Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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Thank you for the shades of rape performance!

Oh what a dance of excuses you are mustering for us all!

Not much brilliance to be found in you - but sheer effort to be sure.

You work hard - much like a dishwasher...

As far as I can tell, not much brilliance comes from you; you lacked the capacity to even begin to comprehend the comments I made yesterday about the nature of wage labor and capitalism's anti-libertarian elements.

Regardless, it's entirely irrelevant. If he'd made a funny joke about full-fledged rape, I still would have laughed. Have you not heard of dark humor? That said, drawing some equivalence between statutory rape and violent rape is undoubtedly an insult to actual rape victims, as opposed to those merely declared rape victims by an intrusive government that discriminates on the basis of age rather than ability.

A nice refresher of Agno's open advocation of child sex.

If the child has the "ability", they are ready for sex. Any law protecting said child is "discrimination". Of course, this leads one to assume discrimination particularly against those advocating sex with minors, yes?

And that of course, leads us directly to...Agno!

Poor, sad little fuck that he is.

(I aplogize for some of my profanity throughout this thread - but the defense of the attacks on an innocent 14 year old girl, followed by a forum member's defense of both that attack, and child sex, has left me wondering as to the depravity of a few in here - thankfully a small minority - but troubling nonetheless.)
For the record, I wouldn't have cared to this degree if Letterman's comment had actually been aimed at Willow (though he seems to have intended to mean Bristol)
Intent is irrelevant to results.

...and had actually been about rape..
The result was about rape...Statutory rape of a minor child.

And as I said, you can feel free to label me a "supporter of child sex" as soon as you label Newt Gingrich the same. I await the remedy of your blatant inconsistency.
Non sequitur and deflection.

Newtered Gingwad's views on anything are irrelevant to the fact that you are an unaplogetic pederast.
I fucking hate American media culture.

We always need to label winners and losers.

I remember when Eminem first came out i was certain he would follow the same trajectory as Vanilla Ice but that didn't happen.

So our media has to arbitrarily select winners ( Eminem ) and losers ( Vanilla Ice ). I just don't fucking see how Eminem is better than Vanilla Ice ? ? ? The only difference is Eminem is promoted in every magazine and Vanilla Ice ridiculed in all the same magazines.

It is helpful that Americans have been so completely dumbed down by the media that they no longer can think for themselves and simply swallow everything they're fed.

Vanilla Ice and Mc Hammer both had exactly one track that i like. Eminem has NONE out of his like fifty albums.

WTF ! ! !

Thank god i never watch TV or Listen to radio. I can't stand the dumbfucking stupidity.

This thread would never have seemed complete with just little Palin and the Hammers. I couldn't make sense of it.

Now, we've got Vanilla Ice and Eminem.

It's all clear now. I can go to bed and sleep well.
A nice refresher of Agno's open advocation of child sex.

If the child has the "ability", they are ready for sex. Any law protecting said child is "discrimination". Of course, this leads one to assume discrimination particularly against those advocating sex with minors, yes?

And that of course, leads us directly to...Agno!

Poor, sad little fuck that he is.

(I aplogize for some of my profanity throughout this thread - but the defense of the attacks on an innocent 14 year old girl, followed by a forum member's defense of both that attack, and child sex, has left me wondering as to the depravity of a few in here - thankfully a small minority - but troubling nonetheless.)

You'll never be Shogun, Din. You might as well abandon the ridiculously misrepresented quotation and disingenuous comments while you're ahead. But see, you're in an even worse a position than he is. soggy, for all of his faults, is at least a leftist. You are a rightist. You are now confronted with the task of condemning Newt Gingrich as an advocate of child sex if you want to maintain even the slightest semblance of consistency. However, you will not be able to do this, because although you are an obnoxious little banshee who disrupts legitimate debates with idiotic spam, you grow silent when confronted with your inconsistency. And that merely exposes your deeper idiocy. :)
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McvC7n6-buo]YouTube - John Ziegler Destroys Contessa Brewer About The Letterman/Palin Controversy[/ame]
This thread re-tah-did.

You have a daughter?

A wife?

A mother?

Make them proud?

Exactly what the fuck does any of that have to do with a daytime TV host being admonished by Hammer himself for talking to his son about his fall from grace?

It makes no fuggin' sense, dude.

Do you defend the Letterman "jokes" regarding the Palin daughter?

Do you defend those in here who excuse said joke?
didn't Letterman father a child out of wedlock? He needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.. Willow Palin has more class than he could ever hope to have.. he's a hopeless hatemongerer. Maybe he could go ahead and have another heart attack! just kidding.. roflmao

Yes he did but he doesn't go around preaching abstinence.

Willow does though.

Hmmm...let's see, a girl advocating abstinence vs. a 60 y.o. man making sexual commentary about one specific, underage girl.

I know which one creeps me out.

I never thought of it that way. Letterman a pedifile?:clap2: hmm.-- 60 year old man making sexual comments about a 14 year old girl. Maybe he should be watched a little more closely. I know I wouldn't want him around any of the young girls in my family.

DID YOU KNOW: In 2007 40% of the babies born in this country were to unwed mothers, many of them teenage girls. These girls are of every race, every religion, they are democrats & republicans & they are pro-choice & pro-life.

NOW FOR YOU LIBERALS WHO ARE DEFENDING LETTERMAN: I want you to IMAGINE being the father or mother of one of these teenage girls--& watch them get torn apart by the left wing main stream media with a barrage of negative comments--along with a 60 year old man making tasteless/wreckless/vicious sexual jokes about them on National T.V.

Now answer honestly. If you were the father or mother of one of these girls-- HOW WOULD YOU FEEL?
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You have a daughter?

A wife?

A mother?

Make them proud?

Exactly what the fuck does any of that have to do with a daytime TV host being admonished by Hammer himself for talking to his son about his fall from grace?

It makes no fuggin' sense, dude.

Do you defend the Letterman "jokes" regarding the Palin daughter?

Do you defend those in here who excuse said joke?

It was a tasteless joke.

Am I pissed about it? No. I just don't give a rats.
Whatever, Jesus. :rolleyes:

Intent is irrelevant to results.

That's obviously false, and I sincerely doubt that you want to maintain that claim. It could be shattered so easily. Or is accidental killing (or even manslaughter) equivalent to murder?

The result was about rape...Statutory rape of a minor child.

What did I just tell you? Not only is statutory rape not equivalent to violent rape (this is a reality that I will continue to repeat; my goal is the pursuit of objective truth, not popular talking points), all signs indicate that this comment was intended to be directed at Bristol, not Willow, and Letterman simply ignorantly confused the two.

Non sequitur and deflection.

Newtered Gingwad's views on anything are irrelevant to the fact that you are an unaplogetic pederast.

A pederast is an individual sexually attracted to male adolescents. If you can provide some documentation (preferably clinical in nature), of my sexual attraction to male adolescents, I'll wholeheartedly agree with your analysis of me as a "pederast." Until then, you're just the same old Dud, providing mendacious and imbecilic inanities, but little of relevance.
A nice refresher of Agno's open advocation of child sex.

If the child has the "ability", they are ready for sex. Any law protecting said child is "discrimination". Of course, this leads one to assume discrimination particularly against those advocating sex with minors, yes?

And that of course, leads us directly to...Agno!

Poor, sad little fuck that he is.

(I aplogize for some of my profanity throughout this thread - but the defense of the attacks on an innocent 14 year old girl, followed by a forum member's defense of both that attack, and child sex, has left me wondering as to the depravity of a few in here - thankfully a small minority - but troubling nonetheless.)

You'll never be Shogun, Din. You might as well abandon the ridiculously misrepresented quotation and disingenuous comments while you're ahead. But see, you're in an even worse a position than he is. soggy, for all of his faults, is at least a leftist. You are a rightist. You are now confronted with the task of condemning Newt Gingrich as an advocate of child sex if you want to maintain even the slightest semblance of consistency. However, you will not be able to do this, because although you are an obnoxious little banshee who disrupts legitimate debates with idiotic spam, you grow silent when confronted with your inconsistency. And that merely exposes your deeper idiocy. :)

I can point to specific words by you advocating child sex.

You cannot do the same regarding Gingrich. If you can, I will rebuke him as strongly as you have been rebuked for your disgusting remarks in advocation of defending child sex so long as they have the "ability". And indicating someone else is a perv in no way excuses you - though that is a common tactic by the guilty. Are you guilty Agno?

This is not a contest -simply a declaration, BY YOU, regarding your own disgusting view/desires of children.

Your words are your words - you cannot run from them, and they have been your undoing...
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Still not seeing what this has to do with Hammer go Hammer, MC Hammer, yo Hammer

(and the rest can go and play)
I never thought of it that way. Letterman a pedifile?:clap2: hmm.-- 60 year old man making sexual comments about a 14 year old girl. Maybe he should be watched a little more closely. I know I wouldn't want him around any of the young girls in my family.

You're really descending to a new idiotic low with this one. For that matter, most people here are too...stupid to figure this out no matter how many times its hammered into their pathetic little heads, but pedophilia is a mental disorder wherein the afflicted individual is attracted to prepubescent children. Making a humorous comment intended to be directed at a biological and legal adult that is interpreted as directed at a biological adult isn't grounds for diagnosis, as far as I know.
FWIW, I, and I think most other cons here support his right to say it, but think it was in very bad taste. That's not whining, that's pointing out the obvious and being grossed out by it.
Let's put the shoe on the other foot for a moment people.

If talk show host A said the exact same thing but it was about Obama's daughter what do you think the response would be?

Those that would defend an assnine comment that Lettermen spewed surely need to attend KAA= Kool Aid Anonymous

I hope his ratings suffer for this one for he clearly showed just how classless he is.

My last point is, damn Sarah Palin sure does scare some people so much so that they would go this low. Incredible!
Just makes it easier for you to pretend you don't give a fuck about a 62 year old man joking about a 31 year old ballplayer having sex with a 14 year old girl.

Does that make you happy?
Let's put the shoe on the other foot for a moment people.

If talk show host A said the exact same thing but it was about Obama's daughter what do you think the response would be?

Those that would defend an assnine comment that Lettermen spewed surely need to attend KAA= Kool Aid Anonymous

I hope his ratings suffer for this one for he clearly showed just how classless he is.

My last point is, damn Sarah Palin sure does scare some people so much so that they would go this low. Incredible!

No kidding. I thought she was supposed to be irrelevant. :confused:
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