Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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She was joined by.....at the celebration or at the game is not clear.

NEW YORK (AP) -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has called for measures to make life better for people with developmental disabilities during a speech in New York.

The former Republican vice presidential candidate's son Trig has Down syndrome.

Palin says God has shown her family through the example of her son that "every single person has purpose no matter their developmental abilities."

Palin was being honored Sunday at an anniversary celebration for the Long Island-based Independent Group Home Living Inc. after attending a New York Yankees game. She was joined by her husband, daughter Willow and a sister.

More than 20,000 people saw Palin on Saturday in upstate Auburn, where she helped celebrate Founder's Day and raise money for a museum honoring William Seward, the secretary of state who acquired Alaska for the United States.

1010wins.com - Sarah Palin Visits Yankee Stadium, Speaks on Long Island

Whatever. Tasteless joke either way.
I actually agree, Letterman is going a bit far into inappropriate stupidville.

Dear Outraged,

I have to ask, do you have the same level of outrage when people claim Obama is not an American citizen or is a Muslim? If not, then you'll have to keep from throwing that stone.


Stupidville is his MO though and he's still standing after all these years. He has a solid following.

Of course the outrage wouldn't be the same if it were Obama. Look at Glenn Beck, Hannity, Rush.. All of them have said terrible things about the Obamas. People just blow it off though because they know it's what they do. I don't watch or listen to them because I don't want to give them more of an audience.

Letterman didn't even say it about the 14 year old and look at the faux outrage. The Republicans go to great lengths with their conspiracy theories and contempt for the president and first family. Believe me if the daughters ever did anything even slightly, remotely, questionable, the wingnuts would be all over them.


Link us to a quote where any of them said ANYTHING about Obama's daughter you pathetic little turd.

I don't remember the outrage when McCain said nasty shit about the Clintons daughter. Oh wait, there wasn't any.

More fake outrage from the right.
Letterman recently joked in his opening monologue that Palin visited Yankee Stadium, sitting in “far, far right field” with Rudy Giuliani. “They had a wonderful time,” he continued. “The toughest part of her visit was keeping Eliot Spitzer away from her daughter.”

Letterman also commented that it must have been “awkward” when, during the seventh inning stretch, Palin’s daughter got “knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.”

Letterman now claims that he was referring 18-year-old Bristol Palin (who was home in Alaska with her baby). However, only 14-year-old Willow Palin accompanied the governor to the baseball game.

Palin has responded with the following:

“Concerning Letterman’s comments about my young daughter (and I doubt he’d ever dare make such comments about anyone else’s daughter): ‘Laughter incited by sexually-perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is not only disgusting, but it reminds us some Hollywood/NY entertainers have a long way to go in understanding what the rest of America understands – that acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone’s daughter, contributes to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others.’"

It’s a Man’s World: Letterman Attacks Palin… Willow Palin
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Stupidville is his MO though and he's still standing after all these years. He has a solid following.

Of course the outrage wouldn't be the same if it were Obama. Look at Glenn Beck, Hannity, Rush.. All of them have said terrible things about the Obamas. People just blow it off though because they know it's what they do. I don't watch or listen to them because I don't want to give them more of an audience.

Letterman didn't even say it about the 14 year old and look at the faux outrage. The Republicans go to great lengths with their conspiracy theories and contempt for the president and first family. Believe me if the daughters ever did anything even slightly, remotely, questionable, the wingnuts would be all over them.


Link us to a quote where any of them said ANYTHING about Obama's daughter you pathetic little turd.

I don't remember the outrage when McCain said nasty shit about the Clintons daughter. Oh wait, there wasn't any.

More fake outrage from the right.

You didn't provide a link, either.
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Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

-- Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.

Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno." - McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.

If true, that's pretty lame and beneath the dignity of a U.S. Senator (like yeah our Senators have any dignity anymore), not quite the same as making sexual comments about Palins daughter on national television though. Besides if he said that he needs glasses, Chelsea Clinton is quite an attractive young lady IMO.
Link us to a quote where any of them said ANYTHING about Obama's daughter you pathetic little turd.

I don't remember the outrage when McCain said nasty shit about the Clintons daughter. Oh wait, there wasn't any.

More fake outrage from the right.

You didn't provide a link, either. Probably because it never happened.

More lying from the left.

This whole thread was concocted so you idiot neo cons would have something to rag about. Don't you ever get embarrassed by getting sucked into this bullshit? Maybe you have participated in so many lies you just don't know the difference any more.
Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno." - McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.

If true, that's pretty lame and beneath the dignity of a U.S. Senator (like yeah our Senators have any dignity anymore), not quite the same as making sexual comments about Palins daughter on national television though. Besides if he said that he needs glasses, Chelsea Clinton is quite an attractive young lady IMO.

Letterman isn't a US Senator, nor did he run for president.

My point, however, was more just to point out the rank hypocrisy on the right. They are outraged about this only because its convenient. But when Limbaugh says stupid shit, well hes just an "entertainer" and they would excuse away what McCain said until the cows came home.
Oh I fixed that, retard.

BTW, I could care less about the jokes. I just like to watch liberal hypocrites defend them.
Letterman isn't a US Senator, nor did he run for president.

My point, however, was more just to point out the rank hypocrisy on the right. They are outraged about this only because its convenient. But when Limbaugh says stupid shit, well hes just an "entertainer" and they would excuse away what McCain said until the cows came home.
You don't have a point, what Letterman said was slanderous, how can you attempt to defend slander by pointing out other cases of slander ?
If true, that's pretty lame and beneath the dignity of a U.S. Senator (like yeah our Senators have any dignity anymore), not quite the same as making sexual comments about Palins daughter on national television though. Besides if he said that he needs glasses, Chelsea Clinton is quite an attractive young lady IMO.

She is now, but she was an ugly kid.
You should check out the new Tonight Show. And by the way, Letterman WAS goofy, in the 80s-early 90s. That was his charm. Then, he became hateful.

Sad but true - particularly so in the last couple of years.

Perhaps he is simply bored out of his mind? What is left of his mind anyway...
For one thing he never got over being passed over for Johnny Carson's chair. Then when Leno started winning the late night ratings consistently, it seemed he started getting desperate, trying to get his writers to be more "edgy."

Then when Bush became POTUS, they all thought they had themselves a cash cow, and for Letterman at least he went to that well about a million times too often while Leno somehow found better things to joke about and never was hateful, delivering actually funny material night after night, and continued to kick Letterman's ass night after night.

Letterman is a bitter, angry rich old codger. When Conan starts kicking his ass as well, he'll probably just hang it up. As he should.

Actually, word is Letterman plans to do just that. He outlasted Leno, which he wanted to do for whatever reason - spite?

And guess who is on the short list as a replacement?


No joke.
Letterman isn't a US Senator, nor did he run for president.

My point, however, was more just to point out the rank hypocrisy on the right. They are outraged about this only because its convenient. But when Limbaugh says stupid shit, well hes just an "entertainer" and they would excuse away what McCain said until the cows came home.
You don't have a point, what Letterman said was slanderous, how can you attempt to defend slander by pointing out other cases of slander ?

Who said I was defending him?
I can't read all 400 postings here, so I'll just make a single comment. David Letterman was waaaaaaay out of line, and he should REALLY apologize to Sarah Palin, not just apologize with a wink and a nod.

Children should be OFF LIMITS, PERIOD, in this raging polarized political arena that shows no signs of letting up.

I wish ALL the rabid noisemakers (on both "sides) would just shut the fuck up and start acting like adults. Oh how I long for the days of "Crossfire" type shows, where the points were made but no blood spilled. Ever. I've about given up on any of them. Watch the 6PM news on PBS (Lehrer) which is straightforward, and when they go to interviews they are civil. After that I'd rather watch the History Channel, something I've already taped, or egads even Seinfeld re-runs. (Haven't watched late-night comedy since Johnny Carson, but I know all of them can get pretty rotten by comparison.)
Letterman isn't a US Senator, nor did he run for president.

My point, however, was more just to point out the rank hypocrisy on the right. They are outraged about this only because its convenient. But when Limbaugh says stupid shit, well hes just an "entertainer" and they would excuse away what McCain said until the cows came home.
You don't have a point, what Letterman said was slanderous, how can you attempt to defend slander by pointing out other cases of slander ?

Who said I was defending him?

Let's see, Letterman slanders Palins Daughter and your response is essentially well it's hypocrisy for people to get upset about it since they didn't get upset about other cases of slander and you don't see that as defending it? You might just as well have used the old line "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" ... it's pretty much the same thing.
I wonder what the network is thinking right now...what network is he with, anyway?

It might be retirement time....
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