Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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Palin's look is straight from the American beauty queen/playboy model/stewartess look of the 1960s.

It is a tad slutty, but is that a bad thing?

I don't think so, and obviously neither does she.

She's a damn looking woman, and she's not afraid to use it.


There's no shortage of women in American who would love to pull off Palin's slutty look.

Men love the slutty look.

That's not an insult that's a complement!

Suuuuuure it is.:cuckoo:

Well...if you're one of those men who is afraid of women's sexual natures, I suppose it might be construed as an insult.

I know that for some of you folks, human sexuality is basically dirty, and therefore calling a woman who is looking sexy "slutty looking", is an terrible insult.

For those of us who are not so hobbled with sexual hangup understand its intent as a shock value joke.
Are you just IGNORANT? Letterman said Palin's daughter got knocked up in the 7th Inning of the game by A-Rod. He did not just call Sarah Palin a slut, you dumb ass. Maybe next time you loser you should actually find out what you are defending. The only daughter Palin had at the game was her 14 year old daughter.


Really RGS? You didn't say this?

Look you DUMB ASS, He said that YES and the only Daughter at the game was her 14 year old. Are you even gonna bother to learn what this thread is about before you blindly continue to defend Letterman just cause he is a Liberal?
The slimeball also said Palin's most difficult task would be to keep her daughter away from Elliot Spitzer.. I don't give a shit if he was talking about a 14 year old or an 18 year old (that's his justification) he's still a fucking slimeball..
Read much, Gunny? Several of us have been but then others continue to plug their ears singing la la la la la.. :lol:

I support Letterman's right to tell the jokes, they will either be good or they will fail. He goes through it everyday. I saw his response to Palin's indignation just a few minutes ago and he said it wasn't about a 14 year old, he would never do that.

It was taken out of context by your side and not that I care much, I still have an opinion.

yes he sure did,, and I have never seen a more insincere smirkey, belligerant explanation of anything in my life.. he is an azzhole.

I did not see that, he was very upset, imo. No smirks. He said he would never, ever do that.

Keep this up though, I'd be willing to bet his ratings soar. With the onset of Conan, he needs this right now.

Then you aren't on the same planet I am,, he went line by line, made his stupid comments backed up by the bald fuck in the band and the audience laughed and cheered wildly.. it was all a big fucking joke to him.
Are you just IGNORANT? Letterman said Palin's daughter got knocked up in the 7th Inning of the game by A-Rod. He did not just call Sarah Palin a slut, you dumb ass. Maybe next time you loser you should actually find out what you are defending. The only daughter Palin had at the game was her 14 year old daughter.


Really RGS? You didn't say this?

Look you DUMB ASS, He said that YES and the only Daughter at the game was her 14 year old. Are you even gonna bother to learn what this thread is about before you blindly continue to defend Letterman just cause he is a Liberal?

No, all I did was play the same game you are playing, making more out of something than there is. Yes, I did twist your words, but then you are reading more into it than there is or twisting his. I defended the right for their freedom of making such tasteless jokes, and I will defend the left to, and continue to do so. The thing about humor, the only reason it makes people laugh, is because they are not suppose to think about it. It's not rocket science or brain surgery, it's a knee-jerk genre, that's it. If you think about all the jokes ever told by every comedian, they are all very offensive and target everything, ranging from babies to dead people, beasts to humans, race to gender. A joke will offend someone, any joke.
Nice. Present actual arguments much?

Read much, Gunny? Several of us have been but then others continue to plug their ears singing la la la la la.. :lol:

I support Letterman's right to tell the jokes, they will either be good or they will fail. He goes through it everyday. I saw his response to Palin's indignation just a few minutes ago and he said it wasn't about a 14 year old, he would never do that.

It was taken out of context by your side and not that I care much, I still have an opinion.

Try again. You "several of us" have been plugging your ears singing la la la la la since Jan 2008 and have yet to stop. La la la la la or complete silence is the only answer you have.

Now you defend this tasteless piece of shit as "a joke'? Sure thing. Ask the hubby what he'd do if someone said that about you or your kid?

Letterman's just another leftwing elitist who is protected from being held accountable for his actions and words. That's the only way you 'tards can play the game. Hide out on the internet and talk shit, or in Letterman's case, just do it on TV to a national audience knowing anyone that can kick the living shit out of his ass is thousands of miles away.

You mean like some of the things you and your buddies here have called me and other Dems? The indignation around here is nutz! You all personally attack for no reason other than someone is a Democrat.

But that's all justified becuase you're a righteous wingnut who doesn't need to answer to anyone when they say something shitty.

Double standard.
So far those ranting about the comment have demonstrated dishonesty in twisting the facts and reading or hearing more that what was said. Right now, I see him more innocent than when this thread started. Thanks for making it clear though, people will still use the guise of "protecting innocence" to push their own ideals, on both sides, but lately it's been more calls for censorship on the right.

For what it's worth I completely support complete rights of free speech of Him and Others like him, even Those who use it to do violence to my ideals - particularly free political speech - to turn it into however grungy too smart by half attempts at humor.

The reason is that their words tell us who they really are and the level at which they habitually function. It also helps define who their minions are. Understanding that, I doubt they find many converts to either their reasoning or their humorless humor...
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I actually agree, Letterman is going a bit far into inappropriate stupidville.

Dear Outraged,

I have to ask, do you have the same level of outrage when people claim Obama is not an American citizen or is a Muslim? If not, then you'll have to keep from throwing that stone.

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I actually agree, Letterman is going a bit far into inappropriate stupidville.

Dear Outraged,

I have to ask, do you have the same level of outrage when people claim Obama is not a American citizen or is a Muslim? If not, then you'll have to keep from throwing that stone.


There's a big difference, President Obama is not a 14-year old private citizen, he bought public ridicule (whether unjustified or not) when he took the job, Willow Palin did not.
I actually agree, Letterman is going a bit far into inappropriate stupidville.

Dear Outraged,

I have to ask, do you have the same level of outrage when people claim Obama is not an American citizen or is a Muslim? If not, then you'll have to keep from throwing that stone.


When the 'people claim Obama is not ...' get television as the medium to make such nonsensical statements instead of messageboards and seldom read blogs, I'd say start worrying. :rolleyes:
Looking at this thread is sad.

There is a real double standard going on here, Mrs Palin is not 'slutty' nor is her 14 year old hooking up with 30 year old men.

If Letterman said this stuff about the obamas he'd be lynched.
Better yet,, when a conservative asshole does a simililar thing to obama's young girls then stand back and watch.. other wise your comparison is for shit.. midc.
There's a big difference, President Obama is not a 14-year old private citizen, he bought public ridicule (whether unjustified or not) when he took the job, Willow Palin did not.

So stupidity is allowed in this case. Hmm..............................
If Mr. Letterman has an ounce of common decency he'll get down on his knees on national television and beg for the Palin Family's forgiveness. I have to give Willows father a lot of credit for having the self control not to strangle this scumbag, I'm not sure I'd be able to muster it if he made those comments about my daughter on national television.
There's a big difference, President Obama is not a 14-year old private citizen, he bought public ridicule (whether unjustified or not) when he took the job, Willow Palin did not.

So stupidity is allowed in this case. Hmm..............................

Absolutely, he's the President of the United States and Presidents have NEVER been immune to even the most outrageous public ridicule since the founding of the nation, it comes with the job.
I actually agree, Letterman is going a bit far into inappropriate stupidville.

Dear Outraged,

I have to ask, do you have the same level of outrage when people claim Obama is not an American citizen or is a Muslim? If not, then you'll have to keep from throwing that stone.


Stupidville is his MO though and he's still standing after all these years. He has a solid following.

Of course the outrage wouldn't be the same if it were Obama. Look at Glenn Beck, Hannity, Rush.. All of them have said terrible things about the Obamas. People just blow it off though because they know it's what they do. I don't watch or listen to them because I don't want to give them more of an audience.

Letterman didn't even say it about the 14 year old and look at the faux outrage. The Republicans go to great lengths with their conspiracy theories and contempt for the president and first family. Believe me if the daughters ever did anything even slightly, remotely, questionable, the wingnuts would be all over them.

Stupidville is his MO though and he's still standing after all these years. He has a solid following.

Of course the outrage wouldn't be the same if it were Obama. Look at Glenn Beck, Hannity, Rush.. All of them have said terrible things about the Obamas. People just blow it off though because they know it's what they do. I don't watch or listen to them because I don't want to give them more of an audience.

Letterman didn't even say it about the 14 year old and look at the faux outrage. The Republicans go to great lengths with their conspiracy theories and contempt for the president and first family. Believe me if the daughters ever did anything even slightly, remotely, questionable, the wingnuts would be all over them.


Well I listen to and watch it all and perhaps you should too; it would give a better sense of proportion. The things your list of conservatives say, though chronic, pales by comparison to the stupidity of Letterman's nightly comments.

But once again, let me say, I support Letterman's right to be a complete ass.
FWIW, I, and I think most other cons here support his right to say it, but think it was in very bad taste. That's not whining, that's pointing out the obvious and being grossed out by it.

If that was all I've observed I would agree with you. However, what I'm seeing more of is posters like Sinatra et al, complaining about others not complaining about it. That my dear, is whining with a capital W.
FWIW, I, and I think most other cons here support his right to say it, but think it was in very bad taste. That's not whining, that's pointing out the obvious and being grossed out by it.

If that was all I've observed I would agree with you. However, what I'm seeing more of is posters like Sinatra et al, complaining about others not complaining about it. That my dear, is whining with a capital W.

you are wrong,, what Sinatra is "whining" about and so am I is the libtard "defense team" of this obscenity.. :lol:
Sarah Palin is not running for election

No, not officially yet.

--she just showed up in New York--& went to a Yankee's baseball game.

You don't think her appearance was for political purposes? She put herself in this position so she is fair game for comedians who attack everyone in her position. Your whining sounds very much like hers after she stuck her hand in the fire and got burned last November.
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