Let's unpack some of the right wing's delusion and dishonesty. Is universal healthcare socialism?

UHC would help alleviate some of the pain of income inequality. It would be a boon to small and startup businesses. It would lower the overall cost of healthcare.

Many believe that when we give people "free stuff" that the money stops there. In reality that money circulates through our economy.
HaHaHa! Yeah, A hard working American earns wages and pays taxes. The gov't gives those taxes to a bunch of lazy parasites and they buy drugs from the local dealer. The local dealer sends 80% of those taxes to his suppliers foreign cartel. That 80% helps the foreign country's economy. The local dealer spends the other 20% at golden arches and that poor hard working schmuck gives 20% of what he earns to taxes so that 80% can go to a foreign country. Sounds like good solid democrat reasoning to me. Morons.
1. The Russians hacked the 2016 election

2. Trump's people (if not Trump himself) knew in real time that this was happening

3. Republicans ran up the deficit like no one in history with their tax cut/ spending

4. The virus is not a hoax

5. Trump knew it was real and it was deadly

6. Trump lied about the virus...and still is

7. Hydroxychloroquine is NOT a real treatment for the virus

8.Trump lost the election.

9. There was no measurable election fraud

10. The Russians are engaging in a MASSIVE hack of our government and pubic utilities infrastructure (to include nuclear programs)

11. Trump still refuses to acknowledge that his buddy Putin is doing this

These are facts and truths
Here is the real Fact--Lesh is a moron that couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.

Bad comparison, we can’t compete with any unified, likeminded, all white nation.
We have tens of millions of taxpayer dependent illiterate thirdworlders, tens of millions of blacks, 48% of our population pays no income tax at all.
Trying to emulate what white nations are doing is just plain silly.
You need to compare us to other multicultural shitholes with massive social issues.

You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.
OK here's a clarification of the facts that lead some on both "sides" to confusion.
Key difference here is the Constitution, our law of the land does not ggrant federal government the authority to run/fund/administer social programs. That's specific to us not the nordic countries. Therefore ALL human services programing at the federal level is illegal. However no one has the authotity to take the right to deliver such programs from the states. And that for several reasons is where these programs, many of them necessary, belong. State sponsored and regulated.

To recap
Sweden can administer national heathcare without being full blown socialist
We cannot administer national healthcare not because that would make us socialist but because it directly violates the Constitution.
State's CAN administer healthcare unless doing so violates their state Constitution.
Well put. The equivocation on the term "socialism" is a ploy to confuse ignorant Republicans (aka Trumpsters). And they fall for it every time.
All the pseudocons have to do to defeat socialized medicine is show us something better.!

It is not the role or job of the Federal Government to ensure that anyone has any level of access to medical care. There is NO direct mandate or power provided to Congress or POTUS anywhere in the US Constitution to be involved in medical or health issues at all.
1. The Russians hacked the 2016 election

2. Trump's people (if not Trump himself) knew in real time that this was happening

3. Republicans ran up the deficit like no one in history with their tax cut/ spending

4. The virus is not a hoax

5. Trump knew it was real and it was deadly

6. Trump lied about the virus...and still is

7. Hydroxychloroquine is NOT a real treatment for the virus

8.Trump lost the election.

9. There was no measurable election fraud

10. The Russians are engaging in a MASSIVE hack of our government and pubic utilities infrastructure (to include nuclear programs)

11. Trump still refuses to acknowledge that his buddy Putin is doing this

These are facts and truths
Here is the real Fact--Lesh is a moron that couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.
Oh look...Captain Douchebag doesn't like me. I'm...crushed,.

Fuck off twerp
Unless you are self-employed Social Security is not entirely "paid by me." Half is paid by the employer.
Thank you, that would be part of your employment package that you go to work and EARN.

Speaking of ill-conceived health care policy.
Yeah it would be too hard for your parasitic ass to go get a job and earn something eh?
You really are quite stupid. You're jumping to conclusions that are completely unfounded. Why?
You morons have consistently complained about the US healthcare system throughout this thread.
Yep. It's a fucking disaster. Health care shouldn't be so expensive that you need insurance for basic services.

You have consistently attacked the policies with no alternative but Obamacare.
You're pointing in exactly the wrong direction. I've always been adamantly opposed to Obamacare.
You talk out both sides of your mouth. The only solution to not having insurance for basic services is to tell the health care pros to work for less money. Less money means less ability to pay for education and less incentive for people to become GOOD healthcare workers. You don't want to pay someone who learns what you won't to keep you healthy, but you don't have any problem paying hundreds of millions of dollars to a primadonna that plays useless kids games on Sunday afternoon. I get it now.
All the pseudocons have to do to defeat socialized medicine is show us something better.!

It is not the role or job of the Federal Government to ensure that anyone has any level of access to medical care. There is NO direct mandate or power provided to Congress or POTUS anywhere in the US Constitution to be involved in medical or health issues at all.

But they are, and that's the problem. If Republicans were really the party of limited government, and possessed any integrity or leadership, they'd make the case for health care deregulation and propose legislation to accomplish that. They don't even try.
1. The Russians hacked the 2016 election

2. Trump's people (if not Trump himself) knew in real time that this was happening

3. Republicans ran up the deficit like no one in history with their tax cut/ spending

4. The virus is not a hoax

5. Trump knew it was real and it was deadly

6. Trump lied about the virus...and still is

7. Hydroxychloroquine is NOT a real treatment for the virus

8.Trump lost the election.

9. There was no measurable election fraud

10. The Russians are engaging in a MASSIVE hack of our government and pubic utilities infrastructure (to include nuclear programs)

11. Trump still refuses to acknowledge that his buddy Putin is doing this

These are facts and truths
Here is the real Fact--Lesh is a moron that couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.
Oh look...Captain Douchebag doesn't like me. I'm...crushed,.

Fuck off twerp
Not on your life, Komrade. I'm here for the duration.
Unless you are self-employed Social Security is not entirely "paid by me." Half is paid by the employer.
Thank you, that would be part of your employment package that you go to work and EARN.

Speaking of ill-conceived health care policy.
Yeah it would be too hard for your parasitic ass to go get a job and earn something eh?
You really are quite stupid. You're jumping to conclusions that are completely unfounded. Why?
You morons have consistently complained about the US healthcare system throughout this thread.
Yep. It's a fucking disaster. Health care shouldn't be so expensive that you need insurance for basic services.

You have consistently attacked the policies with no alternative but Obamacare.
You're pointing in exactly the wrong direction. I've always been adamantly opposed to Obamacare.
You talk out both sides of your mouth. The only solution to not having insurance for basic services is to tell the health care pros to work for less money. Less money means less ability to pay for education and less incentive for people to become GOOD healthcare workers. You don't want to pay someone who learns what you won't to keep you healthy, but you don't have any problem paying hundreds of millions of dollars to a primadonna that plays useless kids games on Sunday afternoon. I get it now.

It seems you lack the capacity to discuss this issue intelligently. Sorry.
But they are, and that's the problem. If Republicans were really the party of limited government, and possessed any integrity or leadership, they'd make the case for health care deregulation and propose legislation to accomplish that. They don't even try.

The Republican Party is not a CONSERVATIVE organization. It’s a watered down, moderate to centrist version of the Democrat party. Both are far more interested in maintaining their power base and garnering the support (votes) of their base than actually doing what’s Right. If they even know what the Right thing to do would be.
All the pseudocons have to do to defeat socialized medicine is show us something better.!

It is not the role or job of the Federal Government to ensure that anyone has any level of access to medical care. There is NO direct mandate or power provided to Congress or POTUS anywhere in the US Constitution to be involved in medical or health issues at all.

But they are, and that's the problem. If Republicans were really the party of limited government, and possessed any integrity or leadership, they'd make the case for health care deregulation and propose legislation to accomplish that. They don't even try.

How do you suppose they’d win elections if they take took such a position?
You Lefties have had way too much success flooding our nation with needy, taxpayer dependent thirdworlders. How will they accept the GOP saying....”Sorry Quadalupe, you’ll have to pay out of pocket for the birth of that seventh anchor baby you’re about to deliver.”
I wonder if they could win one Hispanic vote on that?
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.
As a newcomer to these message boards you will find the RWNJs are, more often than not, ignorant of facts in every subject discussed.

Their OPs and responses are cobbled together conservative talking points, half-witted assumptions, and pure right-wing bullsh!t straight from FOX Noise.

If you can get past their typical nonsense, you will find there are rational liberals and progressive participants with which facts can be discussed and exchanged. But, you must slog through the RWNJs blatant stupidity to find the other rational folks. It can be frustrating at times.

Let me know when you find those rational liberals. HaHaHa!
All the pseudocons have to do to defeat socialized medicine is show us something better.!

It is not the role or job of the Federal Government to ensure that anyone has any level of access to medical care. There is NO direct mandate or power provided to Congress or POTUS anywhere in the US Constitution to be involved in medical or health issues at all.

But they are, and that's the problem. If Republicans were really the party of limited government, and possessed any integrity or leadership, they'd make the case for health care deregulation and propose legislation to accomplish that. They don't even try.

How do you suppose they’d win elections if they take took such a position?
That's where persuasive leadership comes in.

You Lefties had way to much success ...

If you think I'm a "Lefty", you're a moron.
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.
As a newcomer to these message boards you will find the RWNJs are, more often than not, ignorant of facts in every subject discussed.

Their OPs and responses are cobbled together conservative talking points, half-witted assumptions, and pure right-wing bullsh!t straight from FOX Noise.

If you can get past their typical nonsense, you will find there are rational liberals and progressive participants with which facts can be discussed and exchanged. But, you must slog through the RWNJs blatant stupidity to find the other rational folks. It can be frustrating at times.

Let me know when you find those rational liberals. HaHaHa!

There is no such thing...they are ALL emotional FEELZ voters, they vote on their own social issues and that’s it.
Your turn at bat.

You ignored the point made in the OP. Address that and I'll address your deflection.
You cannot ignore, even as you try to, the social structure of a nation when discussing a social program.
A society based on common levels of success and ancestry cannot be compared to the US.
Indeed. It takes more than the argument in the OP to compare the US. Way to many factors to discuss.
Its intellectually dishonest. Well done.
All the pseudocons have to do to defeat socialized medicine is show us something better.!

It is not the role or job of the Federal Government to ensure that anyone has any level of access to medical care. There is NO direct mandate or power provided to Congress or POTUS anywhere in the US Constitution to be involved in medical or health issues at all.

But they are, and that's the problem. If Republicans were really the party of limited government, and possessed any integrity or leadership, they'd make the case for health care deregulation and propose legislation to accomplish that. They don't even try.

How do you suppose they’d win elections if they take took such a position?
That's where persuasive leadership comes in.

You Lefties had way to much success ...

If you think I'm a "Lefty", you're a moron.

How does one persuade illiterate thirdworlders who can’t speak our language, who don’t understand our constitution, our culture, the American Way?
All the pseudocons have to do to defeat socialized medicine is show us something better.!

It is not the role or job of the Federal Government to ensure that anyone has any level of access to medical care. There is NO direct mandate or power provided to Congress or POTUS anywhere in the US Constitution to be involved in medical or health issues at all.

But they are, and that's the problem. If Republicans were really the party of limited government, and possessed any integrity or leadership, they'd make the case for health care deregulation and propose legislation to accomplish that. They don't even try.
Health care legislation was presented multiple times, by republicans during the last four years. Every time they introduced it, Piglosi and the democrats obstructed it.
All the pseudocons have to do to defeat socialized medicine is show us something better.!

It is not the role or job of the Federal Government to ensure that anyone has any level of access to medical care. There is NO direct mandate or power provided to Congress or POTUS anywhere in the US Constitution to be involved in medical or health issues at all.

But they are, and that's the problem. If Republicans were really the party of limited government, and possessed any integrity or leadership, they'd make the case for health care deregulation and propose legislation to accomplish that. They don't even try.
Health care legislation was presented multiple times, by republicans during the last four years. Every time they introduced it, Piglosi and the democrats obstructed it.
The first two years of Trump's term, Republicans controlled Congress. Pelosi had no say in the matter. For all their bluster when campaigning, they made no serious attempt to repeal ACA, and offered no legislation to address the laws and policies that drive health care inflation.
Unless you are self-employed Social Security is not entirely "paid by me." Half is paid by the employer.
Thank you, that would be part of your employment package that you go to work and EARN.

Speaking of ill-conceived health care policy.
Yeah it would be too hard for your parasitic ass to go get a job and earn something eh?
You really are quite stupid. You're jumping to conclusions that are completely unfounded. Why?
You morons have consistently complained about the US healthcare system throughout this thread.
Yep. It's a fucking disaster. Health care shouldn't be so expensive that you need insurance for basic services.

You have consistently attacked the policies with no alternative but Obamacare.
You're pointing in exactly the wrong direction. I've always been adamantly opposed to Obamacare.
You talk out both sides of your mouth. The only solution to not having insurance for basic services is to tell the health care pros to work for less money. Less money means less ability to pay for education and less incentive for people to become GOOD healthcare workers. You don't want to pay someone who learns what you won't to keep you healthy, but you don't have any problem paying hundreds of millions of dollars to a primadonna that plays useless kids games on Sunday afternoon. I get it now.

It seems you lack the capacity to discuss this issue intelligently. Sorry.
Intelligence has to do with being able to read and comprehend objectively. You lack that capacity. You figure you have a corner on intelligence but clearly you only see what agrees with you. That is the height of arrogance and ignorance.

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