Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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So in conclusion all the libtards are fine with this obscene humor from a 60 year old man against a rather helpless 14 year old girl.. Except for Ravi! got it..
So in conclusion all the libtards are fine with this obscene humor from a 60 year old man against a rather helpless 14 year old girl.. Except for Ravi! got it..

Hmm ... and conservative wingnuts only want freedom of speech for their savior, Limbaugh, got it.
So in conclusion all the libtards are fine with this obscene humor from a 60 year old man against a rather helpless 14 year old girl.. Except for Ravi! got it..

I'm not a "lib," but I'm not going to make an especially huge issue of it. I condemned the little crusade the media hacks led against Bristol when she got pregnant (as I did with Jamie Lynn Spears), but no, I don't believe that Willow will be somehow more significantly affected because of her age.
Boohoo ... it's only an insult if a "liberal" says it.

we are giving you every opportunity to show us a link to where a conservative said it.. TIA

Oh yeah ... calling me a dyke because I won't fuck guys ... that's not offensive?

Note to all board members,, even tho KK posted this as if I were the one who called her a dyke cause she won't fuck guys keep reading and you will see where she didn't mean it that way.. she's too lazy to correct it but I'm not.
we are giving you every opportunity to show us a link to where a conservative said it.. TIA

Oh yeah ... calling me a dyke because I won't fuck guys ... that's not offensive?

Note to all board members,, even tho KK posted this as if I were the one who called her a dyke cause she won't fuck guys keep reading and you will see where she didn't mean it that way.. she's too lazy to correct it but I'm not.

Never claimed to not be lazy ...

However, still, calling me a dyke just because I don't want to fuck guys is not suppose to offend me? Regardless of who says it, do I have a right to have everyone who says it put away for sexual abuse? If so, I want to know how, there are more than 100 straight men here I would love to get tossed into prison for it.
didn't think anything could lower my opinion of David Letterman. I was wrong:
Moonbattery: Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin


One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game. During the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.
He said this about a 14-year-old girl.

Letterman also referred to Sarah Palin as "slutty." This from a creep who only recently married the mother of his 5-year-old son.

By now entertainment industry moonbats must have noticed that the election is over, so they can climb out of the sewer for awhile. But apparently they like it down there.

The Palins are a weird family, they're all walking, talking, targets for comedians.

So are the Biden's and Obama's.
didn't think anything could lower my opinion of David Letterman. I was wrong:
Moonbattery: Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin


One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game. During the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.
He said this about a 14-year-old girl.

Letterman also referred to Sarah Palin as "slutty." This from a creep who only recently married the mother of his 5-year-old son.

By now entertainment industry moonbats must have noticed that the election is over, so they can climb out of the sewer for awhile. But apparently they like it down there.

The Palins are a weird family, they're all walking, talking, targets for comedians.

So are the Biden's and Obama's.

Yep ... I think Biden and Obama are tied with Bush still, in the amount of material that is for the time in office.
Oh yeah ... calling me a dyke because I won't fuck guys ... that's not offensive?

Note to all board members,, even tho KK posted this as if I were the one who called her a dyke cause she won't fuck guys keep reading and you will see where she didn't mean it that way.. she's too lazy to correct it but I'm not.

Never claimed to not be lazy ...

However, still, calling me a dyke just because I don't want to fuck guys is not suppose to offend me? Regardless of who says it, do I have a right to have everyone who says it put away for sexual abuse? If so, I want to know how, there are more than 100 straight men here I would love to get tossed into prison for it.

does anybody on this board even know what the hell you are talking about? cause I sure don't!
and if gov winky aint still running for shit ...why is there a banner ad to donate to her pac?

or does she just need the support for her large family. *wink* you betta cha

Read the thread again dotto-head--it's about attacking HER DAUGHTER--who is not running for anything. Sarah Palin is not running for ANYTHING. She may go for a senate run--but she catagorically denied that she plans on running for POTUS.
Palin's look is straight from the American beauty queen/playboy model/stewartess look of the 1960s.

It is a tad slutty, but is that a bad thing?

I don't think so, and obviously neither does she.

She's a damn looking woman, and she's not afraid to use it.


There's no shortage of women in American who would love to pull off Palin's slutty look.

Men love the slutty look.

That's not an insult that's a complement!
You all are losing it... :lol:

Yeah, I am.

I have a 9 year old daughter.

Let's start making fun of everyone's underage daughters shall we?

Yeah, that is so funny.

A 62 year old man saying someone's daughter was raped, is a prostitute, and their mother is slutty.

Wow - all that women's liberation work has sure brought this nation a long way has it not?

For once in your life grow up and stand for something - or at the very least, stand against this kind of disgusting shrek calling itself television humor.

No more Letterman in my home. NEVER.

This was way too far, and the more I think of it the more it pisses me off.

The so called "Liberal" women's movement only really care about one issue...abortion. If a situation comes up that does not involve that then they could care less.

Letterman has always been a douchebag. I hated him in the 80's when he started out in latenight TV...and he's even more of a pig now.
where? I'm looking for 14 raped, sportstar! where is it?

Heh...actually, so am I. A real rape joke would have been a bit more "hardcore." But really, is calling 13 year old Chelsea Clinton the "White House dog" not sufficient? :eusa_whistle:

Who said that Chelsea Clinton was the White House Dog? Give me a link--because if it's true I am going to be real pissed off at that too. And to assure you, I did not vote for Bill Clinton.
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