Lets watch as Candace Owens destroys msnbc panel.

That Michael Dyson provides a great example why our college system is not just failing students, the students are being wired in stupidity.

Love it watch and enjoy.

Christ sake, doesn't this guy take a breath?

We've seen this "MSNBC" strategy so many times. Here conservative you speak first. Oh, let me interrupt you. Now let the liberal speak...for the next 20 minutes...and no you can't interrupt, you spoke first. What a bunch of fricken clowns.

Conservatives are held to much higher standards than progressives. Two primary reasons. One is conservatives live by higher standards. Two we're an inconvenience.

Love it watch and enjoy.

Christ sake, doesn't this guy take a breath?

We've seen this "MSNBC" strategy so many times. Here conservative you speak first. Oh, let me interrupt you. Now let the liberal speak...for the next 20 minutes...and no you can't interrupt, you spoke first. What a bunch of fricken clowns.

Conservatives are held to much higher standards than progressives. Two primary reasons. One is conservatives live by higher standards. Two we're an inconvenience.

That's one way to phrase it. Although, I really feel libs are just looking for those GOTCHA moments, not realizing how stupid they look.
* waits to see how many USMB self-proclaimed conservatives addresses the OP with "You're making her popular by paying attention to her." or other some such *
* waits to see how many USMB self-proclaimed conservatives addresses the OP with "You're making her popular by paying attention to her." or other some such *

* waits to see how many USMB self-proclaimed conservatives addresses the OP with "You're making her popular by paying attention to her." or other some such *

More butthurt.

We get Owen's
You get Waters

The winner is clear

We could even give them 4 to 1 odds and still win all day and night
I wish she would run for political office. I would volunteer or donate in a heartbeat.
* waits to see how many USMB self-proclaimed conservatives addresses the OP with "You're making her popular by paying attention to her." or other some such *
she did make a point, I watched the news the other day and a bunch of white BLM raided a black cops wedding

Black Lives Matter protesters crash wedding of cop who shot Stephon Clark

since when is white people BLM? WTF, I mean you leftists are really plantation pouncing. wow.

you tube

Here’s what conservatives never understand . People can actually support groups that they themselves are not a member of.

Cons never heard of sympathy . They only know selfishness . You don’t care about injustice so long as it’s not happening to you .
* waits to see how many USMB self-proclaimed conservatives addresses the OP with "You're making her popular by paying attention to her." or other some such *
she did make a point, I watched the news the other day and a bunch of white BLM raided a black cops wedding

Black Lives Matter protesters crash wedding of cop who shot Stephon Clark

since when is white people BLM? WTF, I mean you leftists are really plantation pouncing. wow.

you tube

The only thing more racist towards blacks in this country, other than white patronizing left wingers, are black profiteers that rely on the grievance industry.

This negro is nothing more than a racist keeping his brothers down and attacking negroes himself.

* waits to see how many USMB self-proclaimed conservatives addresses the OP with "You're making her popular by paying attention to her." or other some such *
she did make a point, I watched the news the other day and a bunch of white BLM raided a black cops wedding

Black Lives Matter protesters crash wedding of cop who shot Stephon Clark

since when is white people BLM? WTF, I mean you leftists are really plantation pouncing. wow.

you tube

Here’s what conservatives never understand . People can actually support groups that they themselves are not a member of.

Cons never heard of sympathy . They only know selfishness . You don’t care about injustice so long as it’s not happening to you .

why would whites be in a BLM? and if black lives matter why aren't they marching in Chicago? I'll never understand you asshats. what's even more ironic is that a white person is at a black man's wedding with his family telling the black man his life doesn't matter. you can't get anymore fked up then that. Yep a white person for black lives matter telling a black cop his life doesn't matter. and taped it. people these fks are so fking confused.
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