#LetThemDie: ‘Heartless’ Trump Blasted For Meals On Wheels Cuts

It's about damn time some cutting is being done. 20 trillion dollars in debt? It's time to get it done

I agree. 20 Trillion is too much.

Let's make the rich pay their fair share and put and end to corporate welfare and expensive weapons systems we don't need.

The rich is paying more than your broke joke ass.

Another loon chimes in with the same worn out shit we've been hearing for years....MAKE THE RICH PAY!!!!!

Pay your own way also,

The elitist lefties love the poor!
Just men
Ahhh, go back to the narrative! Use the clichés! Don't stray from the Robin Hood fairy tale talking points! It works every time!!! The rich elitist left wing love the poor!!!
Just mention Walmart, and see the disgusting things that are said about the people that shop there. Lots of poor people and EBT card holders shop there, you know, the people they supposedly care about until they don't.
Boo fucking hoo... Meals on Wheels gets about 4% of their funding from the Federal government. The rest comes from corporations and private sector contributions.

Which would still suck if you are one of the 4% who doesn't get a delivery.

It's not even a good policy, as a lot of those people would just move into nursing homes at a much higher cost.

The elitist lefties love the poor!

"Charities" like the all-important Chelsea Clinton Wedding Fund... providing needed matrimonial expenses for underprivileged, out of work and mentally unstable young women raised by criminal politicians in New York.
The rich is paying more than your broke joke ass.

I'm just going to leave that there for the hilarity of it.

Another loon chimes in with the same worn out shit we've been hearing for years....MAKE THE RICH PAY!!!!!

when the rich pay their fair share, we don't have debt issues. We have debt when the GOP decides that they rich don't have enough Dressage Horsies...
Boo fucking hoo... Meals on Wheels gets about 4% of their funding from the Federal government. The rest comes from corporations and private sector contributions.

Which would still suck if you are one of the 4% who doesn't get a delivery.

It's not even a good policy, as a lot of those people would just move into nursing homes at a much higher cost.

Wow... talk about a breathtaking display of your profound ignorance of percentages and how they work. Astonishing! :eek:
Wow... talk about a breathtaking display of your profound ignorance of percentages and how they work. Astonishing!

Not at all. MOW is going to have to cut some people from the program. Those people will probably just go to nursing homes that MediCare will pay for at a much higher rate than MoW.

It's actually a monetarily foolish policy, when you get down to it.

But again, you live in a state that has the highest number of people on the dole than any other state in the union... So I can see why you don't get this.
The rich is paying more than your broke joke ass.

I'm just going to leave that there for the hilarity of it.

Another loon chimes in with the same worn out shit we've been hearing for years....MAKE THE RICH PAY!!!!!

when the rich pay their fair share, we don't have debt issues. We have debt when the GOP decides that they rich don't have enough Dressage Horsies...

Again, pay your fair share, cease demanding to be taken care of. In short, man up and for christ's sake stop repeating the same old worn out leftist BS.
It is really hypocritical to see the Moon Bats complain about Meals on Wheels hurting veterans when they all voted for that Obama asshole who mismanaged the VA.

MoWs gets most of its funding from private donations. If these Moon Bats are really concerned then they can give to a private charity that supports MoWs. Of course they won't do that because Liberals are greedy selfish little bastards that want other people to pay for things like that but not themselves.
when the rich pay their fair share, we don't have debt issues. We have debt when the GOP decides that they rich don't have enough Dressage Horsies...

1) What IS "their fair share?"

2) Prove to us that US Tax Revenues are increased by raising tax rates.

3) Show ANY correlation between national debt and tax revenue.
Again, pay your fair share, cease demanding to be taken care of. In short, man up and for christ's sake stop repeating the same old worn out leftist BS.

I'm paying my fair share. Just got back from H&R Block yesterday, and had to write out a nice big check to cover the money i made last year.

Now, since it's a mostly cash business, I could have been a prick and underreported what I made. But I didn't. Reported every penny. And took every deduction I could legally.

The rich need to do the same.
when the rich pay their fair share, we don't have debt issues. We have debt when the GOP decides that they rich don't have enough Dressage Horsies...

1) What IS "their fair share?"

2) Prove to us that US Tax Revenues are increased by raising tax rates.

3) Show ANY correlation between national debt and tax revenue.

Put a flat tax out there and watch them whine. Say 10% across the board, no deductions just take 10%...they would stroke
Not at all. MOW is going to have to cut some people from the program...

No they won't. Good upstanding liberals like you who care will chip in and donate because you want to help those in need. It's obviously a big issue for you, so we know you'll do this as opposed to seeing these poor people to into nursing homes.
Meals on wheels is mostly sponsored by charities, locally. The prison I worked at provided meals for all seniors in the area who wanted them (small town) from food that would have thrown away from the prison kitchen. Please, by all means, don't let his fact keep you liars from lying.
1) What IS "their fair share?"

What they were paying before Ronnie Ray-gun tripled the national debt is just fine.

2) Prove to us that US Tax Revenues are increased by raising tax rates.

Sure. Here you go, buddy.


Please note, those numbers trended in the right direction when Clinton raised taxes on the rich in 1993 and in 2011 when Obama let the Bush tax givaways expire. Please note they trended UP when Reagan and Baby Bush cut taxes on the rich.

3) Show ANY correlation between national debt and tax revenue.

You mean other than the National Debt tripling after Reagan and doubling After Bush cut taxes?
How many threads will there be on this fake news?

The cuts won't have much of an affect on Meals on Wheels. Are you libs really that stupid or are you just running with whatever the fake news channels offer up each day?
did you get that from fox news or infowars?

Maybe "Meals on Wheels" charity might start at home.

Here are a few, there's much more data on other charities at http://www.give.org
All numbers are annual salaries & benefits for CEOs (some cases, other officers who make more money are also mentioned). Data may be several years old, 2005 or 2006, since it takes time for them to update their records.

Meals on Wheels: $205,560
Network for Good: president/$209,121, CEO/$192,488,
Lupus Foundation: $232,965
Oxfam: $241,342
Clinton Foundation: $254,000
International Planned Parenthood Federation: $260,608

ACLU: $304,329
World Wildlife Fund: $347,190
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children: $351,171
America's Second Harvest: $356,535
International Rescue Committee: $357,657
National Audubon $362,237
CARE USA $386,047

National Charitable Organizations and CEO Compensation - Democratic Underground
1) What IS "their fair share?"

What they were paying before Ronnie Ray-gun tripled the national debt is just fine.

2) Prove to us that US Tax Revenues are increased by raising tax rates.

Sure. Here you go, buddy.


Please note, those numbers trended in the right direction when Clinton raised taxes on the rich in 1993 and in 2011 when Obama let the Bush tax givaways expire. Please note they trended UP when Reagan and Baby Bush cut taxes on the rich.

3) Show ANY correlation between national debt and tax revenue.

You mean other than the National Debt tripling after Reagan and doubling After Bush cut taxes?
So when will you prove something? that drawing proves nothing.

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