Lets talk singer payer . you know the kind you leftwack want.

I'd go with Neil Young. A Canadian to boot.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd3oqvnDKQk]Neil Young - Needle And The Damage Done (Unplugged) - YouTube[/ame]
Julie Andrews...my first love and an amazing voice. Barbara would be incredible too.

As to single payer as a way of paying for healthcare, I'm all for it.

Just an "FYI" to the morons out there, Medicare is "government run" healthcare.

Oh...and then there is this:

In studies, including one by Harvard, and in six straight years of patient satisfaction surveys, the VA earned the highest health care quality rating in the country. It's also the least expensive.

VA: High-Quality Health Care At Low Cost
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Sure are a lot of arrogant liberal assholes on USMB that have never posted a typo.
Those of you off topic....PLEASE get back on the OP's topic of "singer payer". TIA

He who pays the piper calls the tune! :D

Isn't the GOP way overdue for kissing, making up and singing...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo9AH4vG2wA]Kumbaya My Lord - YouTube[/ame]
Sure are a lot of arrogant liberal assholes on USMB that have never posted a typo.

For you youngins'

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M1Dl6KZVZs]Harry Connick Jr - The Way You Look Tonight - YouTube[/ame]
How much of our taxes will go up. Will I be able to pay for my every day bills with this huge endeavors.. How much across the board for everyone for this to work , young old, sick and wealthy. Everyone has to put in the pot

In singer pays.. PRO yes everyone would have health care ( good not so much)
CONS waiting time for a MRI , or Cat scan. Been on some Canadian websites and they buy private insurance.. Local time to spend in ER is min 8 hours and that is for a sinus infection on a Sunday so other clinic open but even the Nurse thell them they can buy private insurance and y9ou can get fixed right now if you have the money

I just want to know if I will be how many taxes we will have to pay to got singer payer , I heard up to 60 percent. our income to insurance see that leaves 40 percent left for our family.. How is that fair that the government gets more of your earned income

Here's the problem with your premise.

Every country that has single payer spends LESS per Capita or as a percentage of their GDP than we do.



Partially because it cuts out the waste of CEO Salaries and investor returns and simply commits all spending to just providing care.

Partially because they lower the additional costs of litigation by assuring everyone lifetime care.

Partially beacuse valuable Emergency Room services aren't wasted on non-emergency visits.

Partially because every doctor's office doesn't need three clerks to file claims and know 100 different system.

All you jerkoffs finding glee in the OP's innocent mistake are doing nothing more than verifying your adolescence. Good job!

NEWS FLASH: ObamaCare was designed to fail!

Forget about the "botched" rollout and the billions being thrown at a computer system that can't get out of its own way. It's all a scam.

The misnamed "Affordable Care Act" was never designed to work.

During a speech to the American Medical Association back in June 2009, President Obama fiercely denied that his health proposal's "public option" (a government-run insurance plan that competes against private health insurers) would lead to universal health care.

"What are not legitimate concerns are those being put forward claiming a public option is somehow a Trojan horse for a single-payer system."

Obama's Leftist cronies knew better. A month later, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), chairman of the House Financial Services said, "I think the best way we're going to get to a single payer, the only way, is to have a public option and demonstrate the strength of that."

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) said it even better, "A public option will put the private insurance industry out of business and lead to a single-payer."

Though public resistance killed the public option, ObamaCare requires at least two government health-care plans that will compete against private insurance. That's the public option by stealth and a fast track to a single-payer system.
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How much of our taxes will go up. Will I be able to pay for my every day bills with this huge endeavors.. How much across the board for everyone for this to work , young old, sick and wealthy. Everyone has to put in the pot

In singer pays.. PRO yes everyone would have health care ( good not so much)
CONS waiting time for a MRI , or Cat scan. Been on some Canadian websites and they buy private insurance.. Local time to spend in ER is min 8 hours and that is for a sinus infection on a Sunday so other clinic open but even the Nurse thell them they can buy private insurance and y9ou can get fixed right now if you have the money

I just want to know if I will be how many taxes we will have to pay to got singer payer , I heard up to 60 percent. our income to insurance see that leaves 40 percent left for our family.. How is that fair that the government gets more of your earned income

Here's the problem with your premise.

Every country that has single payer spends LESS per Capita or as a percentage of their GDP than we do.



Partially because it cuts out the waste of CEO Salaries and investor returns and simply commits all spending to just providing care.

Partially because they lower the additional costs of litigation by assuring everyone lifetime care.

Partially beacuse valuable Emergency Room services aren't wasted on non-emergency visits.

Partially because every doctor's office doesn't need three clerks to file claims and know 100 different system.
Why don't you address the QUALITY of health care...or the mortality rate? There is a COST OF LIVING involved here. Post some LIFE EXPECTANCY graphs for us.

...and all you jerkoffs finding glee in the OP's innocent mistake are doing nothing more than verifying your adolescence. Good job!

NEWS FLASH: ObamaCare was designed to fail!

Forget about the "botched" rollout and the billions being thrown at a computer system that can't get out of its own way. It's all a scam.

The misnamed "Affordable Care Act" was never designed to work.

During a speech to the American Medical Association back in June 2009, President Obama fiercely denied that his health proposal's "public option" (a government-run insurance plan that competes against private health insurers) would lead to universal health care.

"What are not legitimate concerns are those being put forward claiming a public option is somehow a Trojan horse for a single-payer system."

Obama's Leftist cronies knew better. A month later, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), chairman of the House Financial Services said, "I think the best way we're going to get to a single payer, the only way, is to have a public option and demonstrate the strength of that."

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) said it even better, "A public option will put the private insurance industry out of business and lead to a single-payer."

Though public resistance killed the public option, ObamaCare requires at least two government health-care plans that will compete against private insurance. That's the public option by stealth and a fast track to a single-payer system.

Since you didn't dare look for yourself, here are the life expectancies of various nations. We rank #51,


Infant mortality #174 out of 224, the 224th being the best.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVgOl3cETb4]"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube[/ame]
I was going to ask where the progressives with the reports of cherry picked data supporting single payer. But I see joe showed up so all is right with the world.

I did notice, however, that no a single person has managed to answer the question.

How much will a single payers system cost in terms of real dollars to the everyday American (which includes rich people)
[quWhy don't you address the QUALITY of health care...or the mortality rate? There is a COST OF LIVING involved here. Post some LIFE EXPECTANCY graphs for us.

...and all you jerkoffs finding glee in the OP's innocent mistake are doing nothing more than verifying your adolescence. Good job!

Guy, do you really, really want to go there?

Okay, I'll play.


Hey, remember on the top graph, where Japan only spends a third of what we do Per Capita and only spends
8% of her GDP on health care compared to our 16%?

Well holy shit, man. The Japanese are outliving us by 5 years on average. Most of the other countries listed who spend less than we do are also getting better results.

During a speech to the American Medical Association back in June 2009, President Obama fiercely denied that his health proposal's "public option" (a government-run insurance plan that competes against private health insurers) would lead to universal health care.

"What are not legitimate concerns are those being put forward claiming a public option is somehow a Trojan horse for a single-payer system."

Obama's Leftist cronies knew better. A month later, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), chairman of the House Financial Services said, "I think the best way we're going to get to a single payer, the only way, is to have a public option and demonstrate the strength of that."

Though public resistance killed the public option, ObamaCare requires at least two government health-care plans that will compete against private insurance. That's the public option by stealth and a fast track to a single-payer system.[/QUOTE]

But as you point out, we didn't get a Public Option, which would have solved a lot of the problem, really.

I do think we are going to go to either single payer or a universal public private system, because that would work a lot better. Unfortunately, we have a large sentiment of this country that mistrusts government, even when government is helping them.
I was going to ask where the progressives with the reports of cherry picked data supporting single payer. But I see joe showed up so all is right with the world.

I did notice, however, that no a single person has managed to answer the question.

How much will a single payers system cost in terms of real dollars to the everyday American (which includes rich people)

Please point out what was "Cherry Picked".

I was going to ask where the progressives with the reports of cherry picked data supporting single payer. But I see joe showed up so all is right with the world.

I did notice, however, that no a single person has managed to answer the question.

How much will a single payers system cost in terms of real dollars to the everyday American (which includes rich people)

Well now, isn't this what the net is for?


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