#LetThemDie: ‘Heartless’ Trump Blasted For Meals On Wheels Cuts

It's about damn time some cutting is being done. 20 trillion dollars in debt? It's time to get it done

I agree. 20 Trillion is too much.

Let's make the rich pay their fair share and put and end to corporate welfare and expensive weapons systems we don't need.

If you take all the money "the rich" have it would pay for the bloated amount of spending that Obama did for about six months.

I know you Moon Bats never took a course in economics or know your ass from a hole in the ground about fiscal responsibility but don't you think that the best way to deal with massive deficits is not to tax more but to simply spend less? Did you ever think of that Moon Bat?
No they won't. Good upstanding liberals like you who care will chip in and donate because you want to help those in need. It's obviously a big issue for you, so we know you'll do this as opposed to seeing these poor people to into nursing homes.

Naw, I want these old people angry. I want them to understand how badly they fucked up the country.
It's about damn time some cutting is being done. 20 trillion dollars in debt? It's time to get it done

I agree. 20 Trillion is too much.

Let's make the rich pay their fair share and put and end to corporate welfare and expensive weapons systems we don't need.

If you take all the money "the rich" have it would pay for the bloated amount of spending that Obama did for about six months.

I know you Moon Bats never took a course in economics or know your ass from a hole in the ground about fiscal responsibility but don't you think that the best way to deal with massive deficits is not to tax more but to simply spend less? Did you ever think of that Moon Bat?

BBbbut the rich need to pay, be punished for their success and the left loons demand to be taken care of!!!!!! They have needs!!!!!!
Boo fucking hoo... Meals on Wheels gets about 4% of their funding from the Federal government. The rest comes from corporations and private sector contributions.

Which would still suck if you are one of the 4% who doesn't get a delivery.

It's not even a good policy, as a lot of those people would just move into nursing homes at a much higher cost.

Census Bureau: Seniors make up 13.3 percent of U.S. population ...
"Starving Seniors"????
To help the nation's 13 million obese seniors, the Affordable Care Act included a new Medicare benefit offering face-to-face weight loss counseling in primary care doctors' offices. It is free for patients, with no copay. But while Medicare now pays doctors to counsel their obese patients,
only 50,000 people participated in 2013, the latest year for which data is available.
Lots Of Seniors Are Overweight, But Few Use Free Counseling For It
If you take all the money "the rich" have it would pay for the bloated amount of spending that Obama did for about six months.

I know you Moon Bats never took a course in economics or know your ass from a hole in the ground about fiscal responsibility but don't you think that the best way to deal with massive deficits is not to tax more but to simply spend less? Did you ever think of that Moon Bat?

Naw, not really. When the rich paid their fair share, like before Reagan, we spent shitloads of money and we were just fine.

We were better than fine, in fact.

So when will you prove something? that drawing proves nothing.

The fact you didn't learn how to read a graph in Home School isn't my problem, Cleetus.
1) What IS "their fair share?"

What they were paying before Ronnie Ray-gun tripled the national debt is just fine.

The tax rates virtually nobody paid?

2) Prove to us that US Tax Revenues are increased by raising tax rates.

Sure. Here you go, buddy.


Please note, those numbers trended in the right direction when Clinton raised taxes on the rich in 1993 and in 2011 when Obama let the Bush tax givaways expire. Please note they trended UP when Reagan and Baby Bush cut taxes on the rich.

SORRY.... BAIT AND SWITCH! You are showing us budget surplus/deficit and I asked you for TAX REVENUE. You understand the difference, right?

Again... show us that TAX REVENUE is increased by raising TAX RATES.

3) Show ANY correlation between national debt and tax revenue.

You mean other than the National Debt tripling after Reagan and doubling After Bush cut taxes?

The DEBT increases because we keep spending money we don't have. It has nothing to do with the tax rate or tax revenue. You're failing like you usually do. You can't make your point so you keep trying to make some other idiotic point.

You're a fucking clinical moron.
No they won't. Good upstanding liberals like you who care will chip in and donate because you want to help those in need. It's obviously a big issue for you, so we know you'll do this as opposed to seeing these poor people to into nursing homes.

Naw, I want these old people angry. I want them to understand how badly they fucked up the country.

Ahhhh.... So you really don't give two shits about them other than using them as political pawns. Thanks for publicly admitting that.
asswipe.....Meals On Wheels is a problem......too much of the money isn't going to feed the poor.....and why is it you can't crack open your wallet and feed the guy....?

Because he lives 750 FUCKING MILES AWAY, Dipweed.

Fuck you and the hackery you rode in on. :fu:

As is typical of you, you revert to profanity and insults because you lack the ability to respond intelligently.
Yabut drumpf has a much better cause to spend that money on - he weekly golf vacations. So far, he is on track to spend more than 8 tiles what Obama did and take many many times more time off.

According to RWNJs, that's a lot more important than feeding the elderly and handicapped. And, the cheeto plans to raise the cost heating oil so high, they'll freeze to death anyway.

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Attack! Deny! Divert!
Ahhhh.... So you really don't give two shit about them other than using them as political pawns. Thanks for publicly admitting that.

I'm not big into helping people out of messes they got themselves into.

That just enables their bad behavior....

What did they think was going to happen when the GOP got back into power? The same shit they ALWAYS pull... rob from the poor to give to the rich.

SORRY.... BAIT AND SWITCH! You are showing us budget surplus/deficit and I asked you for TAX REVENUE. You understand the difference, right?

I do. You apparently don't.

No I do... you don't. I asked you to show us where increasing tax rates increases tax revenues and you showed a graph of budget deficit/surplus. That's not tax revenue.

FYI... When Reagan cut top marginal tax rates from 72% to 28%, it increased tax revenues by 75%.
when the rich pay their fair share, we don't have debt issues. We have debt when the GOP decides that they rich don't have enough Dressage Horsies...

1) What IS "their fair share?"

2) Prove to us that US Tax Revenues are increased by raising tax rates.

3) Show ANY correlation between national debt and tax revenue.

Put a flat tax out there and watch them whine. Say 10% across the board, no deductions just take 10%...they would stroke

Hmmm... 10% tax.... Trump grossed $150 million in 2005 according to Maddow. hmmmm 10% of $150 million... $15 million!
Wow he paid $38 million! How dumb President Trump!

NOW let's take a REAL look at the tax tables of what was paid in to the IRS!

Hmmm... Top 1% Adjusted Gross Income $1.719 Trillion paid $465 billon 27% in taxes!
BUT let's have across the board 10% of AGI would be $171 Billion! Such a deal!!!!
And the poor trodden bottom 50%???
Adjusted Gross $1.03 Trillion... paid $34.3 billion or 3.3%
10%: $1.03 trillion X 10% would have the poor bottom 50% paying $101 Billion!


https://files.taxfoundation.org/leg...test Federal Income Tax Data,_2015 Update.pdf
No I do... you don't. I asked you to show us where increasing tax rates increases tax revenues and you showed a graph of budget deficit/surplus. That's not tax revenue.

You do get that those things are related, right? Or are you too busy waiting for your check sitting next to the toxic waste dump?
FYI... When Reagan cut top marginal tax rates from 72% to 28%, it increased tax revenues by 75%.

No, it didn't. an you leave out where he increased social security taxes and reformed taxes in 1986 as part of the budget cutting deal...

The things that so pissed off the Wingnuts that Bush had to issue his "Read My Lips" pledge to not raise taxes and then he had to raise taxes when his banker buddies needed bailing out.

Then again, i can see why you guys idolize Reagan. He's the only GOP President who didn't totally mess things up.
You do get that those things are related, right? Or are you too busy waiting for your check sitting next to the toxic waste dump?

Nope... they are certainly NOT related. Again, Reagan cut top marginal tax rates dramatically and INCREASED tax revenues by 75%. From $517 billion to $909 billion in constant 2009 dollars. This is public record from the Treasury Dept.

During this same time, the deficit and national debt rose because the Democrats in Congress refused to cut spending. One has nothing to do with the other.
FYI... When Reagan cut top marginal tax rates from 72% to 28%, it increased tax revenues by 75%.

No, it didn't. an you leave out where he increased social security taxes and reformed taxes in 1986 as part of the budget cutting deal...

The things that so pissed off the Wingnuts that Bush had to issue his "Read My Lips" pledge to not raise taxes and then he had to raise taxes when his banker buddies needed bailing out.

Then again, i can see why you guys idolize Reagan. He's the only GOP President who didn't totally mess things up.

He did indeed broaden the tax base.
You can also go back and look at the Kennedy tax cuts in 1960 and you'll also find it increased tax revenues. Also, when Clinton cut capital gains taxes.... increased tax revenues. CUTTING taxes increases tax revenues. Raising taxes generally results in lesser taxes being paid... anytime you tax something you get less of it.
SORRY.... BAIT AND SWITCH! You are showing us budget surplus/deficit and I asked you for TAX REVENUE. You understand the difference, right?

I do. You apparently don't.

No I do... you don't. I asked you to show us where increasing tax rates increases tax revenues and you showed a graph of budget deficit/surplus. That's not tax revenue.

FYI... When Reagan cut top marginal tax rates from 72% to 28%, it increased tax revenues by 75%.

NOTE this comes from the White house budget historical figures.
NOTE: the next four years of the Bush Presidency after the 2003 reduction in tax rates saw a 44% increase in Federal tax revenues from $1.782 trillion to $2.568 trillion. That’s correct – a 44% increase in revenues after the so-called “tax break for the wealthy.”
After Bush Tax Cuts, Payments By Wealthy Actually Increased

Now below are the FACTS that back that up!
Federal receipts in 2004 one year after 2003 tax cuts go into effect: $1.880 trillion up from $1.782 trillion in 2003
Receipts in 2005 $2.153 Trillion UP from $1.88 Trillion
Receipts in 2006 $2.406 Trillion UP from $2.153 Trillion
2007 Receipts $2.567 Trillion UP from $2.406 Trillion
2004 to 2007 Receipts went up nearly 44% over receipts in 2003!

How many threads will there be on this fake news?

The cuts won't have much of an affect on Meals on Wheels. Are you libs really that stupid or are you just running with whatever the fake news channels offer up each day?

We just want to get every RWnut on USMB on record as being anti-Meals on Wheels.

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