Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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Note to all board members,, even tho KK posted this as if I were the one who called her a dyke cause she won't fuck guys keep reading and you will see where she didn't mean it that way.. she's too lazy to correct it but I'm not.

Never claimed to not be lazy ...

However, still, calling me a dyke just because I don't want to fuck guys is not suppose to offend me? Regardless of who says it, do I have a right to have everyone who says it put away for sexual abuse? If so, I want to know how, there are more than 100 straight men here I would love to get tossed into prison for it.

does anybody on this board even know what the hell you are talking about? cause I sure don't!

Keep forgetting, you are a binary thinker. Here's the simple connection, if David's joke is sexual misconduct then I should be allowed to toss the more than 100 straight men who insult me just because I don't want to sleep with them in jail for sexual harassment, period. It's the exact same level of offense.
i wonder what he's goona say today


But Letterman insisted on his show Wednesday night that he was referring to 18-year-old Bristol Palin, who recently gave birth to a son after roiling the presidential campaign with the revelation she was pregnant.

The unwed Bristol has since become a high profile advocate for abstinence.

"We were, as we often do, making jokes about people in the news," Letterman said.

"These are not jokes made about her 14-year-old daughter. I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex of any description with a 14-year-old girl," he added.

"Am I guilty of poor taste? Yes. Did I suggest that it was okay for her 14-year-old daughter to be having promiscuous sex? No," Letterman said.

The ratings-conscious comedian even made Palin an offer: "I would like you to consider coming to New York City - you and Todd as my guests, or leave Todd at home - I'd love to have you on the show. It'd be exciting."

Don't set the Tivo.

"It doesn't matter whether he was talking about Willow or Bristol, what he said was unacceptable," responded Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow.

Palin was in New York to receive an award for her advocacy of children with disabilities. Her family was invited to Sunday's Yankees game by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Read more: Sarah Palin attacks David Letterman over 'sexually-perverted' joke

Sarah Palin attacks David Letterman over 'sexually-perverted' joke

Problem is, Bristol Palin was not at the ballgame - she was in Alaska. The daughter at the ball game with Governor Palin was her daughter Willow.

Dave's explanation was far too much excuse - and not nearly enough apology.

He needs to man up and admit they screwed up - BADLY.

Way out of line.
Palin's look is straight from the American beauty queen/playboy model/stewartess look of the 1960s.

It is a tad slutty, but is that a bad thing?

I don't think so, and obviously neither does she.

She's a damn looking woman, and she's not afraid to use it.


There's no shortage of women in American who would love to pull off Palin's slutty look.

Men love the slutty look.

That's not an insult that's a complement!

Suuuuuure it is.:cuckoo:
A comedian makes a tasteless joke as part of his comedic monologue. The horror.

Look another Liberal deflecting. I am afraid we are fast running out of Liberals that might actually to the right thing rather then defend the indefensible.
Again...this isn't difficult. Unless "White House dog" isn't an insult, of course...;)

While you may be too busy attempting to rationalize your support of underage sex, take just a moment to figure out your links show a considerable media backlash when Limbaugh made that joke regarding Chelsea.

And to add some perspective - calling a girl ugly is stupid and inconsiderate.

Indicating a 14 year old was raped and is a prostitute is far beyond stupid and inconsiderate.

And frankly, given your stance on underage sex that you shared on this forum, I don't think too many women want you speaking to this issue Agno.

Back to the slime pit for you...
Oh yeah ... calling me a dyke because I won't fuck guys ... that's not offensive?

Note to all board members,, even tho KK posted this as if I were the one who called her a dyke cause she won't fuck guys keep reading and you will see where she didn't mean it that way.. she's too lazy to correct it but I'm not.

Never claimed to not be lazy ...

However, still, calling me a dyke just because I don't want to fuck guys is not suppose to offend me? Regardless of who says it, do I have a right to have everyone who says it put away for sexual abuse? If so, I want to know how, there are more than 100 straight men here I would love to get tossed into prison for it.

Are you 14? Is Palin's daughter actively posting on this board? Did not think so. You and the rest are fucking sickening.
Note to all board members,, even tho KK posted this as if I were the one who called her a dyke cause she won't fuck guys keep reading and you will see where she didn't mean it that way.. she's too lazy to correct it but I'm not.

Never claimed to not be lazy ...

However, still, calling me a dyke just because I don't want to fuck guys is not suppose to offend me? Regardless of who says it, do I have a right to have everyone who says it put away for sexual abuse? If so, I want to know how, there are more than 100 straight men here I would love to get tossed into prison for it.

Are you 14? Is Palin's daughter actively posting on this board? Did not think so. You and the rest are fucking sickening.

Really? Let's see what happens when you see my take on the Obama brats ... oh wait, they were already targeted with that AF-1 stunt ... hmm ... that's just as sick ...
Oh, and by the way, Ravi and Valerie are hardly conservatives, so you don't have the neat little divide that you think you do. :rolleyes:
Note to all board members,, even tho KK posted this as if I were the one who called her a dyke cause she won't fuck guys keep reading and you will see where she didn't mean it that way.. she's too lazy to correct it but I'm not.

Never claimed to not be lazy ...

However, still, calling me a dyke just because I don't want to fuck guys is not suppose to offend me? Regardless of who says it, do I have a right to have everyone who says it put away for sexual abuse? If so, I want to know how, there are more than 100 straight men here I would love to get tossed into prison for it.

Are you 14? Is Palin's daughter actively posting on this board? Did not think so. You and the rest are fucking sickening.


These people are not "liberal" or "independent", nor "conservative". I spent years working with some very bright liberals at the university level - and I am confident none of them would condone what Letterman said. They would not excuse it as an example of free speech, or comedy, and certainly not call it harmless.

Those in here who have done just that are not liberals, conservatives, or independents.

They are simply sad, pathetic, intellectually-morally-emotionally lacking individuals with no clear sense of right or wrong.
i wonder what he's goona say today


But Letterman insisted on his show Wednesday night that he was referring to 18-year-old Bristol Palin, who recently gave birth to a son after roiling the presidential campaign with the revelation she was pregnant.

The unwed Bristol has since become a high profile advocate for abstinence.

"We were, as we often do, making jokes about people in the news," Letterman said.

"These are not jokes made about her 14-year-old daughter. I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex of any description with a 14-year-old girl," he added.

"Am I guilty of poor taste? Yes. Did I suggest that it was okay for her 14-year-old daughter to be having promiscuous sex? No," Letterman said.

The ratings-conscious comedian even made Palin an offer: "I would like you to consider coming to New York City - you and Todd as my guests, or leave Todd at home - I'd love to have you on the show. It'd be exciting."

Don't set the Tivo.

"It doesn't matter whether he was talking about Willow or Bristol, what he said was unacceptable," responded Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow.

Palin was in New York to receive an award for her advocacy of children with disabilities. Her family was invited to Sunday's Yankees game by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Read more: Sarah Palin attacks David Letterman over 'sexually-perverted' joke

Sarah Palin attacks David Letterman over 'sexually-perverted' joke

Problem is, Bristol Palin was not at the ballgame - she was in Alaska. The daughter at the ball game with Governor Palin was her daughter Willow.

Dave's explanation was far too much excuse - and not nearly enough apology.

He needs to man up and admit they screwed up - BADLY.

Way out of line.

Letterman used to be funny.

He's not anymore, hasn't been since the late 90s. He became angry, bitter, hateful.... And his ratings have suffered as a result. Leno consistently kicked his ass, and now Conan -- who replaced him on "Late Night" on NBC and now has the job Letterman wanted.... The Tonight Show.... Is kicking his ass as well.

Letterman is burying himself in irrelevancy..... As is his rightful place. When we say "SeeBS" it's never more accurate than when alluding to Letterman's show.

But it's damn close.
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While you may be too busy attempting to rationalize your support of underage sex, take just a moment to figure out your links show a considerable media backlash when Limbaugh made that joke regarding Chelsea.

And to add some perspective - calling a girl ugly is stupid and inconsiderate.

Indicating a 14 year old was raped and is a prostitute is far beyond stupid and inconsiderate.

And frankly, given your stance on underage sex that you shared on this forum, I don't think too many women want you speaking to this issue Agno.

Back to the slime pit for you...

Son, the reason that your idiotic ass putters around here and shrills like the whiny little bitch that you are is because you lack both the mental capacities and the information to engage in legitimate debate. When I detailed the nature of wage labor and the anti-libertarian elements of capitalism yesterday, you were merely confined to spamming the topic in question with moronic inanities and pathetic images. I didn't see you hobbling over to condemn Newt Gingrich as a supporter of underage sex in the thread devoted to discussion of that "reality" because as with so many things, you're merely too stupid to realize your blatant inconsistency.

With this very topic, you ignore pertinent political issues to obsess and whine over an effectively harmless joke, quickly jettisoning your own empty rightist opposition to the formation of protected classes based on arbitrary characteristics such as age and sex. So shut the fuck up, little man. You should jump off this wicked and perverse little series of tubes if it's too much for you.
Letterman used to be funny.

He's not anymore, hasn't been since the late 90s. He became angry, bitter, hateful.... And his ratings have suffered as a result. Leno consistently kicked his ass, and now Conan -- who replaced him on "Late Night" on NBC and now has the job Letterman wanted.... The Tonight Show.... Is kicking his ass as well.

Letterman is burying himself in irrelevancy..... As is his rightful place. When we say "SeeBS" it's never more accurate than when alluding to Letterman's show.

But it's damn close.

I have always found Leno to be bland, and Conan is too arrogant. David was just goofy to me, not really funny. I prefer Spike F. and Dave Chapelle style humor.
Letterman used to be funny.

He's not anymore, hasn't been since the late 90s. He became angry, bitter, hateful.... And his ratings have suffered as a result. Leno consistently kicked his ass, and now Conan -- who replaced him on "Late Night" on NBC and now has the job Letterman wanted.... The Tonight Show.... Is kicking his ass as well.

Letterman is burying himself in irrelevancy..... As is his rightful place. When we say "SeeBS" it's never more accurate than when alluding to Letterman's show.

But it's damn close.

I have always found Leno to be bland, and Conan is too arrogant. David was just goofy to me, not really funny. I prefer Spike F. and Dave Chapelle style humor.
You should check out the new Tonight Show. And by the way, Letterman WAS goofy, in the 80s-early 90s. That was his charm. Then, he became hateful.
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While you may be too busy attempting to rationalize your support of underage sex, take just a moment to figure out your links show a considerable media backlash when Limbaugh made that joke regarding Chelsea.

And to add some perspective - calling a girl ugly is stupid and inconsiderate.

Indicating a 14 year old was raped and is a prostitute is far beyond stupid and inconsiderate.

And frankly, given your stance on underage sex that you shared on this forum, I don't think too many women want you speaking to this issue Agno.

Back to the slime pit for you...

Son, the reason that your idiotic ass putters around here and shrills like the whiny little bitch that you are is because you lack both the mental capacities and the information to engage in legitimate debate. When I detailed the nature of wage labor and the anti-libertarian elements of capitalism yesterday, you were merely confined to spamming the topic in question with moronic inanities and pathetic images. I didn't see you hobbling over to condemn Newt Gingrich as a supporter of underage sex in the thread devoted to discussion of that "reality" because as with so many things, you're merely too stupid to realize your blatant inconsistency.

With this very topic, you ignore pertinent political issues to obsess and whine over an effectively harmless joke, quickly jettisoning your own empty rightist opposition to the formation of protected classes based on arbitrary characteristics such as age and sex. So shut the fuck up, little man. You should jump off this wicked and perverse little series of tubes if it's too much for you.

You exposed your twisted version of acceptable sex Agno - that if kids have the skill, they are ready to engage in sex.

That is messed up and there is no amount of bullshit by you that can change what you said, and by implication, who you are - and you know that.

As does everyone else in here.

You are pathetic - possibly worse.

Much worse.
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