Levin: The Obama admin interfered in two elections and crickets


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets
Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ hysteria over foreign interference in American elections.


Yeah everybody kmows it, everybody sees how nothing is done about it and these are traitorous pos losers sinking this nation causing divide and more all behind the scenes as they work affortllessly to make Trump look like everything they want him to according to their loser sheep pack. LOL
Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets
Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ hysteria over foreign interference in American elections.


Yeah everybody kmows it, everybody sees how nothing is done about it and these are traitorous pos losers sinking this nation causing divide and more all behind the scenes as they work affortllessly to make Trump look like everything they want him to according to their loser sheep pack. LOL

And by 'pointed out', you mean made the accusation backed by nothing?

Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Trump lied about this repeatedly, directed other people to lie about it and tried to shut down the investigation into it. And there's mountains of evidence to back that up.
Actually your accusation is backed up by nothing but innuendo. How hyperbolic.
Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets
Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ hysteria over foreign interference in American elections.


Yeah everybody kmows it, everybody sees how nothing is done about it and these are traitorous pos losers sinking this nation causing divide and more all behind the scenes as they work affortllessly to make Trump look like everything they want him to according to their loser sheep pack. LOL

And by 'pointed out', you mean made the accusation backed by nothing?

Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Trump lied about this repeatedly, directed other people to lie about it and tried to shut down the investigation into it. And there's mountains of evidence to back that up.
Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets
Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ hysteria over foreign interference in American elections.


Yeah everybody kmows it, everybody sees how nothing is done about it and these are traitorous pos losers sinking this nation causing divide and more all behind the scenes as they work affortllessly to make Trump look like everything they want him to according to their loser sheep pack. LOL
So...let's chalk Mark Levin up for being A-OK with Russians interfering with American elections.
Actually your accusation is backed up by nothing but innuendo. How hyperbolic.
Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets
Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ hysteria over foreign interference in American elections.


Yeah everybody kmows it, everybody sees how nothing is done about it and these are traitorous pos losers sinking this nation causing divide and more all behind the scenes as they work affortllessly to make Trump look like everything they want him to according to their loser sheep pack. LOL

And by 'pointed out', you mean made the accusation backed by nothing?

Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Trump lied about this repeatedly, directed other people to lie about it and tried to shut down the investigation into it. And there's mountains of evidence to back that up.

Nope. Trump said that the meeting at Trump tower was about Russian adoptions and nothing political.

THEN he said that the meeting was to collection information on his political opponent.

Trump lied. And has openly admitted that his team met with a Russian Operative for the purpose of collecting political dirt. That's collusion.

Trump, per his own lawyer, dictated the statement by Don Jr. that the meeting was only about adoptions. As Trump's later statements demonstrate, a claim that was a lie. With Trump personally dictating the lie for others to repeat.

And Trump has called on Sessions to shut down the investigation immediately.

Ignore as you will. Mueller isn't.
Actually your accusation is backed up by nothing but innuendo. How hyperbolic.
Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets
Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ hysteria over foreign interference in American elections.


Yeah everybody kmows it, everybody sees how nothing is done about it and these are traitorous pos losers sinking this nation causing divide and more all behind the scenes as they work affortllessly to make Trump look like everything they want him to according to their loser sheep pack. LOL

And by 'pointed out', you mean made the accusation backed by nothing?

Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Trump lied about this repeatedly, directed other people to lie about it and tried to shut down the investigation into it. And there's mountains of evidence to back that up.

backed up did you even bother clicking on the link

Actually your accusation is backed up by nothing but innuendo. How hyperbolic.
Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets
Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ hysteria over foreign interference in American elections.


Yeah everybody kmows it, everybody sees how nothing is done about it and these are traitorous pos losers sinking this nation causing divide and more all behind the scenes as they work affortllessly to make Trump look like everything they want him to according to their loser sheep pack. LOL

And by 'pointed out', you mean made the accusation backed by nothing?

Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Trump lied about this repeatedly, directed other people to lie about it and tried to shut down the investigation into it. And there's mountains of evidence to back that up.

backed up did you even bother clicking on the link


So you admit that Obama didn't collude with hostile foreign powers to interfere with our elections.


Trump's campaign most surely did. And then Trump tried to cover it up. And then tried to shut down the investigation into collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians.
Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians.

Sure, they did. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre.

And Obama was born in Kenya too. Really...... Sheriff Joe has the birth certificate.
Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets
Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ hysteria over foreign interference in American elections.


Yeah everybody kmows it, everybody sees how nothing is done about it and these are traitorous pos losers sinking this nation causing divide and more all behind the scenes as they work affortllessly to make Trump look like everything they want him to according to their loser sheep pack. LOL

Speaking of the traitoruos pos losers like yourself- it is amazing how you want to find reasons why Russia trying to illegally and secretly hack the American election is somehow okay- is the same thing as President Obama not funding interference in the Israeli election

Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel
Obvioulsy you assumed it was INFOWAR and INSTANTLY claimed it as you did mean while

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Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets

Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

A conservative blog claimed, "Obama has been sending taxpayer dollars, at least $350,000 to fund anti-Likud, anti Netanyahu groups in Israel for tomorrow’s election."

First, there is the matter of the dollar amount. If any U.S. money was used to mobilize anti-Likud voters, it would have been in Israel. A more accurate figure would be $233,500.

Next, there is a matter of the blog’s tense. "Has been sending" says the action is continuing. In this case, the money stopped flowing in 2014, before elections were called in Israel.

Finally, the allegation that the money was spent to fund anti-Likud, anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel for the election is based on speculation. Yes, Obama sent money to OneVoice, a group that promoted a two-state solution. And yes that group partnered with a different group V15 that wanted Netanyahu defeated. But there is no paper trail that the money given to OneVoice was spent on an electoral ground game. It would be naive to ignore that OneVoice’s policy positions mesh well with V15’s voter mobilization, but that’s different from saying that American taxpayer dollars were spent by V15.
Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians.

Sure, they did. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre.

And Obama was born in Kenya too. Really...... Sheriff Joe has the birth certificate.

Trump has admitted that his campaign officials met with a Russian operative in his own tower for purpose of collecting information on his political opponents. (Bold added for emphasis)

"Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!"

Donald Trump

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

That's collusion.

And of course, a direct contradiction of Trump's lie that the meeting had nothing to do with politics, but was only about adoption. And a direct contradiction of the lies Trump personally dictated for Don Jr. to release as a statement.

Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Trump tried to cover it up. Trump personally directed others to lie to cover it up. And Trump tried to shut down the investigation into collusion between his campaign and the Russians.

As I said...ignore as you will. Mueller isn't.
Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians.

Sure, they did. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre.

And Obama was born in Kenya too. Really...... Sheriff Joe has the birth certificate.
Actually they did

First Trump claimed no contact with the Russians, then he claimed meetings on business matters, then he claimed they met to discuss adoptions, then they met to discuss dirt on HIllary.

Looks like collusion
Actually your accusation is backed up by nothing but innuendo. How hyperbolic.
Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets
Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ hysteria over foreign interference in American elections.


Yeah everybody kmows it, everybody sees how nothing is done about it and these are traitorous pos losers sinking this nation causing divide and more all behind the scenes as they work affortllessly to make Trump look like everything they want him to according to their loser sheep pack. LOL

And by 'pointed out', you mean made the accusation backed by nothing?

Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Trump lied about this repeatedly, directed other people to lie about it and tried to shut down the investigation into it. And there's mountains of evidence to back that up.

backed up did you even bother clicking on the link

“I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.”
Harry Truman
Pretty sure the authorities stated the interference did not impact the outcome. Aka HRC lost and her blue wall cracked.

People need to learn to lose without tears.
Pretty sure the authorities stated the interference did not impact the outcome. Aka HRC lost and her blue wall cracked.

People need to learn to lose without tears.

The intel agencies didn't make a determination of its effect on the outcome either way. Merely that an attack had occured by Russia against the United States.

Trump admitted that his campaign colluded with the same Russians. That's where things get sticky.
Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians.

Sure, they did. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre.

And Obama was born in Kenya too. Really...... Sheriff Joe has the birth certificate.
Actually they did

First Trump claimed no contact with the Russians, then he claimed meetings on business matters, then he claimed they met to discuss adoptions, then they met to discuss dirt on HIllary.

Looks like collusion

yeah. Trump's story has changed many, many times on the matter.

Worse, Trump personally dictated Don Jr's statement on the meeting....which was riddled with lies.

Trump also called on Sessions to stop the investigation into the collusion of Trump's campaign with the Russians.

And now Trump's personal attorney had admitted that Trump was fully aware of the meeting that happened in his own building.

Looks like Collusion AND Obstruction of Justice.
Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets
Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ hysteria over foreign interference in American elections.


Yeah everybody kmows it, everybody sees how nothing is done about it and these are traitorous pos losers sinking this nation causing divide and more all behind the scenes as they work affortllessly to make Trump look like everything they want him to according to their loser sheep pack. LOL

Speaking of the traitoruos pos losers like yourself- it is amazing how you want to find reasons why Russia trying to illegally and secretly hack the American election is somehow okay- is the same thing as President Obama not funding interference in the Israeli election

Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel
This is the big lie right here.

No one has said it was okay for Russia to illegally hack (would you be supportive of it if it were legal?) the American election. However, it is YOU clowns who are looking to find some kind of collusion. So far, you've come up with big fat goose eggs.
Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets
Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ hysteria over foreign interference in American elections.


Yeah everybody kmows it, everybody sees how nothing is done about it and these are traitorous pos losers sinking this nation causing divide and more all behind the scenes as they work affortllessly to make Trump look like everything they want him to according to their loser sheep pack. LOL

Speaking of the traitoruos pos losers like yourself- it is amazing how you want to find reasons why Russia trying to illegally and secretly hack the American election is somehow okay- is the same thing as President Obama not funding interference in the Israeli election

Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel
This is the big lie right here.

No one has said it was okay for Russia to illegally hack (would you be supportive of it if it were legal?) the American election. However, it is YOU clowns who are looking to find some kind of collusion. So far, you've come up with big fat goose eggs.

Actually Trump asked Russia to do more hacks.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” the Republican nominee said at a news conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

And his campaign colluded with the Russians for the purpose of gaining dirt on his political opponent.

And Trump lied about it repeatedly.

And Trump directed others to lie about it repeatedly.

And Trump tried to shut down the investigation into collusion between his campaign and Russia.

This isn't going well for him.
you see, Skylar. If, indeed, all the innuendo is true, then you also need to hold Hillary accountable, as well. You see, she denied the dnc and she ever paid for the Christopher Steele -a foreign agent-dossier (which has never been proven, even he admitted to that) for the sole purpose to dig up dirt on Trump, and thenpresented it as though it was fact, to the fbi, when it wasn’t.
Actually your accusation is backed up by nothing but innuendo. How hyperbolic.
Levin: The Obama admin interfered in TWO elections, and crickets
Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin pointed out the hypocrisy of the Democrats’ hysteria over foreign interference in American elections.


Yeah everybody kmows it, everybody sees how nothing is done about it and these are traitorous pos losers sinking this nation causing divide and more all behind the scenes as they work affortllessly to make Trump look like everything they want him to according to their loser sheep pack. LOL

And by 'pointed out', you mean made the accusation backed by nothing?

Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians. Trump lied about this repeatedly, directed other people to lie about it and tried to shut down the investigation into it. And there's mountains of evidence to back that up.

Nope. Trump said that the meeting at Trump tower was about Russian adoptions and nothing political.

THEN he said that the meeting was to collection information on his political opponent.

Trump lied. And has openly admitted that his team met with a Russian Operative for the purpose of collecting political dirt. That's collusion.

Trump, per his own lawyer, dictated the statement by Don Jr. that the meeting was only about adoptions. As Trump's later statements demonstrate, a claim that was a lie. With Trump personally dictating the lie for others to repeat.

And Trump has called on Sessions to shut down the investigation immediately.

Ignore as you will. Mueller isn't.
Trump's campaign colluded with the Russians.

Sure, they did. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre.

And Obama was born in Kenya too. Really...... Sheriff Joe has the birth certificate.
Actually they did

First Trump claimed no contact with the Russians, then he claimed meetings on business matters, then he claimed they met to discuss adoptions, then they met to discuss dirt on HIllary.

Looks like collusion

yeah. Trump's story has changed many, many times on the matter.

Worse, Trump personally dictated Don Jr's statement on the meeting....which was riddled with lies.

Trump also called on Sessions to stop the investigation into the collusion of Trump's campaign with the Russians.

And now Trump's personal attorney had admitted that Trump was fully aware of the meeting that happened in his own building.

Looks like Collusion AND Obstruction of Justice.

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