Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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FWIW, I, and I think most other cons here support his right to say it, but think it was in very bad taste. That's not whining, that's pointing out the obvious and being grossed out by it.

If that was all I've observed I would agree with you. However, what I'm seeing more of is posters like Sinatra et al, complaining about others not complaining about it. That my dear, is whining with a capital W.

you are wrong,, what Sinatra is "whining" about and so am I is the libtard "defense team" of this obscenity.. :lol:

People defending their own is a foreign concept for you? :eusa_eh:
If that was all I've observed I would agree with you. However, what I'm seeing more of is posters like Sinatra et al, complaining about others not complaining about it. That my dear, is whining with a capital W.

you are wrong,, what Sinatra is "whining" about and so am I is the libtard "defense team" of this obscenity.. :lol:

People defending their own is a foreign concept for you? :eusa_eh:

That's been the problem for too long, by too many on both sides of political spectrum. Conservatives defending Bush administration strategy in Iraq after Saddam was taken out, was wrong. It allowed for it to continue rather than change. Likewise, those on the left that even today in the House continue to advocate releasing pictures sure to make political points for them, while increasing the likelihood of violence towards are troops, are also bad actors.

While it may take awhile for myself to criticize harshly someone I voted in good faith for, wanting them to have a chance for success, I've never put on and refused to remove rose colored glasses. It's a reason I've sometimes run into difficulties with 'conservative' members. Funny thing, with the exception of Editec, I've not seen any left of centers, (and I'm really unsure he is that), acknowledge that what has been happening economically in the US since 1/20 is not good for the country.

I don't think most believe what happened with stockholders of Chrysler & probably GM is good for the country or companies. I don't think most believe we can keep borrowing at the rates we are. Yet so far, not a peep.
Absolutely, he's the President of the United States and Presidents have NEVER been immune to even the most outrageous public ridicule since the founding of the nation, it comes with the job.

Disagree. Modern times allow stupidity on a level that never existed before. The internet and Fox prove that daily. And stupidity is stupidity, regardless of source or target, call a spade a spade. Seems hypocrisy needs a new definition.
I have always found Leno to be bland, and Conan is too arrogant. David was just goofy to me, not really funny. I prefer Spike F. and Dave Chapelle style humor.
You should check out the new Tonight Show. And by the way, Letterman WAS goofy, in the 80s-early 90s. That was his charm. Then, he became hateful.

Sad but true - particularly so in the last couple of years.

Perhaps he is simply bored out of his mind? What is left of his mind anyway...
For one thing he never got over being passed over for Johnny Carson's chair. Then when Leno started winning the late night ratings consistently, it seemed he started getting desperate, trying to get his writers to be more "edgy."

Then when Bush became POTUS, they all thought they had themselves a cash cow, and for Letterman at least he went to that well about a million times too often while Leno somehow found better things to joke about and never was hateful, delivering actually funny material night after night, and continued to kick Letterman's ass night after night.

Letterman is a bitter, angry rich old codger. When Conan starts kicking his ass as well, he'll probably just hang it up. As he should.
Weird how every article I found on Her Trip to the Yankee stadium not one mentioned Willow being there. Oh better yet, all the pictures on her Yankee stadium visit... not one with Willow. Does anyone get the facts before they run with some right winged blog comment. Just curious.

Better yet can someone post a reliable link that Willow was even there?
I actually agree, Letterman is going a bit far into inappropriate stupidville.

Dear Outraged,

I have to ask, do you have the same level of outrage when people claim Obama is not an American citizen or is a Muslim? If not, then you'll have to keep from throwing that stone.


Stupidville is his MO though and he's still standing after all these years. He has a solid following.

Of course the outrage wouldn't be the same if it were Obama. Look at Glenn Beck, Hannity, Rush.. All of them have said terrible things about the Obamas. People just blow it off though because they know it's what they do. I don't watch or listen to them because I don't want to give them more of an audience.

Letterman didn't even say it about the 14 year old and look at the faux outrage. The Republicans go to great lengths with their conspiracy theories and contempt for the president and first family. Believe me if the daughters ever did anything even slightly, remotely, questionable, the wingnuts would be all over them.


Link us to a quote where any of them said ANYTHING about Obama's daughter you pathetic little turd.
Weird how every article I found on Her Trip to the Yankee stadium not one mentioned Willow being there. Oh better yet, all the pictures on her Yankee stadium visit... not one with Willow. Does anyone get the facts before they run with some right winged blog comment. Just curious.

Better yet can someone post a reliable link that Willow was even there?

Her mama said she was there! That not good enough?
If that was all I've observed I would agree with you. However, what I'm seeing more of is posters like Sinatra et al, complaining about others not complaining about it. That my dear, is whining with a capital W.

you are wrong,, what Sinatra is "whining" about and so am I is the libtard "defense team" of this obscenity.. :lol:

People defending their own is a foreign concept for you? :eusa_eh:

not when it comes to libtards it isn't
Weird how every article I found on Her Trip to the Yankee stadium not one mentioned Willow being there. Oh better yet, all the pictures on her Yankee stadium visit... not one with Willow. Does anyone get the facts before they run with some right winged blog comment. Just curious.

Better yet can someone post a reliable link that Willow was even there?

Letterman wasn't at Yankee Stadium when he made the comments, so what difference does it make if Palins daughter was there? Let me ask you, If he had made the same comment about your daughter whether or not she was at the baseball game in question, would you think it appropriate for him to make it? Would it have been OK if he had made the same comment about President Obama's daughters even if they hadn't been at Yankee Stadium?

This isn't a "left-right" question, it's a question of an entertainer stepping completely outside the bounds of acceptable behavior on a very public forum, his comment was SLANDEROUS.
Weird how every article I found on Her Trip to the Yankee stadium not one mentioned Willow being there. Oh better yet, all the pictures on her Yankee stadium visit... not one with Willow. Does anyone get the facts before they run with some right winged blog comment. Just curious.

Better yet can someone post a reliable link that Willow was even there?

Her mama said she was there! That not good enough?

Link please. Once again I will state, not one mention of Willow at the game. She wasn't there.
Weird how every article I found on Her Trip to the Yankee stadium not one mentioned Willow being there. Oh better yet, all the pictures on her Yankee stadium visit... not one with Willow. Does anyone get the facts before they run with some right winged blog comment. Just curious.

Better yet can someone post a reliable link that Willow was even there?

Letterman wasn't at Yankee Stadium when he made the comments, so what difference does it make if Palins daughter was there? Let me ask you, If he had made the same comment about your daughter whether or not she was at the baseball game in question, would you think it appropriate for him to make it? Would it have been OK if he had made the same comment about President Obama's daughters even if they hadn't been at Yankee Stadium?

This isn't a "left-right" question, it's a question of an entertainer stepping completely outside the bounds of acceptable behavior on a very public forum, his comment was SLANDEROUS.

Actually the outrage seems to be that someone claimed Willow was there, and that that comment was towards Willow who is 14. I simply checked to see if she was there, and can't find anything confirming she was. Letterman (and I am no fan) said her daughter, not Willow specifically. So it could have been aimed at Bristal. There is a 12 page thread that isn't based on fact, just flame throwing. .
All this outrage over one joke ... damn, you people are giving the liberals a TON of free publicity ... wonder what the government's doing with all the attention off them right now ...

Seriously. This is a very telling topic/thread.

The thing is, I personally would not have told this joke. It would have immediately set off alarms in my head that this isn't appropriate. But I still laughed. Why? Because to me it was funny enough to laugh. But there are a lot of things I think are funny enough to laugh at that I wouldn't say myself, let alone on national television. In a way, I guess that is a form of intellectual hypocrisy on my part, but I doubt there is anything I can do about it, nor am I particularly troubled by it.

And for those that wonder why I would post the tasteless jokes I posted here but wouldn't have told Letterman's joke I have three good reasons:

1. Letterman's joke targeted a real individual. Which by itself is ok, but when coupled with that individual being a minor and the content being adult makes it a joke I wouldn't feel comfortable telling. The jokes I posted here do not target any real individual. Others may see that as a difference without distinction, but I see a very important distinction which to me, makes all the difference.

2. This is an anonymous messageboard. I can get away with it. Judge me for that as you will but I doubt there are too many reading this that haven't posted a thing or two that they wouldn't say IRL... in mixed company that is.

3. I support offending the delicate sensibilities of the delicately sensitive. I find society's descent into hyper-sensitivity to be troubling. And the only way I know to combat it is to offend people often enough so that hopefully they'll develop a tolerance.

Finally, when I see such a truly non-consequential issue garner this much attention and furor, I am soberly reminded once again that we are all just marionettes dancing on the strings...
All this outrage over one joke ... damn, you people are giving the liberals a TON of free publicity ... wonder what the government's doing with all the attention off them right now ...

Seriously. This is a very telling topic/thread.

The thing is, I personally would not have told this joke. It would have immediately set off alarms in my head that this isn't appropriate. But I still laughed. Why? Because to me it was funny enough to laugh. But there are a lot of things I think are funny enough to laugh at that I wouldn't say myself, let alone on national television. In a way, I guess that is a form of intellectual hypocrisy on my part, but I doubt there is anything I can do about it, nor am I particularly troubled by it.

And for those that wonder why I would post the tasteless jokes I posted here but wouldn't have told Letterman's joke I have three good reasons:

1. Letterman's joke targeted a real individual. Which by itself is ok, but when coupled with that individual being a minor and the content being adult makes it a joke I wouldn't feel comfortable telling. The jokes I posted here do not target any real individual. Others may see that as a difference without distinction, but I see a very important distinction which to me, makes all the difference.

2. This is an anonymous messageboard. I can get away with it. Judge me for that as you will but I doubt there are too many reading this that haven't posted a thing or two that they wouldn't say IRL... in mixed company that is.

3. I support offending the delicate sensibilities of the delicately sensitive. I find society's descent into hyper-sensitivity to be troubling. And the only way I know to combat it is to offend people often enough so that hopefully they'll develop a tolerance.

Finally, when I see such a truly non-consequential issue garner this much attention and furor, I am soberly reminded once again that we are all just marionettes dancing on the strings...

Please provide a link that it was aimed at a minor.
Please provide a link that it was aimed at a minor.

That is how I interpretted it, and how I believe it was intended. I understand why Letterman has attempted to put a Bristol PR spin on it, but I don't buy it. But it's a free country and you can spend your intellectual dollars as you see fit.
Weird how every article I found on Her Trip to the Yankee stadium not one mentioned Willow being there. Oh better yet, all the pictures on her Yankee stadium visit... not one with Willow. Does anyone get the facts before they run with some right winged blog comment. Just curious.

Better yet can someone post a reliable link that Willow was even there?

Letterman wasn't at Yankee Stadium when he made the comments, so what difference does it make if Palins daughter was there? Let me ask you, If he had made the same comment about your daughter whether or not she was at the baseball game in question, would you think it appropriate for him to make it? Would it have been OK if he had made the same comment about President Obama's daughters even if they hadn't been at Yankee Stadium?

This isn't a "left-right" question, it's a question of an entertainer stepping completely outside the bounds of acceptable behavior on a very public forum, his comment was SLANDEROUS.

Actually the outrage seems to be that someone claimed Willow was there, and that that comment was towards Willow who is 14. I simply checked to see if she was there, and can't find anything confirming she was. Letterman (and I am no fan) said her daughter, not Willow specifically. So it could have been aimed at Bristal. There is a 12 page thread that isn't based on fact, just flame throwing. .

:lol: :clap2: You get use to it after a while.
Weird how every article I found on Her Trip to the Yankee stadium not one mentioned Willow being there. Oh better yet, all the pictures on her Yankee stadium visit... not one with Willow. Does anyone get the facts before they run with some right winged blog comment. Just curious.

Better yet can someone post a reliable link that Willow was even there?

Her mama said she was there! That not good enough?

Link please. Once again I will state, not one mention of Willow at the game. She wasn't there.

go listen to palin's reply if you have two brain cells you can come to the conclusion Willow was there.. and if she wasn't what was the point of dave's depravity? doyathink?
didn't think anything could lower my opinion of David Letterman. I was wrong:
Moonbattery: Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin


One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game. During the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.
He said this about a 14-year-old girl.

Letterman also referred to Sarah Palin as "slutty." This from a creep who only recently married the mother of his 5-year-old son.

By now entertainment industry moonbats must have noticed that the election is over, so they can climb out of the sewer for awhile. But apparently they like it down there.

I don't follow your shit closely enough to know if you are one of those idiot christian fascists but your thread is a lie. Lettermen was clearly refering to the 18 year old Bristol.

I doubt you came up with your idea for a thread by yourself. Quit forwarding christian lies.
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