Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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If true, that's pretty lame and beneath the dignity of a U.S. Senator (like yeah our Senators have any dignity anymore), not quite the same as making sexual comments about Palins daughter on national television though. Besides if he said that he needs glasses, Chelsea Clinton is quite an attractive young lady IMO.

She is now, but she was an ugly kid.
I honestly don't recall what she looked like as a kid since in order to survive the Bush Administration I had to dump all my long term memory capacity. :lol:
Dave Steps in It

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 11, 2009; 10:31 AM

We can spend a lot of time debating whether comedians go overboard, as we did during the Wanda Sykes flap, but to me, this one ain't close.

David Letterman went too far.

And he belatedly seems to recognize that.

Sarah Palin is fair game for most kinds of mockery, from Tina Fey's "I can see Russia from my house" to harsher fare. But not her kids. Her kids ought to be off-limits.

It was bad enough that Letterman compared Palin herself to a "slutty flight attendant." That was pretty sexist, but at least the governor was the target.

But then Letterman talked about Palin taking her 14-year-old daughter to a Yankees game and cracked that during the seventh inning, "her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."

He was at it again Tuesday night, saying the toughest part of Palin's visit to New York "was keeping Eliot Spitzer away from her daughter."

pretty much sums up my feelings on this-politician's kids aren't targets for comedians, whether they be right, left or center, period. palin is a legitimate target for jokes, ridicule whatever, but no one's child should be held up as an object of humor.

Howard Kurtz - Dave Steps in It - washingtonpost.com
More and more discussion circulates regarding David Letterman's classless and sexist comments at the expense of 14 year old Willow Palin.

Letterman's backhanded sort-of apology is only adding to the increasing anger by a growing number of his attacks against the Palin family.

Tim Blair of the Daily Telegraph does a good job indicating just how far this story is reaching - and its potential to continue to foment a serious backlash against Letterman.

HE CAN SEE BRISTOL FROM HIS STUDIO | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog

CBS, in attempted damage control mode, has scrubbed Letterman's comments from the Late Show website - as has the New York Times.
He said her daughter not her 14 year old daughter and he didh't say Willow. You all are overreacting which isn't surprising.
I'm overreacting to nothing.

Unfunny sleaze is unfunny sleaze.

The "joke" also puts A-Rod in the role of a statutory rapist.

Actually, I took it as more of an indictment of Alex Rodriguez than of Sarah Palin or her daughter. The other point is that Letterman doesn't write his own jokes, so there are more to blame than just Letterman. But the bottom line is that Letterman can choose to throw out material if he feels it crosses the line.

In the end, it was a pretty pathetic joke. But I think A. Rodriguez would be the one more infuriated.
If true, that's pretty lame and beneath the dignity of a U.S. Senator (like yeah our Senators have any dignity anymore), not quite the same as making sexual comments about Palins daughter on national television though. Besides if he said that he needs glasses, Chelsea Clinton is quite an attractive young lady IMO.

She is now, but she was an ugly kid.
I honestly don't recall what she looked like as a kid since in order to survive the Bush Administration I had to dump all my long term memory capacity. :lol:

She was truly hideous, I held out no hope at all for her...

Dave Steps in It

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 11, 2009; 10:31 AM

We can spend a lot of time debating whether comedians go overboard, as we did during the Wanda Sykes flap, but to me, this one ain't close.

David Letterman went too far.

And he belatedly seems to recognize that.

Sarah Palin is fair game for most kinds of mockery, from Tina Fey's "I can see Russia from my house" to harsher fare. But not her kids. Her kids ought to be off-limits.

It was bad enough that Letterman compared Palin herself to a "slutty flight attendant." That was pretty sexist, but at least the governor was the target.

But then Letterman talked about Palin taking her 14-year-old daughter to a Yankees game and cracked that during the seventh inning, "her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."

He was at it again Tuesday night, saying the toughest part of Palin's visit to New York "was keeping Eliot Spitzer away from her daughter."

pretty much sums up my feelings on this-politician's kids aren't targets for comedians, whether they be right, left or center, period. palin is a legitimate target for jokes, ridicule whatever, but no one's child should be held up as an object of humor.

Howard Kurtz - Dave Steps in It - washingtonpost.com


Dave has stepped in it this time, and CBS is dealing with a growing mess.

He was way out of line to the point of disgusting.
He said her daughter not her 14 year old daughter and he didh't say Willow. You all are overreacting which isn't surprising.
I'm overreacting to nothing.

Unfunny sleaze is unfunny sleaze.

The "joke" also puts A-Rod in the role of a statutory rapist.

Actually, I took it as more of an indictment of Alex Rodriguez than of Sarah Palin or her daughter. The other point is that Letterman doesn't write his own jokes, so there are more to blame than just Letterman. But the bottom line is that Letterman can choose to throw out material if he feels it crosses the line.

In the end, it was a pretty pathetic joke. But I think A. Rodriguez would be the one more infuriated.

The A-Rod angle crossed my mind, as well....

Now Letterman should try to get him on the show.
You don't have a point, what Letterman said was slanderous, how can you attempt to defend slander by pointing out other cases of slander ?

Who said I was defending him?

Let's see, Letterman slanders Palins Daughter and your response is essentially well it's hypocrisy for people to get upset about it since they didn't get upset about other cases of slander and you don't see that as defending it? You might just as well have used the old line "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" ... it's pretty much the same thing.

If you can't see the difference between attacking someone because they are being a hypocritic asshole, and defending someone who the person I am attacking is attacking, then you have serious cognitive problems.

I don't really give a shit what McCain, or Letterman said. Lots of people say lots of stupid things to particular individuals, unless their words have systemic impact, which neither individuals did, I don't really care. But not giving a shit is different than defending someone, and attacking you and others for being hypocrites is also different than defending someone.
I can't read all 400 postings here, so I'll just make a single comment. David Letterman was waaaaaaay out of line, and he should REALLY apologize to Sarah Palin, not just apologize with a wink and a nod.

Children should be OFF LIMITS, PERIOD, in this raging polarized political arena that shows no signs of letting up.

I wish ALL the rabid noisemakers (on both "sides) would just shut the fuck up and start acting like adults. Oh how I long for the days of "Crossfire" type shows, where the points were made but no blood spilled. Ever. I've about given up on any of them. Watch the 6PM news on PBS (Lehrer) which is straightforward, and when they go to interviews they are civil. After that I'd rather watch the History Channel, something I've already taped, or egads even Seinfeld re-runs. (Haven't watched late-night comedy since Johnny Carson, but I know all of them can get pretty rotten by comparison.)
I think he owes Willow an apology, not Sarah. Or maybe Bristol...I'm pretty sure he really did mean her.

He could say to Willow, "Sorry kid, I meant your sister." Then he can apologize to Bristol.

And it isn't about offending the general public's delicate sensibilities as one moron on this thread posted. It is about offending innocent bystanders in an effort to take a stab at Palin. Kind of like using six year olds to make fun of pedophiles.
She was joined by.....at the celebration or at the game is not clear.

NEW YORK (AP) -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has called for measures to make life better for people with developmental disabilities during a speech in New York.

The former Republican vice presidential candidate's son Trig has Down syndrome.

Palin says God has shown her family through the example of her son that "every single person has purpose no matter their developmental abilities."

Palin was being honored Sunday at an anniversary celebration for the Long Island-based Independent Group Home Living Inc. after attending a New York Yankees game. She was joined by her husband, daughter Willow and a sister.

More than 20,000 people saw Palin on Saturday in upstate Auburn, where she helped celebrate Founder's Day and raise money for a museum honoring William Seward, the secretary of state who acquired Alaska for the United States.

1010wins.com - Sarah Palin Visits Yankee Stadium, Speaks on Long Island

Whatever. Tasteless joke either way.

As I read it Willow joined her after the game for the anniversary celebration. Still doesn't prove Willow was at the game. More like proves she wasn't.
I can't read all 400 postings here, so I'll just make a single comment. David Letterman was waaaaaaay out of line, and he should REALLY apologize to Sarah Palin, not just apologize with a wink and a nod.

Children should be OFF LIMITS, PERIOD, in this raging polarized political arena that shows no signs of letting up.

I wish ALL the rabid noisemakers (on both "sides) would just shut the fuck up and start acting like adults. Oh how I long for the days of "Crossfire" type shows, where the points were made but no blood spilled. Ever. I've about given up on any of them. Watch the 6PM news on PBS (Lehrer) which is straightforward, and when they go to interviews they are civil. After that I'd rather watch the History Channel, something I've already taped, or egads even Seinfeld re-runs. (Haven't watched late-night comedy since Johnny Carson, but I know all of them can get pretty rotten by comparison.)
I think he owes Willow an apology, not Sarah. Or maybe Bristol...I'm pretty sure he really did mean her.

He could say to Willow, "Sorry kid, I meant your sister." Then he can apologize to Bristol.

And it isn't about offending the general public's delicate sensibilities as one moron on this thread posted. It is about offending innocent bystanders in an effort to take a stab at Palin. Kind of like using six year olds to make fun of pedophiles.

It must be nice in Ra-Ra land....what sort of music do they play there?
You people are fucking retarded. Over 400 posts on this nonsense? Yes America has been officially and certifiablely dumbed down.

and don't think we aren't grateful for your tremendous contribution to the process.

heckuva job, huggy!

Oh please! I don't even take myself THAT seriously.

I am just here to do a job... to donate my time... to kick neo con ass....sort of like a community service.
Your name implies that you are of the female gender, you should be incensed over a comment like that directed at a 14 year old girl. I can't believe that anyone would defend a statement like that, NO MATTER WHAT YOUR POLITICS ARE.

Sarah strikes me as someone who has barely cleared her HS gym locker.. That's how folks her age act sometimes.
That's right..whenever a lib does something stupid let's remind people of all the horrible things they have contributed to in their past, so we see the inconsequence of the current idiocy.
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