Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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See .. now the devolution is complete. It has gone from some comedian making a bad joke where he only called someone a slut to them having sex with a child and bragging about it jokingly ... yeah ... that's binary thinking for you.

It's the issue. Period. You won't deal with it directly. You can't, because your usual relativisms would be a joke.

No, the issue was someone making a bad joke ... period.

What a fucking cop-out. Not deviating from the template one bit. Just what I expect.
It's the issue. Period. You won't deal with it directly. You can't, because your usual relativisms would be a joke.

No, the issue was someone making a bad joke ... period.

What a fucking cop-out. Not deviating from the template one bit. Just what I expect.

Twisting the truth doesn't make you right. You can argue what you want elsewhere, this is about a bad joke, nothing more, twisting it into what you fantasize about in no way makes that the debate.
Exactly what the fuck does any of that have to do with a daytime TV host being admonished by Hammer himself for talking to his son about his fall from grace?

It makes no fuggin' sense, dude.

Do you defend the Letterman "jokes" regarding the Palin daughter?

Do you defend those in here who excuse said joke?

It was a tasteless joke.

Am I pissed about it? No. I just don't give a rats.

Do you have a daughter?

A wife?

A mother?

Answer that question and we'll see if you can reach some relevance for you...
I can point to specific words by you advocating child sex.

No, you can't. I've never advocated any specific sexual behavior by children or anyone else. The only thing that I've ever said here is that people of whatever age who have proven themselves capable of managing "adult" rights and responsibilities in an informed and rational manner should be permitted to do so. That would necessarily include sex, merely as a component of bodily self-governance. In fact, your own preferred scheme would seem to create a greater propensity toward the sexual manipulation of the young than mine would, since I support maximum intellectual stimulation from an early age and the transmission of rights based on measured ability rather than passing an arbitrary line in the sand.

You cannot do the same regarding Gingrich. If you can, I will rebuke him as strongly as you have been rebuked for your disgusting remarks in advocation of defending child sex so long as they have the "ability". And indicating someone else is a perv in no way excuses you - though that is a common tactic by the guilty. Are you guilty Agno?

As far as I know, no one here is a "perv"...though the people in this thread with an obsessive focus on the sexual behavior of a 14 year old rather than politics are a bit suspicious...but I'll not comment on that. Now, Gingrich did not specifically mention sexual matters in his article focused on "the end of adolescence," nor would I have done so had I written the article. I believe the most pertinent youth rights are the right to economic power (which necessitates reform of the working age, minimum age to own property, a bank account, etc.), the right to govern one's own education, free of compulsory and authoritarian schooling, and the right to political power as achieved through reform of the voting age. The age of consent is a component of bodily self-governance, but does not necessitate special mention, just as the age at which one can receive a tattoo without parental consent does not necessitate special mention. However, Gingrich's ultimate supported framework that would involve the abolition of adolescence could only consistently include sexual matters.

That said, we'll again focus on quotations here. First, we have one from Robert Epstein, a psychologist who advocates this same agenda of the abolition of adolescence, and the replacement of age restrictions beyond puberty with competency tests. He writes this in The Case Against Adolescence, p. 225:

Now, Gingrich in turn writes this of Epstein's book:

Adolescence is a social experiment that failed. Dr. Epstein's book traces the history of the problem, demonstrates with unrelenting perseverance that much of the turmoil of our teens is a creation of our culture, and offers a specific and detailed proposal for getting our young people back on track. If you are concerned about America's young—and about America's future—this is a must-read.

Now, Epstein would undoubtedly meet the criteria for "supporter of child sex" as established by you, and all reasonable signs indicate that Gingrich likely would too. Incidentally, conservative commentator George Will also writes "[p]arents puzzled about the reasons for changes in child-rearing since they were children may find some answers in Robert Epstein's argument about what he calls 'the artificial extension of childhood.'" While certainly not as strong an endorsement as Gingrich's, you may just have a basis for condemnation of two major conservatives as "supporters of child sex" today. :)

This is not a contest -simply a declaration, BY YOU, regarding your own disgusting view/desires of children.

Your words are your words - you cannot run from them, and they have been your undoing...

Nothing here has been my undoing, and I've stood by and will continue to stand by the statements I've made here and elsewhere that some have been so foolish as to attempt to "embarrass" me with. I advocate the abolition of all age restrictions, including the age of consent, and believe that adolescents should generally function as adults currently do in every manner.

Adolescence is generally regarded as starting at age 13.

Age 13.

So once again, by your own words, you are advocating sex with children aged 13.

Keep talking Agno - acting as your own defense is only strengthening the very case against you.

And is it a wonder you supported the Letterman sex jokes against a 14 year old?

How very sad for you....
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Palin is going to be a huge mistake for the liberal war machine before it is all done and said. As for Letterman, if anyone in this house tunes him in, they will be asked to move out. We have no use for him.
:eusa_eh: Now I'm a liberal again ... sheesh ... make up your minds.

If it's based on fact then it doesn't matter, deed done, if we don't laugh at our stupidity then we will become it. If he wasn't joking then I could see why it's wrong, but he was joking, that's his job, I defended Rush when he made his lame jokes, and I will defend David to. Unlike the hypocrites I don't discriminate based on political alignment.

bullfuckingshit, you want to hide behind that "free speech mantra" sure he excercised free speech,, and I'm excercising mine in telling him and you he's an obscene excuse for a human being..

I defended Rush's right to call any woman who disagreed with him a dike, that's sexual harassment ... but it's also freedom of speech, so no, it's not bullshit. There are more examples of your hypocrisy than you can find from me. Tell me where I had ever bashed Rush for his idiotic statements ... just one ...

I have had the pleasure of listening to Rush daily for 14 years and I have never heard him use the word dike. He called a select few, femme-nazis about 12 years ago, but never dike. By the way, Camille Paglia..... professor, lesbian and a real feminist is not only his friend but agreed with his characterization of the femme-nazi.
Go there. Better yet, tell me which ones had sex with 14 year old girls during baseball games then joked about it on late night TV.

See .. now the devolution is complete. It has gone from some comedian making a bad joke where he only called someone a slut to them having sex with a child and bragging about it jokingly ... yeah ... that's binary thinking for you.

WRONG you fucking DUMBASS. He said her daughter got knocked up by A-Rod in the 7th Inning. Her only DAUGHTER at the game was the 14 year old. Good God you are fucking pathetic.
Go there. Better yet, tell me which ones had sex with 14 year old girls during baseball games then joked about it on late night TV.

See .. now the devolution is complete. It has gone from some comedian making a bad joke where he only called someone a slut to them having sex with a child and bragging about it jokingly ... yeah ... that's binary thinking for you.

WRONG you fucking DUMBASS. He said her daughter got knocked up by A-Rod in the 7th Inning. Her only DAUGHTER at the game was the 14 year old. Good God you are fucking pathetic.

Okay ... so the only time someone could have had sex with a sports star is if they go to a game, where the sports star is probably more busy playing the game ... um ... yeah. Logic NOT your strong suit.
See .. now the devolution is complete. It has gone from some comedian making a bad joke where he only called someone a slut to them having sex with a child and bragging about it jokingly ... yeah ... that's binary thinking for you.

WRONG you fucking DUMBASS. He said her daughter got knocked up by A-Rod in the 7th Inning. Her only DAUGHTER at the game was the 14 year old. Good God you are fucking pathetic.

Okay ... so the only time someone could have had sex with a sports star is if they go to a game, where the sports star is probably more busy playing the game ... um ... yeah. Logic NOT your strong suit.

Are you just IGNORANT? Letterman said Palin's daughter got knocked up in the 7th Inning of the game by A-Rod. He did not just call Sarah Palin a slut, you dumb ass. Maybe next time you loser you should actually find out what you are defending. The only daughter Palin had at the game was her 14 year old daughter.

Perfect, it is ok to attack a 14 year old white Girl and say she had sex with an adult at a ball game. BUT don't mention MC Hammer's failure as a rapper to his son.l]

Who in their right mind, moral, immoral or majority, mentions MC Hammer these days?
WRONG you fucking DUMBASS. He said her daughter got knocked up by A-Rod in the 7th Inning. Her only DAUGHTER at the game was the 14 year old. Good God you are fucking pathetic.

Okay ... so the only time someone could have had sex with a sports star is if they go to a game, where the sports star is probably more busy playing the game ... um ... yeah. Logic NOT your strong suit.

Are you just IGNORANT? Letterman said Palin's daughter got knocked up in the 7th Inning of the game by A-Rod. He did not just call Sarah Palin a slut, you dumb ass. Maybe next time you loser you should actually find out what you are defending. The only daughter Palin had at the game was her 14 year old daughter.


This is how much you people lie and twist things:

"One awkward moment though during the game, maybe you heard about it, maybe you saw it on one of the highlight reels. One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked-up by Alex Rodriguez."

Nothing said about a 14 year old.

That was the joke. This is the slutty look he was talking about in the top ten list:

Top Ten Highlights Of Sarah Palin's Trip To New York

10. Visited New York landmarks she normally only sees from Alaska

9. Laughed at all the crazy-looking foreigners entering the U.N.

8. Made moose jerky on Rachael Ray

7. Keyed Tina Fey's car

6. After a wink and a nod, ended up with a kilo of crack

5. Made coat out of New York City rat pelts

4. Sat in for Kelly Ripa. Regis couldn't tell the difference.

3. Finally met one of those Jewish people Mel Gibson's always talking about

2. Bought makeup from Bloomingdale's to update her "slutty flight attendant" look

1. Especially enjoyed not appearing on Letterman

Get a grip, foghorn. Letterman is always making fun of himself as well. He's a comedian..
I think Letterman is a doosh in this instance.

Sure, he's a comedian. But the children of politicians didn't ask to be the children of politicians. Call Palin a skank all you wish...she put herself in the spotlight, but her kids didn't put themselves there.

Letterman is a doosh. But the more women of all political slants let themselves be de valued by negative sexual stereotypes such as "slut" and "skank" and go along with it...the more it's going to be seen as "okay". The media does not de value Obama or Biden this way. Just the powerful women it wants to marginalize...like Sarah AND Hillary during the primary.
This is pretty true, though I must say that conservative women say some pretty nasty shit about liberal women all the time. Just today I read feminism is nothing more that liberal women wanting to kill babies. Where does that shit come from? I've never understood why women are always bashing other women that they don't even know.

Okay ... so the only time someone could have had sex with a sports star is if they go to a game, where the sports star is probably more busy playing the game ... um ... yeah. Logic NOT your strong suit.

Are you just IGNORANT? Letterman said Palin's daughter got knocked up in the 7th Inning of the game by A-Rod. He did not just call Sarah Palin a slut, you dumb ass. Maybe next time you loser you should actually find out what you are defending. The only daughter Palin had at the game was her 14 year old daughter.


This is how much you people lie and twist things:

"One awkward moment though during the game, maybe you heard about it, maybe you saw it on one of the highlight reels. One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked-up by Alex Rodriguez."

Nothing said about a 14 year old.

That was the joke. This is the slutty look he was talking about in the top ten list:

Top Ten Highlights Of Sarah Palin's Trip To New York

10. Visited New York landmarks she normally only sees from Alaska

9. Laughed at all the crazy-looking foreigners entering the U.N.

8. Made moose jerky on Rachael Ray

7. Keyed Tina Fey's car

6. After a wink and a nod, ended up with a kilo of crack

5. Made coat out of New York City rat pelts

4. Sat in for Kelly Ripa. Regis couldn't tell the difference.

3. Finally met one of those Jewish people Mel Gibson's always talking about

2. Bought makeup from Bloomingdale's to update her "slutty flight attendant" look

1. Especially enjoyed not appearing on Letterman

Get a grip, foghorn. Letterman is always making fun of himself as well. He's a comedian..

You can now explain to us WHICH daughter was actually AT the game. You know the one that would have gotten Knocked up?
Are you just IGNORANT? Letterman said Palin's daughter got knocked up in the 7th Inning of the game by A-Rod. He did not just call Sarah Palin a slut, you dumb ass. Maybe next time you loser you should actually find out what you are defending. The only daughter Palin had at the game was her 14 year old daughter.


This is how much you people lie and twist things:

"One awkward moment though during the game, maybe you heard about it, maybe you saw it on one of the highlight reels. One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked-up by Alex Rodriguez."

Nothing said about a 14 year old.

That was the joke. This is the slutty look he was talking about in the top ten list:

Top Ten Highlights Of Sarah Palin's Trip To New York

10. Visited New York landmarks she normally only sees from Alaska

9. Laughed at all the crazy-looking foreigners entering the U.N.

8. Made moose jerky on Rachael Ray

7. Keyed Tina Fey's car

6. After a wink and a nod, ended up with a kilo of crack

5. Made coat out of New York City rat pelts

4. Sat in for Kelly Ripa. Regis couldn't tell the difference.

3. Finally met one of those Jewish people Mel Gibson's always talking about

2. Bought makeup from Bloomingdale's to update her "slutty flight attendant" look

1. Especially enjoyed not appearing on Letterman

Get a grip, foghorn. Letterman is always making fun of himself as well. He's a comedian..

You can now explain to us WHICH daughter was actually AT the game. You know the one that would have gotten Knocked up?

Does anyone, except her fans, know anything about the daughters other than one of them was pregnant out of wedlock? No. I didn't even know she had a 14 year old.

You're taking this way out of context in an attempt to make a Republican point but failing miserably.
This is how much you people lie and twist things:

"One awkward moment though during the game, maybe you heard about it, maybe you saw it on one of the highlight reels. One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked-up by Alex Rodriguez."

Nothing said about a 14 year old.

That was the joke. This is the slutty look he was talking about in the top ten list:

Top Ten Highlights Of Sarah Palin's Trip To New York

10. Visited New York landmarks she normally only sees from Alaska

9. Laughed at all the crazy-looking foreigners entering the U.N.

8. Made moose jerky on Rachael Ray

7. Keyed Tina Fey's car

6. After a wink and a nod, ended up with a kilo of crack

5. Made coat out of New York City rat pelts

4. Sat in for Kelly Ripa. Regis couldn't tell the difference.

3. Finally met one of those Jewish people Mel Gibson's always talking about

2. Bought makeup from Bloomingdale's to update her "slutty flight attendant" look

1. Especially enjoyed not appearing on Letterman

Get a grip, foghorn. Letterman is always making fun of himself as well. He's a comedian..

You can now explain to us WHICH daughter was actually AT the game. You know the one that would have gotten Knocked up?

Does anyone, except her fans, know anything about the daughters other than one of them was pregnant out of wedlock? No. I didn't even know she had a 14 year old.

You're taking this way out of context in an attempt to make a Republican point but failing miserably.

Wrong again you partisan hack. You are defending Letterman for making a sexual joke about a 14 year old.

Ohh and DUMB ASS? All her children were listed and seen during the Run up to the Election. Letterman has not got a leg to stand on. And that you and other liberals chose to defend this is sickening.
You can now explain to us WHICH daughter was actually AT the game. You know the one that would have gotten Knocked up?

Does anyone, except her fans, know anything about the daughters other than one of them was pregnant out of wedlock? No. I didn't even know she had a 14 year old.

You're taking this way out of context in an attempt to make a Republican point but failing miserably.

Wrong again you partisan hack. You are defending Letterman for making a sexual joke about a 14 year old.

Ohh and DUMB ASS? All her children were listed and seen during the Run up to the Election. Letterman has not got a leg to stand on. And that you and other liberals chose to defend this is sickening.

What do you think is going to happen to Letterman? Nothing. In fact, you all are giving him a lot of attention and as you know, there is no such thing as bad publicity. Even if he apologizes, he will still get more viewers over the next couple of weeks. Just out of curiosity.

Don't you know that? Doesn't Sarah Palin know that?
Well good morning liberals,, still defending the obscene I see.. good at ya!

I got a new favorite word daffy duck used to say "despicable"
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