Let's unpack some of the right wing's delusion and dishonesty. Is universal healthcare socialism?

There are hundreds of millions more that don't need to see a doctor regularly and can go to the millions of walk in clinics when they need care for emergent adverse health situations. Your perspective is so warped I don't think you can come back to reality.

Everybody should see a doctor regularly. Waiting until something is an emergency before getting it treated is not an ideal healthcare approach. Universal healthcare is better for society at large. Conservatives are social Darwinist anti-nationalists.
Funny though, people from there come here for the best health care. Also, last time I checked, most medical specialists come from Asia, East India, etc. They come here and then never leave to go back to their country with 'better' health care and other stuff.

The U.S only has the best healthcare in the world if you're rich.

Oh? Well, I assume you're not a millionaire, so which country do you go to for your healthcare, then?
If you live in America you are rich compared to most people from other countries. That's why they come here in the first place. Even on welfare you get better healthcare in America than most other countries. You seem to lack perspective.

There are millions of Americans that lack insurance and can't afford to see a doctor regularly. You are the one that lacks perspective.

As if health insurance is the only way to see a doctor. Thanks for the "I learned it all from media headlines" view on American poverty.
There are hundreds of millions more that don't need to see a doctor regularly and can go to the millions of walk in clinics when they need care for emergent adverse health situations. Your perspective is so warped I don't think you can come back to reality.

Everybody should see a doctor regularly. Waiting until something is an emergency before getting it treated is not an ideal healthcare approach. Universal healthcare is better for society at large. Conservatives are social Darwinist anti-nationalists.

Mandatory Medicaid benefits
States are required to provide the following mandatory Medicaid benefits under federal law.

  1. Inpatient hospital services
  2. Outpatient hospital services
  3. EPSDT: Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Services
  4. Nursing facility Services
  5. Home health services
  6. Physician services
  7. Rural health clinic services
  8. Federally qualified health center services
  9. Laboratory and X-ray services
  10. Family planning services
  11. Nurse midwife services
  12. Certified pediatric and nurse practitioner services
  13. Freestanding birth center services (when licensed or otherwise recognized by the state)
  14. Transportation to medical care
  15. Tobacco cessation counseling for pregnant women

It's amazing what you can learn when you interact with poor people, rather than simply "caring" about them from a comfy distance.
Trump's bailouts of the farmers is socialism.

Medicare is socialism.

Social Security is socialism.

If you don't like it, SHOW US SOMETHING BETTER.
I'm not going to pretend I have a plan, as you request, but, I will say that I'm not sure simply continuing to subsidize an already and ever increasingly more expensive Healthcare system is the answer. I think the real answer is to find ways to bring healthcare costs down, so that average people can afford it.

As I understand, part of the reason healthcare is so expensive is partly because of the government subsidies. When a healthcare provider is assured they will get paid no matter what, what incentive do they have to lower costs?

I agree, we can't just let people die, and people need help, but, if we keep feeding the healthcare system whatever they want, they will just keep asking for more. At some point we have to find a way to make healthcare more affordable by finding ways to lower costs overall.
There are hundreds of millions more that don't need to see a doctor regularly and can go to the millions of walk in clinics when they need care for emergent adverse health situations. Your perspective is so warped I don't think you can come back to reality.

Everybody should see a doctor regularly. Waiting until something is an emergency before getting it treated is not an ideal healthcare approach. Universal healthcare is better for society at large. Conservatives are social Darwinist anti-nationalists.

Mandatory Medicaid benefits
States are required to provide the following mandatory Medicaid benefits under federal law.

  1. Inpatient hospital services
  2. Outpatient hospital services
  3. EPSDT: Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Services
  4. Nursing facility Services
  5. Home health services
  6. Physician services
  7. Rural health clinic services
  8. Federally qualified health center services
  9. Laboratory and X-ray services
  10. Family planning services
  11. Nurse midwife services
  12. Certified pediatric and nurse practitioner services
  13. Freestanding birth center services (when licensed or otherwise recognized by the state)
  14. Transportation to medical care
  15. Tobacco cessation counseling for pregnant women

It's amazing what you can learn when you interact with poor people, rather than simply "caring" about them from a comfy distance.

So there aren't millions of Americans that don't see a doctor enough? There aren't people going bankrupt over illnesses? You don't actually understand the situation. Either that or you don't actually care and are willing to be dishonest about it.
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you can have a capitalist economy and still have elements of socialism. One does not exclude the other.

Thank you. That's all I was looking for. Do you think the U.S would still be a capitalist nation if we had universal healthcare?
I think I just said that. It’s called Socialized Medicine for a good reason but it can exist in a Capitalist economy.

The problem we conservatives have is that it’s another step toward Socialism, and it’s a terrible way to deliver healthcare.
I think I just said that. It’s called Socialized Medicine for a good reason but it can exist in a Capitalist economy.

The problem we conservatives have is that it’s another step toward Socialism, and it’s a terrible way to deliver healthcare.

You're less ignorant than a lot of conservatives here. Well done.
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.
YOU are the hypocrite
....you can't compare Scandinavian countries with the US for many reasons--end of story

What are those reasons?

I'm going to guess you are going to say it comes down to size and ....probably racial make up knowing you guys.
the US obesity rate is THREE times Sweden's!!!!!!!!!!!
and American black obesity rate is HIGH!
.....obesity is a major world health problem and causes other health problems

Ok, the United States has a lot of fat people so that means socialized healthcare doesn't work. That is what you call iron clad logic.
POPULATION--DUH!!!!!!!!!- this is BASIC grade school math and science!!!!!!!

You can't go into an ounce of detail?
population --it's in BIG letters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jesus christ, you didn't even graduate from grade school?????!!!!!!!!
There are hundreds of millions more that don't need to see a doctor regularly and can go to the millions of walk in clinics when they need care for emergent adverse health situations. Your perspective is so warped I don't think you can come back to reality.

Everybody should see a doctor regularly. Waiting until something is an emergency before getting it treated is not an ideal healthcare approach. Universal healthcare is better for society at large. Conservatives are social Darwinist anti-nationalists.

Mandatory Medicaid benefits
States are required to provide the following mandatory Medicaid benefits under federal law.

  1. Inpatient hospital services
  2. Outpatient hospital services
  3. EPSDT: Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Services
  4. Nursing facility Services
  5. Home health services
  6. Physician services
  7. Rural health clinic services
  8. Federally qualified health center services
  9. Laboratory and X-ray services
  10. Family planning services
  11. Nurse midwife services
  12. Certified pediatric and nurse practitioner services
  13. Freestanding birth center services (when licensed or otherwise recognized by the state)
  14. Transportation to medical care
  15. Tobacco cessation counseling for pregnant women

It's amazing what you can learn when you interact with poor people, rather than simply "caring" about them from a comfy distance.

So there aren't millions of Americans that don't see a doctor enough? There aren't people going bankrupt over illnesses? You don't actually understand the situation. Either that or you don't actually care and are willing to be dishonest about it.

"So you're saying this thing that I really want to argue against, and I have to give you the lines I want you to say rather than asking you what you mean?"

Sorry to deviate from your little mind-script again. What I actually said is that there are not millions of people who aren't seeing doctors regularly BECAUSE THEY CAN'T GET ACCESS TO THE DOCTORS. I know this will shock you, given your viewpoint of other people being nothing but extras in your life movie rather than them being actual individuals, but there is always the aspect of people making personal choices. Lots of people simply choose not to see a doctor unless there's actually something wrong.

Once again, if you bothered to interact with people, rather than just preening about your "caring and compassion" for faceless abstract groups from a distance, you might understand this.
I think I just said that. It’s called Socialized Medicine for a good reason but it can exist in a Capitalist economy.

The problem we conservatives have is that it’s another step toward Socialism, and it’s a terrible way to deliver healthcare.

You're less ignorant than a lot of conservatives here. Well done.

Dude, he just disagreed with your premise, and you're so ignorant and conceited that you're congratulating his intelligence based on your misreading of what he said.
Dude, he just disagreed with your premise, and you're so ignorant and conceited that you're congratulating his intelligence based on your misreading of what he said.

You are actually just so fucking dumb that you can't perceive the intention of my thread. That's why my comment doesn't make sense to you.
There are hundreds of millions more that don't need to see a doctor regularly and can go to the millions of walk in clinics when they need care for emergent adverse health situations. Your perspective is so warped I don't think you can come back to reality.

Everybody should see a doctor regularly. Waiting until something is an emergency before getting it treated is not an ideal healthcare approach. Universal healthcare is better for society at large. Conservatives are social Darwinist anti-nationalists.

when you start telling people what they should or shouldn't do you assume authority over their behavior.

It's not up to you or the government if a person chooses not to see a doctor regularly
when you start telling people what they should or shouldn't do you assume authority over their behavior.

It's not up to you or the government if a person chooses not to see a doctor regularly

You think millions of people lack appropriate medical care because that's what they want?
when you start telling people what they should or shouldn't do you assume authority over their behavior.

It's not up to you or the government if a person chooses not to see a doctor regularly

You think millions of people lack appropriate medical care because that's what they want?

where did I imply that?

You took it upon yourself to set a standard of behavior for everyone.

There are millions of people with insurance that don't see a doctor regularly as well.

For most of my life I has a catastrophic injury/ illness policy and it worked for me as I was young and healthy.

Now people like you who want to tell me what I should or should not do pass laws that require me to pay for medical services I will not use and do not need like drug and mental health counseling or pediatric care when I have no children
where did I imply that?

You took it upon yourself to set a standard of behavior for everyone.

There are millions of people with insurance that don't see a doctor regularly as well.

For most of my life I has a catastrophic injury/ illness policy and it worked for me as I was young and healthy.

Now people like you who want to tell me what I should or should not do pass laws that require me to pay for medical services I will not use and do not need like drug and mental health counseling or pediatric care when I have no children

I'm losing interest in the conversation here. I'll wrap it up by saying universal healthcare is an inevitability. People like you are just in the way.
where did I imply that?

You took it upon yourself to set a standard of behavior for everyone.

There are millions of people with insurance that don't see a doctor regularly as well.

For most of my life I has a catastrophic injury/ illness policy and it worked for me as I was young and healthy.

Now people like you who want to tell me what I should or should not do pass laws that require me to pay for medical services I will not use and do not need like drug and mental health counseling or pediatric care when I have no children

I'm losing interest in the conversation here. I'll wrap it up by saying universal healthcare is an inevitability. People like you are just in the way.

and where did I say anything about my thoughts on universal health care?

I was addressing that you think you have the authority to tell people what they should or should not do.
where did I imply that?

You took it upon yourself to set a standard of behavior for everyone.

There are millions of people with insurance that don't see a doctor regularly as well.

For most of my life I has a catastrophic injury/ illness policy and it worked for me as I was young and healthy.

Now people like you who want to tell me what I should or should not do pass laws that require me to pay for medical services I will not use and do not need like drug and mental health counseling or pediatric care when I have no children

I'm losing interest in the conversation here. I'll wrap it up by saying universal healthcare is an inevitability. People like you are just in the way.

I'm not moving. Our government is too volatile for that kind of sweeping change. And our society too divided. If half the people, or even a large minority, don't want a major change to society, trying to force it on them will be a mistake.
You'll often see conservatives argue that any social program is socialism and then in the next breath they'll say the Scandinavian countries are capitalist and not socialist when people point to how well they do over there. Well they have universal healthcare and very expansive social safety nets. Are those things socialism or not in your world view? You hypocrites can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Scandinavian countries are socialist in your view or things like universal healthcare are not actually socialism. There are no Democrats arguing for the government to completely take over the private sector. They want universal healthcare and government funded universities like in the Scandinavian nations. At least get your shit straight and make a consistent argument.
YOU are the hypocrite
....you can't compare Scandinavian countries with the US for many reasons--end of story

What are those reasons?

I'm going to guess you are going to say it comes down to size and ....probably racial make up knowing you guys.
the US obesity rate is THREE times Sweden's!!!!!!!!!!!
and American black obesity rate is HIGH!
.....obesity is a major world health problem and causes other health problems

Ok, the United States has a lot of fat people so that means socialized healthcare doesn't work. That is what you call iron clad logic.
POPULATION--DUH!!!!!!!!!- this is BASIC grade school math and science!!!!!!!

You can't go into an ounce of detail?
population --it's in BIG letters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jesus christ, you didn't even graduate from grade school?????!!!!!!!!

I did the one word arguments but you're going to need to spit it out.

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