Let's unpack some of the right wing's delusion and dishonesty. Is universal healthcare socialism?

Those countries aren't socialist.

Good. Then universal healthcare won't make us socialists either.
They always step in it, don't they?
Some of my posts from years past:

ObamaCare was a bait-and-switch con.

First, Obama swore he would not sign a law that added so much as one dime to the federal debt.

Second, ObamaCare was supposed to REDUCE health care costs. That is the one and only fricking goal which matters.

You can celebrate all the new Medicaid enrollees all you like, but your joy will be short lived when the bill comes in the mail.

ObamaCare was a classic bait-and-switch con game. Remember all that talk about the per capita spending on medical care in the US? Healthcare "reform" was supposed to be about bending the cost curve down.

That was the bait.

The switch was ObamaCare. It does nothing to bend the cost curve down at all. In fact, it entrenches systems which will continue to bend the curve up, and then some.


I will tell you a superior plan to ObamaCare. ObamaCare does fuck-all to bend the cost curve down. The American people were suckered by a bait and switch con.

First, we need to eliminate the tax exemption of employer-sponsored health insurance, thus making it go away. Employer-sponsored health insurance is one of the biggest drivers of increasing costs. And ObamaCare actually entrenches this even more deeply, which is the exact opposite direction we need to go.

Not only that, Obama waived a tax hike on Cadillac plans for his union pals that is in ObamaCare. Proof positive he is a special interest lackey.

Next, you should be able to buy your health insurance the same way you buy your home, auto, and life insurance. From any company in the country. And you get to choose what options you want to pay for, and which options you don't.

This also has the added benefit of giving you the ability to have uninterrupted health insurance coverage with the same insurance company despite any number of changes in your employers.

Just like home, auto, and life insurance.

Of the alleged "47 million uninsured Americans" a full third of those people aren't Americans. They are legal and illegal immigrants.

Another approximate 8 percent are voluntarily uninsured.

And the people who are uninsured today are not the same people who will be uninsured six months from now. That is because many of them are people who lost their jobs, and therefore their employer-sponsored health insurance.

ObamaCare is massive government overkill for what is actually a much, much smaller problem than the bleeding hearts made it out to be.


Did you ever notice you do not buy your home, auto, and life insurance the same way you get your health insurance? Ever wonder why that is, and what it is about health insurance that we don't see in home, auto, or life insurance?

The federal government is not an active participant in the home, auto, and life insurance markets, that's why.

So explain to me why the federal government is involved in the health insurance market AND GETS TO WRITE THE RULES FOR ITS COMPETITORS.

Is it any wonder the healthcare market is all fucked up? The government has made sure the private market is a complete clusterfuck. You can't pick up the phone and buy health insurance from any one of those 1500 health insurance companies you cited. You can only buy from a select few who are geographically limited to selling only in your area.

That is completely different from the way you buy home, auto, and life insurance. With home, auto, and life insurance, you can buy insurance from any company you wish. And you get to choose which options you want, and which ones you do not want.

ObamaCare has more deeplly embedded one of the biggest drivers of cost, and that is employer provided health insurance. ObamaCare has ensured the cost of healthcare will continue to rise.

See you in 2019 when your taxes skyrocket and your health care costs are nearly double what they are now.

I can call any auto insurance company in the country to buy my auto insurance. This gives me maximum leverage, because they know I can hang up and call any of a constellation of competitors.

And that keeps insurance rates low.

Also, I am not held hostage by my employer and forced into a take-it-or-leave-it situation with my auto insurance.

If I transfer to a different company, I don't automatically lose my auto insurance.

I can also bundle my auto insurance with my life and home insurance to get discounts.

I also get long term customer discounts.

I am not able to not one bit of that with my health insurance.

And why is that, Derp?


Here's the smart way to fix health care:

1. We should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our home, auto, and life insurance. I should be able to pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the country and buy the insurance I want. This way, I have maximum leverage since I can hang up if I am not satisfied and call any one of a constellation of competitors, just like I do now with my home, auto, and life insurance.

2. We need to eliminate employer sponsored health insurance (ESHI). ESHI is one of the biggest drivers of increasing health care costs. Also, employees are completely hostage to their employer's insurance. There is no negotiation. It is a take it or leave it proposition from a single insurer. And if you lose your job, you lose your health insurance. And you don't get new insurance until you have been in your new job for up to six months. With my home, auto, and life insurance, I get bundle discounts and long term customer discounts.

We can easily disincentivize ESHI by eliminating the tax exemption we currently have for ESHI.

3. We need LESS government in health care, not more. The government is the biggest market entity in the health insurance market, and it gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors. This is not the case in the auto, home, and life insurance markets, where prices have been DROPPING.

4. The idiot liberals have demanded more and more government takeover of health care. When you concentrate power in one place, you make it easier to capture. The liberals have NEVER learned this lesson. In every aspect of our lives, they have continually repeated this insanity over and over and over and over. And then when that centralized power gets captured by corrupt special interests, the liberals demand we solve the problem with MORE government takeover.

All the pseudocons have to do to defeat socialized medicine is show us something better.


If you want to shut the lefties up once and for all, if you really want to smack them down for good, if you want to wipe that smug look off their faces, SHOW US A BETTER SOLUTION!

The pseudocons can't do it. And they never will. All they can do is bitch and moan like the intellectually impotent lazy fucks they are who can't do any heavy lifting.

So UHC here we come!
How about this one Prog. You can haul your ass to Canada, Sweden, France--take your pick, any of those wonderful socialist countries that you praise so highly and get out of THIS CAPITALIST REPUBLIC. How's that for a better solution.
Hey dumbshit. I have not praised those countries. I am simply pointing out the fact you have NOTHING.

I hate socialized medicine. I can point you to dozens of posts where I laid out an alternative, capitalistic, solution to our rising health carej costs, which is more than you have ever done. All you dolts can do is run your mouths and not offer up jack shit.
I gave you a solution, moron.
Nope. You didn't. None of you have ever offered a plan to bring down health care costs in the US.

Ever. And neither has Trump or anyone else in Republican leadership.

That's why you are so pissed. Because you know you are intellectually impotent.
It is not governments job to bring the cost of anything down moron. If you want it PAY FOR IT otherwise you're either a thief or a parasite. Now run along like a good little boy and let the grown ups talk.
See? You have no actual plan except to piss and moan. The GOP has never offered up any legislation to give the power of healthcare back to the people.


I've actually written more about what to do along those lines than anyone on this board or anyone in the entire Republican party.
The US healthcare system has served me very well, thank you. I am not complaining about it--YOU are. Your parasitic ass feels that I owe you healthcare. I DON'T. Go to a country where you can get that free shit that you want me to pay for.
The liberals complain and complain about money in politics. And yet they keep handing more and more power to the federal government.

The more power you give to the government, the more money will be spent trying to capture that power.

They have never figured that out.
All the pseudocons have to do to defeat socialized medicine is show us something better.


If you want to shut the lefties up once and for all, if you really want to smack them down for good, if you want to wipe that smug look off their faces, SHOW US A BETTER SOLUTION!

The pseudocons can't do it. And they never will. All they can do is bitch and moan like the intellectually impotent lazy fucks they are who can't do any heavy lifting.

So UHC here we come!
How about this one Prog. You can haul your ass to Canada, Sweden, France--take your pick, any of those wonderful socialist countries that you praise so highly and get out of THIS CAPITALIST REPUBLIC. How's that for a better solution.
Hey dumbshit. I have not praised those countries. I am simply pointing out the fact you have NOTHING.

I hate socialized medicine. I can point you to dozens of posts where I laid out an alternative, capitalistic, solution to our rising health carej costs, which is more than you have ever done. All you dolts can do is run your mouths and not offer up jack shit.
I gave you a solution, moron.
Nope. You didn't. None of you have ever offered a plan to bring down health care costs in the US.

Ever. And neither has Trump or anyone else in Republican leadership.

That's why you are so pissed. Because you know you are intellectually impotent.
It is not governments job to bring the cost of anything down moron. If you want it PAY FOR IT otherwise you're either a thief or a parasite. Now run along like a good little boy and let the grown ups talk.
See? You have no actual plan except to piss and moan. The GOP has never offered up any legislation to give the power of healthcare back to the people.


I've actually written more about what to do along those lines than anyone on this board or anyone in the entire Republican party.
The US healthcare system has served me very well, thank you. I am not complaining about it--YOU are. Your parasitic ass feels that I owe you healthcare. I DON'T. Go to a country where you can get that free shit that you want me to pay for.
So much wind and foam. No solutions.

Just as I said.
Some of my posts from years past:

ObamaCare was a bait-and-switch con.

First, Obama swore he would not sign a law that added so much as one dime to the federal debt.

Second, ObamaCare was supposed to REDUCE health care costs. That is the one and only fricking goal which matters.

You can celebrate all the new Medicaid enrollees all you like, but your joy will be short lived when the bill comes in the mail.

ObamaCare was a classic bait-and-switch con game. Remember all that talk about the per capita spending on medical care in the US? Healthcare "reform" was supposed to be about bending the cost curve down.

That was the bait.

The switch was ObamaCare. It does nothing to bend the cost curve down at all. In fact, it entrenches systems which will continue to bend the curve up, and then some.


I will tell you a superior plan to ObamaCare. ObamaCare does fuck-all to bend the cost curve down. The American people were suckered by a bait and switch con.

First, we need to eliminate the tax exemption of employer-sponsored health insurance, thus making it go away. Employer-sponsored health insurance is one of the biggest drivers of increasing costs. And ObamaCare actually entrenches this even more deeply, which is the exact opposite direction we need to go.

Not only that, Obama waived a tax hike on Cadillac plans for his union pals that is in ObamaCare. Proof positive he is a special interest lackey.

Next, you should be able to buy your health insurance the same way you buy your home, auto, and life insurance. From any company in the country. And you get to choose what options you want to pay for, and which options you don't.

This also has the added benefit of giving you the ability to have uninterrupted health insurance coverage with the same insurance company despite any number of changes in your employers.

Just like home, auto, and life insurance.

Of the alleged "47 million uninsured Americans" a full third of those people aren't Americans. They are legal and illegal immigrants.

Another approximate 8 percent are voluntarily uninsured.

And the people who are uninsured today are not the same people who will be uninsured six months from now. That is because many of them are people who lost their jobs, and therefore their employer-sponsored health insurance.

ObamaCare is massive government overkill for what is actually a much, much smaller problem than the bleeding hearts made it out to be.


Did you ever notice you do not buy your home, auto, and life insurance the same way you get your health insurance? Ever wonder why that is, and what it is about health insurance that we don't see in home, auto, or life insurance?

The federal government is not an active participant in the home, auto, and life insurance markets, that's why.

So explain to me why the federal government is involved in the health insurance market AND GETS TO WRITE THE RULES FOR ITS COMPETITORS.

Is it any wonder the healthcare market is all fucked up? The government has made sure the private market is a complete clusterfuck. You can't pick up the phone and buy health insurance from any one of those 1500 health insurance companies you cited. You can only buy from a select few who are geographically limited to selling only in your area.

That is completely different from the way you buy home, auto, and life insurance. With home, auto, and life insurance, you can buy insurance from any company you wish. And you get to choose which options you want, and which ones you do not want.

ObamaCare has more deeplly embedded one of the biggest drivers of cost, and that is employer provided health insurance. ObamaCare has ensured the cost of healthcare will continue to rise.

See you in 2019 when your taxes skyrocket and your health care costs are nearly double what they are now.

I can call any auto insurance company in the country to buy my auto insurance. This gives me maximum leverage, because they know I can hang up and call any of a constellation of competitors.

And that keeps insurance rates low.

Also, I am not held hostage by my employer and forced into a take-it-or-leave-it situation with my auto insurance.

If I transfer to a different company, I don't automatically lose my auto insurance.

I can also bundle my auto insurance with my life and home insurance to get discounts.

I also get long term customer discounts.

I am not able to not one bit of that with my health insurance.

And why is that, Derp?


Here's the smart way to fix health care:

1. We should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our home, auto, and life insurance. I should be able to pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the country and buy the insurance I want. This way, I have maximum leverage since I can hang up if I am not satisfied and call any one of a constellation of competitors, just like I do now with my home, auto, and life insurance.

2. We need to eliminate employer sponsored health insurance (ESHI). ESHI is one of the biggest drivers of increasing health care costs. Also, employees are completely hostage to their employer's insurance. There is no negotiation. It is a take it or leave it proposition from a single insurer. And if you lose your job, you lose your health insurance. And you don't get new insurance until you have been in your new job for up to six months. With my home, auto, and life insurance, I get bundle discounts and long term customer discounts.

We can easily disincentivize ESHI by eliminating the tax exemption we currently have for ESHI.

3. We need LESS government in health care, not more. The government is the biggest market entity in the health insurance market, and it gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors. This is not the case in the auto, home, and life insurance markets, where prices have been DROPPING.

4. The idiot liberals have demanded more and more government takeover of health care. When you concentrate power in one place, you make it easier to capture. The liberals have NEVER learned this lesson. In every aspect of our lives, they have continually repeated this insanity over and over and over and over. And then when that centralized power gets captured by corrupt special interests, the liberals demand we solve the problem with MORE government takeover.

So you lie a lot, because all you've told me is you want free shit.
All the pseudocons have to do to defeat socialized medicine is show us something better.


If you want to shut the lefties up once and for all, if you really want to smack them down for good, if you want to wipe that smug look off their faces, SHOW US A BETTER SOLUTION!

The pseudocons can't do it. And they never will. All they can do is bitch and moan like the intellectually impotent lazy fucks they are who can't do any heavy lifting.

So UHC here we come!
How about this one Prog. You can haul your ass to Canada, Sweden, France--take your pick, any of those wonderful socialist countries that you praise so highly and get out of THIS CAPITALIST REPUBLIC. How's that for a better solution.
Hey dumbshit. I have not praised those countries. I am simply pointing out the fact you have NOTHING.

I hate socialized medicine. I can point you to dozens of posts where I laid out an alternative, capitalistic, solution to our rising health carej costs, which is more than you have ever done. All you dolts can do is run your mouths and not offer up jack shit.
I gave you a solution, moron.
Nope. You didn't. None of you have ever offered a plan to bring down health care costs in the US.

Ever. And neither has Trump or anyone else in Republican leadership.

That's why you are so pissed. Because you know you are intellectually impotent.
It is not governments job to bring the cost of anything down moron. If you want it PAY FOR IT otherwise you're either a thief or a parasite. Now run along like a good little boy and let the grown ups talk.
See? You have no actual plan except to piss and moan. The GOP has never offered up any legislation to give the power of healthcare back to the people.


I've actually written more about what to do along those lines than anyone on this board or anyone in the entire Republican party.
The US healthcare system has served me very well, thank you. I am not complaining about it--YOU are. Your parasitic ass feels that I owe you healthcare. I DON'T. Go to a country where you can get that free shit that you want me to pay for.
Hey dumbshit. Read post 145. All of it.
Some of my posts from years past:

ObamaCare was a bait-and-switch con.

First, Obama swore he would not sign a law that added so much as one dime to the federal debt.

Second, ObamaCare was supposed to REDUCE health care costs. That is the one and only fricking goal which matters.

You can celebrate all the new Medicaid enrollees all you like, but your joy will be short lived when the bill comes in the mail.

ObamaCare was a classic bait-and-switch con game. Remember all that talk about the per capita spending on medical care in the US? Healthcare "reform" was supposed to be about bending the cost curve down.

That was the bait.

The switch was ObamaCare. It does nothing to bend the cost curve down at all. In fact, it entrenches systems which will continue to bend the curve up, and then some.


I will tell you a superior plan to ObamaCare. ObamaCare does fuck-all to bend the cost curve down. The American people were suckered by a bait and switch con.

First, we need to eliminate the tax exemption of employer-sponsored health insurance, thus making it go away. Employer-sponsored health insurance is one of the biggest drivers of increasing costs. And ObamaCare actually entrenches this even more deeply, which is the exact opposite direction we need to go.

Not only that, Obama waived a tax hike on Cadillac plans for his union pals that is in ObamaCare. Proof positive he is a special interest lackey.

Next, you should be able to buy your health insurance the same way you buy your home, auto, and life insurance. From any company in the country. And you get to choose what options you want to pay for, and which options you don't.

This also has the added benefit of giving you the ability to have uninterrupted health insurance coverage with the same insurance company despite any number of changes in your employers.

Just like home, auto, and life insurance.

Of the alleged "47 million uninsured Americans" a full third of those people aren't Americans. They are legal and illegal immigrants.

Another approximate 8 percent are voluntarily uninsured.

And the people who are uninsured today are not the same people who will be uninsured six months from now. That is because many of them are people who lost their jobs, and therefore their employer-sponsored health insurance.

ObamaCare is massive government overkill for what is actually a much, much smaller problem than the bleeding hearts made it out to be.


Did you ever notice you do not buy your home, auto, and life insurance the same way you get your health insurance? Ever wonder why that is, and what it is about health insurance that we don't see in home, auto, or life insurance?

The federal government is not an active participant in the home, auto, and life insurance markets, that's why.

So explain to me why the federal government is involved in the health insurance market AND GETS TO WRITE THE RULES FOR ITS COMPETITORS.

Is it any wonder the healthcare market is all fucked up? The government has made sure the private market is a complete clusterfuck. You can't pick up the phone and buy health insurance from any one of those 1500 health insurance companies you cited. You can only buy from a select few who are geographically limited to selling only in your area.

That is completely different from the way you buy home, auto, and life insurance. With home, auto, and life insurance, you can buy insurance from any company you wish. And you get to choose which options you want, and which ones you do not want.

ObamaCare has more deeplly embedded one of the biggest drivers of cost, and that is employer provided health insurance. ObamaCare has ensured the cost of healthcare will continue to rise.

See you in 2019 when your taxes skyrocket and your health care costs are nearly double what they are now.

I can call any auto insurance company in the country to buy my auto insurance. This gives me maximum leverage, because they know I can hang up and call any of a constellation of competitors.

And that keeps insurance rates low.

Also, I am not held hostage by my employer and forced into a take-it-or-leave-it situation with my auto insurance.

If I transfer to a different company, I don't automatically lose my auto insurance.

I can also bundle my auto insurance with my life and home insurance to get discounts.

I also get long term customer discounts.

I am not able to not one bit of that with my health insurance.

And why is that, Derp?


Here's the smart way to fix health care:

1. We should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our home, auto, and life insurance. I should be able to pick up the phone and call any insurance company in the country and buy the insurance I want. This way, I have maximum leverage since I can hang up if I am not satisfied and call any one of a constellation of competitors, just like I do now with my home, auto, and life insurance.

2. We need to eliminate employer sponsored health insurance (ESHI). ESHI is one of the biggest drivers of increasing health care costs. Also, employees are completely hostage to their employer's insurance. There is no negotiation. It is a take it or leave it proposition from a single insurer. And if you lose your job, you lose your health insurance. And you don't get new insurance until you have been in your new job for up to six months. With my home, auto, and life insurance, I get bundle discounts and long term customer discounts.

We can easily disincentivize ESHI by eliminating the tax exemption we currently have for ESHI.

3. We need LESS government in health care, not more. The government is the biggest market entity in the health insurance market, and it gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors. This is not the case in the auto, home, and life insurance markets, where prices have been DROPPING.

4. The idiot liberals have demanded more and more government takeover of health care. When you concentrate power in one place, you make it easier to capture. The liberals have NEVER learned this lesson. In every aspect of our lives, they have continually repeated this insanity over and over and over and over. And then when that centralized power gets captured by corrupt special interests, the liberals demand we solve the problem with MORE government takeover.

So you lie a lot, because all you've told me is you want free shit.
Nope. You are the one lying. I have never said I want free shit. You will find it impossible to prove that, liar.

You obviously didn't read my posts.

Looks like we have a tard who thinks my pointing out that Trump and the Republicans have never offered an alternative plan, which is the truth, means I want free shit.

Man! The fantastic leap of illogic that requires is astounding! :lol:
I want our leaders feet held to the fire. I want the GOP to show us their plan.

They never have, and never will.

This really chaps the shit out of tards when you point this out.
The Democrat plan: Universal health care.

The Republican plan: NOTHING

It is plain this makes UHC inevitable.

I can't make it any simpler than that for the tards.
Unless you are self-employed Social Security is not entirely "paid by me." Half is paid by the employer.
Thank you, that would be part of your employment package that you go to work and EARN.

Speaking of ill-conceived health care policy.
Yeah it would be too hard for your parasitic ass to go get a job and earn something eh?
You really are quite stupid. You're jumping to conclusions that are completely unfounded. Why?
Unless you are self-employed Social Security is not entirely "paid by me." Half is paid by the employer.
Thank you, that would be part of your employment package that you go to work and EARN.

Speaking of ill-conceived health care policy.
Yeah it would be too hard for your parasitic ass to go get a job and earn something eh?
You really are quite stupid. You're jumping to conclusions that are completely unfounded. Why?
You morons have consistently complained about the US healthcare system throughout this thread. You have consistently attacked the policies with no alternative but Obamacare. Really? Where have I jumped to conclusions that you didn't put right in front of me. I am responding to your moronic post. Before you call someone stupid, maybe you ought to look in the mirror.

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