#LetThemDie: ‘Heartless’ Trump Blasted For Meals On Wheels Cuts

H-rump - why does Trump want to punish the people who sacrificed/paid their dues/did their part, to make America great

Because he's an elitist privileged dickbag who's had everything just handed to him for nothing all his life and has never had to work for jack squat. Therefore the concept of actually working for or struggling for something is a complete blank to him. He's never even held a job before. Never had to assume responsibility for anything, and when it would be proper to do so he bails out.

and why does Trump want to punish people in the geographic area (South) that gave him the most support in the presidential election... is trump stupid or just an asshole?

How many threads will there be on this fake news?

The cuts won't have much of an affect on Meals on Wheels. Are you libs really that stupid or are you just running with whatever the fake news channels offer up each day?
How many threads will there be on this fake news?

The cuts won't have much of an affect on Meals on Wheels. Are you libs really that stupid or are you just running with whatever the fake news channels offer up each day?
did you get that from fox news or infowars?
cutting meals on wheels---whether federal or state or local charity--seems
to me to be PENNY WISE, and POUND FOOLISH Elderly and disabled
people are better off------staying home------their own homes or in the homes
of relatives-----as long as possible. Delivered prepared food might take the
EDGE off the hardship of caring for the elderly or disabled.
H-rump - why does Trump want to punish the people who sacrificed/paid their dues/did their part, to make America great

Because he's an elitist privileged dickbag who's had everything just handed to him for nothing all his life and has never had to work for jack squat. Therefore the concept of actually working for or struggling for something is a complete blank to him. He's never even held a job before. Never had to assume responsibility for anything, and when it would be proper to do so he bails out.

and why does Trump want to punish people in the geographic area (South) that gave him the most support in the presidential election... is trump stupid or just an asshole?


I do not think that Trump is an elitist. His mother was a Scottish lassie.
(not to impugn the scots) Scottish homemakers know how to be THRIFTY
by CUTTING CORNERS. Home support for the elderly and disabled is
not a corner that should be disturbed. Trump is on a corner cutting ROLL. He should entertain himself by walking around the white house at night, turning
unnecessary lights off. ( I do it in my little apartment ) He should learn how
to darn his own socks
H-rump - why does Trump want to punish the people who sacrificed/paid their dues/did their part, to make America great

Because he's an elitist privileged dickbag who's had everything just handed to him for nothing all his life and has never had to work for jack squat. Therefore the concept of actually working for or struggling for something is a complete blank to him. He's never even held a job before. Never had to assume responsibility for anything, and when it would be proper to do so he bails out.

and why does Trump want to punish people in the geographic area (South) that gave him the most support in the presidential election... is trump stupid or just an asshole?


I do not think that Trump is an elitist. His mother was a Scottish lassie.
(not to impugn the scots) Scottish homemakers know how to be THRIFTY
by CUTTING CORNERS. Home support for the elderly and disabled is
not a corner that should be disturbed. Trump is on a corner cutting ROLL. He should entertain himself by walking around the white house at night, turning
unnecessary lights off. ( I do it in my little apartment ) He should learn how
to darn his own socks

It's about damn time some cutting is being done. 20 trillion dollars in debt? It's time to get it done
lets cut military spending not boost it....active military spending should be cut while vets should get all the benefits promised....ie...fast and good health care...lets cut trumps spending...his trips to fl are pricey...the cost of maintaining trump towers is costly...and how much of that goes to trump...by the backdoor?

militarytimes: Trump's Proposed Cuts To Meals On Will Hurt Veterans

Trump's proposed cuts to Meals on Wheels would hurt veterans

Shawn Snow, March 16, 2017
They survived the Depression. World War II. Korea. Vietnam. Reagan’s trickle down and even George W. Bush and his “compassionate” cuts to basic services. But will our elderly veterans survive without Meals on Wheels in a Trump budget world? An unthinkable one in six seniors struggles with hunger and Meals on Wheels provides food to 2.4 million seniors, many of whom are able to stay in their homes, rather than more expensive facilities, because of Meals on Wheels. That number includes an astonishing 500,000 veterans who rely on the service.

Is this really who we are as a nation?


H-rump - why does Trump want to punish the people who sacrificed/paid their dues/did their part, to make America great and-----and why does Trump want to punish people in the geographic area (South) that gave him the most support in the presidential election... is trump stupid or just an asshole?

Lucky for Trump he inherited enough money that he doesn't have to live on the cheap in the South and was able to buy himself 5 (five) military deferments while we were at... so called war.


Welfare should be at the state (not Federal) level anyway.

There are lots of things at the Federal level that needs to be cut out and thrown away.
To the leftist and statist cutting ANYTHING the corrupt criminal federal government does, is unconscionable.

The media is already crying about the 'harmful' cuts just as they did during Reagan's time. Nothing changes, yet so many Americans just get duped again and again. Makes me sick.
H-rump - why does Trump want to punish the people who sacrificed/paid their dues/did their part, to make America great

Because he's an elitist privileged dickbag who's had everything just handed to him for nothing all his life and has never had to work for jack squat. Therefore the concept of actually working for or struggling for something is a complete blank to him. He's never even held a job before. Never had to assume responsibility for anything, and when it would be proper to do so he bails out.

and why does Trump want to punish people in the geographic area (South) that gave him the most support in the presidential election... is trump stupid or just an asshole?


I do not think that Trump is an elitist. His mother was a Scottish lassie.
(not to impugn the scots) Scottish homemakers know how to be THRIFTY
by CUTTING CORNERS. Home support for the elderly and disabled is
not a corner that should be disturbed. Trump is on a corner cutting ROLL. He should entertain himself by walking around the white house at night, turning
unnecessary lights off. ( I do it in my little apartment ) He should learn how
to darn his own socks

It's about damn time some cutting is being done. 20 trillion dollars in debt? It's time to get it done


You want to spend another 54 billion on the fucking Military...Don't fucking tell me that our vets and old aren't worth more.
H-rump - why does Trump want to punish the people who sacrificed/paid their dues/did their part, to make America great

Because he's an elitist privileged dickbag who's had everything just handed to him for nothing all his life and has never had to work for jack squat. Therefore the concept of actually working for or struggling for something is a complete blank to him. He's never even held a job before. Never had to assume responsibility for anything, and when it would be proper to do so he bails out.

and why does Trump want to punish people in the geographic area (South) that gave him the most support in the presidential election... is trump stupid or just an asshole?


I do not think that Trump is an elitist. His mother was a Scottish lassie.
(not to impugn the scots) Scottish homemakers know how to be THRIFTY
by CUTTING CORNERS. Home support for the elderly and disabled is
not a corner that should be disturbed. Trump is on a corner cutting ROLL. He should entertain himself by walking around the white house at night, turning
unnecessary lights off. ( I do it in my little apartment ) He should learn how
to darn his own socks

It's about damn time some cutting is being done. 20 trillion dollars in debt? It's time to get it done


You want to spend another 54 billion on the fucking Military...Don't fucking tell me that our vets and old aren't worth more.

Grow up, Matthew and you're the last one who should be calling anyone a retard.

We're 20 trillion in debt, our military is in dire shape thanks to Obungles...and guess what? Nobody is going to starve. You idiots have seized on yet another narrative and we'll be subjected to thread after thread of you whining and bawling about something that isn't there.

Come to think of it why aren't all these threads on Meals On Wheels being merged?
It's about damn time some cutting is being done. 20 trillion dollars in debt? It's time to get it done

I agree. 20 Trillion is too much.

Let's make the rich pay their fair share and put and end to corporate welfare and expensive weapons systems we don't need.

militarytimes: Trump's Proposed Cuts To Meals On Will Hurt Veterans

Trump's proposed cuts to Meals on Wheels would hurt veterans

Shawn Snow, March 16, 2017
They survived the Depression. World War II. Korea. Vietnam. Reagan’s trickle down and even George W. Bush and his “compassionate” cuts to basic services. But will our elderly veterans survive without Meals on Wheels in a Trump budget world? An unthinkable one in six seniors struggles with hunger and Meals on Wheels provides food to 2.4 million seniors, many of whom are able to stay in their homes, rather than more expensive facilities, because of Meals on Wheels. That number includes an astonishing 500,000 veterans who rely on the service.

Is this really who we are as a nation?


H-rump - why does Trump want to punish the people who sacrificed/paid their dues/did their part, to make America great and-----and why does Trump want to punish people in the geographic area (South) that gave him the most support in the presidential election... is trump stupid or just an asshole?

Lucky for Trump he inherited enough money that he doesn't have to live on the cheap in the South and was able to buy himself 5 (five) military deferments while we were at... so called war.



Boo fucking hoo... Meals on Wheels gets about 4% of their funding from the Federal government. The rest comes from corporations and private sector contributions.
asswipe.....Meals On Wheels is a problem......too much of the money isn't going to feed the poor.....and why is it you can't crack open your wallet and feed the guy....?

Because he lives 750 FUCKING MILES AWAY, Dipweed.

Fuck you and the hackery you rode in on. :fu:

Wow......you mean you have to send gold coins by convoy in order to give him money asswipe....you can't cut him a fucking check and send it in the mail?
Ahhh, go back to the narrative! Use the clichés! Don't stray from the Robin Hood fairy tale talking points! It works every time!!! The rich elitist left wing love the poor!!!

militarytimes: Trump's Proposed Cuts To Meals On Will Hurt Veterans

Trump's proposed cuts to Meals on Wheels would hurt veterans

Shawn Snow, March 16, 2017
They survived the Depression. World War II. Korea. Vietnam. Reagan’s trickle down and even George W. Bush and his “compassionate” cuts to basic services. But will our elderly veterans survive without Meals on Wheels in a Trump budget world? An unthinkable one in six seniors struggles with hunger and Meals on Wheels provides food to 2.4 million seniors, many of whom are able to stay in their homes, rather than more expensive facilities, because of Meals on Wheels. That number includes an astonishing 500,000 veterans who rely on the service.

Is this really who we are as a nation?


H-rump - why does Trump want to punish the people who sacrificed/paid their dues/did their part, to make America great and-----and why does Trump want to punish people in the geographic area (South) that gave him the most support in the presidential election... is trump stupid or just an asshole?

Lucky for Trump he inherited enough money that he doesn't have to live on the cheap in the South and was able to buy himself 5 (five) military deferments while we were at... so called war.



Feign outrage of epic proportions.

The seniors will manage just fine. It's not like they didn't already vote in billions of programs to confiscate the wealth of their children. Well done!... Trump!

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