Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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didn't think anything could lower my opinion of David Letterman. I was wrong:
Moonbattery: Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin


One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game. During the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.
He said this about a 14-year-old girl.

Letterman also referred to Sarah Palin as "slutty." This from a creep who only recently married the mother of his 5-year-old son.

By now entertainment industry moonbats must have noticed that the election is over, so they can climb out of the sewer for awhile. But apparently they like it down there.

She is a slut, Letterman is a personality who milks things like that for a laugh, and anyone who takes TV too seriously is a moron.

Is this one of your "rumors" again? :cuckoo:
DID YOU KNOW: That in 2007 a whopping 40% of the babies born in this country were to un-wed mothers--many of them teenagers--& other in their 20's & 30's --career women without husbands.

These women are of every single race-& every single religion--& every political party. They are pro-life-&-pro-choice.

Now imagine the mothers of these teenage daughters--listening to some big "dick-head" making vile comments about their daughters. Basically calling them all sluts. Now imagine how those mothers feel.
Your name implies that you are of the female gender, you should be incensed over a comment like that directed at a 14 year old girl. I can't believe that anyone would defend a statement like that, NO MATTER WHAT YOUR POLITICS ARE.

I am female also, but you know what? I don't give a rat's ass either ... wanna know why? They famous people, and fame has a price, it also means you are targets for other famous people. No one said shit when comedians were making fun of Hilary and Bill, no one said shit when they made fun of Michelle and her brats ... so why is this different?

When have they made fun of Michelle and her brats? And yes, I have defended Hillary plenty when the talking heads on MSNBC and else where attacked her with their sexist slime...not to mention Obama's big bud Rev Wright and his famous "humping" the podium sermon.

Anyway...since you don't care....why should you be offended if anyone does not defend liberal politicians?
You all are losing it... :lol:

Yeah, I am.

I have a 9 year old daughter.

Let's start making fun of everyone's underage daughters shall we?

Yeah, that is so funny.

A 62 year old man saying someone's daughter was raped, is a prostitute, and their mother is slutty.

Wow - all that women's liberation work has sure brought this nation a long way has it not?

For once in your life grow up and stand for something - or at the very least, stand against this kind of disgusting shrek calling itself television humor.

No more Letterman in my home. NEVER.

This was way too far, and the more I think of it the more it pisses me off.

The so called "Liberal" women's movement only really care about one issue...abortion. If a situation comes up that does not involve that then they could care less.

Letterman has always been a douchebag. I hated him in the 80's when he started out in latenight TV...and he's even more of a pig now.

Is that what DUchebags are made from :eek: PIG???? :lol::lol::lol:
no one said shit when they made fun of Michelle and her brats ... so why is this different? kk

again,,, I haven't seen anyone make fun of Michelle's "brats" you got a link?
let's be real, anyone defending those comment does it b/c they hate this women

it's quite scary, how there are so many leading people in the media who hate this women with a passion
can't wait to see the view
I think Letterman is a doosh in this instance.

Sure, he's a comedian. But the children of politicians didn't ask to be the children of politicians. Call Palin a skank all you wish...she put herself in the spotlight, but her kids didn't put themselves there.

Letterman is a doosh. But the more women of all political slants let themselves be de valued by negative sexual stereotypes such as "slut" and "skank" and go along with it...the more it's going to be seen as "okay". The media does not de value Obama or Biden this way. Just the powerful women it wants to marginalize...like Sarah AND Hillary during the primary.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5g8kE_g-YA]YouTube - Letterman on Sarah Palin's Daughter[/ame]

It's not funny, David! :rolleyes:
let's be real, anyone defending those comment does it b/c they hate this women

it's quite scary, how there are so many leading people in the media who hate this women with a passion
can't wait to see the view

Good point!
Yeah, I am.

I have a 9 year old daughter.

Let's start making fun of everyone's underage daughters shall we?

Yeah, that is so funny.

A 62 year old man saying someone's daughter was raped, is a prostitute, and their mother is slutty.

Wow - all that women's liberation work has sure brought this nation a long way has it not?

For once in your life grow up and stand for something - or at the very least, stand against this kind of disgusting shrek calling itself television humor.

No more Letterman in my home. NEVER.

This was way too far, and the more I think of it the more it pisses me off.

The so called "Liberal" women's movement only really care about one issue...abortion. If a situation comes up that does not involve that then they could care less.

Letterman has always been a douchebag. I hated him in the 80's when he started out in latenight TV...and he's even more of a pig now.

Is that what DUchebags are made from :eek: PIG???? :lol::lol::lol:

Yes...Letterman's picture is right next to DUchebag in the dictionary :eusa_shhh:
let's be real, anyone defending those comment does it b/c they hate this women

it's quite scary, how there are so many leading people in the media who hate this women with a passion
can't wait to see the view

*really long eye roll*

Yeah ... sure. I already admitted to not knowing enough about Palin to really care. Perhaps some of us defending the joke just like being able to enjoy our own freedom of speech allowing us to dis on Obama and his "posse" ... ever stop to think about that?

Mani said it perfectly, even though I don't agree with much of what Agna says. Mani, Agna, and I are probably the only ones who wouldn't change position if the show was on the other foot ... of those who have posted in this thread that is (there are others but haven't posted in this thread yet).
didn't Letterman father a child out of wedlock? He needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.. Willow Palin has more class than he could ever hope to have.. he's a hopeless hatemongerer. Maybe he could go ahead and have another heart attack! just kidding.. roflmao

Yes he did but he doesn't go around preaching abstinence.

Willow does though.

i'm shocked you can afford an internet connection with all that blue kool aid you buy ........
i wonder what he's goona say today


But Letterman insisted on his show Wednesday night that he was referring to 18-year-old Bristol Palin, who recently gave birth to a son after roiling the presidential campaign with the revelation she was pregnant.

The unwed Bristol has since become a high profile advocate for abstinence.

"We were, as we often do, making jokes about people in the news," Letterman said.

"These are not jokes made about her 14-year-old daughter. I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex of any description with a 14-year-old girl," he added.

"Am I guilty of poor taste? Yes. Did I suggest that it was okay for her 14-year-old daughter to be having promiscuous sex? No," Letterman said.

The ratings-conscious comedian even made Palin an offer: "I would like you to consider coming to New York City - you and Todd as my guests, or leave Todd at home - I'd love to have you on the show. It'd be exciting."

Don't set the Tivo.

"It doesn't matter whether he was talking about Willow or Bristol, what he said was unacceptable," responded Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow.

Palin was in New York to receive an award for her advocacy of children with disabilities. Her family was invited to Sunday's Yankees game by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Read more: Sarah Palin attacks David Letterman over 'sexually-perverted' joke

Sarah Palin attacks David Letterman over 'sexually-perverted' joke
did you protest when they made fun of amy carter and chelse clinton? i thought not. but nice try to disguise yourself as objective

There ya go again, DEFENDING the undefaendable while claiming you have done no such thing, LIAR.

Ohh and remind us exactly when anyone said either of your darlings were raped or preformed consensual sex with an adult? I will wait you dumb ass.
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