Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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Made to order for outing phony baloney liberals.

A 62 year old late night TV show host makes a joke about a 31 year old major league baseball player having sex during the game with a 14 year old girl.
Perfect, it is ok to attack a 14 year old white Girl and say she had sex with an adult at a ball game. BUT don't mention MC Hammer's failure as a rapper to his son.

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I watched that whole thing and didn't hear anything about Palins daughter.

Hammer was pretty successful as a rapper. He failed at managing his money.

Do you have any functioning brain cells? Did your parents have any children that lived? Dumb ASS.
Made to order for outing phony baloney liberals.

A 62 year old late night TV show host makes a joke about a 31 year old major league baseball player having sex during the game with a 14 year old girl.

That would be bad taste but I still can't figure what one incident has to do with the other.
Perfect, it is ok to attack a 14 year old white Girl and say she had sex with an adult at a ball game. BUT don't mention MC Hammer's failure as a rapper to his son.

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I watched that whole thing and didn't hear anything about Palins daughter.

Hammer was pretty successful as a rapper. He failed at managing his money.

Do you have any functioning brain cells? Did your parents have any children that lived? Dumb ASS.

That doesn't help any.

There is nothing there about Palins daughter. Care to post a link for that?
Made to order for outing phony baloney liberals.

A 62 year old late night TV show host makes a joke about a 31 year old major league baseball player having sex during the game with a 14 year old girl.

That would be bad taste but I still can't figure what one incident has to do with the other.

Because you are ignorant as hell. The posted link shows Hollyweird upset about Kathy Lee mentioning Hammer's failure to his 10 year old son, while you dumb asses post in support of Letterman's attack of a sexual nature against a 14 year old.
Made to order for outing phony baloney liberals.

A 62 year old late night TV show host makes a joke about a 31 year old major league baseball player having sex during the game with a 14 year old girl.

That would be bad taste but I still can't figure what one incident has to do with the other.

Because you are ignorant as hell. The posted link shows Hollyweird upset about Kathy Lee mentioning Hammer's failure to his 10 year old son, while you dumb asses post in support of Letterman's attack of a sexual nature against a 14 year old.

It would be next to impossible for me to support something I know nothing about.

I didn't get that Hollywood was upset about the Hammer thing. I got that Hammer was upset.

And I get that you're upset. About something.
I watched that whole thing and didn't hear anything about Palins daughter.

Hammer was pretty successful as a rapper. He failed at managing his money.

Do you have any functioning brain cells? Did your parents have any children that lived? Dumb ASS.

That doesn't help any.

There is nothing there about Palins daughter. Care to post a link for that?

He's trying to make a connection between a late night comedian cracking a tasteless joke about Palin's daughter and a daytime TV host being admonished by MC Hammer for talking to his son about Hammer's fall from grace.

It's one of the stupidest damn things I've ever read in my life.
Here is Sarah Palin in New York to do a walk to raise money for autistic children. She takes her young daughter to a baseball game--& who gets attacked? Her 14 year old daughter.

This is what the left has succumbed to in this country.

You're a fucking idiot !

Liberals don't attack anybody for having sex ! Liberals recognize that sex is natural. Conservatives are the dumbfucking morons who think it's a sin !

I am a Libertarian myself.

Good for you for being a Libertarian but we don't condone that here.

For the record, I wouldn't have cared to this degree if Letterman's comment had actually been aimed at Willow (though he seems to have intended to mean Bristol), and had actually been about rape, because I believe that a valid role for dark comedy exists. Letterman is an entertainer, and you should perhaps consistently apply your rhetoric about not forming protected classes based on arbitrary characteristics such as age and sex and punishing the offensive with market power (i.e. a boycott), rather than with a mere demonization campaign.

And as I said, you can feel free to label me a "supporter of child sex" as soon as you label Newt Gingrich the same. I await the remedy of your blatant inconsistency.
It's more of the Left's 1 way street thinking.

Amanda, sometimes I think you are the most frustrating person on USMB for how irrational, and prejudicially blind you can sometimes be.

1 You call the Left whiners for complaining about people being "un-PC", but then when the Right whines about a joke some tv comedian who isn't even that funny makes, then the Left is guilty of 1-Way Street thinking? Can you really defend just how ironic AND hypocritical that is?

2 And please, stop, as you told me once before, "lumping" people altogether. That's more hypocrisy from you 3 little Ms. Spotless. At least I realize human beings, including me, are quite capable and are frequently hypocritical. 4 But I guess that's just more Leftist hypocrisy, right?

1 When have I called anyone a whiner? And mischaracterize my comment all you want it wasn't about Letterman it was about the Left's response here. If the Left cared about women the way they would have us believe they would be outraged. if Ann Coulter was raped the left would likely pull out the tired old "She had it coming" excuse for the rape. That was how they reacted when she was attacked with a pie. No one deserves to be assaulted in any way. Sexually, verbally, or physically.

2 Have you read the thread? Who's saying it was fine and who isn't?

3 When have I ever claimed to be spotless?

4 Sounds like CYA to me. :)
OK. I see. It's a conspiracy between David letterman and MC Hammer. Or is it a conspiracy between the Palin girl and the morning show chic? Oh wait.....Hammer's son is gettin' it on with Palin's daughter?

Is there a dumbest thread award?
I fucking hate American media culture.

We always need to label winners and losers.

I remember when Eminem first came out i was certain he would follow the same trajectory as Vanilla Ice but that didn't happen.

So our media has to arbitrarily select winners ( Eminem ) and losers ( Vanilla Ice ). I just don't fucking see how Eminem is better than Vanilla Ice ? ? ? The only difference is Eminem is promoted in every magazine and Vanilla Ice ridiculed in all the same magazines.

It is helpful that Americans have been so completely dumbed down by the media that they no longer can think for themselves and simply swallow everything they're fed.

Vanilla Ice and Mc Hammer both had exactly one track that i like. Eminem has NONE out of his like fifty albums.

WTF ! ! !

Thank god i never watch TV or Listen to radio. I can't stand the dumbfucking stupidity.
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OK. I see. It's a conspiracy between David letterman and MC Hammer. Or is it a conspiracy between the Palin girl and the morning show chic? Oh wait.....Hammer's son is gettin' it on with Palin's daughter?

Is there a dumbest thread award?

You see because Letterman said something about Palin's daughter then this host should have condemned it first before talking to Hammer's son about his dad when he's right there and this is some sign of selective outrage from libs?


Seriously RGS, what the fuck is your point?
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