Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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Just makes it easier for you to pretend you don't give a fuck about a 62 year old man joking about a 31 year old ballplayer having sex with a 14 year old girl.

Does that make you happy?

I really don't give a fuck about a 62 year old man cracking jokes like that.

That still doesn't explain where Hammer Time and his kid come into play.
All this outrage over one joke ... damn, you people are giving the liberals a TON of free publicity ... wonder what the government's doing with all the attention off them right now ...
Alright, folks, the chick who is so dissed by a suitor bringing up the subject of sex she would end the relationship on the spot, sees nothing wrong with a joke told by a 62 year old man about a 31 year old MLB player having sex with the 14 year old daughter of the Governor of Alaska.

I just want y'all to get the lay, no pun intended, of the land.
Yeah, you can be a prig on your own behalf in one thread and totally sexually liberated in another on behalf of a 14 year old girl being discussed sexually by a 62 year old man, and nobody will call you on your bullshit.
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If any such SADISTIC, PERVERTED, MEAN SPIRITED... ahem.... *JOKE*... was told in a similar fashion about michele obama and her daughters, you liberals would be OUTRAGED to the point of BOILING OVER here. But hey, it's just FINE AND DANDY to talk the sort of FILTHY TRASH about Sarah Palin and her daughter...

... you fuckers make me SICK!!!
So ... then it's not okay to use the word "gay" or "fag" anymore ... it's no longer appropriate to call any woman a "bitch", "****", or anyone a "pussy" anymore ... especially a child ...
So ... then it's not okay to use the word "gay" or "fag" anymore ... it's no longer appropriate to call any woman a "bitch", "****", or anyone a "pussy" anymore ... especially a child ...

Don't play games KK... not with this... you know EXACTLY what's going on here. It's a double standard so fucking huge even the BLIND can see it. Don't act like you have no idea what's going on... :eusa_hand:
So ... then it's not okay to use the word "gay" or "fag" anymore ... it's no longer appropriate to call any woman a "bitch", "****", or anyone a "pussy" anymore ... especially a child ...

Don't play games KK... not with this... you know EXACTLY what's going on here. It's a double standard so fucking huge even the BLIND can see it. Don't act like you have no idea what's going on... :eusa_hand:

No, all I see is the exact same thing that started the fucking FCC.
i def was not pleased to hear this about palin and her 14 year old. a joke is one thing but what he did was no joke. and i def think that if it were about any democrat/liberal they would treat it as if the world was ending.
So ... then it's not okay to use the word "gay" or "fag" anymore ... it's no longer appropriate to call any woman a "bitch", "****", or anyone a "pussy" anymore ... especially a child ...

Don't play games KK... not with this... you know EXACTLY what's going on here. It's a double standard so fucking huge even the BLIND can see it. Don't act like you have no idea what's going on... :eusa_hand:

No, all I see is the exact same thing that started the fucking FCC.

Well... OK then KK... for whatever reason you're refusing to admit what's PAINFULLY OBVIOUS and deflecting the issue.

Whatever... there is no debate about this... it's just OK for liberals to talk ANY KIND OF SHIT, SMACK, TRASH TALK they want about conservatives, but if a conservative utters a PEEP about a liberal, THE DOORS TO HELL OPEN UP! It's sickening, and infuriates the hell otta me.
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I can point to specific words by you advocating child sex.

No, you can't. I've never advocated any specific sexual behavior by children or anyone else. The only thing that I've ever said here is that people of whatever age who have proven themselves capable of managing "adult" rights and responsibilities in an informed and rational manner should be permitted to do so. That would necessarily include sex, merely as a component of bodily self-governance. In fact, your own preferred scheme would seem to create a greater propensity toward the sexual manipulation of the young than mine would, since I support maximum intellectual stimulation from an early age and the transmission of rights based on measured ability rather than passing an arbitrary line in the sand.

You cannot do the same regarding Gingrich. If you can, I will rebuke him as strongly as you have been rebuked for your disgusting remarks in advocation of defending child sex so long as they have the "ability". And indicating someone else is a perv in no way excuses you - though that is a common tactic by the guilty. Are you guilty Agno?

As far as I know, no one here is a "perv"...though the people in this thread with an obsessive focus on the sexual behavior of a 14 year old rather than politics are a bit suspicious...but I'll not comment on that. Now, Gingrich did not specifically mention sexual matters in his article focused on "the end of adolescence," nor would I have done so had I written the article. I believe the most pertinent youth rights are the right to economic power (which necessitates reform of the working age, minimum age to own property, a bank account, etc.), the right to govern one's own education, free of compulsory and authoritarian schooling, and the right to political power as achieved through reform of the voting age. The age of consent is a component of bodily self-governance, but does not necessitate special mention, just as the age at which one can receive a tattoo without parental consent does not necessitate special mention. However, Gingrich's ultimate supported framework that would involve the abolition of adolescence could only consistently include sexual matters.

That said, we'll again focus on quotations here. First, we have one from Robert Epstein, a psychologist who advocates this same agenda of the abolition of adolescence, and the replacement of age restrictions beyond puberty with competency tests. He writes this in The Case Against Adolescence, p. 225:

[T]he fact is that some, and perhaps even many, thirteen-year-olds are ready for sex, and even for deep love and marriage. Remember that throughout most of human history, our ancestors began having children shortly after puberty. Our brains and bodies are designed that way.

Now, Gingrich in turn writes this of Epstein's book:

Adolescence is a social experiment that failed. Dr. Epstein's book traces the history of the problem, demonstrates with unrelenting perseverance that much of the turmoil of our teens is a creation of our culture, and offers a specific and detailed proposal for getting our young people back on track. If you are concerned about America's young—and about America's future—this is a must-read.

Now, Epstein would undoubtedly meet the criteria for "supporter of child sex" as established by you, and all reasonable signs indicate that Gingrich likely would too. Incidentally, conservative commentator George Will also writes "[p]arents puzzled about the reasons for changes in child-rearing since they were children may find some answers in Robert Epstein's argument about what he calls 'the artificial extension of childhood.'" While certainly not as strong an endorsement as Gingrich's, you may just have a basis for condemnation of two major conservatives as "supporters of child sex" today. :)

This is not a contest -simply a declaration, BY YOU, regarding your own disgusting view/desires of children.

Your words are your words - you cannot run from them, and they have been your undoing...

Nothing here has been my undoing, and I've stood by and will continue to stand by the statements I've made here and elsewhere that some have been so foolish as to attempt to "embarrass" me with. I advocate the abolition of all age restrictions, including the age of consent, and believe that adolescents should generally function as adults currently do in every manner. That's not something I find it necessary to *hide* from, especially considering that everyone else was made aware of this six months ago even though you think you've struck a gold vein.

The only people stupid enough to consider such views my "undoing" are those who simply lack the ability to consider these and other issues rationally, as editec noted. You're not people that I care to appeal to anyway, and though the stupid and irrational have an unfortunately influential role in policy formation, you simply can't compete in the marketplace of ideas. Therefore, what you think or believe about me or my ideas is simply not important to me. When you form arguments or provide me with evidence, it may become of marginal importance to me, though I think both prospects extremely unlikely. :)
I'm a serial monogamist. You can make up any bad language you want for that. But if you joke about my kids fucking 30 year old men, I'll kill you. Poor Sarah only wishes she could.
Don't play games KK... not with this... you know EXACTLY what's going on here. It's a double standard so fucking huge even the BLIND can see it. Don't act like you have no idea what's going on... :eusa_hand:

No, all I see is the exact same thing that started the fucking FCC.

Well... OK then KK... for whatever reason you're refusing to admit what's PAINFULLY OBVIOUS and deflecting the issue.

Whatever... there is no debate about this... it's just OK for liberals to talk ANY KIND OF SHIT, SMACK, TRASH TALK they want about conservatives, but if a conservative utters a PEEP about a liberal, THE DOORS TO HELL OPEN UP! It's sickening, and infuriates the hell otta me.

Really ... I see the exact same whining from both sides, not difference other than the targets, it's exactly the same.
The blatant HYPOCRISY is so thick in this thread you can SMELL it... :eusa_hand:

Maybe you can help me out.

What does MC Hammer admonishing a daytime TV host for talking to his son about his failures have to do with David Letterman?
I'm a serial monogamist. You can make up any bad language you want for that. But if you joke about my kids fucking 30 year old men, I'll kill you. Poor Sarah only wishes she could.

What do you think would have happened to you if you'd have made up a joke about the obama kids getting banged by some 31 year old and post it here? Hell you'd have probably been banned by one of the liberal mods. But hey, it's OK to joke like that about a conservative... it's funny... ha fuckin' ha.

Like I said, the hypocrisy is so thick in this thread I can SMELL it.
No, all I see is the exact same thing that started the fucking FCC.

Well... OK then KK... for whatever reason you're refusing to admit what's PAINFULLY OBVIOUS and deflecting the issue.

Whatever... there is no debate about this... it's just OK for liberals to talk ANY KIND OF SHIT, SMACK, TRASH TALK they want about conservatives, but if a conservative utters a PEEP about a liberal, THE DOORS TO HELL OPEN UP! It's sickening, and infuriates the hell otta me.

Really ... I see the exact same whining from both sides, not difference other than the targets, it's exactly the same.

No, I already told you making jokes about my kids having sex might get you killed, but you can call me anything you want.

It's all very binary here, punkin.
No, all I see is the exact same thing that started the fucking FCC.

Well... OK then KK... for whatever reason you're refusing to admit what's PAINFULLY OBVIOUS and deflecting the issue.

Whatever... there is no debate about this... it's just OK for liberals to talk ANY KIND OF SHIT, SMACK, TRASH TALK they want about conservatives, but if a conservative utters a PEEP about a liberal, THE DOORS TO HELL OPEN UP! It's sickening, and infuriates the hell otta me.

Really ... I see the exact same whining from both sides, not difference other than the targets, it's exactly the same.
I don't, and never have. We must live on different planets.
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