Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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Oh, and by the way, Ravi and Valerie are hardly conservatives, so you don't have the neat little divide that you think you do. :rolleyes:

HeLLooo Newman. :doubt: What are you even talking about?

It would appear they are attempting to imply you gave some form of support for Letterman's use of a 14 year old girs as part of a joke regarding statutory rape and prostitution...
I haven't had a chance to read all of it. You're not going to tell me? :lol: Fine, try to focus on the OP if you're able, huh?

Fine. Attempt by AllieBabble et al. to mendaciously depict this as a merely partisan issue, much like her attempt to compare Nazism to modern liberalism.
You exposed your twisted version of acceptable sex Agno - that if kids have the skill, they are ready to engage in sex.

That is messed up and there is no amount of bullshit by you that can change what you said, and by implication, who you are - and you know that.

As does everyone else in here.

You are pathetic - possibly worse.

Much worse.

Then you know who the real predator is, don't you? :rofl:

Letterman used to be funny.

He's not anymore, hasn't been since the late 90s. He became angry, bitter, hateful.... And his ratings have suffered as a result. Leno consistently kicked his ass, and now Conan -- who replaced him on "Late Night" on NBC and now has the job Letterman wanted.... The Tonight Show.... Is kicking his ass as well.

Letterman is burying himself in irrelevancy..... As is his rightful place. When we say "SeeBS" it's never more accurate than when alluding to Letterman's show.

But it's damn close.

I have always found Leno to be bland, and Conan is too arrogant. David was just goofy to me, not really funny. I prefer Spike F. and Dave Chapelle style humor.
You should check out the new Tonight Show. And by the way, Letterman WAS goofy, in the 80s-early 90s. That was his charm. Then, he became hateful.

Sad but true - particularly so in the last couple of years.

Perhaps he is simply bored out of his mind? What is left of his mind anyway...
"A large segment of Limbaugh's audience consists of white males, 18 to 34 years old, without college education. Basically, a guy I know and grew up with named Bubba. "

This comes from your source that you cited and beleive me had Rush Limbaugh said or did anything to offend the child of Bill and Hillary it would have still been airing on the National Liberal News channels. I am college educated and I do listen to Rush because I share the same conservative and fiscal views that he does. By the way, I am neither white nor am I male.

Liberals do not have an agenda on intelligence, you just read The National Inquirer and call it news and vow to the truth of a bunch of nonsense.

I would hardly call the link that you cite a reliable and truthful one. IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?????
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So by your own version - you and Gingrich share that common interest, eh?

You support child sex Agno.

You are a sick, sad little fuck, and that truth was of your own making.

By your version, Dinatra. Remember?

Premise 1: Advocates of the abolition of adolescence and earlier integration of youth into adult society through drastic re-construction of currently existing age restrictions are “advocates of underage sex.”

Premise 2: New Gingrich is an advocate of the abolition of adolescence and earlier integration of youth into adult society through drastic re-construction of currently existing age restrictions.

Conclusion: Therefore, Newt Gingrich is an “advocate of underage sex.”

Now, I realize that you're a stupid and demented little banshee, but even you should be able to figure out that it's appalling that you share ideology with an advocate of child sex. Good day, sir! :eusa_hand:
A comedian makes a tasteless joke as part of his comedic monologue. The horror.

Look another Liberal deflecting. I am afraid we are fast running out of Liberals that might actually to the right thing rather then defend the indefensible.

Defend it?


I said it was a "tasteless" joke. It's not worth defending ... I don't give enough of a fuck to do so. I don't watch Letterman, never have, never will.

Get over yourself Mr. High and Mighty.
"A large segment of Limbaugh's audience consists of white males, 18 to 34 years old, without college education. Basically, a guy I know and grew up with named Bubba. "

This comes from your source that you cited and beleive me had Rush Limbaugh said or did anything to offend the child of Bill and Hillary it would have still been airing on the National Liberal News channels. I am college educated and I do listen to Rush because I share the same conservative and fiscal views that he does. By the way, I am neither white nor am I male.

Liberals do not have an agenda on intelligence, you just read The National Inquirer and call it news and vow to the truth of a bunch of nonsense.

I would hardly call the link that you cite a reliable and truthful one. IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?????

I can already tell what you're referring to; it's an opinion piece from Molly Ivins. That's irrelevant to the reality that Rush called a thirteen year old "the White House dog."
I thought the children of political figures were off limits to the media? What a despicable display for a 6' foot man--in front of a laughing audiance--making remarks about Sarah Palins daughter. Unbelievable.

You know funny is funny. But when a comedian goes out of their way to take a shot at the children of political figures in a vial & hurtful manner--it really insults the intelligence of us all. Let alone a 6 foot man attacking two women. To me now--David Letterman is a JOKE OF A MAN.

Sarah Palin is not running for election--she just showed up in New York--& went to a Yankee's baseball game. Can the left wing media leave her & her family alone for crying out loud.

Every woman in this country regardless if you are a democrat or republican---regardless if you like Sarah Palin or not--should be outraged over this!

There is absolutely nothing funny about it--it's a disgusting attack on the female gender.

YouTube - Letterman on Sarah Palin's Daughter
Limbaugh has insulted every woman except Palin.
I'm not saying that it was funny, or not sleazy, but it was a joke, nobady got hurt, and I would hate for there to be some sort of law the limited one making jokes even in poor taste. I hate PC, but I think its funny that the Rightwingers are going ape shit over a tv comedy show and a joke in poor taste when the Rightwingers are so adamant about defending the freedom of speech and being against PC.

You ASSUME nobody got hurt. Don't you think Willow Palin is going to hear about this? Probably be teased about it and who knows whether Willow tends to be senstive or not. The fact is, that this probably WILL hurt this child and Letterman is a pus bag.

( If I've duplicated anyone please accept my apology. I haven't made it through the whole thread yet. )
I'm not saying that it was funny, or not sleazy, but it was a joke, nobady got hurt, and I would hate for there to be some sort of law the limited one making jokes even in poor taste. I hate PC, but I think its funny that the Rightwingers are going ape shit over a tv comedy show and a joke in poor taste when the Rightwingers are so adamant about defending the freedom of speech and being against PC.

You ASSUME nobody got hurt. Don't you think Willow Palin is going to hear about this? Probably be teased about it and who knows whether Willow tends to be senstive or not. The fact is, that this probably WILL hurt this child and Letterman is a pus bag.

( If I've duplicated anyone please accept my apology. I haven't made it through the whole thread yet. )

It is simply amazing this thing is being supported by some in here.

Oh how this same tired group howled when Limbaugh declared he wanted Obama to fail.

Ah, but have a liberal talk show host infuse statutory rape and prostitution centering on a 14 year old daughter and by God, THAT is just a "harmless" joke!

And then you have the likes of Agno coming in and actually advocating for child sex!

Let these loons keep talking - their collective lunacy is now being more open for all to see.
Here is Sarah Palin in New York to do a walk to raise money for autistic children. She takes her young daughter to a baseball game--& who gets attacked? Her 14 year old daughter.

This is what the left has succumbed to in this country.
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