Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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It's still a reality that even if statutory rape is everything you say and more, it at most constitutes manipulation, whereas actual rape involves violence or open coercion.

so if a woman says no, but the man forces her to "cooperate", as long as he isn't rough, it's not rape, but merely seduction? I look forward to the females' reaction to that one.
No, someone thinking that they 'should' fire them implies a desire for regulation, and that isn't very free market, now is it?

So, elvis, so you don't avoid this:

Really? Can you explain why its different?

Wasnt avoiding. I was answering one question at a time. I don't desire regulation. I hope the Cubs get rid of their relief pitcher. That means I want the government to force them to get rid of him?
Calling postmen "postperson" or "chairmen" "chairperson" is awfully petty compared to saying it'd be funny if Willow Palin's daughter were raped by a baseball player. No?
If CBS wants to keep Letterman on the air, it's their choice. I don't want the government stepping in. I am giving my opinion as to what CBS should do. hopefully giving my opinion does not make me a command-economy guy.

Letterman wasn't talking about rape. Not as in unconsensual sex. Yes, you can legally use the term, but its intellectually dishonest and you should recognize that as such.

I used the legal definition. If the state considers it rape, it's rape. Sorry.
That is the funniest thing I have read all day.

But it's the truth :clap2:

No, it is bullshit. She proved herself during the campaign to be an incompetent buffoon who thought cutesy catch phrases and winks at the camera could replace substance. Her act was an insult to the intelligence of American citizens. I'm sure McCains campaign is sorry they chose her as a running mate. If she was the best the Republicans had, then that means the Republicans are in sad shape.

B.S--McCain was down the toilet. His audiance prior to Palin was about 20 people. He as nominee chased away the conservative republican base--"that is a KNOWN fact." His only saving grace was Sarah Palin who is a true conservative. McCain went from an audiance of 20 to over 60 thousand standing in the streets of Florida to watch Sarah Palin SPEAK.

Obama was pampered by the left wing media--even Hillary Clinton complained about it. They hit Sarah Palin below the belt--edited out her answers--asked unbelievable questions--that HAD NOTHING to do with the economy--the war--& they most certainly did not ask her about her expertice which is ENERGY.

The left wing media in this country bamboozeled YOU--& you swallowed hook--line & sinker.:clap2: Because of people like you we have a community organizer taking over the private sector in this country-&-bankrupting this country.
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so if a woman says no, but the man forces her to "cooperate", as long as he isn't rough, it's not rape, but merely seduction? I look forward to the females' reaction to that one.

That's included in the category of coercion. Statutory rape is at most manipulation wherein both parties consent to a sexual interaction, but the younger party is insufficiently mentally developed to consider the possible implications and consequences of such an act and is thus "taken advantage of" by the older partner.
Wasnt avoiding. I was answering one question at a time. I don't desire regulation. I hope the Cubs get rid of their relief pitcher. That means I want the government to force them to get rid of him?
Calling postmen "postperson" or "chairmen" "chairperson" is awfully petty compared to saying it'd be funny if Willow Palin's daughter were raped by a baseball player. No?
If CBS wants to keep Letterman on the air, it's their choice. I don't want the government stepping in. I am giving my opinion as to what CBS should do. hopefully giving my opinion does not make me a command-economy guy.

Letterman wasn't talking about rape. Not as in unconsensual sex. Yes, you can legally use the term, but its intellectually dishonest and you should recognize that as such.

I used the legal definition. If the state considers it rape, it's rape. Sorry.

Conflating violent rape and statutory rape is, frankly, disgusting.
I don't think anyone can rationally call Sarah Palin an idiot when she literally stood toe to toe with a 30+ year career politician (Joe Biden)-who has been in poliitical debates all of his life-& take the shots & give them back. And Sarah Palin--gave them right back.

Sorry, nice try, but Biden is an idiot as well.

And do we really need to replay the videos of her extraordinarily terrible interviews? Are you going to tell me that she's intelligent when she says "I can see Russia from Alaska?" Or that Russia sends military planes into US airspace? Or any other number of similarly stupid statements? Go ahead and cry that the media only asked "gotcha" questions, but if you realize that and you don't see that, then you are a blind idealogue and there is really no point in discussing it further with someone whose IQ is the same as the maximum speed on an interstate freeway.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdftnFjQfzs&feature=related&pos=10]YouTube - Sarah Palin ABC Gibson Interview - Russia is our neighbor![/ame]
Look the reason the Russia comment got laughed at was because of Fey and "I can see Russia from my house." Most people thought that was her actual comment!

Interview: Example Russia

Palin: They are our neighbors! (is that false no its true) And you can actually see them from land in Alaska (true also)

All Palin did was make a statement that Fey twisted into a comical act and the liberals jumped on. I personally wouldn't want to see her as our Presiden, but would sure as day rather see her than Biden as the President. She is more competent than Biden!
Letterman wasn't talking about rape. Not as in unconsensual sex. Yes, you can legally use the term, but its intellectually dishonest and you should recognize that as such.

I used the legal definition. If the state considers it rape, it's rape. Sorry.

Conflating violent rape and statutory rape is, frankly, disgusting.

so if a woman says no, but the man forces her to cooperate, as long as he doesn't rough her up, it's not rape. Got it.

If you don't like the defintion, write your congressPERSON and tell them to repeal the statutory rape laws.
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That is the funniest thing I have read all day.

But it's the truth :clap2:

No, it is bullshit. She proved herself during the campaign to be an incompetent buffoon who thought cutesy catch phrases and winks at the camera could replace substance. Her act was an insult to the intelligence of American citizens. I'm sure McCains campaign is sorry they chose her as a running mate. If she was the best the Republicans had, then that means the Republicans are in sad shape.

That is the truth. Although McCain was doomed from the beginning! They saw a highly attractive highly social conservative State Governor and they took her. They didn't check the 5 colleges in 5 years thing or other ammo that could be used against her!
so if a woman says no, but the man forces her to "cooperate", as long as he isn't rough, it's not rape, but merely seduction? I look forward to the females' reaction to that one.

That's included in the category of coercion. Statutory rape is at most manipulation wherein both parties consent to a sexual interaction, but the younger party is insufficiently mentally developed to consider the possible implications and consequences of such an act and is thus "taken advantage of" by the older partner.

I guess you're in favor of the "date rape" drug being available on the market, then .
Wasnt avoiding. I was answering one question at a time. I don't desire regulation. I hope the Cubs get rid of their relief pitcher. That means I want the government to force them to get rid of him?


Calling postmen "postperson" or "chairmen" "chairperson" is awfully petty compared to saying it'd be funny if Willow Palin's daughter were raped by a baseball player. No?

Those are degrees of PC.

If CBS wants to keep Letterman on the air, it's their choice. I don't want the government stepping in. I am giving my opinion as to what CBS should do. hopefully giving my opinion does not make me a command-economy guy.

So, then why all the "righteous" indignation? Seems you feel pretty strongly about it.
If you don't like the defintion, write your congressPERSON and tell them to repeal the statutory rape laws.

That won't happen in our lifetimes. Such an attempt would be political suicide (and I'll admit being dubious of an attempt to change the age of consent while not changing any other age restrictions), even if effectively the same thing would occur through Gingrich's proposal of "ending adolescence."
I used the legal definition. If the state considers it rape, it's rape. Sorry.

Conflating violent rape and statutory rape is, frankly, disgusting.

so if a woman says no, but the man forces her to cooperate, as long as he doesn't rough her up, it's not rape. Got it.

If you don't like the defintion, write your congressPERSON and tell them to repeal the statutory rape laws.

You fucking moron. That falls under the definition of violent rape, not staturory rape. Try focusing on what I actually said, not some weird, twisted version of what I said.

And I don't think statutory rape laws should be repealed, but I don't think they should be called staturory rape.
Wasnt avoiding. I was answering one question at a time. I don't desire regulation. I hope the Cubs get rid of their relief pitcher. That means I want the government to force them to get rid of him?


Calling postmen "postperson" or "chairmen" "chairperson" is awfully petty compared to saying it'd be funny if Willow Palin's daughter were raped by a baseball player. No?

Those are degrees of PC.

If CBS wants to keep Letterman on the air, it's their choice. I don't want the government stepping in. I am giving my opinion as to what CBS should do. hopefully giving my opinion does not make me a command-economy guy.

So, then why all the "righteous" indignation? Seems you feel pretty strongly about it.

I don't like it when people's children get raked over the coals. I didn't like it when Chelsea Clinton was asked about her father's affair and why Hillary should be trusted after she took him back. I hope the media leaves Obama's kids the hell alone.
Sad but true - particularly so in the last couple of years.

Perhaps he is simply bored out of his mind? What is left of his mind anyway...
For one thing he never got over being passed over for Johnny Carson's chair. Then when Leno started winning the late night ratings consistently, it seemed he started getting desperate, trying to get his writers to be more "edgy."

Then when Bush became POTUS, they all thought they had themselves a cash cow, and for Letterman at least he went to that well about a million times too often while Leno somehow found better things to joke about and never was hateful, delivering actually funny material night after night, and continued to kick Letterman's ass night after night.

Letterman is a bitter, angry rich old codger. When Conan starts kicking his ass as well, he'll probably just hang it up. As he should.

That is a matter of opinion.
It's a matter of fact, and the ratings, the ass kicking Leno gave Letterman for most of the 17 years they competed head to head, bear it out.

Conan's already kicking that old wrinkled, angry, bitter Letterman ass as well. Letterman forgot somewhere along the line, people tune in to laugh and be entertained, not to be exposed to constant hate drivel.
Damn straight! :cool:

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