Let's unpack some of the right wing's delusion and dishonesty. Is universal healthcare socialism?

I don’t know about you jackass, but Medicare and social security have been paid by me and maybe ewe our entire working lives. All the while you are also shelling out to private insurance until you reach sixty five at which time you are dumped into Medicare. If you try to opt out of Medicare they will take your social security to.. so no it’s not socialism. Most of us paid for our educations too. We don’t stand around looking for ways to get others to pay for what you want! Is this clear?

I think you're too dumb to have this conversation.
I think I hit a nerve!
They always step in it, don't they?

Unfortunately they tend to lack the awareness to see the shit on their shoes.

You're the shit Americas shoes.
As if your OP is an invitation to an actual debate, rather than an attempt by you to demand that we defend what YOU have decided we all think.

I have yet to see you prove that you can speak for yourself, let alone prove that you're qualified to speak for me. You want to discuss my conservative positions regarding socialism or healthcare or anything else? Then you ASK me what I think, you don't TELL me what I think.

I'm fine with you deciding my OP is bullshit and going away.

I'm sure you are. As I've already pointed out, you're not man enough to talk about what the right-wing believes unless there are no actual right-wingers involved anywhere in the process.

Sorry about your tiny dick, tinier mind, and tiniest courage, but the only way to get rid of me is to sack up and debate me, rather than bragging about the debates you imagined you would have.

Any time you're ready, little boy.
I'm sure you are. As I've already pointed out, you're not man enough to talk about what the right-wing believes unless there are no actual right-wingers involved anywhere in the process.

Sorry about your tiny dick, tinier mind, and tiniest courage, but the only way to get rid of me is to sack up and debate me, rather than bragging about the debates you imagined you would have.

Any time you're ready, little boy.

Wow. lol
As if your OP is an invitation to an actual debate, rather than an attempt by you to demand that we defend what YOU have decided we all think.

I have yet to see you prove that you can speak for yourself, let alone prove that you're qualified to speak for me. You want to discuss my conservative positions regarding socialism or healthcare or anything else? Then you ASK me what I think, you don't TELL me what I think.

If you're not one of the conservatives that views things the way I've described then this thread does not really apply to you unless you want to help me walk them out of their inconsistency.

Let me repeat the for the people whose cowardice is only exceeded by their arrogant ignorance (that'd be you, little boy): You haven't proven you're qualified to think for yourself; you certainly haven't proven that you're qualified to think for us. So the only help I will be providing is to continue pointing out that any "inconsistencies" around here exist solely because you're too chickenshit to find out what conservatives actually think.

Do let me know when you're ready to stop debating the voices in your head, poltroon.
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.
YOU are the hypocrite
....you can't compare Scandinavian countries with the US for many reasons--end of story

What are those reasons?

I'm going to guess you are going to say it comes down to size and ....probably racial make up knowing you guys.
the US obesity rate is THREE times Sweden's!!!!!!!!!!!
and American black obesity rate is HIGH!
.....obesity is a major world health problem and causes other health problems

Ok, the United States has a lot of fat people so that means socialized healthcare doesn't work. That is what you call iron clad logic.
POPULATION--DUH!!!!!!!!!- this is BASIC grade school math and science!!!!!!!

You can't go into an ounce of detail?
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.
I would much rather just slap the shit out of you. If you had any sense at all you should talk nice to conservatives with respect. Maybe one will sell you a clue you can impress a friend with.
Conservatives are shit people.
UHC would help alleviate some of the pain of income inequality. It would be a boon to small and startup businesses. It would lower the overall cost of healthcare.

Many believe that when we give people "free stuff" that the money stops there. In reality that money circulates through our economy.
Universal Healthcare is most definitely Socialism. The system is either organized, run, and funded by the Government; which would definitely be Socialism; or the Government implements strict standards and regulations on the healthcare industry as a whole, and enforced them with fines, taxes, etc...

Either way, the Government has taken away a significant number (if not all) of the options and choices from the citizenry. At the very least intrusive version of this it’s the soft Socialism of Government mandates and extreme oversight. At the far end it borders on the total control of an industry that borders on Communism.
Let's unpack some of the right wing's delusion and dishonesty. Is universal healthcare socialism?

Yes, next stupid question?
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.
Let us know when you have something besides hot air.
Unless you are self-employed Social Security is not entirely "paid by me." Half is paid by the employer.
Thank you, that would be part of your employment package that you go to work and EARN.

Speaking of ill-conceived health care policy.
Yeah it would be too hard for your parasitic ass to go get a job and earn something eh?
You really are quite stupid. You're jumping to conclusions that are completely unfounded. Why?
You morons have consistently complained about the US healthcare system throughout this thread.
Yep. It's a fucking disaster. Health care shouldn't be so expensive that you need insurance for basic services.

You have consistently attacked the policies with no alternative but Obamacare.
You're pointing in exactly the wrong direction. I've always been adamantly opposed to Obamacare.
UHC would help alleviate some of the pain of income inequality. It would be a boon to small and startup businesses. It would lower the overall cost of healthcare.

With our polarized, partisan political climate, the last thing I want to see is government in charge of health care. It will turn every election into a referendum on whether grandma lives or dies.
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.
As a newcomer to these message boards you will find the RWNJs are, more often than not, ignorant of facts in every subject discussed.

Their OPs and responses are cobbled together conservative talking points, half-witted assumptions, and pure right-wing bullsh!t straight from FOX Noise.

If you can get past their typical nonsense, you will find there are rational liberals and progressive participants with which facts can be discussed and exchanged. But, you must slog through the RWNJs blatant stupidity to find the other rational folks. It can be frustrating at times.

1. The Russians hacked the 2016 election

2. Trump's people (if not Trump himself) knew in real time that this was happening

3. Republicans ran up the deficit like no one in history with their tax cut/ spending

4. The virus is not a hoax

5. Trump knew it was real and it was deadly

6. Trump lied about the virus...and still is

7. Hydroxychloroquine is NOT a real treatment for the virus

8.Trump lost the election.

9. There was no measurable election fraud

10. The Russians are engaging in a MASSIVE hack of our government and pubic utilities infrastructure (to include nuclear programs)

11. Trump still refuses to acknowledge that his buddy Putin is doing this

These are facts and truths
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.
OK here's a clarification of the facts that lead some on both "sides" to confusion.
Key difference here is the Constitution, our law of the land does not ggrant federal government the authority to run/fund/administer social programs. That's specific to us not the nordic countries. Therefore ALL human services programing at the federal level is illegal. However no one has the authotity to take the right to deliver such programs from the states. And that for several reasons is where these programs, many of them necessary, belong. State sponsored and regulated.

To recap
Sweden can administer national heathcare without being full blown socialist
We cannot administer national healthcare not because that would make us socialist but because it directly violates the Constitution.
State's CAN administer healthcare unless doing so violates their state Constitution.

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