Letterman Flings Slime at 14-Year-Old Willow Palin

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Still waiting for someone to post a link to Letterman aiming his statement at Willow. Bueller? Buller?

Provide a quote from Newt Gingrich and a source for said quote that supports your claim that "Newt Gingrich advocates sex with children aged 13".

Here, I'll explain the argument for you again, that is, the argument according to AllieBabble and Dinatra.

Premise 1: Advocates of the abolition of adolescence and earlier integration of youth into adult society through drastic re-construction of currently existing age restrictions are “advocates of underage sex.”

Premise 2: New Gingrich is an advocate of the abolition of adolescence and earlier integration of youth into adult society through drastic re-construction of currently existing age restrictions.

Conclusion: Therefore, Newt Gingrich is an “advocate of underage sex.”

Personally, I find it a little distressing that they wouldn't condemn a man who supports "child sex," according to their definition. Doesn't that indicate that their values are a little out of order?

Agna is the board child raper. You'll have to excuse him.

Allie...we all know that you're the one into that nasty bondage business too...what was that metaphor you used? "Run over by a train"? :cuckoo:

Fuck that argument!

You made a claim nor either provide some proof to your claim or shut the fuck up!!
Wasnt avoiding. I was answering one question at a time. I don't desire regulation. I hope the Cubs get rid of their relief pitcher. That means I want the government to force them to get rid of him?


Those are degrees of PC.

If CBS wants to keep Letterman on the air, it's their choice. I don't want the government stepping in. I am giving my opinion as to what CBS should do. hopefully giving my opinion does not make me a command-economy guy.

So, then why all the "righteous" indignation? Seems you feel pretty strongly about it.

I don't like it when people's children get raked over the coals. I didn't like it when Chelsea Clinton was asked about her father's affair and why Hillary should be trusted after she took him back. I hope the media leaves Obama's kids the hell alone.

That's right..because they're more special.

Actually, the media has been pretty good about Chelsea. It was actually hard to find a truly homely picture of her, and she was absolutely butt-ugly as a kid.
Conflating violent rape and statutory rape is, frankly, disgusting.

so if a woman says no, but the man forces her to cooperate, as long as he doesn't rough her up, it's not rape. Got it.

If you don't like the defintion, write your congressPERSON and tell them to repeal the statutory rape laws.

You fucking moron. That falls under the definition of violent rape, not staturory rape. Try focusing on what I actually said, not some weird, twisted version of what I said.

And I don't think statutory rape laws should be repealed, but I don't think they should be called staturory rape.

What would you recommend they be called?
Fuck that argument!

You made a claim nor either provide some proof to your claim or shut the fuck up!!

OH! Well, howdy! So we're in agreement that advocating the abolition of adolescence and earlier integration of youth into adult society through drastic re-construction of currently existing age restrictions isn't sufficient grounds to label someone a "supporter of child sex," eh, Tex?

I'm glad and I agree. Feel free to inform the resident rightist troglodytes here; they seem to be in disagreement. :eusa_whistle:

Those are degrees of PC.

So, then why all the "righteous" indignation? Seems you feel pretty strongly about it.

I don't like it when people's children get raked over the coals. I didn't like it when Chelsea Clinton was asked about her father's affair and why Hillary should be trusted after she took him back. I hope the media leaves Obama's kids the hell alone.

That's right..because they're more special.

Actually, the media has been pretty good about Chelsea. It was actually hard to find a truly homely picture of her, and she was absolutely butt-ugly as a kid.

They may be more special than the Palins to the media, but not to me.
I should never have posted anything about my child on this board. I'll request admin remove it.
You're FULL of it--you know what the point is. You DON'T replay the videos they were editied- it you want to read the ACTUAL transcript you will be able to see what was edited OUT by the media that wanted to INSURE an Obama victory.

How is this edited to make Sara Palin look like an idiot?: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nokTjEdaUGg]YouTube - Palin On Foreign Policy[/ame]

Or this?:[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9go38MgZ4w8]YouTube - Palin: I Read All the News[/ame]

Or this one?:[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heAibiOJ5NE]YouTube - Palin CBS Interview: Bailout = healthcare reform[/ame]

BTW--I would have loved to have seen the look on Obama's face--if Katie Courick would have asked him about a 30 year old policy that Joe Biden signed off on. The left wing media made certain that they never asked Barack Obama a question--that he knew nothing about--they never asked tough questions.:clap2:

No, the media sure never asked ol'Hussein any tough questions did they? Look at what an idiot he looks like on the "Fair and Balanced" O'Reilly Factor:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e9INHY_g-I]YouTube - Obama on O'Reilly, Part 1[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeVW_a4butE]YouTube - Obama on O'Reilly, Part 2[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31SAQ3VUnes]YouTube - Obama on O'Reilly, Part 3[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMu_YgOg3Fc]YouTube - Obama & Bill O'Reilly on the Factor Part 4 (Final --9-10-08)[/ame]
post number 472,, still can't justify the unjustifiable huh left wing nutter butters?? dave is a depraved idiot,,
Provide a quote from Newt Gingrich and a source for said quote that supports your claim that "Newt Gingrich advocates sex with children aged 13".

Here, I'll explain the argument for you again, that is, the argument according to AllieBabble and Dinatra.

Personally, I find it a little distressing that they wouldn't condemn a man who supports "child sex," according to their definition. Doesn't that indicate that their values are a little out of order?

Agna is the board child raper. You'll have to excuse him.

Allie...we all know that you're the one into that nasty bondage business too...what was that metaphor you used? "Run over by a train"? :cuckoo:

Fuck that argument!

You made a claim nor either provide some proof to your claim or shut the fuck up!!

Thanks for popping it to share with us how much of a fuckwad you are. Do it again sometime, so Allie doesn't feel so bad about her own intelligence.
so if a woman says no, but the man forces her to cooperate, as long as he doesn't rough her up, it's not rape. Got it.

If you don't like the defintion, write your congressPERSON and tell them to repeal the statutory rape laws.

You fucking moron. That falls under the definition of violent rape, not staturory rape. Try focusing on what I actually said, not some weird, twisted version of what I said.

And I don't think statutory rape laws should be repealed, but I don't think they should be called staturory rape.

What would you recommend they be called?

I really don't care, but there is a big difference between that and rape. Oh...and by the way, its actually not called "rape". Its called "statutory rape". Which is not the same. The legal definition of a statutory rapist is that of a statutory rapist, not of a rapist.
I don't think anyone can rationally call Sarah Palin an idiot when she literally stood toe to toe with a 30+ year career politician (Joe Biden)-who has been in (thousands) of poliitical debates all of his life-& take the shots & give them back. And Sarah Palin--gave them right back--(without a teleprompter.) LOL Poor Katie Curick & Charlie Gibson & the rest of the left wing media could not edit her answers in the debates!

For the liberal idiots on this board--EXPLAIN THAT! I doubt you can.

You must have missed the Canadian prank she fell for. Definately a idiot.
you can talk til the moon actually turns to cheese,, til hell freezes over and you will never be able to justify the attacks on Mrs.Palin and her children,, it's just that simple.
Sarah Palin ABC Gibson Interview - Russia is our neighbor![/url]
Look the reason the Russia comment got laughed at was because of Fey and "I can see Russia from my house." Most people thought that was her actual comment!

Interview: Example Russia

Palin: They are our neighbors! (is that false no its true) And you can actually see them from land in Alaska (true also)

It is true, but it is also an idiotic answer to Gibon's question which what insight into foreign policy does Alaska's proximity to Russia give Governor Palin?

All Palin did was make a statement that Fey twisted into a comical act and the liberals jumped on. I personally wouldn't want to see her as our Presiden, but would sure as day rather see her than Biden as the President. She is more competent than Biden!

Biden is an idiot. But Sara Palin is an even bigger idiot.
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