Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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The reason why the left wing media & left wing comedians attack Sarah Palin--IS BECAUSE THEY ARE TERRIFIED OF HER.

Sarah Palin still has a higher approval rating in her home state of Alaska--than Barack Obama does.
We witnessed that when John McCain was barely getting an audiance during his campaign to after her announcement as VP a showing of over 60K in Florida when Sarah Palin was speaking.

So the left goes after her because she is pro-life. How many politicians in congress today are pro-life including many Democrats? They go after this on her--because THAT'S THE ONLY THING THEY HAVE.

They attack her family--BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY THING THEY HAVE. They sent 2 busloads of investigative reporters up to her small town--to see what they could dig up on her. THEY FOUND NOTHING. There's no Rev. Wrights--there's no Bill Ayers jumping out of the closet on her.

The left wing media realises that she resinates very well with the average American family. She's a mother--she & Todd had their own fishing business--therefore she actually knows business--she was a mayor & now a very popular governor. If anyone knows about ENERGY in this country it's Sarah Palin.

Every single charge that the left as thrown at her, including the kitchen sink--as been proven FALSE. The left set out to destroy her with all these charges--this in Alaska--from anything to ethics charges to whatever else. She won the decision in each & every one of them.

Simply Put:


You hit that nail on the head.

BTW, ppl, Palin was exonnerated of any wrong-doing in that big clothing scandal you guys were so het up about.

Also exonnerated of any wrong doing in regards to her ex brother-in-law the ex-cop.

I think her family has got the balls to handle this. But it would be great to see the network have to eat humble pie.
you can talk til the moon actually turns to cheese,, til hell freezes over and you will never be able to justify the attacks on Mrs.Palin and her children,, it's just that simple.

I don't excuse the attack on her children. But she is a politician, so she has opened herself up to public scrutiny and attack.

However, its still doesn't change the fact that US citizens enjoy the Freedom of Speech and a comedian CAN make a bad joke about her children. If you think its offensive, don't watch the show. But, I don't want to hear you in the future complaining about whiny liberals who get offended by un-PC behavior.
post number 472,, still can't justify the unjustifiable huh left wing nutter butters?? dave is a depraved idiot,,

I wouldn't be so quick to call someone a idiot, when you participate in a thread that states a comment was made against a child, when in reality it wasn't. Logic seems to be but a fly by for some of you folks, doesn't it?

Willow was not at the game, Bristo and Sarah are ones running around talking about abstience while they both know it doesn't work. Bristol is 18 and fair game to jokes. Way to spin folks... way to spin. Sarah is a liar, as she accused Letterman of targeting Willow, considering Willow wasn't even at the game.
post number 472,, still can't justify the unjustifiable huh left wing nutter butters?? dave is a depraved idiot,,

Perhaps you said the wrong number. I'm on your side on this issue. ANY politician's kids should be off limits to the media. If the media had any soul, they would agree.
The actions of the left against Mrs. Palin are i n d e f e N s i b l e you are a savage and relentless pack of witch hunters.. and you cannot defend that kind of hatred.. ever.
Fuck that argument!

You made a claim nor either provide some proof to your claim or shut the fuck up!!

OH! Well, howdy! So we're in agreement that advocating the abolition of adolescence and earlier integration of youth into adult society through drastic re-construction of currently existing age restrictions isn't sufficient grounds to label someone a "supporter of child sex," eh, Tex?

I'm glad and I agree. Feel free to inform the resident rightist troglodytes here; they seem to be in disagreement. :eusa_whistle:

First of all you haven't shown any evidence that Gingrich advocates sex with children aged 13.

Now you can do one of two things, You can either provide a quote from Newt (that he advocates sex with children aged 13) along with a source to said quote or you can stop making bullshit claims with no facts to back them up.
And you can address me as "Sir" not "Tex".
First of all you haven't shown any evidence that Gingrich advocates sex with children aged 13.

He doesn't. What he advocates is the loosening of age restrictions and ultimate "end of adolescence" so that people are generally equipped to receive adult rights and responsibilities at puberty. However, advocacy of anything along those lines has been deemed "advocacy of child sex" by certain posters here when it came from me, so I'm merely illustrating the nature of their inconsistency in not condemning Gingrich.
Fuck that argument!

You made a claim nor either provide some proof to your claim or shut the fuck up!!

OH! Well, howdy! So we're in agreement that advocating the abolition of adolescence and earlier integration of youth into adult society through drastic re-construction of currently existing age restrictions isn't sufficient grounds to label someone a "supporter of child sex," eh, Tex?

I'm glad and I agree. Feel free to inform the resident rightist troglodytes here; they seem to be in disagreement. :eusa_whistle:

First of all you haven't shown any evidence that Gingrich advocates sex with children aged 13.

Now you can do one of two things, You can either provide a quote from Newt (that he advocates sex with children aged 13) along with a source to said quote or you can stop making bullshit claims with no facts to back them up.
And you can address me as "Sir" not "Tex".

Hey Tex, I went looking to see what Newt and other republicans had to say about sex with minors. The news isn't good, Tex. I was floored, and I am hardly ever floored by what politicians do, but I was floored by the number of Republican child molesters. Google something like "Republican children sex" and see what you get. There must be hundreds of republicans locked up for actually having sex with kids. Not just joking about it.
I thought Willow WAS at the game, not Bristol.

How confusing.

Still, if it makes NBC shit bricks, I'm all for it.
I thought Willow WAS at the game, not Bristol.

How confusing.

Still, if it makes NBC shit bricks, I'm all for it.

All the googling and articles I found didn't have either Willow or Bristol at the game. They had Willow at a ceramonious event after the game, but not at the game. That is why I am so confused with people believing that Letterman directed that a Willow. Jokes have been going around regarding Bristol, since Palin ran. I truly believe that Lettermans joke was just an extension of that. Bristol is 18, and considered a adult. So I don't get all the child stuff here.
Once again, Letterman doesn't make "mistakes". He said what he meant to say.

I imagine Willow was at the game if she was at the post-game stuff.

I can stomach almost anything, but it's really kinda sickening to watch lefties reach so far.
post number 472,, still can't justify the unjustifiable huh left wing nutter butters?? dave is a depraved idiot,,

I wouldn't be so quick to call someone a idiot, when you participate in a thread that states a comment was made against a child, when in reality it wasn't. Logic seems to be but a fly by for some of you folks, doesn't it?

Willow was not at the game, Bristo and Sarah are ones running around talking about abstience while they both know it doesn't work. Bristol is 18 and fair game to jokes. Way to spin folks... way to spin. Sarah is a liar, as she accused Letterman of targeting Willow, considering Willow wasn't even at the game.

you sail on denial?
Once again, Letterman doesn't make "mistakes". He said what he meant to say.

I imagine Willow was at the game if she was at the post-game stuff.

I can stomach almost anything, but it's really kinda sickening to watch lefties reach so far.

Imagine all you want, Willow was not at the game.
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