Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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didn't Letterman father a child out of wedlock? He needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.. Willow Palin has more class than he could ever hope to have.. he's a hopeless hatemongerer. Maybe he could go ahead and have another heart attack! just kidding.. roflmao

Yes he did but he doesn't go around preaching abstinence.

Willow does though.

And willow's last name is Palin?

I must be missing your point.:cuckoo:
Agna, the mods and pms have the ability to read pms. They state they won't unless ordered to do so by a court of law...but the ability is there.

"PM Guidelines:
If exclusively personal contact is needed, use the Private Message system. Do not post a topic where only one member is expected to answer. Posting and Language guidelines extend to the PM system. USmessageboard.com maintains the privacy of its’ users and will not access Private Messages unless ordered to do so by a Court of Law."

You are only partially correct. We do not possess the software to access PMs. IF served with a warrant, we would have to first obtain the software.

So while access of PMs technically exists, we do not possess that capability on this board.
Are you just IGNORANT? Letterman said Palin's daughter got knocked up in the 7th Inning of the game by A-Rod. He did not just call Sarah Palin a slut, you dumb ass. Maybe next time you loser you should actually find out what you are defending. The only daughter Palin had at the game was her 14 year old daughter.


This is how much you people lie and twist things:

"One awkward moment though during the game, maybe you heard about it, maybe you saw it on one of the highlight reels. One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked-up by Alex Rodriguez."

Nothing said about a 14 year old.

That was the joke. This is the slutty look he was talking about in the top ten list:

Top Ten Highlights Of Sarah Palin's Trip To New York

10. Visited New York landmarks she normally only sees from Alaska

9. Laughed at all the crazy-looking foreigners entering the U.N.

8. Made moose jerky on Rachael Ray

7. Keyed Tina Fey's car

6. After a wink and a nod, ended up with a kilo of crack

5. Made coat out of New York City rat pelts

4. Sat in for Kelly Ripa. Regis couldn't tell the difference.

3. Finally met one of those Jewish people Mel Gibson's always talking about

2. Bought makeup from Bloomingdale's to update her "slutty flight attendant" look

1. Especially enjoyed not appearing on Letterman

Get a grip, foghorn. Letterman is always making fun of himself as well. He's a comedian..

You can now explain to us WHICH daughter was actually AT the game. You know the one that would have gotten Knocked up?

A few posts prior you claimed he said "in the 7th inning" ... so far it is you who is lying in this, or hearing more than is said.
You all are losing it... :lol:

Nice. Present actual arguments much?

Read much, Gunny? Several of us have been but then others continue to plug their ears singing la la la la la.. :lol:

I support Letterman's right to tell the jokes, they will either be good or they will fail. He goes through it everyday. I saw his response to Palin's indignation just a few minutes ago and he said it wasn't about a 14 year old, he would never do that.

It was taken out of context by your side and not that I care much, I still have an opinion.
How strange, because a mod told me they could read pms, long before Agna started piddling around here.

And from my perusal of the rules, I don't see any indication they can't.

Having been the admin of my own message board, I KNOW they have that ability. You can't "opt out" of the ability to access PMs. It's part of being an admin, and depending on the level of authority allowed, a mod as well.

Maybe DEL doesn't have the authority to access PMs, but believe me, the admin does. They state they won't USE that authority...

But "won't" and "can't" are two wildly divergent things.

Honestly, you sound a little nervous. So I must have hit a nerve with the commentary on grooming. Good.

You weren't an admin on a vbulletin board because there is no "opt out of reading PMs." The option by default does not exist. You have to add it.
didn't Letterman father a child out of wedlock? He needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.. Willow Palin has more class than he could ever hope to have.. he's a hopeless hatemongerer. Maybe he could go ahead and have another heart attack! just kidding.. roflmao

Yes he did but he doesn't go around preaching abstinence.

Willow does though.

And willow's last name is Palin?

I must be missing your point.:cuckoo:

Gunny, Sarah Palin has a 14 year old daughter named Willow.. that's who that despicable 62 year old pervert was slimeing.. And SarahG has yes to post evidence that the 14 year old goes around preaching anything much less abstinence.. naw the evidence is clear the libtards have a knee jerk visceral hatred for the Palin family which make my stomach churn it i can visualize how barbaric they would be if left unsupervised.. what was the book "Lord of the Flies" that's what they remind me of.
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The admin and the moderators can read pms.

Are you breaking a sweat?

no, generally we can't. we can only read them if they're reported/forwarded by a member.


That's mods, as I said, who have authority as granted by admin. You can be authorized to access them, I'm sure.

Anyway, as I said. They can be accessed. Big diff between can't and won't...while you probably don't have the authority, del, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The admin can access them.

Wrong. You're talking out your ass.
This is how much you people lie and twist things:

"One awkward moment though during the game, maybe you heard about it, maybe you saw it on one of the highlight reels. One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked-up by Alex Rodriguez."

Nothing said about a 14 year old.

That was the joke. This is the slutty look he was talking about in the top ten list:

Top Ten Highlights Of Sarah Palin's Trip To New York

10. Visited New York landmarks she normally only sees from Alaska

9. Laughed at all the crazy-looking foreigners entering the U.N.

8. Made moose jerky on Rachael Ray

7. Keyed Tina Fey's car

6. After a wink and a nod, ended up with a kilo of crack

5. Made coat out of New York City rat pelts

4. Sat in for Kelly Ripa. Regis couldn't tell the difference.

3. Finally met one of those Jewish people Mel Gibson's always talking about

2. Bought makeup from Bloomingdale's to update her "slutty flight attendant" look

1. Especially enjoyed not appearing on Letterman

Get a grip, foghorn. Letterman is always making fun of himself as well. He's a comedian..

You can now explain to us WHICH daughter was actually AT the game. You know the one that would have gotten Knocked up?

A few posts prior you claimed he said "in the 7th inning" ... so far it is you who is lying in this, or hearing more than is said.

Keep on proving you did not even read what was said. You are showing just what kind of a hack you are. You have no CLUE what he said and yet you defend him. Hilarious. You are defending someone with out even knowing what they said. Can we say PARTISAN HACK.
Yes he did but he doesn't go around preaching abstinence.

Willow does though.

And willow's last name is Palin?

I must be missing your point.:cuckoo:

Gunny, Sarah Palin has a 14 year old daughter named Willow.. that's who that despicable 62 year old pervert was slimeing..

The more those who are just jumping on the anti-Dave bandwagon post, the more I see the need to abolish all censorship completely.

He didn't mention the name or age of who he was referring to, and Palin does have a daughter that is "knocked up".

So far those ranting about the comment have demonstrated dishonesty in twisting the facts and reading or hearing more that what was said. Right now, I see him more innocent than when this thread started. Thanks for making it clear though, people will still use the guise of "protecting innocence" to push their own ideals, on both sides, but lately it's been more calls for censorship on the right.
A comedian makes a tasteless joke as part of his comedic monologue. The horror.

you libtards have an obscene sense of humor..kidney failure, raping 14 year old girls,, obscene just about covers what you call humor.

Thankfully we have people like you to provide all the necessary faux outrage we need for everybody.

There's no faux outrage. What Letterman said goes too far. If he said shit like that about my wife or kid(s) I'd knock his fucking teeth halfway down the block, just for starters.

He can sue me later, but the damage will be done. Then he can go see my accountant, Barry, who controls my income for it.
WRONG you fucking DUMBASS. He said her daughter got knocked up by A-Rod in the 7th Inning. Her only DAUGHTER at the game was the 14 year old. Good God you are fucking pathetic.

Okay ... so the only time someone could have had sex with a sports star is if they go to a game, where the sports star is probably more busy playing the game ... um ... yeah. Logic NOT your strong suit.

Are you just IGNORANT? Letterman said Palin's daughter got knocked up in the 7th Inning of the game by A-Rod. He did not just call Sarah Palin a slut, you dumb ass. Maybe next time you loser you should actually find out what you are defending. The only daughter Palin had at the game was her 14 year old daughter.


Really RGS? You didn't say this?
While you may be too busy attempting to rationalize your support of underage sex, take just a moment to figure out your links show a considerable media backlash when Limbaugh made that joke regarding Chelsea.

And to add some perspective - calling a girl ugly is stupid and inconsiderate.

Indicating a 14 year old was raped and is a prostitute is far beyond stupid and inconsiderate.

And frankly, given your stance on underage sex that you shared on this forum, I don't think too many women want you speaking to this issue Agno.

Back to the slime pit for you...

Son, the reason that your idiotic ass putters around here and shrills like the whiny little bitch that you are is because you lack both the mental capacities and the information to engage in legitimate debate. When I detailed the nature of wage labor and the anti-libertarian elements of capitalism yesterday, you were merely confined to spamming the topic in question with moronic inanities and pathetic images. I didn't see you hobbling over to condemn Newt Gingrich as a supporter of underage sex in the thread devoted to discussion of that "reality" because as with so many things, you're merely too stupid to realize your blatant inconsistency.

With this very topic, you ignore pertinent political issues to obsess and whine over an effectively harmless joke, quickly jettisoning your own empty rightist opposition to the formation of protected classes based on arbitrary characteristics such as age and sex. So shut the fuck up, little man. You should jump off this wicked and perverse little series of tubes if it's too much for you.

Shut the fuck up pussy. Damn but you are dumb. I'm thinking of changing your ID to threadkill. Or Sealybobo, Jr.
And willow's last name is Palin?

I must be missing your point.:cuckoo:

Gunny, Sarah Palin has a 14 year old daughter named Willow.. that's who that despicable 62 year old pervert was slimeing..

The more those who are just jumping on the anti-Dave bandwagon post, the more I see the need to abolish all censorship completely.

He didn't mention the name or age of who he was referring to, and Palin does have a daughter that is "knocked up".

So far those ranting about the comment have demonstrated dishonesty in twisting the facts and reading or hearing more that what was said. Right now, I see him more innocent than when this thread started. Thanks for making it clear though, people will still use the guise of "protecting innocence" to push their own ideals, on both sides, but lately it's been more calls for censorship on the right.

Maybe you can pull your ignorant partisan head out of your ass long enough to actually learn what was said and who was present. Letterman said that Palin's daughter got knocked up by A-Rod in the 7th Inning. Again for the truly STUPID and SLOW, the ONLY daughter she had with her was her 14 YEAR OLD.

Ohh and Bristol is not KNOCKED UP anymore, she had her Baby. Were you one of the retards claiming she was not currently pregnant and the downs child was hers?
You all are losing it... :lol:

Nice. Present actual arguments much?

Read much, Gunny? Several of us have been but then others continue to plug their ears singing la la la la la.. :lol:

I support Letterman's right to tell the jokes, they will either be good or they will fail. He goes through it everyday. I saw his response to Palin's indignation just a few minutes ago and he said it wasn't about a 14 year old, he would never do that.

It was taken out of context by your side and not that I care much, I still have an opinion.

yes he sure did,, and I have never seen a more insincere smirkey, belligerant explanation of anything in my life.. he is an azzhole.
Okay ... so the only time someone could have had sex with a sports star is if they go to a game, where the sports star is probably more busy playing the game ... um ... yeah. Logic NOT your strong suit.

Are you just IGNORANT? Letterman said Palin's daughter got knocked up in the 7th Inning of the game by A-Rod. He did not just call Sarah Palin a slut, you dumb ass. Maybe next time you loser you should actually find out what you are defending. The only daughter Palin had at the game was her 14 year old daughter.


Really RGS? You didn't say this?

Look you DUMB ASS, He said that YES and the only Daughter at the game was her 14 year old. Are you even gonna bother to learn what this thread is about before you blindly continue to defend Letterman just cause he is a Liberal?
Nice. Present actual arguments much?

Read much, Gunny? Several of us have been but then others continue to plug their ears singing la la la la la.. :lol:

I support Letterman's right to tell the jokes, they will either be good or they will fail. He goes through it everyday. I saw his response to Palin's indignation just a few minutes ago and he said it wasn't about a 14 year old, he would never do that.

It was taken out of context by your side and not that I care much, I still have an opinion.

yes he sure did,, and I have never seen a more insincere smirkey, belligerant explanation of anything in my life.. he is an azzhole.

I did not see that, he was very upset, imo. No smirks. He said he would never, ever do that.

Keep this up though, I'd be willing to bet his ratings soar. With the onset of Conan, he needs this right now.
And willow's last name is Palin?

I must be missing your point.:cuckoo:

Gunny, Sarah Palin has a 14 year old daughter named Willow.. that's who that despicable 62 year old pervert was slimeing..

The more those who are just jumping on the anti-Dave bandwagon post, the more I see the need to abolish all censorship completely.

He didn't mention the name or age of who he was referring to, and Palin does have a daughter that is "knocked up".

So far those ranting about the comment have demonstrated dishonesty in twisting the facts and reading or hearing more that what was said. Right now, I see him more innocent than when this thread started. Thanks for making it clear though, people will still use the guise of "protecting innocence" to push their own ideals, on both sides, but lately it's been more calls for censorship on the right.

as I told you yesterday stupid,, hide all you want to behind the fucking "free speech mantra" I'm telling you I'm using my free speech to tell you that 62 year old slimeball picked on a 14 year old girl he is an azzhole and so are you for defending him.. now there's you some "free speech" to stuff up yer piehole.
You all are losing it... :lol:

Nice. Present actual arguments much?

Read much, Gunny? Several of us have been but then others continue to plug their ears singing la la la la la.. :lol:

I support Letterman's right to tell the jokes, they will either be good or they will fail. He goes through it everyday. I saw his response to Palin's indignation just a few minutes ago and he said it wasn't about a 14 year old, he would never do that.

It was taken out of context by your side and not that I care much, I still have an opinion.

Try again. You "several of us" have been plugging your ears singing la la la la la since Jan 2008 and have yet to stop. La la la la la or complete silence is the only answer you have.

Now you defend this tasteless piece of shit as "a joke'? Sure thing. Ask the hubby what he'd do if someone said that about you or your kid?

Letterman's just another leftwing elitist who is protected from being held accountable for his actions and words. That's the only way you 'tards can play the game. Hide out on the internet and talk shit, or in Letterman's case, just do it on TV to a national audience knowing anyone that can kick the living shit out of his ass is thousands of miles away.
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