Lets watch what liberalism is doing to our schools, shall we?

Student teacher ratio of 14:1 and the kids are still that fucking stupid means its the kids, their parents and a democrat controlled education system that promotes failure as if their political Power depended upon it
This is where it is going.

California expands ban on ‘willful defiance’ suspensions in schools

California schools will no longer be able to suspend students in elementary and middle school for disrupting school activities or “willfully defying” the authority of teachers or administrators, ending a practice that many say is counterproductive and unfairly applied to black students.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation late Monday ending suspensions in all public and charter schools for “willful defiance” in grades 4 through 5 and banning them in grades 6 to 8 for five years. Such suspensions were already banned in grades K-3.

The broader ban comes in response, in part, to criticism that the willful defiance category of suspensions was a too-broad and arbitrary catchall for any behavior that a teacher finds objectionable, such as repeatedly tapping feet on the floor, refusing to remove a hat or failing to wear a school uniform.

California expands ban on 'willful defiance' suspensions in schools

That is right. California no longer allowing suspensions for willful defiance and classroom disruptions.




I actually read the dragonlady posts. Could you decipher that? I honestly think they are possessed.

CA is America's Venezuela.

Have you ever been to Canada, Frank? I doubt it. Your ignorance is typical of the American who know everything about everyone, but has never left the state he was born in.

Spoken like a typical pretentious douche.
What is liberalism doing to our schools. Easy. This. China's schoolchildren are now the smartest in the world

We are teaching children that math is racist. This country is evil and must be destroyed. Science isn't real science. Men and women can change their biological sex just by thinking about it. History depends on how you feel. It is more important to be woke than it is to be right.

That's what liberalism has done to our schools. Graduates cannot so much as write their own names.
Feral liberal git don't need no stinkin' schools. They can get the same indoctrination on the streets.
Student teacher ratio of 14:1 and the kids are still that fucking stupid means its the kids, their parents and a democrat controlled education system that promotes failure as if their political Power depended upon it
This is where it is going.

California expands ban on ‘willful defiance’ suspensions in schools

California schools will no longer be able to suspend students in elementary and middle school for disrupting school activities or “willfully defying” the authority of teachers or administrators, ending a practice that many say is counterproductive and unfairly applied to black students.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation late Monday ending suspensions in all public and charter schools for “willful defiance” in grades 4 through 5 and banning them in grades 6 to 8 for five years. Such suspensions were already banned in grades K-3.

The broader ban comes in response, in part, to criticism that the willful defiance category of suspensions was a too-broad and arbitrary catchall for any behavior that a teacher finds objectionable, such as repeatedly tapping feet on the floor, refusing to remove a hat or failing to wear a school uniform.

California expands ban on 'willful defiance' suspensions in schools

That is right. California no longer allowing suspensions for willful defiance and classroom disruptions.




I actually read the dragonlady posts. Could you decipher that? I honestly think they are possessed.

CA is America's Venezuela.

Have you ever been to Canada, Frank? I doubt it. Your ignorance is typical of the American who know everything about everyone, but has never left the state he was born in.

Is California in Canada?
When did freedom of speech turn into a policy that should be implemented based only on the speech
I believe Kleenex and hankies are on sale so you can clear the tears. On the other hand employers have never had it so unbelievably easy finding hard working employees. Somewhere it's working. The job market is flooded with people who are willing to work until they drop.
This person proves me right. It is all a joke. It is not even on his radar. Want to bet he made posts outraged about bathrooms? Want to bet this person believes people can change sexes when they can't?

They are this very type. Calling us crybabies for being outraged at what the teacher describes as flat out assaults every day. However, when it comes to schools not having transgender bathrooms, well this same person will howl at the top of his lungs.

That is the left in a nutshell. As I said. Many are judged already, so their ability to see or hear is taken away.

Those, are the ones that laugh and mock while crying as they point and accuse day and night.

Avoid such people as this.

You're completely deranged. Conservatives have been starving public schools of funds in order to created exactly the kinds of conditions this teacher described.

Your little film clip is from 2017 when Scott Walker was the Republican governor of Wisconsin, and he starved Wisconsin public schools for funds and teachers revolted. Walker's reign of terror and war against public servants raged from 2011 and this clip from 2017, shows the sort of damage Walker's policies did to the school system in Wisconsin.


You idiots always try to lay the messes YOU created, at the feet of Democrats.

Wait, so it's a MONEY issue. Tell me, how do our dollars compare with that of other countries, and do countries with smaller budgets per pupil have these problems?

Fuck no they don't, you're talking out of your ass. Feel free to look it up, come back with another excuse.
The left spelled out their plan in their "long march through the institutions". The socialists told everyone how they would grow their numbers and infiltrate the educational system, the mainstream media, and finally the government. I also notice that the videos I've seen such as the one in the original post were not primarily complaints about pay. I saw teachers that had given up trying to deal with the chaotic nightmare allowed to fester in the classrooms. That toxic environment is actually encouraged by educational psychologists, who preach against good old fashioned discipline and suspensions. There is a reason the radicals want to replace academic rigor and scientific progress with Critical Theory. Their ideas are so hollow and they can't build anything of their own, that all they can do is criticize the success of the progressive Right.


Just watch that speech. Let the left giggle. Most are already judged and so therefore will never have the eyes to see or ears to hear. They will just laugh and laugh and laugh.

We are less than one generation away from the great tribulation.

We should be preparing. I am trying to not curse anymore. I have been a disgrace. Trying to change

For those that have the ears to hear, we must prepare for what is coming .


What is teacher is complaining about, is a lack of funding and resources available in her school, and how dangerous the environment is for teachers where the students are "high risk", and there aren't enough staff to stop their worst behaviours.

The law requires the government to provide a publically funded school for such children. But the school board refuses to properly fund the school or provide for the safety of the teachers.

This is not a normal public school situation.
Actually, it is a normal public school situation. Mismanagement is a common feature of public schools.
No it isn't.

Just watch that speech. Let the left giggle. Most are already judged and so therefore will never have the eyes to see or ears to hear. They will just laugh and laugh and laugh.

We are less than one generation away from the great tribulation.

We should be preparing. I am trying to not curse anymore. I have been a disgrace. Trying to change

For those that have the ears to hear, we must prepare for what is coming .

We were already in the tribulation. It’s almost over.
It appears that many teachers are getting tired of dealing with the idiotic snott-mouthed "challenging of authority" encouraged by educational reformers. It's time to get back to the basics and the first step is to completely defund the United States Department of Education.

Here is another video that highlights the insanity teachers are forced to deal with.

Here is an example of what happens when a product of our current educational system is forced to function in an environment where they can't simply goof off and antagonize others. Encouraging students to act like defiant little shits does not produce strong citizens, it produce weak individuals. It also doesn't produce skeptics, it produces argumentative complainers that obstruct progress.


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