holiday, Dianh Washington, Gladys Night and Laura Brannigan.

As for singles [Your Word], I have cd's mostly. As a kid I had 45's Lesley Gore, Lulu, Petula Clark and Linda Ronstadt.

Hope this helps.

Those of you off topic....PLEASE get back on the OP's topic of "singer payer". TIA

Surely there are more fav "singer payers" out there?

I have several cd's of Bobby Darin, his music is just great.

Medicare E

E for everyone.

Free Candy Striper homecare for all males on Medicare!!!


Julie Andrews...my first love and an amazing voice. Barbara would be incredible too.

As to single payer as a way of paying for healthcare, I'm all for it.

Just an "FYI" to the morons out there, Medicare is "government run" healthcare.

Oh...and then there is this:

In studies, including one by Harvard, and in six straight years of patient satisfaction surveys, the VA earned the highest health care quality rating in the country. It's also the least expensive.

VA: High-Quality Health Care At Low Cost


No idea what you'd pay for this Singer.


No idea what you'd pay for this Singer.

I once had a Singer like this;


Such kind and wonderful and loving liberals who would never seek to ridicule or wound another living thing.

You should have all been aborted!
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Other countries spend less per capita on healthcare because of a couple of reasons:

1. what they provide is inferior to what we have in the USA
2. Big pharma is ripping us off in the USA
Single payer is the DMV of healthcare.


You know the way you guys describe the DMV, you all make it sound like it's some kind of medieval torture chamber.

My last trip to the DMV, they had me in and out in less than half an hour.
Other countries spend less per capita on healthcare because of a couple of reasons:

1. what they provide is inferior to what we have in the USA
2. Big pharma is ripping us off in the USA

I can't agree about pharma. They pay for most of the medical research in this country. The NIH only pays for about 10%. I was in practice during the Decade of the Brain. In that 10 years I saw more new psych meds come on the scene than had been produced from the time they first came about in the 50s.
Other countries spend less per capita on healthcare because of a couple of reasons:

1. what they provide is inferior to what we have in the USA
2. Big pharma is ripping us off in the USA

I'll agree with number 2, which begs the question of why we tolerate it. Oh, yeah. "Freedom!"..

But if what they provide is "inferior", why are they living longer and having a lower infant mortality rate?
Poor liberals favor single payer because think it will be FREE for them.

Rich liberals favor single payer because they will not be subject to it. They will buy healthcare on the open market.

The middle class will pay for single payer and will be the most impacted by it. What a great fucking idea
Single payer is the DMV of healthcare.


You know the way you guys describe the DMV, you all make it sound like it's some kind of medieval torture chamber.

My last trip to the DMV, they had me in and out in less than half an hour.

That is due to technology. Not who pays your bill. When I went to Vanderbilt, I checked in at a kiosk. But I didn't get in anywhere near on time. All you get at the DMV is your license. In a medical setting many unexpected things can occur. Your single payer won't prevent the person in line in front of you from having a cardiac arrest and delaying you for 3 hours.
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Other countries spend less per capita on healthcare because of a couple of reasons:

1. what they provide is inferior to what we have in the USA
2. Big pharma is ripping us off in the USA

I can't agree about pharma. They pay for most of the medical research in this country. The NIH only pays for about 10%. I was in practice during the Decade of the Brain. In that 10 years I saw more new psych meds come on the scene than had been produced from the time they first came about in the 50s.

So much comedy potential in the bolded portion.... so much....

The thing is, letting big pharma control medical research has skewed our priorities.

Which is why we haven't found better cancer treatments, but dammit, we've found all sorts of pills to make old guys' weiners stand up!
Other countries spend less per capita on healthcare because of a couple of reasons:

1. what they provide is inferior to what we have in the USA
2. Big pharma is ripping us off in the USA

I can't agree about pharma. They pay for most of the medical research in this country. The NIH only pays for about 10%. I was in practice during the Decade of the Brain. In that 10 years I saw more new psych meds come on the scene than had been produced from the time they first came about in the 50s.

So much comedy potential in the bolded portion.... so much....

The thing is, letting big pharma control medical research has skewed our priorities.

Which is why we haven't found better cancer treatments, but dammit, we've found all sorts of pills to make old guys' weiners stand up!

It wasn't pharma that declared the Decade of the Brain for the focus of medical research. It was the government. And we don't have better cancer treatments because as of yet, no one truly understands the disease. It has nothing to do with money. And I'm not wearing that goddamned pink shit everywhere I go or filling my house up with pink shit because doing so doesn't change one thing. It is for stupid people like you who think it does to spend money on.

And not even one country with single payer has a cure for cancer.
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Other countries spend less per capita on healthcare because of a couple of reasons:

1. what they provide is inferior to what we have in the USA
2. Big pharma is ripping us off in the USA

I'll agree with number 2, which begs the question of why we tolerate it. Oh, yeah. "Freedom!"..

But if what they provide is "inferior", why are they living longer and having a lower infant mortality rate?

Countries like Japan and Sweden have small homogeneous populations, they do not have ghettos where kids are killing each other before they reach the age of 20. They do not have 20 million illegals who come here sick and bring our stats down. Its not an apples to apples comparison.

as to big pharma, they average 35% corporate profits, oil companies average 8%, defence companies average 7%, but the left demonizes oil and defence and never says anything about pharma. The same drugs are made and sold in canada, the UK, and other countries for much much less. Where is the outrage from the left?
Poor liberals favor single payer because think it will be FREE for them.

Rich liberals favor single payer because they will not be subject to it. They will buy healthcare on the open market.

The middle class will pay for single payer and will be the most impacted by it. What a great fucking idea

Again, guy, we are ALREADY paying for the most expensive system in the world, because off all the profiteering and inefficiencies.

And we get the worst results in the industrialized world.
Other countries spend less per capita on healthcare because of a couple of reasons:

1. what they provide is inferior to what we have in the USA
2. Big pharma is ripping us off in the USA

I can't agree about pharma. They pay for most of the medical research in this country. The NIH only pays for about 10%. I was in practice during the Decade of the Brain. In that 10 years I saw more new psych meds come on the scene than had been produced from the time they first came about in the 50s.

drug patents should not last for 15 years, 2 years max, then get cheaper generics into the market. Do you really think it costs $15 to make one viagra pill? I know that will bring out the perverts, so bring it on. :lol:
Poor liberals favor single payer because think it will be FREE for them.

Rich liberals favor single payer because they will not be subject to it. They will buy healthcare on the open market.

The middle class will pay for single payer and will be the most impacted by it. What a great fucking idea

Again, guy, we are ALREADY paying for the most expensive system in the world, because off all the profiteering and inefficiencies.

And we get the worst results in the industrialized world.

single payer would not change any of that, it would make it more expensive. Who do you think is going to pay for a new huge govt beaurocracy? Who is going to pay for the phone banks in Pakistan where your healthcare "professional" will decide on your treatment?
Other countries spend less per capita on healthcare because of a couple of reasons:

1. what they provide is inferior to what we have in the USA
2. Big pharma is ripping us off in the USA

I'll agree with number 2, which begs the question of why we tolerate it. Oh, yeah. "Freedom!"..

But if what they provide is "inferior", why are they living longer and having a lower infant mortality rate?

Countries like Japan and Sweden have small homogeneous populations, they do not have ghettos where kids are killing each other before they reach the age of 20. They do not have 20 million illegals who come here sick and bring our stats down. Its not an apples to apples comparison.

While 30,000 gun deaths a year (most of them not "ghetto kids") is truly horrible, it is only .01% of the population. Certainly NOT enough to really move the life expectency numbers. But I'm glad you are finally seeing the light on gun control.

Compared to 46 million uninsured and 25 million underinsured, which comprises 25% of the population which doesn't have clear and easy access to diagnostic, preventitive and long term care. I think that does quite a bit to skew the numbers.

Of course, the fact too many of us are overweight and too many of us smoke is part of the problem, but if government tried to do more about that, we'd hear a lot about "Freedom" and where Michelle Obama can put her carrot sticks.

as to big pharma, they average 35% corporate profits, oil companies average 8%, defence companies average 7%, but the left demonizes oil and defence and never says anything about pharma. The same drugs are made and sold in canada, the UK, and other countries for much much less. Where is the outrage from the left?

Actually, the left demonizes big pharma quite a bit... not sure where you've been.

But here's the thing. In Canada and the UK, the government buys the drugs, and then distributes them for free.

In the US, the drugs are paid for by a series of government, private insurance and out of pocket, adding to the expense and allowing big Pharma to name its own price.

Case in point, when Bush did one of the few decent things of his presidency, Medicare Part D, the only way Big PHarma went along with it is if the government agreed not to buy the drugs in bulk, which would have saved hundreds of billions.

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